Twitter site that promoted the Covington School-Native American incident shut down


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
Covington students, Nathan Phillips viral video: Twitter suspends account that helped ignite controversy - CNN

The Russians are still trying to plant seeds of desention among the population. Could this have been one of their attempts.

Honestly, emotions within each of us makes it easy for an actor, such as these trolls, with very little effort, cause anger and misunderstanding. I really think that was the purpose of the site that Twitter suspended.

Until we understand that there are those who will play both side of the issue, wanting only to divide us as a country, we will fall prey to their efforts.

Maybe the kids were not mocking the man, or maybe they were? Maybe the trolls just want us to fight among ourselves? We know from what Russian trolls did during the 2016 election, they played both sides of the aisle in order to divide, confuse, and create chaos.

Just something to Ponder...
Covington students, Nathan Phillips viral video: Twitter suspends account that helped ignite controversy - CNN

The Russians are still trying to plant seeds of desention among the population. Could this have been one of their attempts.

Honestly, emotions within each of us makes it easy for an actor, such as these trolls, with very little effort, cause anger and misunderstanding. I really think that was the purpose of the site that Twitter suspended.

Until we understand that there are those who will play both side of the issue, wanting only to divide us as a country, we will fall prey to their efforts.

Maybe the kids were not mocking the man, or maybe they were? Maybe the trolls just want us to fight among ourselves? We know from what Russian trolls did during the 2016 election, they played both sides of the aisle in order to divide, confuse, and create chaos.

Just something to Ponder...
No doubt Agent Trump came up with the idea
Covington students, Nathan Phillips viral video: Twitter suspends account that helped ignite controversy - CNN

The Russians are still trying to plant seeds of desention among the population. Could this have been one of their attempts.

Honestly, emotions within each of us makes it easy for an actor, such as these trolls, with very little effort, cause anger and misunderstanding. I really think that was the purpose of the site that Twitter suspended.

Until we understand that there are those who will play both side of the issue, wanting only to divide us as a country, we will fall prey to their efforts.

Maybe the kids were not mocking the man, or maybe they were? Maybe the trolls just want us to fight among ourselves? We know from what Russian trolls did during the 2016 election, they played both sides of the aisle in order to divide, confuse, and create chaos.

Just something to Ponder...

What is sad is how the progressives were so easily manipulated. Pathetic.
Covington students, Nathan Phillips viral video: Twitter suspends account that helped ignite controversy - CNN

The Russians are still trying to plant seeds of desention among the population. Could this have been one of their attempts.

Honestly, emotions within each of us makes it easy for an actor, such as these trolls, with very little effort, cause anger and misunderstanding. I really think that was the purpose of the site that Twitter suspended.

Until we understand that there are those who will play both side of the issue, wanting only to divide us as a country, we will fall prey to their efforts.

Maybe the kids were not mocking the man, or maybe they were? Maybe the trolls just want us to fight among ourselves? We know from what Russian trolls did during the 2016 election, they played both sides of the aisle in order to divide, confuse, and create chaos.

Just something to Ponder...

What is sad is how the progressives were so easily manipulated. Pathetic.

And the trumpettes were whining and crying about unfairness. The discourse is what these trolls want.
The Russians are now running Twitter?

That explains why they're suspending people's accounts.
The Russians are now running Twitter?

That explains why they're suspending people's accounts.

Are you really that Stupid. Twitter suspended the account!

The video needed to be seen, but the producer's caption was uncalled for.

Had the video never been seen, America would not have gotten the insight as to just how unhinged the left really is.
I still dont understand how a facial expression is worse than what the black dudes were saying.
"The white biys are gonna harvest your organs. Cracker. Go shoot up a school"
Naw the MAGA hats are more important.
Such disingenuous bullshit
The Russians are still trying to plant seeds of desention among the population. Could this have been one of their attempts

JimH52 you can't be that big of a tool... You shouldn't blame the Russians on stupid... This was one of the most blatant and chronic cases of TDS that has been seen up to this point... The social media and mainstream news media are trying to manipulate the progressives and apparently it works, look how many of you crybabies had a cow...
Covington students, Nathan Phillips viral video: Twitter suspends account that helped ignite controversy - CNN

The Russians are still trying to plant seeds of desention among the population. Could this have been one of their attempts.

Honestly, emotions within each of us makes it easy for an actor, such as these trolls, with very little effort, cause anger and misunderstanding. I really think that was the purpose of the site that Twitter suspended.

Until we understand that there are those who will play both side of the issue, wanting only to divide us as a country, we will fall prey to their efforts.

Maybe the kids were not mocking the man, or maybe they were? Maybe the trolls just want us to fight among ourselves? We know from what Russian trolls did during the 2016 election, they played both sides of the aisle in order to divide, confuse, and create chaos.

Just something to Ponder...
Well that is your opinion, and it could be true. It just really seems more like the Media doing a lynch job on a White Kid. I don't get involved with that sort of frenzy crud. I found that waiting for the truth to come out works better. There are those who are Trolls but most are from this Nation. I just mark the person as a jerk and if he keeps it up I put him or her on a don't bother list. You get Troll Bors who come by for a month or so and just fade away.
Covington students, Nathan Phillips viral video: Twitter suspends account that helped ignite controversy - CNN

The Russians are still trying to plant seeds of desention among the population. Could this have been one of their attempts.

Honestly, emotions within each of us makes it easy for an actor, such as these trolls, with very little effort, cause anger and misunderstanding. I really think that was the purpose of the site that Twitter suspended.

Until we understand that there are those who will play both side of the issue, wanting only to divide us as a country, we will fall prey to their efforts.

Maybe the kids were not mocking the man, or maybe they were? Maybe the trolls just want us to fight among ourselves? We know from what Russian trolls did during the 2016 election, they played both sides of the aisle in order to divide, confuse, and create chaos.

Just something to Ponder...

What is sad is how the progressives were so easily manipulated. Pathetic.

And the trumpettes were whining and crying about unfairness. The discourse is what these trolls want.

Of course they were. These CHILDREN were being unjustly attacked you dipshit. I would be protesting the same way if it were YOUR kid being attacked you fucking asshole.

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