UK : High Profile Rape Cases


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2013
The U.S.
Nigel Evans has resigned as a House of Commons deputy speaker after the director of public prosecutions announced that the Conservative MP would be charged with sex offences against seven men.

The 55-year-old politician, who denies all of the allegations and pledged on Tuesday night to continue working as an MP from the backbenches, is accused of two counts of indecent assault, five counts of sexual assault and one rape count.

Evans, who represents the Ribble Valley constituency in Lancashire, answered bail on Tuesday having previously been arrested in May and June. He was rearrested and interviewed by detectives throughout the day before being charged.

Speaking outside Preston police station, Evans said: "May I reassure everyone at this time that I will robustly defend my innocence.

"I have today answered bail following complaints I say were incredulous. Whilst I am saddened this case has not been closed today, I am certain of two things: firstly that I am innocent, and secondly that my innocence will be demonstrated."

Evans confirmed that he would be resigning from his deputy speaker role, having informed his fellow deputy speakers, Lindsay Hoyle and Dawn Primarolo, as well as his association chairman and staff.

He added: "I appreciate this case will create a great deal of media interest but after today I will not be making any further comment until the case concludes."

The indecent assaults are alleged to have been committed between 1 January 2002 and 1 January 2004; the sexual assaults between 1 January 2009 and 1 April 2013, and the rape between 29 March and 1 April 2013. He will appear before magistrates in Preston on 18 September.

Keir Starmer QC, the director of public prosecutions, said on Tuesday night: "Following an investigation by Lancashire police, the Crown Prosecution Service has received a file of evidence in the case of Mr Nigel Evans MP which concerns allegations of a sexual nature.

"After careful consideration, we have concluded that there is sufficient evidence and that it is in the public interest to prosecute Mr Evans.

"Lancashire constabulary has therefore been authorised to charge two counts of indecent assault, five counts of sexual assault and one count of rape relating to a total of seven alleged victims.

"The decision in this case was taken by Joanne Cunliffe, an experienced specialist rape prosecutor, in consultation with John Dilworth, head of the CPS north-west complex casework unit, and in consultation with an external and highly experienced criminal QC.

"I have also been consulted on this case. The decision has been taken in accordance with the Code for Crown Prosecutors and the CPS legal guidance on rape and sexual offences."

In all of the cases, for which Evans was arrested in May and June, the complainants were men who were in their 20s at the time of the alleged offences.

Evans was first elected to parliament in 1992, regaining Ribble Valley from the Liberal Democrats at the general election in that year.

Nigel Evans to be charged with sexual offences | Politics | The Guardian

Top UK Tory figure arrested for rape

A top UK official for the Conservative party has been arrested over a historic allegation of rape.

Tory vice-chairman Alan Lewis, 75, who was appointed by David Cameron, was held by police after a woman claimed she was attacked in the late 1960s.

The self-made tycoon, who owns the Crombie clothing chain and is thought to have a fortune of between 220 and 260 million, was reportedly arrested at a Manchester hotel while on a business trip.

'A 75-year-old man was arrested following a complaint received earlier this year of an historic rape that occurred in the Manchester area in the late 60s, ' a Greater Manchester Police spokesman said.

'The man was later bailed pending further inquiries. Specially-trained officers are providing support and welfare to the victim.'

The British prime minister gave Lewis his current role as Tory vice-chairman responsible for business relations in 2010.

In 1990, he was made a CBE for his services as chairman of the Confederation of British Industry's initiative to prepare British businesses to the single market.

A Tory supporter since the early 1980s, he is a black belt in karate and a promoter of Christian healing who claims to read the Bible every day.

Top UK Tory figure arrested for rape | Sky News Australia

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