UAH for September is .6c


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America

Latest Global Temps Roy Spencer, Ph. D.

.6c for September...Also we're now in a la nina that is stronger then 2008 and 1999-2000 on top of it. In fact you have to go back to the mid 70's to find stronger. This one is -1.8c in 3.4.

2008 bottomed out near -1.6 and 1999-2000 bottomed out near -1.3c range.

"The most recent (July-August) MEI value shows a continued drop from earlier this year, reaching -1.81, or 0.64 sigma below last month's value, and 2.35 standard deviations below April-May, both record-fast drops for this time of year. In fact, the three-month drop set a new all-time record for any time of year, beating a 2.33 sigma drop in 1998."

Pretty fucking amazing if you ask me...

Let the debate begin!!! This is satellite data and if you have a problem with it state your reasons for it and you maybe right...
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With this debate going the way it's currently going and people confused on what is exactly going on "I almost wish" the climate of the fucking earth would do one of two things.

1# Start rising at least .3 to .5c between now and 2020 or 2# Crash into a ice age. Would serve us stupid creatures right.:tongue: There would be NO more debating if either happens, but we would then be friends and work together.

This debate is because of the uncertainty. God please end the uncertainly and let the shit out of the bag if need be to give your children a clue.

That sure would end this back and fourth bull shit!
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Mathew, these people will deny until the changing climate is starving them. Then they will scream that the scientists gave them no warning. They are not just into denial of the obvious warming, but far into denial of reality and science itself.
With this debate going the way it's currently going and people confused on what is exactly going on "I almost wish" the climate of the fucking earth would do one of two things.

1# Start rising at least .3 to .5c between now and 2020 or 2# Crash into a ice age. Would serve us stupid creatures right.:tongue: There would be NO more debating if either happens, but we would then be friends and work together.

This debate is because of the uncertainty. God please end the uncertainly and let the shit out of the bag if need be to give your children a clue.

That sure would end this back and fourth bull shit!

Yes Matthew, because ending life as we know it so someone can be right is a far far better outcome. :cuckoo:
Dumb ass, life as we know it is already ending. Or are you just to stupid to see what the precipitation events of this year are showing us?

Just the latest from a year full of these events; - Weather News | Over 40 Inches of Rain Inundates Hainan Island, China

Torrential rain whipped up by Tropical Depression 14 triggered major flooding from central Vietnam to the island of Hainan, China.

The outbursts of rain began last weekend in the middle of Vietnam, where Hue got nearly 30 inches of rain within three days, and ended Monday.

The tropical weather system was designated Tropical Depression 14 on Monday as it tracked northward between Vietnam and Hainan. T.D. 14 later made landfall on Hainan, where it sparked flooding rain and mudslides.

Flooding rain also pounded Sanya, the southernmost city of Hainan. On the eastern side of the island, Qionghai was swamped by almost 44 inches of rain between Sunday and Wednesday. Of this cloudburst, more than 27 inches fell within one 24-hour stretch that ended early Wednesday, local time.
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With this debate going the way it's currently going and people confused on what is exactly going on "I almost wish" the climate of the fucking earth would do one of two things.

1# Start rising at least .3 to .5c between now and 2020 or 2# Crash into a ice age. Would serve us stupid creatures right.:tongue: There would be NO more debating if either happens, but we would then be friends and work together.

This debate is because of the uncertainty. God please end the uncertainly and let the shit out of the bag if need be to give your children a clue.

That sure would end this back and fourth bull shit!

Yes Matthew, because ending life as we know it so someone can be right is a far far better outcome. :cuckoo:

But it sure would end this debate and bring us together to survive it if either of the 80 foot man eatting snakes came through the window.

We all know what we're dealing with then and it isn't likely to be a good.:eek:
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A readily available example of the effects of a rapid climate change, in either direction, is available from the beginning and ending of the Younger Dryas period.

Problem is, while the evidence of the effects are clear, what is not clear is at what point in a changing temperature regime does a rapid climate change take place.

Well, I am sure that we are going to find out, sooner or later, most probably sooner.
Note the running 13 month mean on the UAH chart. We are now equal, or nearly equal to 1998. And the starting point was higher, the drop on the other side will more than likely be less than that of 1999-2000.

Look at the average from 2002 to 2007. It is higher through those five years than any of the previous highs in the average back to 1979. Yet the dimbulbs on this board will come on an claim that it has cooled since 1998.

The 'record cold' year of 2008 is the highest low of the satellite record. The lowest solar minimum, sunsport minimum, and a strong La Nina, and 2008 is still the 8th or 10th warmest year in the last 150 years. But the denialists here still claim that is meaningless. Short of watching their children endure mallnourishment and hunger, nothing will convince them that the politics of global warming are not more important than the science.
Mathew, these people will deny until the changing climate is starving them. Then they will scream that the scientists gave them no warning. They are not just into denial of the obvious warming, but far into denial of reality and science itself.

Poor olfraud. Falling back on that old cannard. We sceptics (and really why are we still using that term?) fully respect science. What we don't respect is the perversion of science for financial and political gain.

BTW does your company own that alumina plant in Hungary whose outflow is poisoning its way to the Danube? Just wondering.

Oh and one more thing.. It is MATTHEW, at least have the courtesy to spell the mans name correctly.
Dumb ass, life as we know it is already ending. Or are you just to stupid to see what the precipitation events of this year are showing us?

Just the latest from a year full of these events; - Weather News | Over 40 Inches of Rain Inundates Hainan Island, China

Torrential rain whipped up by Tropical Depression 14 triggered major flooding from central Vietnam to the island of Hainan, China.

The outbursts of rain began last weekend in the middle of Vietnam, where Hue got nearly 30 inches of rain within three days, and ended Monday.

The tropical weather system was designated Tropical Depression 14 on Monday as it tracked northward between Vietnam and Hainan. T.D. 14 later made landfall on Hainan, where it sparked flooding rain and mudslides.

Flooding rain also pounded Sanya, the southernmost city of Hainan. On the eastern side of the island, Qionghai was swamped by almost 44 inches of rain between Sunday and Wednesday. Of this cloudburst, more than 27 inches fell within one 24-hour stretch that ended early Wednesday, local time.

I dare you to gp back through the historical record olfraud. You will see "precipitation events" (what an absolute crock of horse crap, it's called RAIN) all through history. Every year has some place on the globe that either gets way more or way less than average. EVERY year.

And Matthew I invite you to do the same. Go ahead and Google rain, flooding, drought, blizzard, etc. You will find a listing of some amazing weather event for every year that you look. In other words these "events" are the norm. The propagandists would love you to believe otherwise but it is a simple fact.
Note the running 13 month mean on the UAH chart. We are now equal, or nearly equal to 1998. And the starting point was higher, the drop on the other side will more than likely be less than that of 1999-2000.

Look at the average from 2002 to 2007. It is higher through those five years than any of the previous highs in the average back to 1979. Yet the dimbulbs on this board will come on an claim that it has cooled since 1998.

The 'record cold' year of 2008 is the highest low of the satellite record. The lowest solar minimum, sunsport minimum, and a strong La Nina, and 2008 is still the 8th or 10th warmest year in the last 150 years. But the denialists here still claim that is meaningless. Short of watching their children endure mallnourishment and hunger, nothing will convince them that the politics of global warming are not more important than the science.

Your science has been polluted by malfeasance. Clean up the house and then we will be happy to talk with you. Currently your side has no legitimate evidence because no one knows what is real anymore.
Note the running 13 month mean on the UAH chart. We are now equal, or nearly equal to 1998. And the starting point was higher, the drop on the other side will more than likely be less than that of 1999-2000.

Look at the average from 2002 to 2007. It is higher through those five years than any of the previous highs in the average back to 1979. Yet the dimbulbs on this board will come on an claim that it has cooled since 1998.

The 'record cold' year of 2008 is the highest low of the satellite record. The lowest solar minimum, sunsport minimum, and a strong La Nina, and 2008 is still the 8th or 10th warmest year in the last 150 years. But the denialists here still claim that is meaningless. Short of watching their children endure mallnourishment and hunger, nothing will convince them that the politics of global warming are not more important than the science.

Your science has been polluted by malfeasance. Clean up the house and then we will be happy to talk with you. Currently your side has no legitimate evidence because no one knows what is real anymore.
Except this data comes from YOUR house!!!!!

Christy and Spencer at UAH are the premier deniers on Earth and have a long history of fudging the numbers to make them the coldest they can possibly be, so the real temps are probably higher than these high temps posted!!!

Just further proof that even data from deniers that shows global warming is not acceptable to CON$.
Thank you.

August 9, 2007
RUSH: I got a note here from our official climatologist Roy Spencer, University of Alabama at Huntsville.* He is a genuine scientist and has been doing some research and he released the research today in Geophysical Research Letters.*

There are slight fluctuation in the temperature!

Alert the media!

I repeat there are slight fluctuations in the temperature! This is not a fucking drill people! This is for real!


The Chart in the OP is ALMOST IDENTICAL to this one!

Global Warming Climate Change Climate Disruption!

This time its for real!

And its coming ta git ya sukkas!
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Note the running 13 month mean on the UAH chart. We are now equal, or nearly equal to 1998. And the starting point was higher, the drop on the other side will more than likely be less than that of 1999-2000.

Look at the average from 2002 to 2007. It is higher through those five years than any of the previous highs in the average back to 1979. Yet the dimbulbs on this board will come on an claim that it has cooled since 1998.

The 'record cold' year of 2008 is the highest low of the satellite record. The lowest solar minimum, sunsport minimum, and a strong La Nina, and 2008 is still the 8th or 10th warmest year in the last 150 years. But the denialists here still claim that is meaningless. Short of watching their children endure mallnourishment and hunger, nothing will convince them that the politics of global warming are not more important than the science.

Your science has been polluted by malfeasance. Clean up the house and then we will be happy to talk with you. Currently your side has no legitimate evidence because no one knows what is real anymore.
Except this data comes from YOUR house!!!!!

Christy and Spencer at UAH are the premier deniers on Earth and have a long history of fudging the numbers to make them the coldest they can possibly be, so the real temps are probably higher than these high temps posted!!!

Just further proof that even data from deniers that shows global warming is not acceptable to CON$.
Thank you.

August 9, 2007
RUSH: I got a note here from our official climatologist Roy Spencer, University of Alabama at Huntsville.* He is a genuine scientist and has been doing some research and he released the research today in Geophysical Research Letters.*

Get a clue.
So, if the central these is that CO2 is a devastating warming gas and we've been progressively adding more each year for the past 150 years why hasn't the average trended up at all?

Weird, no?

If it never goes away and can only make things warmer, you'd expect the trend line to be up, but it's not.
So, if the central these is that CO2 is a devastating warming gas and we've been progressively adding more each year for the past 150 years why hasn't the average trended up at all?

Weird, no?

If it never goes away and can only make things warmer, you'd expect the trend line to be up, but it's not.

You got a good point, but solar output has slowly went down since 1950, which should cause a cooling, but NO cooling yet. That is also weird.
So, if the central these is that CO2 is a devastating warming gas and we've been progressively adding more each year for the past 150 years why hasn't the average trended up at all?

Weird, no?

If it never goes away and can only make things warmer, you'd expect the trend line to be up, but it's not.

You got a good point, but solar output has slowly went down since 1950, which should cause a cooling, but NO cooling yet. That is also weird.

Once again Matthew if the AGW proponents have been "adjusting" the temperature readings ever upwards. What makes you think the temperatures really aren't going down?
There is overwhelming evidence that they have been altering the historic temperature record going back over 50 years. Why, pray tell, are they doing that?
God, keep on demostrating just how much of a dumb ass you truly are, Walleyes. So they have people up there blasting snow off of the glaciers, also?

And there is no evidence whatsoever for your claim. Just more lies from you and people like you.

Absolutely anyone that has lived in the Pacific Northwest for the last 50 years has observed the regression of the glaciers on our mountains.
God, keep on demostrating just how much of a dumb ass you truly are, Walleyes. So they have people up there blasting snow off of the glaciers, also?

And there is no evidence whatsoever for your claim. Just more lies from you and people like you.

Absolutely anyone that has lived in the Pacific Northwest for the last 50 years has observed the regression of the glaciers on our mountains.

And if you had really taken those geology classes you claim to have taken you would know that the glaciers have been retreating since 1850 withthe exception of two brief periods of advance in the 1970's or there abouts in New Zealand and Switzerland. But hey those are real facts all you've got are feelings.

Geology student you never were. You don't think even remotely like a geologist.

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