U.S. starts humanitarian airdrops, weighs airstrikes in Iraq

I'd never accuse America of good motives. I'm just saying, if you're gonna do something, do it right. We should've taken out Saddam and gotten out of there. And if we stayed, then kick ass.

And if Obama had options as far as leaving troops and having bases. If ya cut and run, then cut and run. Don't come back with this we're considering air strikes nonsense.

Why should we have taken Saddam out? He was not a threat, and had nothing to do with 9-11. What we should have done is immediatly after 9-11, taken out Bin Laden, then gotten the hell out of that region. That would have saved over 6000 of the lives of our sons and daughters, and trillions of dollars.

A moot point at this juncture, Bush said he got "bad intel", and wanted him out. The excuse was WMDs and nukes, neither fantasy was true. Also, Saddam threatened George Bush Sr. The situation TODAY is was must be addressed.

Saddam didn't just threaten him. He sent a jeep filled with explosives that got intercepted when Bush was in Kuwait. And the so-called WMDs were likely transported to Syria. That was not necessarily a lie. If it was; Bush and Clinton and all the other a-holes in Washington were perpetuating the same lie.
The thing with ISIS is that there is no real target. They are always on the move, so they need to be targeted as they move. On a positive note, I heard on Fox news that two ISIS commanders were killed by airstrikes...:thup:

ISIS is that there is no real target.

certainly there is

any American made military vehicle roaming around

in ISIL occupied ares are targets or at least should be

it is time we repo our equipment
The thing with ISIS is that there is no real target. They are always on the move, so they need to be targeted as they move. On a positive note, I heard on Fox news that two ISIS commanders were killed by airstrikes...:thup:

ISIS is that there is no real target.

certainly there is

any American made military vehicle roaming around

in ISIL occupied ares are targets or at least should be

it is time we repo our equipment
Forget the repo. I say just target their entire convoy or convoys with air strikes. I don't mind losing the equipment if we rid ourselves of terrorists in the process.
The thing with ISIS is that there is no real target. They are always on the move, so they need to be targeted as they move. On a positive note, I heard on Fox news that two ISIS commanders were killed by airstrikes...:thup:

Yes, that was the problem a couple months ago, now, an urgent need to protect US citizens that decided to stay, and the Kurds. Plus, the few remaining Christians and the Yazidis.
The priority should be protecting the U.S. Embassy in Bagdad and the U.S. Consulates in Basra, Erbil and Kirkuk. US citizens who are civilians and are scattered throughout Iraq should leave Iraq ASAP and return to the US.
The thing with ISIS is that there is no real target. They are always on the move, so they need to be targeted as they move. On a positive note, I heard on Fox news that two ISIS commanders were killed by airstrikes...:thup:

ISIS is that there is no real target.

certainly there is

any American made military vehicle roaming around

in ISIL occupied ares are targets or at least should be

it is time we repo our equipment
Forget the repo. I say just target their entire convoy or convoys with air strikes. I don't mind losing the equipment if we rid ourselves of terrorists in the process.

yes by targeting means pretty much left as a ball of fire
If obama hadn't selfishly, irresponsibly pissed away all the hard-won gains in Iraq for a moment's political posturing, this wouldn't be necessary.
If obama hadn't selfishly, irresponsibly pissed away all the hard-won gains in Iraq for a moment's political posturing, this wouldn't be necessary.

Did he really piss them away? What's to stop us from sending troops in now? Would we want to? Obviously, many innocent lives would be saved (at the cost of some American lives); but are we really that noble? And should politicians be so 'noble' with other people's lives?

I'm not making any excuses for Obama. I know he's spineless. But you're just regurgitating mindless Republican talking points.
BOBO should have 'MOABED' ISIS as they were leaving Syria. But he didn't.
Now BOBO 'owns' the problem visa vi protecting the religious groups from genocide by ISIS.
He either must destroy ISIS or turn his back on tens of thousands of innocent victims of likely the worst evil bunch of radical Muslims the world has ever seen. (What secretly makes this religious group impossible to ignore is they are all so 'Western' looking. Beautiful women who Chris Matthews referred to as "looking like those seen in National Geographic magazine." Good old Chris.)
He can't just drop some pallets of food/water which BTW ISIS will end up taking for themselves. then fly away. Now BOBO must find a safe place for these people. Where in Iraq would that be? He must provide for all their basic needs until ISI is no longer a threat to them. How long will that take? Who's going to foot the bill?
So now BOBO is in the shit and it will end up sticking to his shoes until and after he struts off back to Chicagoland.
ISIS WILL fight to the last man. 'No surrender'. It will cost the US more trillions of 'Maker's' tax money.
BOBO and the US has now got itself it's own Gaza. When the US starts dropping bombs on ISIS out in the desert where do you think they the human scum will run to? That's right. Into the most populated parts of Iraq's cities. Then watch the cock-suckers at the UN scream when thousands of innocents are being blown up.
Solution? Get fucking rid of this global cancer once and for all. Put a thousand dollar cash bounty on every head of every member of ISIS/AQ and every other group of radical Islam sub-human savages on the planet.
This is what happens when a half Black Socialist who never has believed in American exceptionalism "leads from behind". He should have/could have destroyed ISIS months ago when they were in the middle of nowhere heading towards Iraq's cities. Like Bush 1 did to Sadam's Royal Guard as they were leaving Kuwait.
Somewhat ironic to note that today many of Sadam's Bathist Generals are now commanding ISIS. Funny old world.

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