Two health care tracks: Possible to offer both right to health care and free market as equal choice?


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
Should All Americans Have the Right (Be Entitled) to Health Care? - Right to Health Care -
Should All Americans Have the Right (Be Entitled) to Health Care?

Should All Americans Have the Right (Be Entitled) to Health Care? - Right to Health Care - Reader Comments -

Here is my response to the linked arguments and reader comments:

Because of different beliefs, each person or party should have rights to their policy of choice they agree to pay taxes into and manage, so there is both representation and taxation according to the beliefs of each; this would prevent imposing on others of different beliefs who fund their own programs by invoking the same freedom and equal protection of laws.

Because of different beliefs on free market vs govt health care, each person or party should have rights to their policy of choice they agree to pay taxes into and manage, so there is both representation and taxation according to the beliefs of each; this would prevent imposing on others of different beliefs who fund their own programs by invoking the same freedom and equal protection of laws. It would be equally unconstitutional to impose free market beliefs on those who believe health care is a right, and vice versa. To protect all beliefs and creeds equally requires free choice of program, which I recommend through parties, so the right to health care believers can set this up statewide and nationally without imposing on other people or parties who believe in free market choices.

What is YOUR pro or con argument (Rand Paul already made the statement about usurping
the labor of others as slavery to make health care free)

Do you believe there is a way to separate taxes by individual choice on forms
or by party so that people CAN choose to fund
* universal care by party representatives who believe in managing this democratically*
* free market systems where tax deductions go to businesses charities or schools to provide care by supply and demand to meet market needs as cost effectively as possible to earn donations and investments made freely

*NOTE I believe this can be done by petitioning the Democratic Party to reform prisons as medical programs that effectively treat and reduce costs of crime and disease,
so that health care can be made affordable and sustainable using the same resources
currently wasted on failed prison and mental health systems that need to be overhauled.

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