Uh oh, the week not starting well for the Orange Turd


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
House Intelligence Committee in possession of video, audio recordings from Giuliani associate Lev Parnas
House Intel Committee possesses video, audio recordings from Giuliani associate

*The statement goes on to say, "His evidence and potential testimony is non-partisan, and not intended to be part of a battle between the left and the right, but rather an aid in the determination by our government of what is in the best interests of our nation."*

Gee, imagine if Bolton, Giuliani, Perry, Pompeo, and of course the criminal known as Don felt they too should do what is in the best interests of the country. What a world that would be.
Emails Reveal WH’s Scramble To Explain Ukraine Aid Delay After The Fact
WaPo: Emails Reveal WH's Scramble To Explain Ukraine Aid Delay After The Fact

"Internal emails reportedly reveal how the White House had to come up with a legal justification for delaying the congressionally-approved military aid to Ukraine after President Donald Trump had frozen the funds in July."

It has already been reported Pentagon officials had concluded the withholding of military aid was illegal. That crime could be added to the crime of soliciting foreign aid in a US election as articles of impeachment. Along with abuses of power, witness tampering, lying to Mueller, and obstructing both the impeachment inquiry and the Mueller investigation. Don may have the dubious distinction of setting a record for the number of impeachable offenses to be included in the articles of impeachment.
House Intelligence Committee in possession of video, audio recordings from Giuliani associate Lev Parnas
House Intel Committee possesses video, audio recordings from Giuliani associate

*The statement goes on to say, "His evidence and potential testimony is non-partisan, and not intended to be part of a battle between the left and the right, but rather an aid in the determination by our government of what is in the best interests of our nation."*

Gee, imagine if Bolton, Giuliani, Perry, Pompeo, and of course the criminal known as Don felt they too should do what is in the best interests of the country. What a world that would be.
Emails Reveal WH’s Scramble To Explain Ukraine Aid Delay After The Fact
WaPo: Emails Reveal WH's Scramble To Explain Ukraine Aid Delay After The Fact

"Internal emails reportedly reveal how the White House had to come up with a legal justification for delaying the congressionally-approved military aid to Ukraine after President Donald Trump had frozen the funds in July."

It has already been reported Pentagon officials had concluded the withholding of military aid was illegal. That crime could be added to the crime of soliciting foreign aid in a US election as articles of impeachment. Along with abuses of power, witness tampering, lying to Mueller, and obstructing both the impeachment inquiry and the Mueller investigation. Don may have the dubious distinction of setting a record for the number of impeachable offenses to be included in the articles of impeachment.
Nothing burger
Our wonderful Pres. Trump is the best thing to happen to this country in decades.

He deserves to be praised and admired by all citizens for his unselfish service and dedication to the nation.

Only miscreants and malcontents will deny this fact. ....
Witholding military aid in and of itself s not illegal. It all depends on why it was witheld.
Witholding military aid in and of itself s not illegal. It all depends on why it was witheld.
In late July, the Pentagon also alerted the White House that if the funding wasn’t released in time, the Pentagon would be at risk of violating the Impoundment Control Act, which punishes the executive branch when it doesn’t spend money that Congress has appropriated, the sources said.
Exclusive: White House Ignored Pentagon Warning on Ukraine Funding

Actually, there are protocols in place requiring by law the WH notify Congress if the admin is withholding the dispersal of appropriated funds.
House Intelligence Committee in possession of video, audio recordings from Giuliani associate Lev Parnas
House Intel Committee possesses video, audio recordings from Giuliani associate

*The statement goes on to say, "His evidence and potential testimony is non-partisan, and not intended to be part of a battle between the left and the right, but rather an aid in the determination by our government of what is in the best interests of our nation."*

Gee, imagine if Bolton, Giuliani, Perry, Pompeo, and of course the criminal known as Don felt they too should do what is in the best interests of the country. What a world that would be.
Emails Reveal WH’s Scramble To Explain Ukraine Aid Delay After The Fact
WaPo: Emails Reveal WH's Scramble To Explain Ukraine Aid Delay After The Fact

"Internal emails reportedly reveal how the White House had to come up with a legal justification for delaying the congressionally-approved military aid to Ukraine after President Donald Trump had frozen the funds in July."

It has already been reported Pentagon officials had concluded the withholding of military aid was illegal. That crime could be added to the crime of soliciting foreign aid in a US election as articles of impeachment. Along with abuses of power, witness tampering, lying to Mueller, and obstructing both the impeachment inquiry and the Mueller investigation. Don may have the dubious distinction of setting a record for the number of impeachable offenses to be included in the articles of impeachment.
Nothing burger
Parnas, isn't he the guy Don claims he doesn't know. President Shithole also made the same claim about Sondland. The guy who his inauguration committee a cool $1M. The guy he appointed to be ambassador to the EU. The guy who called Baby Donald to update him about how the extortion of Ukraine was going. It's a thing with Individual 1. When an associate presents a problem he forgets he knows them.
House Intelligence Committee in possession of video, audio recordings from Giuliani associate Lev Parnas
House Intel Committee possesses video, audio recordings from Giuliani associate

*The statement goes on to say, "His evidence and potential testimony is non-partisan, and not intended to be part of a battle between the left and the right, but rather an aid in the determination by our government of what is in the best interests of our nation."*

Gee, imagine if Bolton, Giuliani, Perry, Pompeo, and of course the criminal known as Don felt they too should do what is in the best interests of the country. What a world that would be.
Emails Reveal WH’s Scramble To Explain Ukraine Aid Delay After The Fact
WaPo: Emails Reveal WH's Scramble To Explain Ukraine Aid Delay After The Fact

"Internal emails reportedly reveal how the White House had to come up with a legal justification for delaying the congressionally-approved military aid to Ukraine after President Donald Trump had frozen the funds in July."

It has already been reported Pentagon officials had concluded the withholding of military aid was illegal. That crime could be added to the crime of soliciting foreign aid in a US election as articles of impeachment. Along with abuses of power, witness tampering, lying to Mueller, and obstructing both the impeachment inquiry and the Mueller investigation. Don may have the dubious distinction of setting a record for the number of impeachable offenses to be included in the articles of impeachment.
So the Dimwitocraps are finally going to impeach the President? 48 out of 50 states are going to make 2020 a landslide for the Don.
Witholding military aid in and of itself s not illegal. It all depends on why it was witheld.
In late July, the Pentagon also alerted the White House that if the funding wasn’t released in time, the Pentagon would be at risk of violating the Impoundment Control Act, which punishes the executive branch when it doesn’t spend money that Congress has appropriated, the sources said.
Exclusive: White House Ignored Pentagon Warning on Ukraine Funding

Actually, there are protocols in place requiring by law the WH notify Congress if the admin is withholding the dispersal of appropriated funds.
But asshole it was released 20 days BEFORE IT EXPIRED....Apparently this left wing talking points moron doesn't look at the news and only has tunnel hearing when it comes to the truththe Senate even extended the Ukraine aid bill and signed by Trump!
I find it amazing that even the Democrats - abject failures all - continue to bang their heads on the desk imploring people to believe their make-believe stories in the face of such widespread public disinterest..
It's a great week for Trump. The Chinese have been told by Hong Kong that they're assholes. They are. Now's a good time for Trumpy to hit them with even higher tariffs. The Democrat party is in a state of bewilderment. They really don't know how to get out of this stupid corner they painted themselves into. The socialist-communists have highjacked their party and it looks like they may nominate a billionaire. Car 54 where are you? Too crazy.
It's over Turd. The Party of Hate.....The DemNazi Party is $7 Million in Debt. Americans refuse to give them money. President Trump has a $250 Million War Chest.

Dems are so desperate they recruited Bloomberg to pay for Propaganda, Ads, and Fake News to try to slow down The Orange Menace.
So let's review, shall we?

Dem Turds, DemNazis, Liars, Leftists, Various Perverse Peoples, Enemies of America all are here every day promoting The Virtues of The Democrat Party and trashing America and our President.

Does America Really Agree with them?

The DNC is $7 Million in Debt and only has $8.7 Million Cash on hand.

The RNC has raised $400 Million Dollars, and Trump's War Chest is $250 Million.

The More "These Scum Bags" attack The President, the more money The RNC and President Trump Raise, and I can tell you, that this means a Landslide in 2020.

People are fed up with Pelosi's Do Nothing House of Reps, and Her Old Ass Lying and her Co-Conspirators Lying their Asses off in front of the camera every night.

Impeachment backlash fuels record GOP fundraising, massive $61M in bank

The Republican National Committee fundraising juggernaut, fueled by a GOP backlash to the House impeachment effort to force President Trump from office, scored another record in October and pushed the bank account past $61 million.

The debt-free RNC told Secrets exclusively that it brought in $25.3 million in October and has $61.4 million cash on hand.

For perspective, that is nearly triple what it raised in October 2017, the last nonelection October, and the money on hand is the most since 2012.

RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel has been setting fundraising records month after month, and when the Trump 2020 campaign effort is included, the GOP team has raised nearly $400 million. In September, it raised over $27 million, another record.

By comparison, the Democratic National Committee was $7 million in debt last month. Officials, however, note that the DNC is competing with over a dozen presidential candidates for donations. Also, at this point in President Barack Obama’s first reelection, in 2011, Obama and the DNC had raised under $150 million.

The party credited support for Trump and anger by many Republicans at impeachment. Its anti-impeachment effort called “Stop the Madness” has brought in 75,000 volunteers.

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House Intelligence Committee in possession of video, audio recordings from Giuliani associate Lev Parnas
House Intel Committee possesses video, audio recordings from Giuliani associate

*The statement goes on to say, "His evidence and potential testimony is non-partisan, and not intended to be part of a battle between the left and the right, but rather an aid in the determination by our government of what is in the best interests of our nation."*

Gee, imagine if Bolton, Giuliani, Perry, Pompeo, and of course the criminal known as Don felt they too should do what is in the best interests of the country. What a world that would be.
Emails Reveal WH’s Scramble To Explain Ukraine Aid Delay After The Fact
WaPo: Emails Reveal WH's Scramble To Explain Ukraine Aid Delay After The Fact

"Internal emails reportedly reveal how the White House had to come up with a legal justification for delaying the congressionally-approved military aid to Ukraine after President Donald Trump had frozen the funds in July."

It has already been reported Pentagon officials had concluded the withholding of military aid was illegal. That crime could be added to the crime of soliciting foreign aid in a US election as articles of impeachment. Along with abuses of power, witness tampering, lying to Mueller, and obstructing both the impeachment inquiry and the Mueller investigation. Don may have the dubious distinction of setting a record for the number of impeachable offenses to be included in the articles of impeachment.

Aid wasn't withheld.
Do you pay your bills the first day they are due?
House Intelligence Committee in possession of video, audio recordings from Giuliani associate Lev Parnas
House Intel Committee possesses video, audio recordings from Giuliani associate

*The statement goes on to say, "His evidence and potential testimony is non-partisan, and not intended to be part of a battle between the left and the right, but rather an aid in the determination by our government of what is in the best interests of our nation."*

Gee, imagine if Bolton, Giuliani, Perry, Pompeo, and of course the criminal known as Don felt they too should do what is in the best interests of the country. What a world that would be.
Emails Reveal WH’s Scramble To Explain Ukraine Aid Delay After The Fact
WaPo: Emails Reveal WH's Scramble To Explain Ukraine Aid Delay After The Fact

"Internal emails reportedly reveal how the White House had to come up with a legal justification for delaying the congressionally-approved military aid to Ukraine after President Donald Trump had frozen the funds in July."

It has already been reported Pentagon officials had concluded the withholding of military aid was illegal. That crime could be added to the crime of soliciting foreign aid in a US election as articles of impeachment. Along with abuses of power, witness tampering, lying to Mueller, and obstructing both the impeachment inquiry and the Mueller investigation. Don may have the dubious distinction of setting a record for the number of impeachable offenses to be included in the articles of impeachment.
Oh no. It's another bombshell!

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