Two Years Later: Was The 2020 Presidential Election Stolen?

Was The 2020 Presidential Election Stolen?

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Just because the immoral and unethical Legal System hasn’t declared something unconstitutional and immoral doesn’t mean it isn't. The Judiciary is just as corrupt as the other two branches of Government.

WTF does BLD mean?

I’m railing against more than a century and a half of disgusting, immoral, valueless, illegal, and unconstitutional acts, policies, and decisions by the people and Government of this country which have utterly destroyed what was once the Last Great Hope for humanity and turned it into a cesspool and hellhole no better than our socialist cousins in Europe, South America, and Asia.
Dude, what the fuck?

Does anything you posted raise above grievance.
Then present your evidence.... :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg:
Changing voting laws, the FBI covering for Hunter Biden by claiming the laptop was 'Russian disinformation' and pressuring Facebook to cancel any story about it.
Was the 2020 presidential election stolen?

Here is the framework for casting your vote in the poll:

1. You decipher whether you are conservative or liberal for the sake of the poll. There is no in between.

2. You say yes or no on the election stolen. Gun to your head, you have to choose the right one to live. There is no maybe or probably or I dunno. What you really think is likely if you had to bet your life on it.

I am a thorny progressive with libertarian tendancies and you cannot force me into your boxes. There were irregularities. There are always irregularities. Did any of them change the results? Maybe but I have seen no clear evidence of that. Is there anything that can be done about it now? Nope.
I am a thorny progressive with libertarian tendancies and you cannot force me into your boxes. There were irregularities. There are always irregularities. Did any of them change the results? Maybe but I have seen no clear evidence of that. Is there anything that can be done about it now? Nope.
'Irregularities' can throw a close election.
'Irregularities' can throw a close election.

They can but that does not mean that they did. My biggest concern was I think it was in Pennsylvania with the whole mail in vote deadline being changed by the courts at the 11th hour, but that was done with the color of law so to speak even though I think the courts were wrong on it. Biden would have still won by 12 electoral votes if it had gone the other way though so the sum total of an error there wouldn't have changed the ultimate outcome.
oes anything you posted raise above grievance
Excuse me? The entire Social Welfare network. Our foreign military involvements. About 85% of what’s in our Federal budget. ALL of it is immoral and unconstitutional. That rises far above grievances. The 19th and 21st amendments aren’t just grievances.
Sure, show the evidence that you think will convince.


You have an IQ in the low teens, You are a programmed bot of the Reich.

You don't think - ever. You bleat conditioned responses fed to you by the Nazi hate sites, CNN, MSNBCCP, DailyKOS, etc.

Zuckerberg spilled the beans on national TV. You can't take it back. That the FBI tampered with the 2020 election is fact.
Is that a term for a penis?

Any, you sick fucks are looking to take the Constitution away.

Changing voting laws, the FBI covering for Hunter Biden by claiming the laptop was 'Russian disinformation' and pressuring Facebook to cancel any story about it.
The is evidence of what? Loyalty test of maga fuckups...
Was the 2020 presidential election stolen?

Here is the framework for casting your vote in the poll:

1. You decipher whether you are conservative or liberal for the sake of the poll. There is no in between.

2. You say yes or no on the election stolen. Gun to your head, you have to choose the right one to live. There is no maybe or probably or I dunno. What you really think is likely if you had to bet your life on it.

No, the election was not stolen.

I cannot answer your poll as I am neither.
My answer is I'm conservative and I don't think the election was stolen. I'm not conservative, but I'm way closer to that than to liberal, so I honored the norm set by the OP.

There was a huge amount of cheating in the 2020 election. Maybe more than any previous election, maybe only in the top two or three. But, in the end, the state legislatures certified the results from their state, so that was the end of it.

I fear that there is only one solution, and it is very distasteful to me. I'll announce it on another thread.

One thing we can do before we go to my backup plan is to make it so that no election law, rule or procedure can be changed during an election year. Whatever the rules are on January 1st, that's what they will be on November 2nd. No more seeing an opportunity to change the rules to fit your strategy after seeing your opponent's strategy succeeding under the current rules.

No pandemic, hurricane, flood, war, earthquake, or anything else justifies changing the rules mid-year, because those things don't pick and choose who to affect based on political inclination.
Was the 2020 presidential election stolen?

Here is the framework for casting your vote in the poll:

1. You decipher whether you are conservative or liberal for the sake of the poll. There is no in between.

2. You say yes or no on the election stolen. Gun to your head, you have to choose the right one to live. There is no maybe or probably or I dunno. What you really think is likely if you had to bet your life on it.
Absolutely without a doubt.

The Democrats used the scam of using the Pandemic as an excuse to have fraudulent mail in and harvested ballots, counted by Democrats in Democrat controlled swing districts.

Add to that the Democrats stopped counting in several swing districts when Trump was ahead and then resumed later with the magical number of ballots to put Potatohead in the lead. In several Democrat controlled swing districts Republican observers were prevented from observing the counting. Then you have the fact that in several key states the state election laws were not adhered to giving the Democrat filth the opportunity to have fraudulent ballots.

It is not the voters that choses a winner. It is the people that count the votes.

The only question is about the Pandemic. Potatohead's Chicom buddies (that made his family rich and who hated Trump) unleashed the bio weapon to destroy Trump's great economy and undermine his chances for reelection. The only question was were the Democrats in cahoots with the Chicoms from the beginning or did they simply take advantages of the Pandemic to steal the election?

Hopefully when the Republicans take over Congress this November they will do the investigations necessary to answers the question.
Absolutely without a doubt.

The Democrats used the scam of using the Pandemic as an excuse to have fraudulent mail in and harvested ballots, counted by Democrats in Democrat controlled swing districts.

Add to that the Democrats stopped counting in several swing districts when Trump was ahead and then resumed later with the magical number of ballots to put Potatohead in the lead. In several Democrat controlled swing districts Republican observers were prevented from observing the counting. Then you have the fact that in several key states the state election laws were not adhered to giving the Democrat filth the opportunity to have fraudulent ballots.

It is not the voters that choses a winner. It is the people that count the votes.

The only question is about the Pandemic. Potatohead's Chicom buddies (that made his family rich and who hated Trump) unleashed the bio weapon to destroy Trump's great economy and undermine his chances for reelection. The only question was were the Democrats in cahoots with the Chicoms from the beginning or did they simply take advantages of the Pandemic to steal the election?

Hopefully when the Republicans take over Congress this November they will do the investigations necessary to answers the question.
Damn, you dumb boi.
Although, there was some absolute fuckery going on in the election I don't think was enough to say the election was substantially changed. The left galvanized against Trump and a large portion of the independents went with them. They didn't vote for Biden as much as they voted against Trump. By now, most people have realized that was a mistake, or at least the Independents have. Honestly, in a Trump versus Biden election in 2024...if someone has the balls to run independent...they might win.
Although, there was some absolute fuckery going on in the election I don't think was enough to say the election was substantially changed. The left galvanized against Trump and a large portion of the independents went with them. They didn't vote for Biden as much as they voted against Trump. By now, most people have realized that was a mistake, or at least the Independents have. Honestly, in a Trump versus Biden election in 2024...if someone has the balls to run independent...they might win.
No, not even in the realm of possibility.
No, not even in the realm of possibility.
Sadly..I agree with you. The hurdles a third party candidate has to overcome are just too high~
A break out candidate from one of the two majors might have a chance..if they could survive the primary system. It has become almost impossible to win the primaries..which require extreme pandering to the fringes...and pivot in any meaningful way back to the center.

If you take the hard core of both parties and add them together..there are simply not enough probable votes left to win.
Was the 2020 presidential election stolen?

Here is the framework for casting your vote in the poll:

1. You decipher whether you are conservative or liberal for the sake of the poll. There is no in between.

2. You say yes or no on the election stolen. Gun to your head, you have to choose the right one to live. There is no maybe or probably or I dunno. What you really think is likely if you had to bet your life on it.
The savvy answer to the question is predicated upon empirical data - credible evidence, recounts, audits, investigations, court appeals and, ultimately, by the certifications of 50 states and the U.S. Congress, not by the color of the pom-poms one flails.