U.N. prosecutor says Hezbollah should help Hariri probe

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah gave a televised speech on Saturday, his first response to the U.N. tribunal's issued indictments, dismissing them as a failed attempt to sow strife and bring down Lebanon's new Hezbollah-backed government.

During his speech, Nasrallah showed documents and videos aimed at portraying the investigation into Hariri's killing as both corrupt and biased against Hezbollah.

Footage aired by Nasrallah on Saturday included scenes of a conference in Israel at which the U.N. Lebanon tribunal's president Antonio Cassese was praised as a friend of Israel.

Nasrallah also showed pictures of documents which he said showed that 97 computers used by investigators had been shipped out of Lebanon via Israel, instead of directly from Beirut's airport or seaport, to the tribunal's headquarters in the Netherlands.

U.N. prosecutor says Hezbollah should help Hariri probe - Yahoo! News

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