Turkish police shut down LGBT march in Istanbul


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Turkish police shut down LGBT pride march in Istanbul

ISTANBUL -- Turkish police stopped activists for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex rights from gathering in large numbers for LGBT pride in Istanbul on Sunday, but smaller groups made impromptu press statements defying a ban imposed by the governor.

Turkish police shut down LGBT pride march in Istanbul

Like we keep telling American idiots, leaving the borders open and protesting like idiots to " Let them in" this is exactly what you will let in. People who HATE GAYS, ............... Most other Countries do not support this bs but as they slowly being to legalize it around the world, you dumb fks aren't realizing there is a purpose behind it all and it sure in the hell isn't for loving, humanitarian acceptance... You are all being politically played and in the end it doesn't result in good things for you.

And these fake liberal asses like ANTIFA, BLM, radical FEMINIST, Trump haters think Trump is Hitler lmfao.
Turkish police shut down LGBT pride march in Istanbul

ISTANBUL -- Turkish police stopped activists for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex rights from gathering in large numbers for LGBT pride in Istanbul on Sunday, but smaller groups made impromptu press statements defying a ban imposed by the governor.

Turkish police shut down LGBT pride march in Istanbul

Like we keep telling American idiots, leaving the borders open and protesting like idiots to " Let them in" this is exactly what you will let in. People who HATE GAYS, ............... Most other Countries do not support this bs but as they slowly being to legalize it around the world, you dumb fks aren't realizing there is a purpose behind it all and it sure in the hell isn't for loving, humanitarian acceptance... You are all being politically played and in the end it doesn't result in good things for you.

And these fake liberal asses like ANTIFA, BLM, radical FEMINIST, Trump haters think Trump is Hitler lmfao.
MindWars has got it almost right and this is the reason the Soros Foundation "OpenBoarders" wants to happen so that he can move his troops around the world with no oppression.
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wow, mindwars loves fascism and dictatorships shutting down freedom and the ability to speak ones mind.

We see what you really are....

ANTI American Matthew, you just think that because that's what your types do. Sorry bucko it is you and your kind that are doing exactly what you accuse others of. You all are just too brainwashed to face the truth, see what is really going on , and too dam blind to see past the bs lies you brain dead zombies are being fed.

Gays are thrown off buildings you jackass. Go watch the video of it being done . By us trying to get you zombies to see what happens to GAYS as the fake liberal morons protest open borders we are trying to keep asses like you from being slaughtered once this goes epic here in this Country . After all you ANTIFA want to let them all in.
Turkish police shut down LGBT pride march in Istanbul

ISTANBUL -- Turkish police stopped activists for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex rights from gathering in large numbers for LGBT pride in Istanbul on Sunday, but smaller groups made impromptu press statements defying a ban imposed by the governor.

Turkish police shut down LGBT pride march in Istanbul

Like we keep telling American idiots, leaving the borders open and protesting like idiots to " Let them in" this is exactly what you will let in. People who HATE GAYS, ............... Most other Countries do not support this bs but as they slowly being to legalize it around the world, you dumb fks aren't realizing there is a purpose behind it all and it sure in the hell isn't for loving, humanitarian acceptance... You are all being politically played and in the end it doesn't result in good things for you.

And these fake liberal asses like ANTIFA, BLM, radical FEMINIST, Trump haters think Trump is Hitler lmfao.
I disagree with Islam on nearly everything, but they are almost right about this issue. Letting this cancer grow unchecked in our culture has destroyed us as a nation.
The Turkish government averted a riot by banning the Faggot Pride Parade.

The vast majority of Turkish citizens are vehemently against open homo perversion being displayed on public streets. .... :cool:
So are we, but our government insists on pushing this on us.
American's have been brain washed by the media to accept homo perversion as normal and good. .... :cuckoo:
Too many, but not all. I do agree, this coming generation will be thoroughly brainwashed on the issue, and speaking out against it will become a crime.





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I'm just not seeing what there is to be proud about. Effeminate men and manly females confused as to laws of nature.

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