U. S. Marshalls Now Looking Into Treatment Of Jan 6 Defendents


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
U.S. District Court Judge Royce Lamberth called out this treatment of defendants during a case in which he found that one of the defendants hadn’t been provided with treatment for a broken hand. He found jail officials in civil contempt for failing to provide the records needed for the defendant’s medical treatment. Lamberth went on to question the treatment of other defendants.

“I find that the civil rights of the defendant have been abused,” Lamberth, who was appointed by former President Reagan, said at a hearing Wednesday morning, according to The Washington Post. “I don’t know if it’s because he’s a January 6th defendant or not, but I find this matter should be referred to the attorney general of the United States for a civil rights investigation into whether the D.C. Department of Corrections is violating the civil rights of January 6th defendants … in this and maybe other cases.”

Now U.S. Marshals’ Office has been inspecting the D.C. jail and talking to the people being held to see if they are being treated appropriately.

Multiple officials said a U.S. Marshals Service inspection team arrived at the jail Monday at 9:30 a.m. and was still inside at the end of the business day.
D.C. Deputy Mayor for Public Safety Chris Geldart confirmed Monday the inspectors are speaking with Jan. 6 defendants and said all court orders are being followed. “We have been working with the marshals office,” he said. “As a matter of fact, they’re in there today doing an inspection of the jail and talking with many of the Jan. 6 folks that are there to make sure that we are continuing to do that.”

Judge Lamberth discovered civil rights violations perpetrated against Jan 6 defendants. He turned the case over to Biden's DOJ - Garland. Let's see if Garland ensures they get treated fairly and their civil rights protected.

U.S. District Court Judge Royce Lamberth called out this treatment of defendants during a case in which he found that one of the defendants hadn’t been provided with treatment for a broken hand. He found jail officials in civil contempt for failing to provide the records needed for the defendant’s medical treatment. Lamberth went on to question the treatment of other defendants.

“I find that the civil rights of the defendant have been abused,” Lamberth, who was appointed by former President Reagan, said at a hearing Wednesday morning, according to The Washington Post. “I don’t know if it’s because he’s a January 6th defendant or not, but I find this matter should be referred to the attorney general of the United States for a civil rights investigation into whether the D.C. Department of Corrections is violating the civil rights of January 6th defendants … in this and maybe other cases.”

Now U.S. Marshals’ Office has been inspecting the D.C. jail and talking to the people being held to see if they are being treated appropriately.

Multiple officials said a U.S. Marshals Service inspection team arrived at the jail Monday at 9:30 a.m. and was still inside at the end of the business day.
D.C. Deputy Mayor for Public Safety Chris Geldart confirmed Monday the inspectors are speaking with Jan. 6 defendants and said all court orders are being followed. “We have been working with the marshals office,” he said. “As a matter of fact, they’re in there today doing an inspection of the jail and talking with many of the Jan. 6 folks that are there to make sure that we are continuing to do that.”

Judge Lamberth discovered civil rights violations perpetrated against Jan 6 defendants. He turned the case over to Biden's DOJ - Garland. Let's see if Garland ensures they get treated fairly and their civil rights protected.

I don't care about pretrial confinement for these anti-American bozos, but if they came in with a broken bone or broke there and reported it, failure to treat, sucks big time, and is beyond the pale of what should be put up with, out of a federal holding facility.
And people wonder why the gov should be feared.
It should be the otherway around.
Why would you give me a thumbs down? You somehow approve of prisoners being denied treatment for broken bones at holding facilities. That's kind of barbaric, dude.
I don't care about pretrial confinement for these anti-American bozos, but if they came in with a broken bone or broke there and reported it, failure to treat, sucks big time, and is beyond the pale of what should be put up with, out of a federal holding facility.

You are confused Moon Bat

These are patriotic Americans protesting the blatant stealing of our Republic by the Democrat filth. They are political prisoners.

The government should be throwing the Democrat scum that stole the election from the American people in jail. The piece of shit that murdered the unarmed Patriot woman should be executed.

If the government wanted to go after protesters then they need to go after the thousands of Negro and Communist filth that spent six months looting, destroying, burning and murdering in over 200 American cities.
It was your first sentence.
You apparently dont believe in civil rights.
A judge decided they were a danger to society if released, and I yield to the judges, as those people knew better, but lacked the self-discipline or attitude (possibly in the court) not to be a threat to society and this country. The bulk of my post was about the outrage of not treating injured detainees, and that was what the thread and the linked article was about.
On your sore point about the lengthy pretrial confinements, (though not what this thread was about), for 90% if those still confined, it would not hurt my feelings if found guilty, but only got sentenced to time served and a fine, unless they are belligerent and unrepentant. Most have gotten the point, their actions were unacceptable and are unlikely to repeat.
A judge decided they were a danger to society if released, and I yield to the judges, as those people knew better, but lacked the self-discipline or attitude (possibly in the court) not to be a threat to society and this country. The bulk of my post was about the outrage of not treating injured detainees, and that was what the thread and the linked article was about.
On your sore point about the lengthy pretrial confinements, (though not what this thread was about), for 90% if those still confined, it would not hurt my feelings if found guilty, but only got sentenced to time served and a fine, unless they are belligerent and unrepentant. Most have gotten the point, their actions were unacceptable and are unlikely to repeat.

Thats total bullshit and you know it.
You are confused Moon Bat

These are patriotic Americans protesting the blatant stealing of our Republic by the Democrat filth. They are political prisoners.

The government should be throwing the Democrat scum that stole the election from the American people in jail. The piece of shit that murdered the unarmed Patriot woman should be executed.

If the government wanted to go after protesters then they need to go after the thousands of Negro and Communist filth that spent six months looting, destroying, burning and murdering in over 200 American cities.
The courts decided different, over 62 times, before inauguration day, as did the state houses, the election boards that it was not stolen by anybody. If you cannot live with the people choosing and the courts repeatedly upholding what the states did, and how they conducted and decided, you probably will have to just move to a third world country with a strong man, autocratic government, not set upon observing the constitution and rule of law. Becoming an anarchist asshole is not the answer and will not be tolerated. There are communist countries where the vote is 99% to keep strongman autocratic rule. You should look around. Maybe you will find happiness.
Thats total bullshit and you know it.
Talk to the judge. I didn't come to the decision, I just support the court to be able to make the decision, regarding the people that made their decisions to attack the government, because they were the kind of people that did not support the courts, or the states, or the constitution, or even their own vice president siding with the constitution. I have not read any transcripts of perps in front of the judges. It is possible they went in with the same attitude that got them there in the first place, when they were being a threat to society and the government and said things in front of the judge to let him know, that is how they thought.
If it was a rapist going to a bail hearing, and he led with don't pick on me, rape is cool, I've done nothing wrong, he probably would not get out on bond, either.
The D.C. denizens are so scared of Trump that anyone who supports him must be punished and stripped of their rights. We see this over and over again. Trump represents backbone, middle class workers who especially the D.C. Democrats literally hate because individual rights threaten their little lucrative, bureaucratic fifedoms.
We're not a democracy.
Really, explain how do Senators, Members of the H. of Rep., Governors, Mayors, etc. etc. seek and obtain their office?

Why did the Preamble begin with, "We the People"?

Why do the people sign petitions to recall Governors? If recalled how is it determined when they appear on a ballot to vote Yes or No?
Really, explain how do Senators, Members of the H. of Rep., Governors, Mayors, etc. etc. seek and obtain their office?

Why did the Preamble begin with, "We the People"?

Why do the people sign petitions to recall Governors? If recalled how is it determined when they appear on a ballot to vote Yes or No?

Thats your answer?

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