Turkish Passport - About Jews

this issue not about religion .. its about to be human..

whoever saves one life saves the world entire

rest in peace Rachel Corrie
Rachel Corrie,

Funny a hater like you takes time to quote the Talmud:lol::lol::lol:

Muslims did at times good for Jews like Jews did for Muslims.

Yet you cannot say your religion prohibits racism since the Qur'an has many raicst sayings. ANd Muslim Sheikhs are very racists towards Jews as a policy.

so you are hypocritical .. this is the proof..
you just know some biased knowledge about Quran and Islam from some hater sites .

when i say about a thing about Talmud you claim me that i am hater...

and also it was funny that you stepped a crap ..

whoever saves one life saves the world entire
Quran Maide 5 / 32
Surat Al-Ma'idah - The Noble Qur'an - ?????? ??????

be fair .. have a heart .
BTW Robert Spencer is a CATHOLIC with family background in Turkey-----his writings are very scholarly
dont worry too much seviglim arkadas

you must be OK if you quote the wonderful Rumi; the best poet and best Muslim EVER, much better than the Koran

its cok abuk sabuk here

but as well as Armenians in the past, you have Kurds and Alevis to treat properly right now

is erdogan going to make them proper equal citizens??

but israel is cok haram.........not genocidal tho...............just cruel thieves
The Yenta is very amusing if you don't take her nonsense too seriously. To take a page out of her book, Turkey is "cok haram" for the way the Turks are treating their Christians. I wonder if the Yenta's "Quaker" father ever visited one of the old churches in Turkey. Ataturk probably is rolling over in his grave seeing what is going on in Turkey today.
Inside Turkey
this issue not about religion .. its about to be human..

whoever saves one life saves the world entire

rest in peace Rachel Corrie
Rachel Corrie,
Why don't we say "Rest in peace, Wenrose's young cousin" also? The poster Wenrose (Wendy) had a young cousin who was unfortunate to be in Mike's Place when the terrorist suicide bomber, who beforehand hid in the office of the group Rachel Corrie was with, set himself off. This very young girl had to have a leg amputated plus undergo several operations, but ultimately succumbed to all her injuries. And let us say "Rest in peace" with regard to the others who were killed by this suicide bomber in Mike's Place. We hope that those wounded in this incident have recovered sufficiently enough to lead a normal life, including the Catholic from New York who was filming a documentary at this place.
dont worry too much seviglim arkadas

you must be OK if you quote the wonderful Rumi; the best poet and best Muslim EVER, much better than the Koran

its cok abuk sabuk here

but as well as Armenians in the past, you have Kurds and Alevis to treat properly right now

is erdogan going to make them proper equal citizens??

but israel is cok haram.........not genocidal tho...............just cruel thieves
The Yenta is very amusing if you don't take her nonsense too seriously. To take a page out of her book, Turkey is "cok haram" for the way the Turks are treating their Christians. I wonder if the Yenta's "Quaker" father ever visited one of the old churches in Turkey. Ataturk probably is rolling over in his grave seeing what is going on in Turkey today.
Inside Turkey

Yes its not good situation , this situation does not suit Islam ... so whats the point what did you proved ? Turkey's democracy is developing not at the ultimate level ..
this issue not about religion .. its about to be human..

whoever saves one life saves the world entire

rest in peace Rachel Corrie
Rachel Corrie,
Why don't we say "Rest in peace, Wenrose's young cousin" also? The poster Wenrose (Wendy) had a young cousin who was unfortunate to be in Mike's Place when the terrorist suicide bomber, who beforehand hid in the office of the group Rachel Corrie was with, set himself off. This very young girl had to have a leg amputated plus undergo several operations, but ultimately succumbed to all her injuries. And let us say "Rest in peace" with regard to the others who were killed by this suicide bomber in Mike's Place. We hope that those wounded in this incident have recovered sufficiently enough to lead a normal life, including the Catholic from New York who was filming a documentary at this place.

rest in peace all of them who helped who tried to stop deaths ..
this issue not about religion .. its about to be human..

whoever saves one life saves the world entire

rest in peace Rachel Corrie
Rachel Corrie,

Funny a hater like you takes time to quote the Talmud:lol::lol::lol:

Muslims did at times good for Jews like Jews did for Muslims.

Yet you cannot say your religion prohibits racism since the Qur'an has many raicst sayings. ANd Muslim Sheikhs are very racists towards Jews as a policy.

so you are hypocritical .. this is the proof..
you just know some biased knowledge about Quran and Islam from some hater sites .

when i say about a thing about Talmud you claim me that i am hater...

and also it was funny that you stepped a crap ..

whoever saves one life saves the world entire
Quran Maide 5 / 32
Surat Al-Ma'idah - The Noble Qur'an - ?????? ??????

be fair .. have a heart .

You aint the sharpest knife in the drawer, eh?

That is the same site I always use, from which i copied Sura 5.:lol:
you are not only disgusting, Deach you are comical-----tell us all about the Israeli program to chase people down and run them over with BULLDOZERS How many have they gotten so far using this particular and interesting TECHNIQUE? how many kids have been slaughtered by your friends using bomb on ass sluts or knives against the throats of infants? Once is an accident, twice is a coincidence-----THREE TIMES IS A SERIES-----and has an underlying explanation

you're the disgusting one when you say shit like this..."rachel corrie was one of hundreds of thouands of young people killed in motor vehicle accidents due to the carelessness of youth"

hunfreds and thousand of kids are killed each year for being in the wrong place at the wrong time due to the carelessness of their their parents.

lady, i've waded literally through blood and gore in southeast asia and western europe so if you waant to do it figuratively here, i will stand toe to toe with you. i am damn glad the U.S.Army didn't have incompetant corpsmen and medics like you.

shalevet pas...just another case of a settler using a child as a human shield.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFlx7ZcBiSA&feature=related]President of Israel gets his ass kicked in Davos !! - YouTube[/ame]
Erdugan is a war criminal idiot. Peres was right all the debate, the man is a fool.

if you say so .. i am sure it is .. you are the ' privileged one ' ' chosen one '

Yeah, you prove to be in intelligent man who can see things reasonably in each and every post.


sorry bro ..you are not good Jew , you are the other one ..

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDODrMkO7jI&feature=related]He reveals the Truth about Zionists - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxiwBpbGmoU]diffrence between a jew and a zionist - YouTube[/ame]
Yeah, you prove to be in intelligent man who can see things reasonably in each and every post.


sorry bro ..you are not good Jew , you are the other one ..
We understand. As with most Muslims, the only good Jew is a dead Jew.

this is ridicules ... there is nothing like that ... but of course as a response of Israel mudering some Turkish people now really hate from Israel .. its nature thing
its not true but some people even say i wish hitler killed all of them .. this is what you made people..

you behaved like Hitler so people hates from Hitler...
sorry bro ..you are not good Jew , you are the other one ..
We understand. As with most Muslims, the only good Jew is a dead Jew.

this is ridicules ... there is nothing like that ... but of course as a response of Israel mudering some Turkish people now really hate from Israel .. its nature thing

If I understand you correctly, you say that you did not hate Israelis before, but now you do, since Israelis killed some Turks during the flotilla incident. Why did Turkey send in a flotilla to invade Israel? Why is it Turkey's business? Israel should send a flotilla to Turkey to "save" the Kurds, and then see how you will like it.

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