TWO HUGE COURT RULINGS for a Trustworthy Election! Maine Blocks Illegal Democrat Ballot Harvesting – Texas Blocks Straight Party Ballot Option


Gold Member
Apr 9, 2019

TWO HUGE COURT RULINGS for a trustworthy election! Maine Blocks Illegal Democrat Ballot Harvesting – Texas Blocks Straight Party Ballot Option

In a tight race, CD2 in ME gets Trump to 270.

The GOP effort for an honest election won major court victories in the past 24 hours.

In Maine a court sided with the RNC and election integrity.
Democrat plans to steal thwarted!

*Ban on ballot harvesting
*Voter ID requirements
*Election Day deadline
*Signature match requirements

Clean sweep in a bogus Democrat lawsuit, and another victory in our fight to!

This is a huge win for the American election system and law and order.
Democrats are OPENLY attempting to steal the vote in numerous states this year!

A Federal Appeals Court overturned a lower court ruling in Texas on Wednesday. The court ruled Texas voters will not have the option to vote straight ticket in the state. This is something Democrats were hoping to push through at the last minute.

Texas voters will not cast a ballot for every candidate of a single political party with one mark during the November election, a federal appeals court said on Wednesday evening.

Gov. Greg Abbott signed a law eliminating the option beginning in the 2020 general election. A rogue federal judge reinstated the practice this month, citing coronavirus.

The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals overturned the rogue judge ruling that changes shouldn’t be made so close to the Nov. 3 election.

“The Texas Legislature passed HB 25 in 2017, and state election officials have planned for this election accordingly. The state election machinery is already well in motion,” the panel of three judges wrote. Eliminating straight-ticket voting and upholding the 2017 law, “will minimize confusion among both voters and trained election officials.”

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