U.S. closes ports of entry amid reports caravan preparing to rush border


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
The U.S. has temporarily closed several ports of entry with Mexico after officials received reports that the migrant caravan of 3,000 is preparing to bum-rush the border, DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen announced Monday.
U.S. Closes Ports of Entry Amid Reports Caravan Preparing To Rush Border

Lets see the cowardly democratic leftist cowards down there, hmmm funny none of the assholes who chanted " LET THEM IN" , LET THEM IN aren't down there picking a few up and taking them back home to show their love.

Now why arent you Trump hating scum bags down there bring them home hypocrites.
Is this a second closure? The border was closed for 5 hours earlier to install concrete barriers and concertina wire.
How can the US close the ports of entry if there isn't a wall?
BP, ICE, and US troops. No traffic passes, disrupting business. Not to mention thousands of foreigners camping in your streets with thousands more on the way, and you got yourself a real backfire.
How can the US close the ports of entry if there isn't a wall?
BP, ICE, and US troops. No traffic passes, disrupting business. Not to mention thousands of foreigners camping in your streets with thousands more on the way, and you got yourself a real backfire.
But that's not a wall -- those illegal scum can just bypass the ports of entry and go across the illegal way -- which is why we call them illegals

And we all know it is impossible to stop those cockroaches without a wall
How can the US close the ports of entry if there isn't a wall?
Gates across the road. Bush closed all the entry points after 911. No one complained.
How could bush close them if there wasn't a wall?

You guys act like we have the power to stop illegals from swarming in the country by closing gates.....gates are not a wall...only a wall can stop them
How can the US close the ports of entry if there isn't a wall?
There has been a wall on the California Mexico border Sint the 1970s. It was that wall that forced some to attempt the desert crossing in Arizona where about 400 die each year.
How can the US close the ports of entry if there isn't a wall?
There has been a wall on the California Mexico border Sint the 1970s. It was that wall that forced some to attempt the desert crossing in Arizona where about 400 die each year.
So when we go on and on about how millions of illegals cross the border every year and we can't stop it unless there is a wall -- that was just bullshit?
How can the US close the ports of entry if there isn't a wall?
There has been a wall on the California Mexico border Sint the 1970s. It was that wall that forced some to attempt the desert crossing in Arizona where about 400 die each year.
So when we go on and on about how millions of illegals cross the border every year and we can't stop it unless there is a wall -- that was just bullshit?
How many miles of open border are there? You really can not be dense enough to believe that a few miles of wall shuts off all entry when there is thousands of miles of open border? How do you think large quantities of drugs get into this country? It does not just magically appear.

Why do you only care about illegals when they are safely in cities working for slave wages? You don't seem to care about the 400 or so that die each year trying to enter illegally each year. Will building a wall stop all illegals? No. Will it stop all the deaths in the desert? No. But if it drops deaths to less then 50 a year it would be worth it. If we drop illegal entry to a few hundred a year it would pay for itself in a few years.

Do you have any idea what it costs to deport a single illegal?
Since the Democrats do not want to keep illegals from working and only reward them with programs like DACA we need to consider all our options.

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