U.S. conducted STD experiments in Guatemala

the same people who sell you meat cleaned with ammonia and cut from cows that have to stand in their own shit are the same ones who own big pharma companies. makes you wonder!

Ah, big Pharma. The "we don't really care about curing disease (where's the money in THAT???), we just want to piddle around making "maintenance" medication that you can take for the rest of your life to ease symptoms. THEN we can spend billions and billions on television, ahem "R&D" ads so that you know what to pester your doctor for!" Seriously, how much you want to bet that this "medical research" had potential dollar signs hovering over it.
you think we shouldn't apologize ?

What the hell for? It was 60 years ago. The people who conducted the experiments are no longer alive. Nobody living in the U.S today is responsible for this.
Gee, which party was running the show during '46 - '48?
Oh you think the federal government had some direct involvement in what a single unethical research group was doing outside the country? It's amazing what people try to always bring back to left vs right. I don't know what "side" you're on, but it's irrelevant.

Yet another example of the government admitting to heinous behavior no sane person would approve of, more lying and secretive actions.
This wasn't really a secretive action anymore than Tuskegee, which has served as a powerful ethical case study. This happened decades ago. We're just apologizing for it now. Since then, our ethical standards have dramatically increased, and prevent such things from happening altogether.

Ah, big Pharma. The "we don't really care about curing disease (where's the money in THAT???), we just want to piddle around making "maintenance" medication that you can take for the rest of your life to ease symptoms. THEN we can spend billions and billions on television, ahem "R&D" ads so that you know what to pester your doctor for!" Seriously, how much you want to bet that this "medical research" had potential dollar signs hovering over it.
You seem to have a hard time understanding that treating symptoms and known physiologic effects are a lot easier than creating a cure. If it were ONLY a matter of big pharma not wanting to cure things for the money, than academic medicine, which is NOT driven by profit, would be churning out miracle pills left and right. But they're not.

You're conspiracy theory amuses me though.
Did a Party do this?...

I'm Talking about Liberals Need to Find things to Apologize for and then the Extra Added Bonus of Bammy Sending HILLARY! out to do it... :rofl:



you think we shouldn't apologize ?

Clearly we should.

However trying to blame this on one party or another is a joke. This shit happened 60 years ago. Trying to say it is relevant to any of the people in Either party today is just stupid.

Charles you are correct. The people who are at fault for this crime are not here setting politics aside. But people who did this create more people like them.
han academic medicine, which is NOT driven by profit, would be churning out miracle pills left and right. But they're not.

Academic research is the ONLY group actually trying to cure disease. Big pharma only cares about profits.
I want steak now.

Anybody that eats a steak from a CAFO cow is a COMPLETE moron and deserves to die of antibacterial resistant e.coli. Just sayin'. Only when we, consumers take a stand will this barbaric, unnecessary animal abuse (and food abuse) end. No country in the world devalues its food sources like we do. It's ridiculous.

What's in the Meat? excerpted from the book Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser

the same people who sell you meat cleaned with ammonia and cut from cows that have to stand in their own shit are the same ones who own big pharma companies. makes you wonder!

Oh pooh-----continue the partisan rants. They have been so successful in bringing positive changes to America.:rolleyes:
I wonder what is being done today, that America will apologize for in 60 years from now?:(
han academic medicine, which is NOT driven by profit, would be churning out miracle pills left and right. But they're not.

Academic research is the ONLY group actually trying to cure disease. Big pharma only cares about profits.

You claim is still completely unsupported. Big pharma cares about profit, and curing disease IS profit making. What you can't seem to keep in mind is that "big pharma" is not one organization, but a number of companies competing against one another. Merck has no problem producing a vaccine, effectively a cure, against HPV because it drives business away from their competition.

Meanwhile, academic medicine IS ALSO seeking cures. And how many have come from academic medicine if it's so easy? Your conspiracy theory lacks insight into the actual hardships of the field.
Where does academic research get their funding from? I forget.

Tuition, alumni donations and government grants, mostly. What's your point? Big pharma only cares about research that they can patent and make $$$ off of - and they do try to steal it from legitimate academic research. Do they care about malaria and cancer cures? No, they don't. If they cure things, they can't sell a maintenance drug to you for the rest of your life, can they? Why on earth do you think they have ads on television? It ain't for your health, dear...

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