Turn your neighbor in to Obama

When an on-air personality threatens someone during a broadcast, it's likely to incite the audience.

Might not have to fire the dirtbag, but at least take away his mic.

What did he say? The report does not tell me.

Doesn't matter. If the station did not fire him for it, then they should promote the hell out of it.

Hmm it matters to me. I am curious why the report does not tell us what he said. I like full disclosure. The words that got him in trouble should be offered by the reporter.
Do you understand how the internet works? If I forward your email then your email address goes along for the ride. Want to dispute this? Bring it! It's a fact.

If you forward an email to ANYONE they can see who originated it. This is clearly a threat to the 1st amendment. Anyone that doesn't oppose what the WH is asking we do is in opposition to what America stands for. We should be 100% free to communicate with each other without the gov't monitoring us. Do you agree or disagree?

You do understand how a computer works?
Yea, I'm 24/7 tech support for everyone in my family.

The content of an e mail can be forwarded without including any address but your own.
Yes, it can be. But it takes a lot more effort than just clicking 'Forward' and sending it. Neither my mom or dad would think to do that. I doubt my brothers would either. Most people would just forward it and EVERYTHING would go, headers and all. If you think most people would go to the trouble to remove the email address or addresses then I think you're dead wrong.

No one has asked for people's e mail addresses, have they?
No 1 has said please remove the addresses we don't want them, have they?

YOU are in control of what goes out in an e mail, forwarded or otherwise.
That isn't entirely true. If you believe that you either don't really understand how this works or you're some kind of super hacker or maybe you run your own ISP.

The White House wants to know public opinion on this matter. I guess it is strange, after the Bush years, for the White House to actually give a damn what people think about what they are doing.
I don't think anyone is disputing that the WH wants to know what people are saying. That's pretty obvious. I think it's naive to believe they want to know for any sort of benevolent reason. At best they want to know so they can get their own counter-spin in motion, at worst they're compiling a list of dissenters.
Trust but verify. I do not trust the motives of government or private parties without reason to trust.

Many a liberal taught me to question all the motivations of the WH administration and so now I do. Fool me once,shame on you,fool me twice or more,shame on me.
What's With You Folks, We Are Always Free To Agree With The Left. They Only Assassinate Character When We Hurt Their Feelings.
Turn your neighbor in??? Let's start turning in yhe acting prez, i do mean acting!! Non citizen hussein, oh where oh where, is barry's real birth certificate????
There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation. Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to [email protected].

Hurry... Turn all us in... Oh wait... We're turning ourselves in.

Anyone ever read 1984? Sounds a lot like the thought police to me.[/QUOTE]

I am a little late commenting on this thread, but than again, I just joined. :lol:

This is outragious. The idea that the President of he USA is now "taking names" and electing private citizens to turn on one another is deeply troubling.

As was the attempt by the some on the left, Barny Frank, to motivate private citizens to threaten AIG executives abnd members of their families over bonus money that was granted in the stimulus bill by one of Obama's top dogs, Chris Dodd.

This "snitch" tactic is frightning. And its been seen before, but I ain't gonna go there.
There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation. Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to [email protected].

Hurry... Turn all us in... Oh wait... We're turning ourselves in.

Anyone ever read 1984? Sounds a lot like the thought police to me.

I am a little late commenting on this thread, but than again, I just joined. :lol:

This is outragious. The idea that the President of he USA is now "taking names" and electing private citizens to turn on one another is deeply troubling.

As was the attempt by the some on the left, Barny Frank, to motivate private citizens to threaten AIG executives abnd members of their families over bonus money that was granted in the stimulus bill by one of Obama's top dogs, Chris Dodd.

This "snitch" tactic is frightning. And its been seen before, but I ain't gonna go there.

I’m not going to "turn anyone in" but if I am puzzled about something that I read from an email or website, I will email such information to the Whitehouse for clarification and my own understanding.

Has anyone ever heard of Chicken Little? It sounds like undue paranoia to me.

This is a good idea that the president of the USA will ask that people email questionable messages and misinformation about his healthcare proposals to the Whitehouse. It is a better way of communicating than were those town hall meetings that turned into belligerent unproductive shouting matches.

I see practically nothing wrong with this so-called “snitch” program. If anything, it might encourage people to do their homework and get their facts straight before spewing off whatever comes to mind onto the Internet.
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Okay, the Obamabots are still ignoring the implications here, and that's the reason it's scary really. The blind followers will do anything their boy king says, and they will take it as far as they can just because they are blindly following him. He doesn't even have to do something like this to get them to "snitch" like that, which is not only scary but sad. The Bushbots scared me to, but this time it's worse and the people are being more blind willingly. It shows a serious problem with our citizens, one that will likely destroy our country.
There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation. Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to [email protected].

Never in the history of our country has there been anything like what the White House is asking Americans to do. It sure does smell of Hitler in his rise to power... Obama's Administration has been snipping away at our freedoms a little at a time turning us in to a socialist nation. It has been his plan all along as evidenced by his past speeches. I am certain that it won't be long and there will be a move to ban private owership of firearms in this country. It's coming folks. For all of you that wanted to be a "Ward" of the government and taken care of from cradle to grave, just stand by. Soon the government is going to be controlling every element of your life. They have control of the banks now so they can say who gets a loan and for what purpose. They have taken over the auto industry. Mortgages can now be controlled by the government. They are trying very hard to control your health care and are in the process of that trying now to control your Freedom of Speech that was given to all by the Constitution. I do hope people will begin to open their eyes as to what is happening around them and begin to become involved in resisting this governmental movement. If it isn't stopped soon, America as we have all known it will no longer exist. Think I'm being over-reactive or blowing this situation out of control? Hope not because as Reverend Wright stated "The chickens are coming home to roost." Obama is the fox in that hen house. It's time to wake up and take some personal responsibility for yourself and your nation.

I am taking responsiblity for myself by opposing lies like these.
Hey maybe we can start sending the disinformation lady questions like: I heard Obama care won't pay for my dogs healthcare...is this true...lol Send them all kinds of crazy things like that. After all she need to earn her tax payer job.
Hey maybe we can start sending the disinformation lady questions like: I heard Obama care won't pay for my dogs healthcare...is this true...lol Send them all kinds of crazy things like that. After all she need to earn her tax payer job.

The disinformation lady?

You mean Sarah Palin?

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