Uh oh, the Libtards and Neocons Are Starting to Realize Trump is Helped by the Rioting


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
I dont think that the Dems can reign in the horses now though. Once madness like this gets a head of steam, it is kind of uncontrollable.

Even Meghan McCain realizes it.

They are recking their own communities and businesses are leaving to perhaps never come back.

Meanwhile Chicom allies are being rolled up like a rotted rug.

Hell even George W Bush, who hates Trump is walking back his non-endorsement leaks.

Meanwhile, the Dems dont grasp the optics of them letting rioters go free while busing men and women of conscience protesting abortion clinics.

All in all, it is a good day in America!
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These are law and order Democrats in their own party:

The 2015 riots got Trump elected...people do not like riots and massive shutdowns of our streets and neighborhoods....we have to live on and function...go to work and the store pick up the kids...and we don't like being blocked from it day after day after day....do your protest and move on....let justice work before you go too crazy by half....
The irony is conservatives are crazily anti union for whatever disgusting anti american reason. I understand their hatred for better wages for people. But they love police now. I've always liked the police and support them. As in every profession there are a few bad apples. The loser cop who killed Floyd is one. He is going to get his judgement soon.
Not the first time for Harvard this year
and Univ of Tn also

and some more
Oops, more
Dang, even more
Oh, my! Even NASA!
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The irony is conservatives are crazily anti union for whatever disgusting anti american reason. I understand their hatred for better wages for people. But they love police now. I've always liked the police and support them. As in every profession there are a few bad apples. The loser cop who killed Floyd is one. He is going to get his judgement soon.
Unions bankrupt cities and run companies out of the US.
The irony is conservatives are crazily anti union for whatever disgusting anti american reason. I understand their hatred for better wages for people. But they love police now. I've always liked the police and support them. As in every profession there are a few bad apples. The loser cop who killed Floyd is one. He is going to get his judgement soon.
Unions bankrupt cities and run companies out of the US.
They do now because they replaced workers that moved up through the ranks with MBAs from Harvard who dont know their ass from a hole in the ground.

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