UN backtracks on claim that deadly IDF strike hit Gaza school

Now the UN has been forced to acknowledge that the mortar struck outside the school grounds and that none of the people killed was on school grounds.


YEA! lord fucking knows that dead civilians don't matter if they were standing 5 feet from the fucking UN doorway!


Yep, that's why the UN fabricated the story about the school being A DIRECT HIT and spread that propaganda throughout the world...because citizens in the street meant the same....

You KNOW you are being disingenuous on this....otherwise the UN would not have spread the lie in the manner they did and told the UN local office there not to talk to the press about what happened!
So... was it a horrible killing of students outside a school?

Essentially a lie about WHERE civillians were murdered?
Now the UN has been forced to acknowledge that the mortar struck outside the school grounds and that none of the people killed was on school grounds.


YEA! lord fucking knows that dead civilians don't matter if they were standing 5 feet from the fucking UN doorway!


Yep, that's why the UN fabricated the story about the school being A DIRECT HIT and spread that propaganda throughout the world...because citizens in the street meant the same....

You KNOW you are being disingenuous on this....otherwise the UN would not have spread the lie in the manner they did and told the UN local office there not to talk to the press about what happened!

I'm not being disingenuous at all. I don't call a direct hit on the fucking yard outside the school a MISS when, regardless of your vestibule or nothing standard, innocent civilians were still killed by a zionist bomb. Again, If I come and torch your fucking yard feel free to scream that I'm assaulting your HOUSE. ONLY someone with something to hide would even attempt to make a distinction. This isn't a matter of the UN lying about anything. Try launghing a fucking rocket at the white house lawn and make that same bullshit case and see what happens to you.
that's what happens when terrorists use civilians as shields.

maybe hamas shouldn't have sent 3,000 missiles into Israel. Then civilians wouldn't die.

maybe jews shouldnt cry that the sky is falling when 12 jews die by rockets as if it's an excuse to slaughter 1000+ innocent civilians... Hell, we saw this same routine in Lebenon 06.

Lord knows, nothing says "human shield" quite like civilians running at a UN building! OR, for that matter, recycled video of supposed snipers!

Yeah, the UN released a report that said that Israel hit the school. And this Mr. Ging character knew it wasn't true but he didn't correct the misconception. People were told to shelter in the school. Why they didn't is a mystery.
yea, it's a mystery how civilians didn't just whip out their jet packs or teleport inside while running to the fucking building. Clearly, they deserved to become bomb fodder for the latest example of genocide because they were not fast enough. Hell, this is why we say "though shit" about 9/11, right? If ONLY they could FLY they would be alive!

Especially the bit about the UN telling the teacher not to speak to the media.


Some heads need to roll at the UN, they are lately the entity that gives people like Soggy and TM false ammo to support Hamas.
it wouldn't change a thing, the antisemites would still post their hate and bullshit, as evidenced in this very thread
Especially the bit about the UN telling the teacher not to speak to the media.


Some heads need to roll at the UN, they are lately the entity that gives people like Soggy and TM false ammo to support Hamas.
it wouldn't change a thing, the antisemites would still post their hate and bullshit, as evidenced in this very thread

says the joke of a poster who has yet to figure out what the word EVIDENCE means.

Heres the thing Shogun, if there were children outside during an Israeli invasion, its probably the fault of the people who were supposed to be watching them. Now, obviously Israel was shooting mortars at enemies, so that means that Hamas fighters were doing what everyone has said all along...theyve been hiding behind civilians. Hamas fighters should have never been anywhere near that school.

If this had happened in the US, and it was American troops defending against an Israeli invasion, tell me Shogun, do you think for a moment that US soldiers would position themselves anywhere near a school full of children? Would the US choose a school yard as a defensive position to fight against an invader? Thats the difference between good and evil, and you refuse to recognize it. (I already know that YOU, Shogun, probably wont acknowledge this point, and you certainly wont provide a reasonable excuse as to why Hamas does it)

If Israeli troops are under fire, they cant allow Hamas fighters to hide behind civilians, otherwise it would put Israeli troops at risk. You cant have them in a situation where they can be fired upon, but cant fire back. For an Israeli commander, one of his top priorities is keeping Israelis alive, so they have no choice but to fire on enemy positions, even when Hamas hide behind innocents.

Its unfortunate that Hamas doesnt share the same concern for THEIR OWN people.
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If you want to believe that a terrorist was hiding in the lunchbox of every former human being blown to chunks OUTSIDE on the fucking sidewalk then so be it. Clearly, if a zionist tells you that there is a terrorist on the moon you'd be read to blow that fucker up. First, you cocksuckers fall for the same ole "terrorist shooting from that location" bullshit and swallowed the OLD FOOTAGE hook, line and sinker. NOW, you want to rationalize every goddamn excuse in the book for these dead civilians, from suspending disbelief enough to validate OLD footage to excusing bombs dropped IN THE FUCKING YARD, because it blows your fucking mind that a jewish state hellbent on zionism is capable of killing civilians purposfully. Face it. There is NOTHING you will see without spitshining the turd for zionism.

And, this isn't a matter of "good and evil" you silly fuck. This is a matter of social domination by one ethnicity over another. You go ahead and keep talking about EVIL while rationalizing dead civilians, dude. Your perspective truly must be universal. Hey, why don't you tell me all about acceptable civilian casualties on 9/11 next and make your input a veritable dipshit grand slam.

And, if you think AMERICANS are about to shoot down some fucking children just to get to an enemy for concern of their own safety I hope to fucking god you never join OUR military OR out police force, motherfucker. The longer you swallow this bullshit catchall excuse of "derrr, terrorist behind the kid, derrrrr so we had to blow up the kid derrrrr" the more ironic your pussy as becomes when it's YOUR civilians who eat plane.
Here's a thought...Hamas could quit launching terrorist attacks and give up their dream of pushing Israel into the sea...nah, that will never work.

Here's a thought...Hamas could quit launching terrorist attacks and give up their dream of pushing Israel into the sea...nah, that will never work.


Heres ANOTHER thought... Israel could give up it's New Aryan Nation quest of racist state policies and become an ACTUAL pluralistic western nation where being jewish is like having a social security number.... nah... who is kidding whom??

after all... 12 dead rocketted jews vs 1000+ "terrorist in every lunchbox" civilian.. I would ask you to do the math but i'm pretty sure if it don't come in a 4, 6, 8 or 20 piece combo you'll fuck it up.
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One, it's not a racist state. It is a religious state.

Two, they are perfectly within their rights to run their country as they see fit.

Three, they are perfectly within their rights to stop terrorists from attacking them.

And no, they aren't committing genocide or acting like Nazis or any of your other hysterical claims. They are simply trying to keep asshole terrorists from blowing them up. If the asshole terrorists would stop trying to blow them up we will actually have peace in the middle east. Well, that portion of the middle east.
One, and you people cry foul when a muslim nation is a religous state! Ironic! hell, if Iran treats ITS JEWS like israel treats PALIs youd be on here flapping your fat jaws about the horror of their treatment. Funny how selective you are, eh mcnugget?

Two, tell that to German Aryans, bitch. Or White South Afrikaners. goddamn, you are one dumb bitch, ravir.

Three, such is your blank check opinion. Yet, if America were treating illegal mexicans like israel treats palis you'd be screaming for fucking drivers licenses and amnesty. Again, FUNNY how selective you are with your standards.

Again, 12 dead rocketted jews - 1000+ "terrorist in every lunchbox" pali civilian. If israel were not to hellbent on marginalizing and defranchising the arab population for the sake of the new master race then the rockets would stop there just as black rioting stopped after America no longer let WHITE PRTECTED people like the killers of Emmet Till go scott free. Funny how Nelson Mandella no longer chose to blow people up after Apartheid was removed from the state, eh? Gosh, if only you had a brain the size of your thighs.

and, you can rationalize whatever you want to, bitch. You are doing nothing that a good german citizen wasn't doing on the run up to WW2.
I hate to break it to you Soggy, but I've got no problem with Muslim countries putting religious restrictions on their populations. And I'd object to someone launching terrorist attacks on them. I don't like the way they treat women and I think political and social pressure on them is merited. But unless they are engaging in tactics toward their population akin to what the Taliban did, or engaging in terrorist tactics, or declaring war, no one has the right to bomb them.

If Mexicans were launching rockets at us I'd have no problem with wiping them off the face of the earth. But they aren't and you are a racist for comparing them to terrorists.

Maybe you should stop thinking about fried chicken, it seems to have affected your brain...what little is left of it.
If you want to believe that a terrorist was hiding in the lunchbox of every former human being blown to chunks OUTSIDE on the fucking sidewalk then so be it. Clearly, if a zionist tells you that there is a terrorist on the moon you'd be read to blow that fucker up. First, you cocksuckers fall for the same ole "terrorist shooting from that location" bullshit and swallowed the OLD FOOTAGE hook, line and sinker.

So that i have this straight, you are saying that Israel wasnt firing back at Hamas terrorists outside that school, and that they were actually purposely killing civilians and there were no Hamas fighters there at the time? This is what you are saying right?

If Hamas fires on Israeli soldiers as they are moving through the Gaza streets, those Israeli soldiers dont have time to be worrying about whos next to the men firing at them. The fact is, Hamas refuses to wear military clothing, so EVERY Hamas terrorist looks like a civilian in the first place. A military uniform is important precisely BECAUSE your civilians die when you dont use them. Any eleected government should be aware of this. Its combat 101 stuff.

Shogun, we all know what your thoughts about Israel are, but can you calmly and honestly answer the following questions, without mentioning or alluding to Israel or zionism?

What are your thoughts about countries indescriminately firing rockets into neighboring countries civilian populations? Is this humane tactic under any circumstance or are there situations when its ok to try and kill innocent civilians?

What do you think about soldiers who refuse to wear uniforms, even while fighting in their own civilians neighborhoods? What reason can you think of for a modern day military, to NOT use uniforms, especially when they are going to be fighting in and around civilian populations? What do YOU think was Hamas's motivation for doing this?

We all know how much you hate Israel, and we know how much you hate it when they kill innocent Palestinian civilians, but id like to hear your thoughts on Hamas's actions. Certainly you cant agree with EVERYTHING theyve done up to this point, can you? Do you have ANY critiques for them?

You see, i have a feeling that you put lower expectations on the Palestinian because they are the underdog, and they are muslim like you. I think that you would expect more from the US then you would of Hamas. I also think you expect a higher standard from Israel then you do with Hamas.

From time to time, ill make statments like "who cares, they are only palestinians, they elected those terrorists", but that doesnt mean i always mean what i say. Sometimes, im simply showing the Hamas supporters that civilian casualties arent going to be enough to stop the Israeli supporters from backing them up when they fight terrorists. Personally, i think its fucking horrible when civilians die (duh, of course), especially when you see the chidren that were injured and killed in Gaza, and the pictures ive seen are heart wrenching i have to admit, but when you are fighting terrorists, there will always be civilian casualties, because civilian deaths is their bread and butter.

If there is ANY incident where an Israeli soldier purposely fired upon an innocent civilian, with the intent to kill that civilian, that Israeli soldier should go to prison for the rest of his life. Hell, as far as im concerned, he should be shot dead on the spot by his fellow soldiers. THAT is my position on ANY Israeli crimes, but i wonder Shogun, what is your position on Hamas crimes? Do you hold them responsible for any wrong doing, or are they free to use any tactic whatsoever?

These are honest questions...if you want to, you can answer them calmly and honestly. Id love to hear your answers Shogun, if they are honest answers.
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I hope to fucking god you never join OUR military OR out police force, motherfucker

I served in the United States Navy from 1991-1995. Interesting experience. My squadron trained Israeli F/A-18 fighter pilots (and US pilots too, of course) after the US sold a bunch of F/A-18s to Israel. They train them in Lemoore, California.
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that's what happens when terrorists use civilians as shields.

maybe hamas shouldn't have sent 3,000 missiles into Israel. Then civilians wouldn't die.

maybe jews shouldnt cry that the sky is falling when 12 jews die by rockets as if it's an excuse to slaughter 1000+ innocent civilians... Hell, we saw this same routine in Lebenon 06.

Lord knows, nothing says "human shield" quite like civilians running at a UN building! OR, for that matter, recycled video of supposed snipers!


It is amazing how less your argument makes sense: so it is OK for Israelis to shoot rockets into Gaza as long as the IDF doesn't hit anyone?

You re missing the point of action and reaction: fire 3000 rockets into any country on this planet and you will have a reaction (even Erdogan can't ignore that), of course this reaction can be disproportional because no one has the right to fire rockets into cities of another country. Israel also would not have the right to invade and destroy Gaza, unless someone fires a 2 digit number of rockets into Israel from Gaza each day.

Yes I know what the word disproportionate means, but every country will use disproportionate actions to protect its citizens. If there is one criminal on the street, you wont send just one cop after him: you will use the entire police force to catch him.

If it is OK to fire rockets at your house as long as nobody gets hurt/killed well then let me know it, I m sure there are some "zionists" here on the forum that would be happy to do that if it makes no difference for you anyway.

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