U.S. Congress urged to crack down on Chinese investment as Canada opens door


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Canada, the RCMP and their surrogates will continue to stab America in the back. Hopefully this administration knows what is at stake. The reality is that Canada will engage in free trade with China eventually as we share similar systems, especially here in Communist Ontario.

Canada and Chinas system is based on nepotism, big government, intrusive and powerful police agencies that are the de facto "managers" of foreign businesses on our land. When we have Canadian businesses expand to other countries, you can also assume a heavy covert presence by our low performing agents. I've been warning about this foreign interference in Canada and BY Canada for a decade.

No wonder our allies don't trust us...

U.S. Congress urged to crack down on Chinese investment as Canada opens door

A U.S. congressional watchdog is calling for stricter oversight of investments or takeovers by Chinese companies and a ban on Beijing's state-owned or state-controlled entities from buying U.S. assets – a dramatically different approach to China than the one Ottawa is taking.

The annual report to Congress by the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission arrives shortly before Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is expected to begin free-trade talks with China that could ultimately see Canada relax controls over Chinese investment in this country.

The federal government has already signalled a greater willingness than the previous, Conservative government to open Canada's economy to Chinese investment, allowing a high-tech takeover that was banned under former prime minister Stephen Harper to proceed and approving another one without a formal national security review.

In contrast, the U.S. report says Washington needs to be vigilant as China expands investments in new technology and industries around the world such as robotics, artificial intelligence, information communications, biotechnology and agriculture.

"These investments lead to the transfer of valuable U.S. assets, intellectual property and technology to China, presenting potential risks to critical U.S. economic and national security interests," the report says.

Chinese investment in the United States has risen dramatically over the past half-decade, it notes. On a cumulative basis, the amount invested in key sectors rose to $46.2-billion (U.S.) in 2016 from $4.6-billion in 2010.

Meanwhile, Chinese foreign direct investment in Canada totalled $5.2-billion (Canadian) in 2016, down from $10.2-billion in 2010, according to the University of Alberta's China Institute.

The congressional commission says China's authoritarian Communist Party exercises enormous influence over all Chinese corporations – whether they are state-owned or privately run.

"Some private Chinese companies operating in strategic sectors are private only in name, with the Chinese government using an array of measures, including financial support and other incentives as well as coercion, to influence private business decisions and achieve state goals," the report says.

Some Chinese firms even seek to obscure their dealings in the United States through the use of U.S.-based shell companies or try to drive down the value of U.S. assets through sophisticated cyberespionage campaigns and then acquire the firms, the report says.
Trump's "America Only" policies are costing US businesses all over the world. Places like Singapore and the Philippines were once strong holds for US business and now they are being taken over financially by the Chinese who are willing to give a little.

This has always been the problem with the America Only approach, there are plenty of other G8 countries that are willing to fill in when we get mad and take our ball home.
Trump's "America Only" policies are costing US businesses all over the world. Places like Singapore and the Philippines were once strong holds for US business and now they are being taken over financially by the Chinese who are willing to give a little.

This has always been the problem with the America Only approach, there are plenty of other G8 countries that are willing to fill in when we get mad and take our ball home.

China willing to give a little? Of course, they are communists who pay their citizens peanuts and put people in jail or worse, for following religion or liberty.

Maybe American businesses should just leave China and enter the same places the Chinese are entering. After all, communist power doesn't work on it's own and it is as anti-American as any system, but like you do for Canada, American businesses seem intent on subsidizing the Chinese.
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Trump's "America Only" policies are costing US businesses all over the world. Places like Singapore and the Philippines were once strong holds for US business and now they are being taken over financially by the Chinese who are willing to give a little.

This has always been the problem with the America Only approach, there are plenty of other G8 countries that are willing to fill in when we get mad and take our ball home.

China willing to give a little? Of course, they are communists who pay their citizens peanuts and put people in jail or worse, for following religion or liberty.

Maybe American businesses should just leave China and enter the same places the Chinese are entering. After all, communist power doesn't work as is as anti-American as any system, but like you do for Canada, American businesses seem intent on subsidizing the Chinese.

China is a communist country in name only these days, their economy is capitalistic and the state only owns about 3 percent of all the companies in China.

American businesses were already in those places and are not being replaced because those countries do not not what to expect from the US in regards to tariffs and the like. The US can no longer be trusted to uphold their end of bargains as Trump has shown he has no regards for agreements and will alter them any chance he can get.
Trump's "America Only" policies are costing US businesses all over the world. Places like Singapore and the Philippines were once strong holds for US business and now they are being taken over financially by the Chinese who are willing to give a little.

This has always been the problem with the America Only approach, there are plenty of other G8 countries that are willing to fill in when we get mad and take our ball home.

China willing to give a little? Of course, they are communists who pay their citizens peanuts and put people in jail or worse, for following religion or liberty.

Maybe American businesses should just leave China and enter the same places the Chinese are entering. After all, communist power doesn't work as is as anti-American as any system, but like you do for Canada, American businesses seem intent on subsidizing the Chinese.

China is a communist country in name only these days, their economy is capitalistic and the state only owns about 3 percent of all the companies in China.

American businesses were already in those places and are not being replaced because those countries do not not what to expect from the US in regards to tariffs and the like. The US can no longer be trusted to uphold their end of bargains as Trump has shown he has no regards for agreements and will alter them any chance he can get.

Supporting China is absurd. they are aiming for global leadership while working to bankrupt the American economy. Debt will do that, not protecting yourself from vile, foreign state actors.

If you receive investment from China, it is safe to say it is Chinese directed. If you read the article, you will also see this important point:

Last month, CCCC International Holding Ltd., a state-owned company, purchased Aecon Group Inc., a Canadian construction firm that has created landmarks such as the CN Tower and has done work on military bases, universities and the Darlington Nuclear Generating Station, for $1.5-billion.

Ottawa has yet to say if it plans to conduct a separate national security review of the deal in addition to the standard review required by the Investment Canada Act.

CCCC International has been banned from bidding on World Bank construction projects for its role in a bid-rigging scheme in the Philippines. It also helped China assert its sovereignty in the disputed South China Sea by building islands there.
Trump's "America Only" policies are costing US businesses all over the world. Places like Singapore and the Philippines were once strong holds for US business and now they are being taken over financially by the Chinese who are willing to give a little.

This has always been the problem with the America Only approach, there are plenty of other G8 countries that are willing to fill in when we get mad and take our ball home.

China willing to give a little? Of course, they are communists who pay their citizens peanuts and put people in jail or worse, for following religion or liberty.

Maybe American businesses should just leave China and enter the same places the Chinese are entering. After all, communist power doesn't work as is as anti-American as any system, but like you do for Canada, American businesses seem intent on subsidizing the Chinese.

China is a communist country in name only these days, their economy is capitalistic and the state only owns about 3 percent of all the companies in China.

American businesses were already in those places and are not being replaced because those countries do not not what to expect from the US in regards to tariffs and the like. The US can no longer be trusted to uphold their end of bargains as Trump has shown he has no regards for agreements and will alter them any chance he can get.

Supporting China is absurd. they are aiming for global leadership while working to bankrupt the American economy. Debt will do that, not protecting yourself from vile, foreign state actors.

If you receive investment from China, it is safe to say it is Chinese directed. If you read the article, you will also see this important point:

Last month, CCCC International Holding Ltd., a state-owned company, purchased Aecon Group Inc., a Canadian construction firm that has created landmarks such as the CN Tower and has done work on military bases, universities and the Darlington Nuclear Generating Station, for $1.5-billion.

Ottawa has yet to say if it plans to conduct a separate national security review of the deal in addition to the standard review required by the Investment Canada Act.

CCCC International has been banned from bidding on World Bank construction projects for its role in a bid-rigging scheme in the Philippines. It also helped China assert its sovereignty in the disputed South China Sea by building islands there.

The US going into protectionist mode only helps China and their goal of global leadership. Every hole we leave empty they will fill.
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Trump's "America Only" policies are costing US businesses all over the world. Places like Singapore and the Philippines were once strong holds for US business and now they are being taken over financially by the Chinese who are willing to give a little.

This has always been the problem with the America Only approach, there are plenty of other G8 countries that are willing to fill in when we get mad and take our ball home.

China willing to give a little? Of course, they are communists who pay their citizens peanuts and put people in jail or worse, for following religion or liberty.

Maybe American businesses should just leave China and enter the same places the Chinese are entering. After all, communist power doesn't work as is as anti-American as any system, but like you do for Canada, American businesses seem intent on subsidizing the Chinese.

China is a communist country in name only these days, their economy is capitalistic and the state only owns about 3 percent of all the companies in China.

American businesses were already in those places and are not being replaced because those countries do not not what to expect from the US in regards to tariffs and the like. The US can no longer be trusted to uphold their end of bargains as Trump has shown he has no regards for agreements and will alter them any chance he can get.

Supporting China is absurd. they are aiming for global leadership while working to bankrupt the American economy. Debt will do that, not protecting yourself from vile, foreign state actors.

If you receive investment from China, it is safe to say it is Chinese directed. If you read the article, you will also see this important point:

Last month, CCCC International Holding Ltd., a state-owned company, purchased Aecon Group Inc., a Canadian construction firm that has created landmarks such as the CN Tower and has done work on military bases, universities and the Darlington Nuclear Generating Station, for $1.5-billion.

Ottawa has yet to say if it plans to conduct a separate national security review of the deal in addition to the standard review required by the Investment Canada Act.

CCCC International has been banned from bidding on World Bank construction projects for its role in a bid-rigging scheme in the Philippines. It also helped China assert its sovereignty in the disputed South China Sea by building islands there.

The US going into protectionist mode only helps China and their goal of global leadership. Every hole we leave empty they will fill.

If you think America is protectionist, what do you call China? You think you can buy financial firms there, telecom companies or internet firms? Let's see some balance here shall we?

How about Google and Facebook bending over backwards to state censorship in order to operate there?

China is the greatest threat in American history outside of the war you fought against the British for your independence. As far as I am concerned there has never been such a massive economic and military threat from any country, and they have over 1 billion citizens.

America First is necessary because so many neo-communists have their objective in mind to destroy America and your economy.
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Trump's "America Only" policies are costing US businesses all over the world. Places like Singapore and the Philippines were once strong holds for US business and now they are being taken over financially by the Chinese who are willing to give a little.

This has always been the problem with the America Only approach, there are plenty of other G8 countries that are willing to fill in when we get mad and take our ball home.

Oh please, so we should just go on bending over and taking it up the as from CHINA? God some people are stupid morons.
Trump's "America Only" policies are costing US businesses all over the world. Places like Singapore and the Philippines were once strong holds for US business and now they are being taken over financially by the Chinese who are willing to give a little.

This has always been the problem with the America Only approach, there are plenty of other G8 countries that are willing to fill in when we get mad and take our ball home.

China willing to give a little? Of course, they are communists who pay their citizens peanuts and put people in jail or worse, for following religion or liberty.

Maybe American businesses should just leave China and enter the same places the Chinese are entering. After all, communist power doesn't work as is as anti-American as any system, but like you do for Canada, American businesses seem intent on subsidizing the Chinese.

China is a communist country in name only these days, their economy is capitalistic and the state only owns about 3 percent of all the companies in China.

American businesses were already in those places and are not being replaced because those countries do not not what to expect from the US in regards to tariffs and the like. The US can no longer be trusted to uphold their end of bargains as Trump has shown he has no regards for agreements and will alter them any chance he can get.

Supporting China is absurd. they are aiming for global leadership while working to bankrupt the American economy. Debt will do that, not protecting yourself from vile, foreign state actors.

If you receive investment from China, it is safe to say it is Chinese directed. If you read the article, you will also see this important point:

Last month, CCCC International Holding Ltd., a state-owned company, purchased Aecon Group Inc., a Canadian construction firm that has created landmarks such as the CN Tower and has done work on military bases, universities and the Darlington Nuclear Generating Station, for $1.5-billion.

Ottawa has yet to say if it plans to conduct a separate national security review of the deal in addition to the standard review required by the Investment Canada Act.

CCCC International has been banned from bidding on World Bank construction projects for its role in a bid-rigging scheme in the Philippines. It also helped China assert its sovereignty in the disputed South China Sea by building islands there.

The US going into protectionist mode only helps China and their goal of global leadership. Every hole we leave empty they will fill.

If you think America is protectionist, what do you call China? You think you can buy financial firms there, telecom companies or internet firms? Let's see some balance here shall we?

How about Google and Facebook bending over backwards to state censorship in order to operate there?

China is the greatest threat in American history outside of the war you fought against the British for your independence. As far as I am concerned there has never been such a massive economic and military threat from any country, and they have over 1 billion citizens.

America First is necessary because so many neo-communists have their objective in mind to destroy America and your economy.

I agree that China is far and away our greatest threat, and sadly by retreating to back without our own borders we are allowing them to fill in the vacuum.

Google and Facebook bend over backwards because they are making money hand over foot even with the restrictions, and that is good for the US.

The surest way to destroy our economy is to isolate it from the rest of the world, and Trump is doing his best to do that.
Trump's "America Only" policies are costing US businesses all over the world. Places like Singapore and the Philippines were once strong holds for US business and now they are being taken over financially by the Chinese who are willing to give a little.

This has always been the problem with the America Only approach, there are plenty of other G8 countries that are willing to fill in when we get mad and take our ball home.

Oh please, so we should just go on bending over and taking it up the as from CHINA? God some people are stupid morons.

Go put your head back up Trump's ass and leave the discussions to the adults.
Trump's "America Only" policies are costing US businesses all over the world. Places like Singapore and the Philippines were once strong holds for US business and now they are being taken over financially by the Chinese who are willing to give a little.

This has always been the problem with the America Only approach, there are plenty of other G8 countries that are willing to fill in when we get mad and take our ball home.

Oh please, so we should just go on bending over and taking it up the as from CHINA? God some people are stupid morons.

Go put your head back up Trump's ass and leave the discussions to the adults.

Answer the question idiot, CHINA has been screwing us over for years should we just let them continue? Why do you defend these communists?
I applaud everyone who is walking away from the Americans at this point. They should.

Biff Trump is trying to bully everyone into bending over and getting screwed on trade. The rest of the world is just walking away. This will include the Canadians and the Mexicans. Mexico is already making deals in South America since getting exports into the US has become difficult with the understaffing in the Commerce Department. There’s no one to give clearance on goods entering the country.

China is the world’s biggest emerging market and the Chinese are awash in capital thanks to American outsourcing. They’re making infrastructure loans to nations which used to get their foreign aid from the USA. Unlike the US, Chinese foreign aid isn’t dependent on buying arms and munitions from their benefactors. Much of American foreign aid really just a giant subsidy to the military industrial complex.

Shocked Canadian has been ranting all over this board that Canada is screwing the US over under NAFTA. Hardly. He fails to understand that trade agreements, by their nature have to include benefits for all parties.

Trump sees everything as a win/lose situation and he thinks the US has been on the losing side all too often. In Trump’s world, there is no win/win. No give and take.

The rest of the world no longer needs US markets to thrive. India, China, South Korea are all emerging markets with growing middle class workers, while the American middle class is shrinking due to tax policies which favour the wealthy. Changes to the US tax code being proposed now will exacerbate the process. Canada now has the fastest growing middle class in the World.

Americans are busy selling off big chunks of the US to Chinese interests. Big mistake. The one thing this Canadian knows for sure is that foreign ownership of your industrial base will definitely get you screwed.
China willing to give a little? Of course, they are communists who pay their citizens peanuts and put people in jail or worse, for following religion or liberty.

Maybe American businesses should just leave China and enter the same places the Chinese are entering. After all, communist power doesn't work as is as anti-American as any system, but like you do for Canada, American businesses seem intent on subsidizing the Chinese.

China is a communist country in name only these days, their economy is capitalistic and the state only owns about 3 percent of all the companies in China.

American businesses were already in those places and are not being replaced because those countries do not not what to expect from the US in regards to tariffs and the like. The US can no longer be trusted to uphold their end of bargains as Trump has shown he has no regards for agreements and will alter them any chance he can get.

Supporting China is absurd. they are aiming for global leadership while working to bankrupt the American economy. Debt will do that, not protecting yourself from vile, foreign state actors.

If you receive investment from China, it is safe to say it is Chinese directed. If you read the article, you will also see this important point:

Last month, CCCC International Holding Ltd., a state-owned company, purchased Aecon Group Inc., a Canadian construction firm that has created landmarks such as the CN Tower and has done work on military bases, universities and the Darlington Nuclear Generating Station, for $1.5-billion.

Ottawa has yet to say if it plans to conduct a separate national security review of the deal in addition to the standard review required by the Investment Canada Act.

CCCC International has been banned from bidding on World Bank construction projects for its role in a bid-rigging scheme in the Philippines. It also helped China assert its sovereignty in the disputed South China Sea by building islands there.

The US going into protectionist mode only helps China and their goal of global leadership. Every hole we leave empty they will fill.

If you think America is protectionist, what do you call China? You think you can buy financial firms there, telecom companies or internet firms? Let's see some balance here shall we?

How about Google and Facebook bending over backwards to state censorship in order to operate there?

China is the greatest threat in American history outside of the war you fought against the British for your independence. As far as I am concerned there has never been such a massive economic and military threat from any country, and they have over 1 billion citizens.

America First is necessary because so many neo-communists have their objective in mind to destroy America and your economy.

I agree that China is far and away our greatest threat, and sadly by retreating to back without our own borders we are allowing them to fill in the vacuum.

Google and Facebook bend over backwards because they are making money hand over foot even with the restrictions, and that is good for the US.

The surest way to destroy our economy is to isolate it from the rest of the world, and Trump is doing his best to do that.

I disagree. He is not shutting the U.S economy from anyone, anyone can invest in America and create wealth for themselves. What he is trying to do is recalibrate the system to deny the exploitation of your economy and businesses from foreign nations who pretend to operate under capitalism, when they are really communist, run by a centralized government.

America isn't applying tariffs to so many, while you are charged such tariffs accordingly. Just one such example of so many in which America gets the short end of the stick even as you are responsible for the R&D, innovation and creativity.
I applaud everyone who is walking away from the Americans at this point. They should.

Biff Trump is trying to bully everyone into bending over and getting screwed on trade. The rest of the world is just walking away. This will include the Canadians and the Mexicans. Mexico is already making deals in South America since getting exports into the US has become difficult with the understaffing in the Commerce Department. There’s no one to give clearance on goods entering the country.

China is the world’s biggest emerging market and the Chinese are awash in capital thanks to American outsourcing. They’re making infrastructure loans to nations which used to get their foreign aid from the USA. Unlike the US, Chinese foreign aid isn’t dependent on buying arms and munitions from their benefactors. Much of American foreign aid really just a giant subsidy to the military industrial complex.

Shocked Canadian has been ranting all over this board that Canada is screwing the US over under NAFTA. Hardly. He fails to understand that trade agreements, by their nature have to include benefits for all parties.

Trump sees everything as a win/lose situation and he thinks the US has been on the losing side all too often. In Trump’s world, there is no win/win. No give and take.

The rest of the world no longer needs US markets to thrive. India, China, South Korea are all emerging markets with growing middle class workers, while the American middle class is shrinking due to tax policies which favour the wealthy. Changes to the US tax code being proposed now will exacerbate the process. Canada now has the fastest growing middle class in the World.

Americans are busy selling off big chunks of the US to Chinese interests. Big mistake. The one thing this Canadian knows for sure is that foreign ownership of your industrial base will definitely get you screwed.

Why don't you move to CHINA you America hating libwit.
I disagree. He is not shutting the U.S economy from anyone, anyone can invest in America and create wealth for themselves. What he is trying to do is recalibrate the system to deny the exploitation of your economy and businesses from foreign nations who pretend to operate under capitalism, when they are really communist, run by a centralized government.

America isn't applying tariffs to so many, while you are charged such tariffs accordingly. Just one such example of so many in which America gets the short end of the stick even as you are responsible for the R&D, innovation and creativity.

Yes, anyone can invest here, but he is making it harder for our companies to invest in other countries, which is vital to those companies growth. When China replaces America in emerging countries that is bad for the US and just makes China stronger.
I applaud everyone who is walking away from the Americans at this point. They should.

Biff Trump is trying to bully everyone into bending over and getting screwed on trade. The rest of the world is just walking away. This will include the Canadians and the Mexicans. Mexico is already making deals in South America since getting exports into the US has become difficult with the understaffing in the Commerce Department. There’s no one to give clearance on goods entering the country.

China is the world’s biggest emerging market and the Chinese are awash in capital thanks to American outsourcing. They’re making infrastructure loans to nations which used to get their foreign aid from the USA. Unlike the US, Chinese foreign aid isn’t dependent on buying arms and munitions from their benefactors. Much of American foreign aid really just a giant subsidy to the military industrial complex.

Shocked Canadian has been ranting all over this board that Canada is screwing the US over under NAFTA. Hardly. He fails to understand that trade agreements, by their nature have to include benefits for all parties.

Trump sees everything as a win/lose situation and he thinks the US has been on the losing side all too often. In Trump’s world, there is no win/win. No give and take.

The rest of the world no longer needs US markets to thrive. India, China, South Korea are all emerging markets with growing middle class workers, while the American middle class is shrinking due to tax policies which favour the wealthy. Changes to the US tax code being proposed now will exacerbate the process. Canada now has the fastest growing middle class in the World.

Americans are busy selling off big chunks of the US to Chinese interests. Big mistake. The one thing this Canadian knows for sure is that foreign ownership of your industrial base will definitely get you screwed.

You are spot on. One area that nobody is thinking about is how Trump is going to screw over American farmers when they lose their overseas markets to other countries products. Wheat, field corn and soybeans farmers are already beginning to feel the pain.

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