UN exposes its hate, finally

I love it when people get so frustrated over their own hasbara that they lash out like that Monty old bean.

You don't know a thing about me but you're going to drivel on with one phony accusation after another.

You only embarrass yourself




As Ryan Bellerose, a member of the Métis nation in Canada, wrote, “The Palestinians are not like us. Their fight is not our fight. We natives believe in bringing about change peacefully, and we refuse to be affiliated with anyone who engages in violence targeting civilians. I cannot remain silent and allow the Palestinians to gain credibility at our expense by claiming commonality with us. I cannot stand by while they trivialize our plight by tying it to theirs, which is largely self-inflicted.

End Quote

Looks like once again there Monty, you don't have a clue as to what you are talking about
As Ryan Bellerose, a member of the Métis nation in Canada, wrote, “The Palestinians are not like us. Their fight is not our fight. We natives believe in bringing about change peacefully, and we refuse to be affiliated with anyone who engages in violence targeting civilians. I cannot remain silent and allow the Palestinians to gain credibility at our expense by claiming commonality with us. I cannot stand by while they trivialize our plight by tying it to theirs, which is largely self-inflicted.

Well hello Shusha how are you tonight.

What Numbnutts forgot to mention was that while misguided support for terrorists is prevalent on college campuses 7 out of 10 americans still support Israel.

I've been meaning to bring this issue up at council but I missed the last local meeting because I wasn't feeling well. The elders need to issue a statement to the young people.

No self respecting first nations person would want our proud history dragged through the mud by some fool Arab Muslim terrorists looking for a friend.

But lets stick to the subject. The UN is dominated by 58 Arab or Muslim states all voting as a block against the native people of Israel, the Judiac people. Its become so obvious its ridiculous they even pull a stunt like this latest. Amazing. I can't believe anyone could possibly look at that report and not simply laugh.
I love it when people get so frustrated over their own hasbara that they lash out like that Monty old bean.

You don't know a thing about me but you're going to drivel on with one phony accusation after another.

You only embarrass yourself




As Ryan Bellerose, a member of the Métis nation in Canada, wrote, “The Palestinians are not like us. Their fight is not our fight. We natives believe in bringing about change peacefully, and we refuse to be affiliated with anyone who engages in violence targeting civilians. I cannot remain silent and allow the Palestinians to gain credibility at our expense by claiming commonality with us. I cannot stand by while they trivialize our plight by tying it to theirs, which is largely self-inflicted.

End Quote

Looks like once again there Monty, you don't have a clue as to what you are talking about

Like you, Ryan doesn't even know his own history. Ask Crazy Horse or Geronimo. You sure like to make a fool of yourself.
You are not a native american Boston, who do you think you are fooling.
As I said, I doubt most Jews appreciate you slandering Christians on their behalf.

If you were for first nations rights, you would support the native people of Palestine, not the European colonists from Europe, as most native americans do.

"Native American Studies Group Joins Israel Boycott

The elected council for the Native American and Indigenous Studies Association has unanimously opted to support the academic boycott of Israel, making it the third U.S.-based scholarly association, after the Association for Asian American Studies and the American Studies Association, to do so."

Native American Studies Group Joins Israel Boycott | Inside Higher Ed


Native American Tribal Support for the State of Israel

Israeli Flag & Metis Flag

The Palestinians and their supporters have attempted to present their struggle as parallel to that of the Native Americans. This push was led by George Bisharat, an anti-Israel activist whose ancestors only immigrated to the holy land in the 1920’s, yet who nevertheless insists that he is an indigenous person who was forcefully uprooted, just like the Native Americans were. In reality, the Jews are Israel’s indigenous people, but that has not stopped pro-Palestinian organizations such as Adalah and the Students for Justice in Palestine from playing on the Native American struggle to serve their own interests. However, numerous Native Americans have rejected any comparison between their struggle and that of the Palestinians, preferring to identify with Israel instead.

As Ryan Bellerose, a member of the Métis nation in Canada, wrote, “The Palestinians are not like us. Their fight is not our fight. We natives believe in bringing about change peacefully, and we refuse to be affiliated with anyone who engages in violence targeting civilians. I cannot remain silent and allow the Palestinians to gain credibility at our expense by claiming commonality with us. I cannot stand by while they trivialize our plight by tying it to theirs, which is largely self-inflicted. Our population of over 65 million was violently reduced to a mere 10 million, a slaughter unprecedented in human history. To compare that in whatever way to the Palestinians’ story is deeply offensive to me. The Palestinians did lose the land they claim is theirs, but they were repeatedly given the opportunity to build their state on it and to partner with the Jews — and they persistently refused peace overtures and chose war. We were never given that chance. We never made that choice.”


Chief Anne Richardson of the Rappahannock Tribe in Virginia and Kathy Cummings-Dickinson, head of the Lumbee tribes in North Carolina

To the contrary of Palestinian assertions, Bellerose sees parallels between the Native American struggle and that of the Jewish people. He asserted, “The Jews also suffered genocide and were expelled from their homeland. They were also rejected by everyone and forced to wander. Like us, they rebelled against imperial injustice when necessary and, despite their grievances, strived for peace whenever possible. Like us they were given a tiny sliver of their land back after centuries of suffering and persecution, land that nobody else had wanted to call home until then. Like us, they took that land despite their misgivings and forged a nation from a fractured and wounded people. And like us, they consistently show a willingness to compromise for the good of their people.”

Ryan Bellerose is far from the only Native American to feel this way. Santos Hawk Blood, a full blooded Native American who is an activist for Native American land and fishing rights, similarly proclaimed, “One indigenous people should support another indigenous people. I come from the same Apaches as Cochese and Geronimo, the Chiricahua people from Southern Arizona. Like all Apaches, we were warriors. When more passive Indians were attacked by marauding groups, we fought for them. It is a part of Apache culture to stand up for oppressed people and to respect all people who cherish their ancestral land. I admire the people who take a stand, and that’s why I admire the people of Israel: They’re people who stand up to defend their homeland. We are not with the Palestinian people.” His mother also declared, “The Jews are people like us. They have been forced from their land, forced to move from place to place. They have suffered like us and have been attacked wherever they go.”

Chief Anne Richardson of the Rappahannock Tribe in Virginia and Kathy Cummings-Dickinson, head of the Lumbee tribes in North Carolina, are supporters of the State of Israel as well. When the two female chiefs visited Israel in 2009, they declared, “We are here to deliver a message to the residents of Israel: Stand firm and united against the threats and pressure. We want to encourage Israel and the newly elected Knesset not to give in to those who try to pressure them to give up parts of the homeland. Surrender to this pressure is not a recipe for peace, but rather war. We stand beside you.” As Native Americans, they understand more than anyone else the consequences of attempting to give up land for peace.

Indeed, the Jewish people, who have always sympathized with the oppressed and have a history of assisting the Native Americans in their just struggle for civil and human rights.In 1973, over 500 Native American activists were jailed after battling with American forces at Wounded Knee. Over 80 percent of the lawyers assisting these Native American activists were Jewish. Israel has also formed a close relationship with the Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana. Israel assists them with agriculture and trade, and the Coushatta have shown their appreciation by recognizing May 14th, Israel’s Independence Day, as a national Coushatta holiday. The Coushatta nation, like many other Native Americans, feel a special bond with the Jewish people due to the fact that both peoples have endured centuries of persecution, relocation and prejudice, while holding on to a strong commitment to their ancestral homeland.
I love it when people get so frustrated over their own hasbara that they lash out like that Monty old bean.

You don't know a thing about me but you're going to drivel on with one phony accusation after another.

You only embarrass yourself




As Ryan Bellerose, a member of the Métis nation in Canada, wrote, “The Palestinians are not like us. Their fight is not our fight. We natives believe in bringing about change peacefully, and we refuse to be affiliated with anyone who engages in violence targeting civilians. I cannot remain silent and allow the Palestinians to gain credibility at our expense by claiming commonality with us. I cannot stand by while they trivialize our plight by tying it to theirs, which is largely self-inflicted.

End Quote

Looks like once again there Monty, you don't have a clue as to what you are talking about

Like you, Ryan doesn't even know his own history. Ask Crazy Horse or Geronimo. You sure like to make a fool of yourself.
This is a Hamas leader, does he know his history?

You are not a native american Boston, who do you think you are fooling.
As I said, I doubt most Jews appreciate you slandering Christians on their behalf.

If you were for first nations rights, you would support the native people of Palestine, not the European colonists from Europe, as most native americans do.

"Native American Studies Group Joins Israel Boycott

The elected council for the Native American and Indigenous Studies Association has unanimously opted to support the academic boycott of Israel, making it the third U.S.-based scholarly association, after the Association for Asian American Studies and the American Studies Association, to do so."

Native American Studies Group Joins Israel Boycott | Inside Higher Ed


Native American Tribal Support for the State of Israel

Israeli Flag & Metis Flag

The Palestinians and their supporters have attempted to present their struggle as parallel to that of the Native Americans. This push was led by George Bisharat, an anti-Israel activist whose ancestors only immigrated to the holy land in the 1920’s, yet who nevertheless insists that he is an indigenous person who was forcefully uprooted, just like the Native Americans were. In reality, the Jews are Israel’s indigenous people, but that has not stopped pro-Palestinian organizations such as Adalah and the Students for Justice in Palestine from playing on the Native American struggle to serve their own interests. However, numerous Native Americans have rejected any comparison between their struggle and that of the Palestinians, preferring to identify with Israel instead.

As Ryan Bellerose, a member of the Métis nation in Canada, wrote, “The Palestinians are not like us. Their fight is not our fight. We natives believe in bringing about change peacefully, and we refuse to be affiliated with anyone who engages in violence targeting civilians. I cannot remain silent and allow the Palestinians to gain credibility at our expense by claiming commonality with us. I cannot stand by while they trivialize our plight by tying it to theirs, which is largely self-inflicted. Our population of over 65 million was violently reduced to a mere 10 million, a slaughter unprecedented in human history. To compare that in whatever way to the Palestinians’ story is deeply offensive to me. The Palestinians did lose the land they claim is theirs, but they were repeatedly given the opportunity to build their state on it and to partner with the Jews — and they persistently refused peace overtures and chose war. We were never given that chance. We never made that choice.”


Chief Anne Richardson of the Rappahannock Tribe in Virginia and Kathy Cummings-Dickinson, head of the Lumbee tribes in North Carolina

To the contrary of Palestinian assertions, Bellerose sees parallels between the Native American struggle and that of the Jewish people. He asserted, “The Jews also suffered genocide and were expelled from their homeland. They were also rejected by everyone and forced to wander. Like us, they rebelled against imperial injustice when necessary and, despite their grievances, strived for peace whenever possible. Like us they were given a tiny sliver of their land back after centuries of suffering and persecution, land that nobody else had wanted to call home until then. Like us, they took that land despite their misgivings and forged a nation from a fractured and wounded people. And like us, they consistently show a willingness to compromise for the good of their people.”

Ryan Bellerose is far from the only Native American to feel this way. Santos Hawk Blood, a full blooded Native American who is an activist for Native American land and fishing rights, similarly proclaimed, “One indigenous people should support another indigenous people. I come from the same Apaches as Cochese and Geronimo, the Chiricahua people from Southern Arizona. Like all Apaches, we were warriors. When more passive Indians were attacked by marauding groups, we fought for them. It is a part of Apache culture to stand up for oppressed people and to respect all people who cherish their ancestral land. I admire the people who take a stand, and that’s why I admire the people of Israel: They’re people who stand up to defend their homeland. We are not with the Palestinian people.” His mother also declared, “The Jews are people like us. They have been forced from their land, forced to move from place to place. They have suffered like us and have been attacked wherever they go.”

Chief Anne Richardson of the Rappahannock Tribe in Virginia and Kathy Cummings-Dickinson, head of the Lumbee tribes in North Carolina, are supporters of the State of Israel as well. When the two female chiefs visited Israel in 2009, they declared, “We are here to deliver a message to the residents of Israel: Stand firm and united against the threats and pressure. We want to encourage Israel and the newly elected Knesset not to give in to those who try to pressure them to give up parts of the homeland. Surrender to this pressure is not a recipe for peace, but rather war. We stand beside you.” As Native Americans, they understand more than anyone else the consequences of attempting to give up land for peace.

Indeed, the Jewish people, who have always sympathized with the oppressed and have a history of assisting the Native Americans in their just struggle for civil and human rights.In 1973, over 500 Native American activists were jailed after battling with American forces at Wounded Knee. Over 80 percent of the lawyers assisting these Native American activists were Jewish. Israel has also formed a close relationship with the Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana. Israel assists them with agriculture and trade, and the Coushatta have shown their appreciation by recognizing May 14th, Israel’s Independence Day, as a national Coushatta holiday. The Coushatta nation, like many other Native Americans, feel a special bond with the Jewish people due to the fact that both peoples have endured centuries of persecution, relocation and prejudice, while holding on to a strong commitment to their ancestral homeland.

I go to council at least once a year and I don't know a single member who supports the Arab Muslim terrorists or their propaganda.
I concur with the UN, Jerusalem has been more Christian and Muslim for many more years than it was ever Hebrew. Zionist have no right to Jerusalem.

With the way yous ignore the UN and continuously discredit it , your not worthy of UN approval.
Most are not even interested in anything zion anyway,

When did the UN say this OFFICIALLY ?

The UN said that Jerusalem was Jewish in 1949, so why hasnt it removed the islamonazi's ?
The UN is scum. I'm not surprised at all that they are censoring history in order to coddle the Arab block interests.

Oh and the christian cult originally had many sects, some of which followed Jesus teachings. We think. There was a power struggle and Pauline Christianity won out, destroying nearly all temples records and traditions of the other sects in the riots of the late 4th century. Essentially all teachings of Jesus were lost and were replaced with a highly edited history of Paul ( second council of Nicea )

Interestingly enough Jesus never advocated abandoning Judaism and instead consistently urged his followers to obey the "law" ( which earned him praise from the Jewish leaders of his time ) We do know that the Ebionim were the family and descendants of the original Jesus cult in Jerusalem and followed Judaism closely. and we know they were among the first declared heretics by the Pauline Christians who followed mostly Hellenistic pagan beliefs.

Paul the Myth Maker anyone ?

Christianity has one seriously twisted history, but its more a conglomeration of Hellenistic beliefs than Judaic. Ritual cannibalism, Jewish, I don't think so. The legend of Inanna virtually to the letter, is not Jewish, its Sumerian all the way.. Virgin birth ? Zoroastrian.

How about a few tenants of Zoroaster who by most accounts lived sometime in the 6th century BC
  • Zoroaster was born of a virgin and "immaculate conception by a ray of divine reason."
  • He was baptized in a river.
  • In his youth he astounded wise men with his wisdom.
  • He was tempted in the wilderness by the devil.
  • He began his ministry at age 30.
  • Zoroaster baptized with water, fire, and "holy wind."
  • He cast out demons and restored the sight to a blind man.
  • He taught about heaven and hell, and revealed mysteries, including resurrection, judgment, salvation and the apocalypse.
  • He had a sacred cup or grail.
  • He was slain.
  • His religion had a eucharist.
  • He was the "Word made flesh."
  • Zoroaster's followers expect a "second coming" in the virgin-born Saoshyant or Savior, who is to come in 2341 CE and begin his ministry at age 30, ushering in a golden age.
Essentially Paul invented a religion out of bits and pieces of former pagan religions and duped the ignorant of his time into what amounted to a pyramid scheme in which donations to the church eventually made their way to him, of course as the church's leader. The profitability of this system was much more appealing to early Roman leaders than a faith of poverty and service to the Hebrew god advocated by the Ebionim.

Its also interesting to note that Paul never met Jesus and never wrote one scratch in Hebrew, the language of Judaism, he grew up in a town devoid of Jewish history and influences in his time. He also appears to have tried to join the Ebionim which didn't go well and was either censured for preaching BS or was abandoned on the missionary journeys. He appears to have stolen money from the church and purchased his roman citizenship. In the end Paul is the first crooked christian preacher, and the ignorant bought into it hook line and sinker.

IMHO the Romans really should have fed the lions better. ;--)

Yes Hebrews are great at myths. Judaism is a copy of Egyptian, Persian and Sumerian stories. Moses was Sargon.

Funny their biggest holiday is Hanukah, from the book of Maccabees, which they do not acknowledge as canon. Also gee whiz, Macc I and II are wrote in Greek.

Not as good as you islamonazis and Catholics that are still making them up today
The UN has disqualified key sections of a special exhibition about Israel which present information about Zionism, Jerusalem and Arab Israelis.

Israeli Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon, who together with the NGO StandWithUs initiated the exhibition, expressed disappointment about the censorship, demanding that UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon reverse the move.

"By disqualifying an exhibition about Zionism the UN is undermining the very existence of the State of Israel as the homeland of the Jewish people,” said Danon. "We will not allow the UN to censor the fact that Jerusalem is Israel’s eternal capital."

The exhibition was to be opened at the UN on Monday, but in light of the censorship decision targeting Jewish heritage in the land of Israel, Danon decided to present the public with the parts of the exhibit banned by the UN.

"According to this scandalous decision, Zionism is not worthy of the UN so we are taking appropriate measures. We will make sure that these banned exhibits will be viewed by millions around the world," he promised.

UN censors pro-Israel exhibit
Compared to ZIONISTS HATE it's Peanuts,but I don't believe the UN are hateful.......but they do expose Hateful people
The UN has disqualified key sections of a special exhibition about Israel which present information about Zionism, Jerusalem and Arab Israelis.

Israeli Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon, who together with the NGO StandWithUs initiated the exhibition, expressed disappointment about the censorship, demanding that UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon reverse the move.

"By disqualifying an exhibition about Zionism the UN is undermining the very existence of the State of Israel as the homeland of the Jewish people,” said Danon. "We will not allow the UN to censor the fact that Jerusalem is Israel’s eternal capital."

The exhibition was to be opened at the UN on Monday, but in light of the censorship decision targeting Jewish heritage in the land of Israel, Danon decided to present the public with the parts of the exhibit banned by the UN.

"According to this scandalous decision, Zionism is not worthy of the UN so we are taking appropriate measures. We will make sure that these banned exhibits will be viewed by millions around the world," he promised.

UN censors pro-Israel exhibit
Compared to ZIONISTS HATE it's Peanuts,but I don't believe the UN are hateful.......but they do expose Hateful people

Well they certainly exposed you when you jumped right on that band wagon about woman's rights.

The UN is worthless at this point.
The UN has disqualified key sections of a special exhibition about Israel which present information about Zionism, Jerusalem and Arab Israelis.

Israeli Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon, who together with the NGO StandWithUs initiated the exhibition, expressed disappointment about the censorship, demanding that UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon reverse the move.

"By disqualifying an exhibition about Zionism the UN is undermining the very existence of the State of Israel as the homeland of the Jewish people,” said Danon. "We will not allow the UN to censor the fact that Jerusalem is Israel’s eternal capital."

The exhibition was to be opened at the UN on Monday, but in light of the censorship decision targeting Jewish heritage in the land of Israel, Danon decided to present the public with the parts of the exhibit banned by the UN.

"According to this scandalous decision, Zionism is not worthy of the UN so we are taking appropriate measures. We will make sure that these banned exhibits will be viewed by millions around the world," he promised.

UN censors pro-Israel exhibit
Compared to ZIONISTS HATE it's Peanuts,but I don't believe the UN are hateful.......but they do expose Hateful people

Well they certainly exposed you when you jumped right on that band wagon about woman's rights.

The UN is worthless at this point.
This is very unfair of you Boston,to be honest
I have a long standing opinion that Women should never be Exploited,Abused or Harmed in anyway....anyone that does..is a Coward.......Full Stop.

Boston,I have told you before ...My Mom was widowed at 28 with 6 young children.......Not that Mom was ever exploited she was too clever for that,but there was a certain amount of predudice sic,with a few folk.........not many but enough to give them a wide berth.....that all her children are Professional people it is all credit to that Magnificent Lady .......steven..so on this subject I admit I do have a vested interest
Well when you jump on the band wagon with people bashing Israel's record on woman's rights ( which is miles above average ) you can expect people to take you for someone unconcerned with equality.

Or were you way off topic again ?
The UN has disqualified key sections of a special exhibition about Israel which present information about Zionism, Jerusalem and Arab Israelis.

Israeli Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon, who together with the NGO StandWithUs initiated the exhibition, expressed disappointment about the censorship, demanding that UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon reverse the move.

"By disqualifying an exhibition about Zionism the UN is undermining the very existence of the State of Israel as the homeland of the Jewish people,” said Danon. "We will not allow the UN to censor the fact that Jerusalem is Israel’s eternal capital."

The exhibition was to be opened at the UN on Monday, but in light of the censorship decision targeting Jewish heritage in the land of Israel, Danon decided to present the public with the parts of the exhibit banned by the UN.

"According to this scandalous decision, Zionism is not worthy of the UN so we are taking appropriate measures. We will make sure that these banned exhibits will be viewed by millions around the world," he promised.

UN censors pro-Israel exhibit
Compared to ZIONISTS HATE it's Peanuts,but I don't believe the UN are hateful.......but they do expose Hateful people

Then when will they expose the muslims, followed by the criminals sent to the Antipodes then ?
Oh and just for the record, the UN didn't finally expose themselves as the haters hey are. They did that long ago.
I concur with the UN, Jerusalem has been more Christian and Muslim for many more years than it was ever Hebrew. Zionist have no right to Jerusalem.

With the way yous ignore the UN and continuously discredit it , your not worthy of UN approval.
Most are not even interested in anything zion anyway,

What a ridiculous post. Jerusalem is only important to Christianity and Islam because they copied Judaism.

Don't all religions copy each other, didn't Judaism arise in Mesopotamia?
I concur with the UN, Jerusalem has been more Christian and Muslim for many more years than it was ever Hebrew. Zionist have no right to Jerusalem.

With the way yous ignore the UN and continuously discredit it , your not worthy of UN approval.
Most are not even interested in anything zion anyway,

What a ridiculous post. Jerusalem is only important to Christianity and Islam because they copied Judaism.

Don't all religions copy each other, didn't Judaism arise in Mesopotamia?

No its a mid to early Bronze age belief system that seems fairly localized in its early stages. Developed in the Canaan area, prior to the Kingdom of Juda
I concur with the UN, Jerusalem has been more Christian and Muslim for many more years than it was ever Hebrew. Zionist have no right to Jerusalem.

With the way yous ignore the UN and continuously discredit it , your not worthy of UN approval.
Most are not even interested in anything zion anyway,

What a ridiculous post. Jerusalem is only important to Christianity and Islam because they copied Judaism.

Don't all religions copy each other, didn't Judaism arise in Mesopotamia?

No its a mid to early Bronze age belief system that seems fairly localized in its early stages. Developed in the Canaan area, prior to the Kingdom of Juda
So nothing to do with Abraham from Ur in Mesopotamia? What form of Judaism are you referring to that developed in Canaan? I thought the Israelites exterminated the Canaanites, I get confused with all these temple(s) Judaism, Reform Judaism, Orthodox Judaism, which came first?
I concur with the UN, Jerusalem has been more Christian and Muslim for many more years than it was ever Hebrew. Zionist have no right to Jerusalem.

With the way yous ignore the UN and continuously discredit it , your not worthy of UN approval.
Most are not even interested in anything zion anyway,

What a ridiculous post. Jerusalem is only important to Christianity and Islam because they copied Judaism.

Don't all religions copy each other, didn't Judaism arise in Mesopotamia?

No its a mid to early Bronze age belief system that seems fairly localized in its early stages. Developed in the Canaan area, prior to the Kingdom of Juda
So nothing to do with Abraham from Ur in Mesopotamia? What form of Judaism are you referring to that developed in Canaan? I thought the Israelites exterminated the Canaanites, I get confused with all these temple(s) Judaism, Reform Judaism, Orthodox Judaism, which came first?

You are mistaking religious dogma for historical fact.

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