UAH for Feb .3 or third warmest Feb since 1979.


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
The upper part of the atmosphere over the past year has been running "colder" then the surface. But, it is another data point so I use it.

From 1979-1992 = warming was about as fast as the last 14 years....
Volcano want off in the early 1991's and charged things...
2000-2002 = huge warm up in global temperatures...Probably a new climate regime.

What is increasing is the fact that 2001-2015 looks like of like the pre-volcano warming of the 1979-1992 period.

My pet theory is the oceans with the 1998 nino released "energy" into atmosphere. This warmed us up super fast at the same time we were recovering from volcano.


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I was waiting for this to come out, too see just what adjustments they made again.. And they did not disappoint... they adjusted sea surface temps up again to obtain this and now they are claiming the El Nino has started. However, they are lying AGAIN... Empirical evidence shows that it is not happening.. No temp rise and No El Nino...


LA. NADA... is what is happening and the Hottest ev'a crap is a lie...

All I can do is laugh at the folks who parrot this crap and do no research to verify thier claims..
NOAA Claims: ‘Elusive El Niño arrives’ – the question is, ‘where’?

"Due to the weak strength of the El Niño, widespread or significant global weather pattern impacts are not anticipated. However, certain impacts often associated with El Niño may appear this spring in parts of the Northern Hemisphere, such as wetter-than-normal conditions along the U.S. Gulf Coast."

This is rich... The NOAA primer is dripping with... Please happen, please, please, please....
Um, Billy? The El Nino comes from having more yellow than blue in the Pacific. Is reading a temperature chart really that hard?

Anyways, we get it. All the data says you're making everything up, so you're going to continue to rave that all the data is faked.

So why haven't you been institutionalized?

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