U.S. Senator John Kerry Being Considered For U.S. Secretary Of Defense

wingnut website with myths and leis all debunked. :lol:

wingnut website? :lmao:
It's a military website;
Soldier, Sailor, Airman, and Marine (Enlisted and Officer), now have a place to come to "Sound Off."

Oh, excuse me. Hiding behind the flag and patriotism? :eusa_clap:

Veterans are also murderers. Lee Harvey was a US Marine. Timothy McVeigh was a US Army veteran. we can go on...

A website made and kept up by veterans is NOT a military web site

And if you want to claim the Military as the final word: The US Military says John Kerry is a war hero
The man is a war hero.

this is how you on the right honor service

Are we to ignore the many many men that served during the same period as he? The men that served with him deny everything he says. They definitely denied his war hero status. I served as a Marine in Vietnam and I never witnessed the many horrible things that he accused the military of. There is no doubt that on rare occassions a wrong was committed but no where near the scale that Kerry spoke of.

You never served SHIT!!!!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CEaAVPPRZHI]Winter Soldier Investigation (1971) - US War Crimes in Vietnam P1 - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=baEGSlzGCDo]Winter Soldier Investigation - US War Crimes In Vietnam P2 - YouTube[/ame]

You're a LYIN' ASSHOLE!!!!!
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Kerry? Isn't he the guy that lied to Congress about what he was doing in Nam? I doubt Obama can get enough votes to confirm him even if Democrats had all 100 seats in the Senate.
Every man who served with him backed him.

they say he saved their lives

No, not EVERY man who served with him backed him.

I'm sure Kerry has the ones that back him did paid off by now for lying for him.

the men who served with in the swiftboats do. I know. I met them.

After Brinkley wrote his book, [ame=http://www.amazon.com/Tour-Duty-John-Kerry-Vietnam/dp/0060565233]Tour of Duty: John Kerry and the Vietnam War: Douglas Brinkley: 9780060565237: Amazon.com: Books[/ame] A few asshole Officers who looked bad in the book got together.

You ignore Jim Rassman. You are calling men who actually served in combat with Kerry liars

shame on you and your kind
Every man who served with him backed him.

they say he saved their lives

That's an outright LIE and you know damned well those who served under him trashed his leadership in a book that came out during the '04 campaign.

Turn your rep back on so I can neg your lion ass.

No they didn't.

In fact most of the people trashing him, never met him.
So someone that lied about his Vietnam "heroic actions," lied about other Vietnam Vets to Congress and while in Congress accused US troops of war crimes in Iraq.....is up for SECDEF.

This is further proof liberals hate the military by choosing an enemy of the US military to oversee it.

He didn't lie about anything.

And yeah..he was a hero.

It's disgusting that conservatives trashed the war record of a bonafide American Hero.

But that's nothing new..they do it on a regular basis. Did it to Jack Murtha. Did it Max Cleland. Did it to Tammy Duckworth.



At least Bush served unlike that weasel Obama.[/QUOTE]

There was no war during Obama's youth. There was also no draft.


It was a shame that Obama could not have been born sooner as he might could have held Kerry's hand when he was winning all those battles and medals. (killing all the VC barbers)​
At least Bush served unlike that weasel Obama.

There was no war during Obama's youth. There was also no draft.


It was a shame that Obama could not have been born sooner as he might could have held Kerry's hand when he was winning all those battles and medals. (killing all the VC barbers)

James Rassmann (born ~1948) is a former Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department lieutenant who served with the U.S. Army's 5th Special Forces Group in the Vietnam War in 1968 and 1969.[1] Now a resident of the U.S. state of Oregon, he has credited U.S. Senator John Kerry with having rescued him from the Bay Hap River on March 13, 1969.[1]

Rassman recommended Kerry for a Silver Star medal, but the two did not maintain a relationship for the following 30 years. Rassman gained national prominence during the 2004 Presidential election when he publicly denounced the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth's campaign against Kerry.

Rassman is now a retired Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department deputy sheriff and an "avid" orchid grower.[1]
There was no war during Obama's youth. There was also no draft.


It was a shame that Obama could not have been born sooner as he might could have held Kerry's hand when he was winning all those battles and medals. (killing all the VC barbers)

James Rassmann (born ~1948) is a former Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department lieutenant who served with the U.S. Army's 5th Special Forces Group in the Vietnam War in 1968 and 1969.[1] Now a resident of the U.S. state of Oregon, he has credited U.S. Senator John Kerry with having rescued him from the Bay Hap River on March 13, 1969.[1]

Rassman recommended Kerry for a Silver Star medal, but the two did not maintain a relationship for the following 30 years. Rassman gained national prominence during the 2004 Presidential election when he publicly denounced the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth's campaign against Kerry.

Rassman is now a retired Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department deputy sheriff and an "avid" orchid grower.[1]

If Rassman believes everything that Kerry said about the American military then he has been smoking those orchid's. Nobody has said that Kerry was not in Vietnam even though it was a short period of time. His heroics are what is in question. I never met Kerry or Rassman in Vietnam but some vets did even though he was there for such a short period of time and they have every right to speak to his so called valor.
So someone that lied about his Vietnam "heroic actions," lied about other Vietnam Vets to Congress and while in Congress accused US troops of war crimes in Iraq.....is up for SECDEF.

This is further proof liberals hate the military by choosing an enemy of the US military to oversee it.

He didn't lie about anything.

And yeah..he was a hero.

It's disgusting that conservatives trashed the war record of a bonafide American Hero.

Ya' gotta consider the source.

"Richard Nixon's former special counsel Charles Colson has stated that he recruited O'Neill to be a "counterfoil" to John Kerry. Kerry had come to prominence as part of the Vietnam Veterans Against the War, and had become a particular target for the White House since his appearance before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee."

Every man who served with him backed him.

they say he saved their lives

No, not EVERY man who served with him backed him.

I'm sure Kerry has the ones that back him did paid off by now for lying for him.

the men who served with in the swiftboats do. I know. I met them.

After Brinkley wrote his book, [ame=http://www.amazon.com/Tour-Duty-John-Kerry-Vietnam/dp/0060565233]Tour of Duty: John Kerry and the Vietnam War: Douglas Brinkley: 9780060565237: Amazon.com: Books[/ame] A few asshole Officers who looked bad in the book got together.

You ignore Jim Rassman. You are calling men who actually served in combat with Kerry liars

shame on you and your kind

And i know all the guys that spoke up against him, I met them.

See how that goes?

Kerry should NOT be in charge of our military! He should be no place near the White house!

And....thanks for the neg :)
It was a shame that Obama could not have been born sooner as he might could have held Kerry's hand when he was winning all those battles and medals. (killing all the VC barbers)

James Rassmann (born ~1948) is a former Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department lieutenant who served with the U.S. Army's 5th Special Forces Group in the Vietnam War in 1968 and 1969.[1] Now a resident of the U.S. state of Oregon, he has credited U.S. Senator John Kerry with having rescued him from the Bay Hap River on March 13, 1969.[1]

Rassman recommended Kerry for a Silver Star medal, but the two did not maintain a relationship for the following 30 years. Rassman gained national prominence during the 2004 Presidential election when he publicly denounced the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth's campaign against Kerry.

Rassman is now a retired Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department deputy sheriff and an "avid" orchid grower.[1]

If Rassman believes everything that Kerry said about the American military then he has been smoking those orchid's.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yt6aYjmTJRY]Winter Soldier 1972 (Full) - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iifN5LqzD4k]"Soldiers In Revolt" GI Resistance During the Vietnam War" (CC) - YouTube[/ame]


You "conservatives" don't GET to make-up YOUR OWN HISTORY!!!!!
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I can't believe even Obama is that big an idiot.

Hey I'm not a John Kerry or Obama fan at all but why is this a dumb move for obama?

I just think its a good move for him, get the clintons out of his admin and bring in a guy who is well respected amongst the democrat party.

Hillary had an 80% approval rating & the foreigners loved Bill Clinton. I don't see how John Kerry is going to be good at all. He has no respect here or abroad.

yes he does.

You just still lie in lie land.

The man is an American hero and VERY bright

I'd love to see BOTH of you back up your opinions and if you do I will read your posts and your links.
No, not EVERY man who served with him backed him.

I'm sure Kerry has the ones that back him did paid off by now for lying for him.

the men who served with in the swiftboats do. I know. I met them.

After Brinkley wrote his book, [ame=http://www.amazon.com/Tour-Duty-John-Kerry-Vietnam/dp/0060565233]Tour of Duty: John Kerry and the Vietnam War: Douglas Brinkley: 9780060565237: Amazon.com: Books[/ame] A few asshole Officers who looked bad in the book got together.

You ignore Jim Rassman. You are calling men who actually served in combat with Kerry liars

shame on you and your kind

And i know all the guys that spoke up against him, I met them.


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