Uh-oh, has Trump been in Washington too long and forgotten his base? No wall=one term president


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I also believe if he doesn't take action on trade with China, Mexico and Canada, the Democrats will raise this issue and any other he renegs on. I've been following the pulse of his supporters and I can tell you, even the discussion of DACA really upsets some At the very least, he needs funding in place before any movement on DACA, if he just does it "on faith" that the Democrats will help him afterwards for the border, there's no way it will happen.

This should be an interesting year if the narrative is that Trump won't keep his promises. The Democrats have always relied on this being the case, which is why the actions of McCain with the thumbs down excited them so much. If the wall and trade promises aren't kept, he has a major problem on his hands with his core supporters, of this I am certain.

John Kelly suggests Trump wasn't 'fully informed' when he promised wall across entire border

White House chief of staff John Kelly suggested during an interview Wednesday with Fox News that then-candidate Donald Trump was not “fully informed” when he promised to build a wall along the entire border with Mexico.

Still, Kelly insisted that the president has been committed to building hundreds of miles of new wall on the border as part of a deal with Democrats on immigration.

“This president, if you've seen what he's done, he has changed the way he's looked at a number of things,” Kelly told Bret Baier on “Special Report.”

Kelly didn’t deny a report in the Washington Post on Wednesday that he told Democratic lawmakers Trump was uninformed on the wall during the campaign.

“There's been an evolutionary process that this president has gone through... and I pointed out to all the members that were in the room that they all say things during the course of campaigns that may or may not be fully informed,” Kelly said.

Kelly said Trump has “adjusted the way he's looked at” a number of issues, including his strategy in Afghanistan and toward DACA, the Obama-era program that shields illegal immigrants brought to the United States as children from deportation.
President Trump never said there would be a wall along the ENTIRE border...its impossible. Rivers/Mountains etc....Most yes All no....unfortunate but can't fight nature.
i don't give a damn if he builds a wall or not. looking back at history, they just never work like you think they should.
President Trump never said there would be a wall along the ENTIRE border...its impossible. Rivers/Mountains etc....Most yes All no....unfortunate but can't fight nature.

We fight nature all the time and win
President Trump never said there would be a wall along the ENTIRE border...its impossible. Rivers/Mountains etc....Most yes All no....unfortunate but can't fight nature.

We fight nature all the time and win

Eh... sometimes.

i don't give a damn if he builds a wall or not. looking back at history, they just never work like you think they should.

Don't tell Israel that, suicide bombers have all but disappeared due to that wall.

I also agree, I don't think people think a wall will defy nature, but they expect a massive, strong wall covering all areas that can be protected, with the appropriate defenses in areas it cannot
i don't give a damn if he builds a wall or not. looking back at history, they just never work like you think they should.

Does Israel know this?


you mean Egypt, too, right? since they built one also.

should we talk about Palestinian terrorism on a thread about Mexican immigrants?

The statement was made that a wall does not work. Facts say different.

GOP senator says Israel border fence cut illegal immigration

I also believe if he doesn't take action on trade with China, Mexico and Canada, the Democrats will raise this issue and any other he renegs on. I've been following the pulse of his supporters and I can tell you, even the discussion of DACA really upsets some At the very least, he needs funding in place before any movement on DACA, if he just does it "on faith" that the Democrats will help him afterwards for the border, there's no way it will happen.

This should be an interesting year if the narrative is that Trump won't keep his promises. The Democrats have always relied on this being the case, which is why the actions of McCain with the thumbs down excited them so much. If the wall and trade promises aren't kept, he has a major problem on his hands with his core supporters, of this I am certain.

John Kelly suggests Trump wasn't 'fully informed' when he promised wall across entire border

White House chief of staff John Kelly suggested during an interview Wednesday with Fox News that then-candidate Donald Trump was not “fully informed” when he promised to build a wall along the entire border with Mexico.

Still, Kelly insisted that the president has been committed to building hundreds of miles of new wall on the border as part of a deal with Democrats on immigration.

“This president, if you've seen what he's done, he has changed the way he's looked at a number of things,” Kelly told Bret Baier on “Special Report.”

Kelly didn’t deny a report in the Washington Post on Wednesday that he told Democratic lawmakers Trump was uninformed on the wall during the campaign.

“There's been an evolutionary process that this president has gone through... and I pointed out to all the members that were in the room that they all say things during the course of campaigns that may or may not be fully informed,” Kelly said.

Kelly said Trump has “adjusted the way he's looked at” a number of issues, including his strategy in Afghanistan and toward DACA, the Obama-era program that shields illegal immigrants brought to the United States as children from deportation.

Just like his contractors he doesn't give a shit about his base.
I voted for him and would vote for him ten more times if it were possible. Even if the wall doesn't get built, the mere mention of it has caused the flow of illegals to come to a trickle. Not only that, criminal illegals are still being rounded up and deported, as well as many illegals self-deporting.

He doesn't even have to build a wall at this point, just like he didn't even have to bomb North Korea. The strong pimp hand: Trump has it.
i don't give a damn if he builds a wall or not. looking back at history, they just never work like you think they should.

Don't tell Israel that, suicide bombers have all but disappeared due to that wall.

I also agree, I don't think people think a wall will defy nature, but they expect a massive, strong wall covering all areas that can be protected, with the appropriate defenses in areas it cannot
i doubt we're gonna go as hard core as israel but point taken. :)
Poor desperate pole smokers are really getting desperate.


Trump will be here two terms and then Pence for 8 years more.

They are still building the wall. They revaluated that they only need an additional 800 miles and shoring up of some additional barriers because there are a lot of areas with natural barriers that don’t need a wall.
looks to me like Trump is still pushing for the wall

we should get more republican Senators in 2018; so let's see what happens before the 2020 election cycle before we get too concerned about this...
The wall will be built and the dems will be crushed......they really really oppose a wall....under the guise of it being a waste...ahahahah the dems worried about govt waste

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