Uh, Do Liberals Realize that the Stormy Daniels-Donald Trump Incident Happened 12 Years Ago?

But the cover-up continues until this very day.

Simple question...did they have sex? What is the White House's official position on that one basic question?

I would bet than none of the Trumpanzees (like that term) can answer without the requisite "I don't care", "What does it matter", etc... In fact, I think I'll start a new thread on that and see how quickly it gets merged, shut down, or just ignored by Trump apologists....

It's a stupid question because there are only two people who actually know if they had sex or not, and I highly doubt either is posting on here. Naturally, it will be ignored, it should be.

Thanks for your input.

Yet here you are. Perhaps you should be ignored as well. <plink>.

Again, the sex between small hands and small brains isn't the issue...the murky answer from the White House is. If you were to ask the WH why we are still in Afghanistan for example, you'd get similar answers between Trump, the SECDEF, and SHS.... The former and the latter would have one thing in common, bashing the former administration but the cohesion would end at that point.

Can't imagine why you would seriously equate our military presence in a foreign country with the president's sex life, but to each his own I guess.
Looking at the continual stream of liberal threads on the Stormy Daniels scandal, one wonders if liberals realize that Daniels' alleged hookup with Trump supposedly occurred in 2006, 12 years ago, and that Cohen's payoff to her occurred in 2016, 10 years after the alleged encounter and long before Donald Trump even ran for president?

I know, so hilarious. How about the pussy-grabbing BS, how long ago that occur? Fucking Trump the loose lips Playboy, doing us a good job as he pisses off snowflakes just for breathing.
Looking at the continual stream of liberal threads on the Stormy Daniels scandal, one wonders if liberals realize that Daniels' alleged hookup with Trump supposedly occurred in 2006, 12 years ago, and that Cohen's payoff to her occurred in 2016, 10 years after the alleged encounter and long before Donald Trump even ran for president?
Bribery happened less than 2 years ago. No one really cares about the sex and perversions. Bribery is what counts.
Bribery. Lol. Idiot.
But the cover-up continues until this very day.

Simple question...did they have sex? What is the White House's official position on that one basic question?

I would bet than none of the Trumpanzees (like that term) can answer without the requisite "I don't care", "What does it matter", etc... In fact, I think I'll start a new thread on that and see how quickly it gets merged, shut down, or just ignored by Trump apologists....

It's a stupid question because there are only two people who actually know if they had sex or not, and I highly doubt either is posting on here. Naturally, it will be ignored, it should be.

Thanks for your input.

Yet here you are. Perhaps you should be ignored as well. <plink>.

Again, the sex between small hands and small brains isn't the issue...the murky answer from the White House is. If you were to ask the WH why we are still in Afghanistan for example, you'd get similar answers between Trump, the SECDEF, and SHS.... The former and the latter would have one thing in common, bashing the former administration but the cohesion would end at that point.

Can't imagine why you would seriously equate our military presence in a foreign country with the president's sex life, but to each his own I guess.

Again...the issue isn't sex. It is clarity. This has been explained to you before.
Joe, first you don’t know what are the conditions of “high Crimes and Misdemeanors”, you throw in obstruction because it “sounds good” without providing supportive facts behind THAT one, now you are making accusations surrounding a payment that’s not conclusive and solid where those finances came from.

The reason why it's not conclusive is because the principles keep changing their story every other day. So you have to use a reasoning skill. Why would Trump pay her $130,000 if he didn't have sex with her? He wouldn't. why would Cohen do it if he didn't? He wouldn't.

It's fairly obvious that you can't convict someone of perjury because of things they said while not under oath. Now you're moving the goal posts.

Unfortunately, I see the pattern. First, make an outrageous statement like, "if he says this, it's perjury". Then, when shown there's really no way to know that, fall back on something like, "it's okay then that Trump lies to you".

We convict people of perjury all the time when their statements don't square with the facts. The real problem here is that Trump can't keep his story straight on Stormy or why he fired Comey or what his relationship with the Russians was.
But the cover-up continues until this very day.

Simple question...did they have sex? What is the White House's official position on that one basic question?

I would bet than none of the Trumpanzees (like that term) can answer without the requisite "I don't care", "What does it matter", etc... In fact, I think I'll start a new thread on that and see how quickly it gets merged, shut down, or just ignored by Trump apologists....

It's a stupid question because there are only two people who actually know if they had sex or not, and I highly doubt either is posting on here. Naturally, it will be ignored, it should be.

Thanks for your input.

Yet here you are. Perhaps you should be ignored as well. <plink>.

Again, the sex between small hands and small brains isn't the issue...the murky answer from the White House is. If you were to ask the WH why we are still in Afghanistan for example, you'd get similar answers between Trump, the SECDEF, and SHS.... The former and the latter would have one thing in common, bashing the former administration but the cohesion would end at that point.

Can't imagine why you would seriously equate our military presence in a foreign country with the president's sex life, but to each his own I guess.

Again...the issue isn't sex. It is clarity. This has been explained to you before.

Why do you care if Trump had sex with a porn star before he ran for president?

IOW, why does he owe you clarity on the issue? What standing do you have to demand it?
Joe, first you don’t know what are the conditions of “high Crimes and Misdemeanors”, you throw in obstruction because it “sounds good” without providing supportive facts behind THAT one, now you are making accusations surrounding a payment that’s not conclusive and solid where those finances came from.

The reason why it's not conclusive is because the principles keep changing their story every other day. So you have to use a reasoning skill. Why would Trump pay her $130,000 if he didn't have sex with her? He wouldn't. why would Cohen do it if he didn't? He wouldn't.

It's fairly obvious that you can't convict someone of perjury because of things they said while not under oath. Now you're moving the goal posts.

Unfortunately, I see the pattern. First, make an outrageous statement like, "if he says this, it's perjury". Then, when shown there's really no way to know that, fall back on something like, "it's okay then that Trump lies to you".

We convict people of perjury all the time when their statements don't square with the facts. The real problem here is that Trump can't keep his story straight on Stormy or why he fired Comey or what his relationship with the Russians was.

But we never convict anyone of perjury when their true sworn statement conflicts with something they said before being under oath. Literally, the only thing that matters is what they say while under oath.
Trump had no affirmative legal nor moral obligation to allow the Stormy blackmail info to reach the public
Hers is the crime, not his
You know, I don't really care if Trump had sex with Ms. Daniels. I really don't. What 2 consenting adults do in the privacy of their own bedroom is up to them. Besides, it happened 12 years ago.

What I DO have a problem with is the cover up that Trump tried to do just a couple of weeks before the election.
You know, I don't really care if Trump had sex with Ms. Daniels. I really don't. What 2 consenting adults do in the privacy of their own bedroom is up to them. Besides, it happened 12 years ago.

What I DO have a problem with is the cover up that Trump tried to do just a couple of weeks before the election.

If he's not covering up a crime, what's the problem?
You know, I don't really care if Trump had sex with Ms. Daniels. I really don't. What 2 consenting adults do in the privacy of their own bedroom is up to them. Besides, it happened 12 years ago.

What I DO have a problem with is the cover up that Trump tried to do just a couple of weeks before the election.

If he's not covering up a crime, what's the problem?

But, he is covering up a crime. The timing of the NDA is what is at question, because it looks like the NDA was done to try to help Trump win the election.

If it was to save his marriage, then why did they wait almost 12 years to have it done? It was done 2 weeks prior to election day, which makes it look like it was done to influence the election.
Looking at the continual stream of liberal threads on the Stormy Daniels scandal, one wonders if liberals realize that Daniels' alleged hookup with Trump supposedly occurred in 2006, 12 years ago, and that Cohen's payoff to her occurred in 2016, 10 years after the alleged encounter and long before Donald Trump even ran for president?
She musta been the greatest lay of his life for him to keep paying. Sheesh. Blow 5K in Vegas and the coke's included. LOL
But the cover-up continues until this very day.

Simple question...did they have sex? What is the White House's official position on that one basic question?

I would bet than none of the Trumpanzees (like that term) can answer without the requisite "I don't care", "What does it matter", etc... In fact, I think I'll start a new thread on that and see how quickly it gets merged, shut down, or just ignored by Trump apologists....

It's a stupid question because there are only two people who actually know if they had sex or not, and I highly doubt either is posting on here. Naturally, it will be ignored, it should be.

Thanks for your input.

Yet here you are. Perhaps you should be ignored as well. <plink>.

Again, the sex between small hands and small brains isn't the issue...the murky answer from the White House is. If you were to ask the WH why we are still in Afghanistan for example, you'd get similar answers between Trump, the SECDEF, and SHS.... The former and the latter would have one thing in common, bashing the former administration but the cohesion would end at that point.

Can't imagine why you would seriously equate our military presence in a foreign country with the president's sex life, but to each his own I guess.

Again...the issue isn't sex. It is clarity. This has been explained to you before.

Why do you care if Trump had sex with a porn star before he ran for president?

IOW, why does he owe you clarity on the issue? What standing do you have to demand it?

The murkiness is happening while he is the president of my nation. Thus I have a right to expect honesty from the President and his spokespersons.
It's a stupid question because there are only two people who actually know if they had sex or not, and I highly doubt either is posting on here. Naturally, it will be ignored, it should be.

Thanks for your input.

Yet here you are. Perhaps you should be ignored as well. <plink>.

Again, the sex between small hands and small brains isn't the issue...the murky answer from the White House is. If you were to ask the WH why we are still in Afghanistan for example, you'd get similar answers between Trump, the SECDEF, and SHS.... The former and the latter would have one thing in common, bashing the former administration but the cohesion would end at that point.

Can't imagine why you would seriously equate our military presence in a foreign country with the president's sex life, but to each his own I guess.

Again...the issue isn't sex. It is clarity. This has been explained to you before.

Why do you care if Trump had sex with a porn star before he ran for president?

IOW, why does he owe you clarity on the issue? What standing do you have to demand it?

The murkiness is happening while he is the president of my nation. Thus I have a right to expect honesty from the President and his spokespersons.

Because he's president you think you have standing to demand he reveal details about his sex life from years ago? You don't. Now, if it's the context of a harassment case, or he left a woman to drown in his car, you might have reason to want answers, but a totally consensual transaction between adults that doesn't involve the White House or a power imbalance between the two parties? Not so much.

They can be completely honest and tell you to take a hike.
Thanks for your input.

Yet here you are. Perhaps you should be ignored as well. <plink>.

Again, the sex between small hands and small brains isn't the issue...the murky answer from the White House is. If you were to ask the WH why we are still in Afghanistan for example, you'd get similar answers between Trump, the SECDEF, and SHS.... The former and the latter would have one thing in common, bashing the former administration but the cohesion would end at that point.

Can't imagine why you would seriously equate our military presence in a foreign country with the president's sex life, but to each his own I guess.

Again...the issue isn't sex. It is clarity. This has been explained to you before.

Why do you care if Trump had sex with a porn star before he ran for president?

IOW, why does he owe you clarity on the issue? What standing do you have to demand it?

The murkiness is happening while he is the president of my nation. Thus I have a right to expect honesty from the President and his spokespersons.

Because he's president you think you have standing to demand he reveal details about his sex life from years ago? You don't. Now, if it's the context of a harassment case, or he left a woman to drown in his car, you might have reason to want answers, but a totally consensual transaction between adults that doesn't involve the White House or a power imbalance between the two parties? Not so much.

They can be completely honest and tell you to take a hike.

Again, the sex isn’t the issue. The lack of candor is.

I’m sure the “take a hike” works for people such as your self.
Can't imagine why you would seriously equate our military presence in a foreign country with the president's sex life, but to each his own I guess.

Again...the issue isn't sex. It is clarity. This has been explained to you before.

Why do you care if Trump had sex with a porn star before he ran for president?

IOW, why does he owe you clarity on the issue? What standing do you have to demand it?

The murkiness is happening while he is the president of my nation. Thus I have a right to expect honesty from the President and his spokespersons.

Because he's president you think you have standing to demand he reveal details about his sex life from years ago? You don't. Now, if it's the context of a harassment case, or he left a woman to drown in his car, you might have reason to want answers, but a totally consensual transaction between adults that doesn't involve the White House or a power imbalance between the two parties? Not so much.

They can be completely honest and tell you to take a hike.

Again, the sex isn’t the issue. The lack of candor is.

I’m sure the “take a hike” works for people such as your self.

You think either of the Clintons showed a lot of candor under similar circumstances? Yeah, yeah, depends on what the meaning of "IS" is. Which doesn't make Trump any less of a butthole, but it does expose the hypocrisy from just about everybody who is making a big deal out of this now or then.
Again...the issue isn't sex. It is clarity. This has been explained to you before.

Why do you care if Trump had sex with a porn star before he ran for president?

IOW, why does he owe you clarity on the issue? What standing do you have to demand it?

The murkiness is happening while he is the president of my nation. Thus I have a right to expect honesty from the President and his spokespersons.

Because he's president you think you have standing to demand he reveal details about his sex life from years ago? You don't. Now, if it's the context of a harassment case, or he left a woman to drown in his car, you might have reason to want answers, but a totally consensual transaction between adults that doesn't involve the White House or a power imbalance between the two parties? Not so much.

They can be completely honest and tell you to take a hike.

Again, the sex isn’t the issue. The lack of candor is.

I’m sure the “take a hike” works for people such as your self.

You think either of the Clintons showed a lot of candor under similar circumstances? Yeah, yeah, depends on what the meaning of "IS" is. Which doesn't make Trump any less of a butthole, but it does expose the hypocrisy from just about everybody who is making a big deal out of this now or then.
Well I certainly didn't ask him to pay her $130K, but then she may have sold a non-disclosure cheap
Again...the issue isn't sex. It is clarity. This has been explained to you before.

Why do you care if Trump had sex with a porn star before he ran for president?

IOW, why does he owe you clarity on the issue? What standing do you have to demand it?

The murkiness is happening while he is the president of my nation. Thus I have a right to expect honesty from the President and his spokespersons.

Because he's president you think you have standing to demand he reveal details about his sex life from years ago? You don't. Now, if it's the context of a harassment case, or he left a woman to drown in his car, you might have reason to want answers, but a totally consensual transaction between adults that doesn't involve the White House or a power imbalance between the two parties? Not so much.

They can be completely honest and tell you to take a hike.

Again, the sex isn’t the issue. The lack of candor is.

I’m sure the “take a hike” works for people such as your self.

You think either of the Clintons showed a lot of candor under similar circumstances? Yeah, yeah, depends on what the meaning of "IS" is. Which doesn't make Trump any less of a butthole, but it does expose the hypocrisy from just about everybody who is making a big deal out of this now or then.

If Bill Clinton is relevant to the discussion due to his foibles, that would make the actions of his special prosecutor equally as relevant. Starr had 4 years… Mueller has been at it for about a quarter of the time…

Again, the sex isn’t the issue, the varying answers from the white house is.
Why do you care if Trump had sex with a porn star before he ran for president?

IOW, why does he owe you clarity on the issue? What standing do you have to demand it?

The murkiness is happening while he is the president of my nation. Thus I have a right to expect honesty from the President and his spokespersons.

Because he's president you think you have standing to demand he reveal details about his sex life from years ago? You don't. Now, if it's the context of a harassment case, or he left a woman to drown in his car, you might have reason to want answers, but a totally consensual transaction between adults that doesn't involve the White House or a power imbalance between the two parties? Not so much.

They can be completely honest and tell you to take a hike.

Again, the sex isn’t the issue. The lack of candor is.

I’m sure the “take a hike” works for people such as your self.

You think either of the Clintons showed a lot of candor under similar circumstances? Yeah, yeah, depends on what the meaning of "IS" is. Which doesn't make Trump any less of a butthole, but it does expose the hypocrisy from just about everybody who is making a big deal out of this now or then.

If Bill Clinton is relevant to the discussion due to his foibles, that would make the actions of his special prosecutor equally as relevant. Starr had 4 years… Mueller has been at it for about a quarter of the time…

Again, the sex isn’t the issue, the varying answers from the white house is.
Well, I thought Whitewater was a witchhunt, but then Monica didn't have anything to do with it, so there ya go. LOL

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