UFO Defense: TrumpUSA Dialect(?)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Does TrumpUSA capitalism/consumerism consciousness remind you of a comic book or sitcom?

Is our society folkloric...or hyperbolic?

What do you think?



"A strange photo in D.C. was taken in which the light of a strange unidentified flying object (UFO) was seen in the night-sky. This was then made into a special night-vision image which the U.S. government kept in a file meant to explore the possibility that Earth (and TrumpUSA!) was being invaded by alien forces, perhaps curious about our civilization's use of capitalism-imagination to create civilization lifestyle consciousness (e.g., Wall Street, Facebook, Marvel, etc.). Would alien intelligences be intrigued by TrumpUSA intellect?"


"Of course, U.S. President Donald Trump was found in full military-regalia and was prepared to mobilize American troops/forces to deal with any potential militant alien force interested in invasion/colonization. The scientists at the U.S. government were busy working on a new weapon utilizing the Cartesian mirror-axis of zero-line perception, capable of creating a disturbance that would send ripples across the energy waves of both sound and light, resembling 'electromagnetic lightning.' TrumpUSA was ready for a violent alien invasion/visit."


"This new weapon being developed by the U.S. government felt like something out of a Lewis Carroll story or Batman comic book, but it had serious grounding in physics/science. This electromagnetic lightning gun (ELG) would be capable of disintegrating any target/object with such a precision and speed as to create literally momentary laser-like elimination(!). Trump declared that the ELG would help TrumpUSA defend its capitalist/consumerism way of life and uphold the pride behind modern civilization institutions such as Wall Street and Facebook(!)."


"Since Americans were big fans of science-fiction stories about great aliens visiting Earth and trying to colonize our planet using incredible weapons and crafts, TrumpUSA citizens and government officials were prepared for what may come when signs of a terrible alien intelligence 'signal' (resembling a terrible 'sociocultural shock' about everyday life) would be seen/heard. This would either be something like 9/11, a scene from the alien-invasion film Independence Day, or Armageddon itself!"


"Since the ELG was capable of creating ripple-disturbances in space and interfering with both photons and phonons, comic book writers began generating stories about the ELG, likening it to some 'figurative weapon' akin to stopping the telepathic Marvel Comics villainess Vertigo from using her psychic space-time mind-waves to create social hypnosis(!). The ELG was something all Americans were proud of, and TrumpUSA civilians awaited to see how the U.S. army would use such a weapon to shoot down alien spacecraft hovering above the great buildings of D.C. such as the iconic White House(!)."


"As the aliens in their crafts and laser-lights approached Earth, the U.S. army used its tanks equipped with mini-ELG guns to methodically ground the crafts to Earth and take the alien pilots on board as hostages/refugees to be held in a secret facility by the U.S. government. CNN journalists declared that the Trump Administration meant to interrogate these captured aliens and discover why they wanted to create trouble in TrumpUSA, a society of great capitalist passion(!). Perhaps these aliens simply despised our brand of 'consumerism culture' and Wall Street flowery. Was it something more/else?"


"The space-ripple/disturbance created by the ELG was not unlike a space-age sonic-boom or laser-rifle seen in some sci-fi anime/cartoon film such as Ghost in the Shell or Akira or Voltron(!). Yes, this was the age of great ambition and hence imagination. Were these aliens merely trying to avert humanity's eyes from the 'awesome eyes' of capital ambition which, if left unchecked, could yield weapons of devastation capable of distorting/deforming consciousness itself?"


"The U.S. government decided to make a series of special sci-fi documentary films about potential invasions and terror caused by aliens arriving on Earth with terrible crafts and atmosphere-shattering weapons and explosives. These films were meant to inspire patriotic fervor and remind TrumpUSA citizens that the U.S. government had every intention to use its ingenuity to secure peace on Earth and the safety of the entire planet. The interrogations of the captured aliens remained confidential, however."


ALIEN: Your TrumpUSA society was too ambitious!
TRUMP: We stand by our capitalism fervor...
ALIEN: Your youngsters are hypnotized by Madonna/Shakira!
TRUMP: We have teachers who guide our students towards patriotism.
ALIEN: Your capitalism-consciousness makes you obsessed with beauty!
TRUMP: What's wrong with praising beauty?
ALIEN: It's the obsession with jewels and ornamented women that concerns us!
TRUMP: You mean to suggest that TrumpUSA is hypnotized by 'dolls' or something?
ALIEN: Precisely, Mr. President; that's why we induced you to consider universal humility!
TRUMP: By invading our kind planet?
ALIEN: Your planet has eco-problems; you may be generating 'ocean oddities.'
TRUMP: We'll forever remain imaginative about sea-mermaids and science-fiction!


"What President Trump said to the captured alien(s) was never disclosed to the public. All that was certain was that TrumpUSA citizens felt more secure in the notion that our civilization's consumerism-consciousness/imagination was safe from the threat of anti-capitalism aliens suggesting that America was somehow 'juvenile.' Perhaps the captured aliens would mean to negotiate special sci-fi folk-tale/film-making 'deals' with the U.S. government to that Americans could remember this 'bizarre metaphysical ordeal' as a sign of true creativity."



Does TrumpUSA capitalism/consumerism consciousness remind you of a comic book or sitcom?

Is our society folkloric...or hyperbolic?

What do you think?

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"A strange photo in D.C. was taken in which the light of a strange unidentified flying object (UFO) was seen in the night-sky. This was then made into a special night-vision image which the U.S. government kept in a file meant to explore the possibility that Earth (and TrumpUSA!) was being invaded by alien forces, perhaps curious about our civilization's use of capitalism-imagination to create civilization lifestyle consciousness (e.g., Wall Street, Facebook, Marvel, etc.). Would alien intelligences be intrigued by TrumpUSA intellect?"

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"Of course, U.S. President Donald Trump was found in full military-regalia and was prepared to mobilize American troops/forces to deal with any potential militant alien force interested in invasion/colonization. The scientists at the U.S. government were busy working on a new weapon utilizing the Cartesian mirror-axis of zero-line perception, capable of creating a disturbance that would send ripples across the energy waves of both sound and light, resembling 'electromagnetic lightning.' TrumpUSA was ready for a violent alien invasion/visit."

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"This new weapon being developed by the U.S. government felt like something out of a Lewis Carroll story or Batman comic book, but it had serious grounding in physics/science. This electromagnetic lightning gun (ELG) would be capable of disintegrating any target/object with such a precision and speed as to create literally momentary laser-like elimination(!). Trump declared that the ELG would help TrumpUSA defend its capitalist/consumerism way of life and uphold the pride behind modern civilization institutions such as Wall Street and Facebook(!)."

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"Since Americans were big fans of science-fiction stories about great aliens visiting Earth and trying to colonize our planet using incredible weapons and crafts, TrumpUSA citizens and government officials were prepared for what may come when signs of a terrible alien intelligence 'signal' (resembling a terrible 'sociocultural shock' about everyday life) would be seen/heard. This would either be something like 9/11, a scene from the alien-invasion film Independence Day, or Armageddon itself!"

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"Since the ELG was capable of creating ripple-disturbances in space and interfering with both photons and phonons, comic book writers began generating stories about the ELG, likening it to some 'figurative weapon' akin to stopping the telepathic Marvel Comics villainess Vertigo from using her psychic space-time mind-waves to create social hypnosis(!). The ELG was something all Americans were proud of, and TrumpUSA civilians awaited to see how the U.S. army would use such a weapon to shoot down alien spacecraft hovering above the great buildings of D.C. such as the iconic White House(!)."

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"As the aliens in their crafts and laser-lights approached Earth, the U.S. army used its tanks equipped with mini-ELG guns to methodically ground the crafts to Earth and take the alien pilots on board as hostages/refugees to be held in a secret facility by the U.S. government. CNN journalists declared that the Trump Administration meant to interrogate these captured aliens and discover why they wanted to create trouble in TrumpUSA, a society of great capitalist passion(!). Perhaps these aliens simply despised our brand of 'consumerism culture' and Wall Street flowery. Was it something more/else?"

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"The space-ripple/disturbance created by the ELG was not unlike a space-age sonic-boom or laser-rifle seen in some sci-fi anime/cartoon film such as Ghost in the Shell or Akira or Voltron(!). Yes, this was the age of great ambition and hence imagination. Were these aliens merely trying to avert humanity's eyes from the 'awesome eyes' of capital ambition which, if left unchecked, could yield weapons of devastation capable of distorting/deforming consciousness itself?"

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"The U.S. government decided to make a series of special sci-fi documentary films about potential invasions and terror caused by aliens arriving on Earth with terrible crafts and atmosphere-shattering weapons and explosives. These films were meant to inspire patriotic fervor and remind TrumpUSA citizens that the U.S. government had every intention to use its ingenuity to secure peace on Earth and the safety of the entire planet. The interrogations of the captured aliens remained confidential, however."

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ALIEN: Your TrumpUSA society was too ambitious!
TRUMP: We stand by our capitalism fervor...
ALIEN: Your youngsters are hypnotized by Madonna/Shakira!
TRUMP: We have teachers who guide our students towards patriotism.
ALIEN: Your capitalism-consciousness makes you obsessed with beauty!
TRUMP: What's wrong with praising beauty?
ALIEN: It's the obsession with jewels and ornamented women that concerns us!
TRUMP: You mean to suggest that TrumpUSA is hypnotized by 'dolls' or something?
ALIEN: Precisely, Mr. President; that's why we induced you to consider universal humility!
TRUMP: By invading our kind planet?
ALIEN: Your planet has eco-problems; you may be generating 'ocean oddities.'
TRUMP: We'll forever remain imaginative about sea-mermaids and science-fiction!

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"What President Trump said to the captured alien(s) was never disclosed to the public. All that was certain was that TrumpUSA citizens felt more secure in the notion that our civilization's consumerism-consciousness/imagination was safe from the threat of anti-capitalism aliens suggesting that America was somehow 'juvenile.' Perhaps the captured aliens would mean to negotiate special sci-fi folk-tale/film-making 'deals' with the U.S. government to that Americans could remember this 'bizarre metaphysical ordeal' as a sign of true creativity."



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