Turkish Passport - About Jews

Nine Turkish men on board Mavi Marmara were shot a total of 30 times, autopsy results reveal The results revealed that a 60-year-old man, Ibrahim Bilgen, was shot four times in the temple, chest, hip and back. A 19-year-old, named as Fulkan Dogan, who also has US citizenship, was shot five times from less that 45cm, in the face, in the back of the head, twice in the leg and once in the back. Two other men were shot four times, and five of the victims were shot either in the back of the head or in the back, said Yalcin Buyuk, vice-chairman of the council of forensic medicine.
It's no wonder their medical education sucks, of course.

they i know you know how to kill how to enjoy when people die .. how to ridicule ..

i see here some people having lots of hate , they may genocide if they have oppurtinuty
And of course he's gonna tell us that all those problems in Cyprus were caused by the Greeks.........Ya, sure!
And of course he's gonna tell us that all those problems in Cyprus were caused by the Greeks.........Ya, sure!

yeah you are great mind reader.. thank you for your determination

sorry mind reader but i didnot say we are not quilty i said lets investigate .
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i said before you dont read my posts just you write what your brain programmed for ... i am not saying that Turks did not kill Armenians ... Yes Turks killed them its not true .. and if you watch videos he dont say we did not kill anyone ... he say that we need to investigqate what happened in the past ... and that he will give all the documents ,,, he says lets create a investigate group with politicians history people with objective people ... because if they investigate they will see that Armenians killed babies , womens , innocent Turkish , Kurdish people... if i kill your mom your sister , if i rape your mom sister , youre gonna kick my ass..
i dont like this situation but we need to be objective...

Lets talk about the genecoides that you done ? - sshhhhh dont talk its secret :)

So lets investigate all geneciodes :)

i hope that there will be no geneciodes anymore if we stop them :)
I agree with you that we should stop genocides, but your justification for the Armenian genocide is deplorable - Armenians killing babies, ffs. Almost all the blood was on the hands of the 3 Pasha's and their foot soldiers who they green-lighted to annihilate the Armenians in the Turkish east.

It is deranged and cynical to blame the victims. It is small wonder with such disgusting justifications that Turkey is, and will continue to be a pariah in the eyes of the world. It is simply and categorically sick.

how can you be so sure without any investigation ?? yes i understand Armemian Lobbies is working great :)

think about this .. i am in America and i am killing your citizens your babies havent birth yet , womens.. what would you do ?? of course you would have lots of hate...

We dont say we did not anything .. we say lets investigate with objective people from all over the world with all documents...

so of course if you are a Jew or Armenian you will not listen me and you will keep saying the same things but its okay i understand :)

Both sides killed each others , in both sides innocent people died because of some mtherfckers... but you keep saying Turks genecoide Armenians .. this is really bad... if you talk my grandfather he will tell you how armenians raped womens how they killed babies. Then how turks have hate them... then Turkey make them 'self-deport' because Turk people would kill all of them ..

so come investigate dont afraid :) we are all human we are all need to be objective each other ..

and then i wonder how France genocide Algerians , how some people genocide indians , how some people exploit african people ?? black people ??
how they used african people as a slave ?? why now african people diying because of there is no food .. why all criminals african people ? maybe because theyre fcked so much :)

come one lets stop at least the genocides happening now :)

I have to admit that I didn't know Turkey even had their own side of the story. All I knew until now is that Turkey conducted a genocide of a million-and-a-half Armenians, which set the precedent for Hitler. (And that Turkey is still oppressing Kurds.)
All I can say is this: Turkey should first take responsibility for the genocide and apologize. Only after that, can they investigate. As for the flotilla, first ppl should clean their own houses, before they send a maid to someone else's.
You sound like a nice guy, so try to understand that just as you say there are two sides to the Turkish/Armenian conflict, you should also recognize that there are two sides to the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. And the Israelis are more in the right, in my opinion.
I agree with you that we should stop genocides, but your justification for the Armenian genocide is deplorable - Armenians killing babies, ffs. Almost all the blood was on the hands of the 3 Pasha's and their foot soldiers who they green-lighted to annihilate the Armenians in the Turkish east.

It is deranged and cynical to blame the victims. It is small wonder with such disgusting justifications that Turkey is, and will continue to be a pariah in the eyes of the world. It is simply and categorically sick.

how can you be so sure without any investigation ?? yes i understand Armemian Lobbies is working great :)

think about this .. i am in America and i am killing your citizens your babies havent birth yet , womens.. what would you do ?? of course you would have lots of hate...

We dont say we did not anything .. we say lets investigate with objective people from all over the world with all documents...

so of course if you are a Jew or Armenian you will not listen me and you will keep saying the same things but its okay i understand :)

Both sides killed each others , in both sides innocent people died because of some mtherfckers... but you keep saying Turks genecoide Armenians .. this is really bad... if you talk my grandfather he will tell you how armenians raped womens how they killed babies. Then how turks have hate them... then Turkey make them 'self-deport' because Turk people would kill all of them ..

so come investigate dont afraid :) we are all human we are all need to be objective each other ..

and then i wonder how France genocide Algerians , how some people genocide indians , how some people exploit african people ?? black people ??
how they used african people as a slave ?? why now african people diying because of there is no food .. why all criminals african people ? maybe because theyre fcked so much :)

come one lets stop at least the genocides happening now :)

I have to admit that I didn't know Turkey even had their own side of the story. All I knew until now is that Turkey conducted a genocide of a million-and-a-half Armenians, which set the precedent for Hitler. (And that Turkey is still oppressing Kurds.)
All I can say is this: Turkey should first take responsibility for the genocide and apologize. Only after that, can they investigate. As for the flotilla, first ppl should clean their own houses, before they send a maid to someone else's.
You sound like a nice guy, so try to understand that just as you say there are two sides to the Turkish/Armenian conflict, you should also recognize that there are two sides to the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. And the Israelis are more in the right, in my opinion.

yes i see in you a little objectivity but without investigation why i admit it ? ask Armenian people Do they admit that they killed Turks ?? if i killed i will admit .. but if they killed they are innocent so whats the point ? they set my granfather village fire ?? they burnt all people they raped girls...they killed babiesin mothers womb .. why you dont see these ? And what did do Algerian people ? African people do ??? nothing just they have Gold they have to be exploit ... or African people raped your womens ??

so i'm not playing to good guy here.. if my people did something wrong so that they did ... i'm sorry about that ..if i were there i would not let it ..
Fcuking Amazingly stupid. He is asking for documentation from 1915 because he acknowledges the Armenian genocide?! Do you really think that anybody believes you, or Erdogan for that matter. Even Turks who know the history real of their own country know what happened. Like Lady MacBeth washing her hands, the evil perpetrated by Turkey shall not fade. The hypocritical attempt to "humanize" Turks as saviors of Jews and Palestinians falls flat in the face of its own history. As long as you keep posting such crap, expect to be confronted with your own disgraceful past. They are doomed to abject failure.

what happen if we leave all prejiduces and be objective ? i think possible ..

yes i understand that you dont read my post just you have lots of hate .. i dont care i am not racist i have lots of friends Italian , French , Czech , American who are not racist i like them :) so have a nice day :)
If you were objective, you would not try to bury a genocide of over a million people. This has everything to do with hate by Turkey and nothing to do with hate by me. If you think demanding that Turkey reconcile itself with its past is racism or hate, so be it, although I would say that denying it is racism and hate. You murdered, and the world remembers. Turkey will have the mark of Cain forever.

the discussion on the genocide of the armenians serves one purpose, that of showing how duplicitous not just israelis, but most jews are. prior to erdogan's condemnation of the gaza invasion and the killing of unarmed turkish and american civilians on the MV Mavi Marmara, the slaughter of the armenians was not a genocide at all.

but after the cordial relationship with turkey started to falter due to the turkish government's protestations of these two israeli aggressive actions,...

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what happen if we leave all prejiduces and be objective ? i think possible ..

yes i understand that you dont read my post just you have lots of hate .. i dont care i am not racist i have lots of friends Italian , French , Czech , American who are not racist i like them :) so have a nice day :)
If you were objective, you would not try to bury a genocide of over a million people. This has everything to do with hate by Turkey and nothing to do with hate by me. If you think demanding that Turkey reconcile itself with its past is racism or hate, so be it, although I would say that denying it is racism and hate. You murdered, and the world remembers. Turkey will have the mark of Cain forever.

the discussion on the genocide of the armenians serves one purpose, that of showing how duplicitous not just israelis, but most jews are. prior to erdogan's condemnation of the gaza invasion and the killing of unarmed turkish and american civilians on the MV Mavi Marmara, the slaughter of the armenians was not a genocide at all.

but after the cordial relationship with turkey started to falter due to the turkish government's protestations of these two israeli aggressive actions,...


Well, you're right that Israelis turned a blind eye to Turkey's past actions because of the military and economic cooperation between the two countries. But once Turkey started playing holier-than-thou, all bets were off, especially with Turkey's history.
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If you were objective, you would not try to bury a genocide of over a million people. This has everything to do with hate by Turkey and nothing to do with hate by me. If you think demanding that Turkey reconcile itself with its past is racism or hate, so be it, although I would say that denying it is racism and hate. You murdered, and the world remembers. Turkey will have the mark of Cain forever.

the discussion on the genocide of the armenians serves one purpose, that of showing how duplicitous not just israelis, but most jews are. prior to erdogan's condemnation of the gaza invasion and the killing of unarmed turkish and american civilians on the MV Mavi Marmara, the slaughter of the armenians was not a genocide at all.

but after the cordial relationship with turkey started to falter due to the turkish government's protestations of these two israeli aggressive actions,...


Well, you're right that Israelis turned a blind eye to Turkey's past actions because of the military and economic cooperation between the two countries. But once Turkey started playing holier-than-thou, all bets were off, especially with Turkey's history.

turkey is perhaps the most progressive democracies in that part of the world today.
Turkey has VACILLATED thruout its history from NUTTY ISLAMICISM ----to moderate modernism and then BACK AGAIN-------it seems to be in a backswing now------back to ISLAMICISM hopefully it will recover. Jews in Turkey and outside have simply responded to the "TURKEY OF THE DAY" A relative of mine------brother-in-law by marriage was born there------he told me for jews it was a matter of-----moving BACK TO THE HILLS when the islamicists started rampaging
The IHH thugs aboard the MM were neither 'civilians' nor 'unarmed. They locked teh captain below decks, took over the ship- and sawed apart the ship's rails to make themselves the equivalent of a metal baseball bat to attack the rappelling INDF personnel.

The only 'duplicity' involved is the lies told by the pretnd 'humanitarian peace activists' - whose 'humanitarian aid' was outdated, improperly stored, and generally of little use.
The IHH thugs aboard the MM were neither 'civilians' nor 'unarmed. They locked teh captain below decks, took over the ship- and sawed apart the ship's rails to make themselves the equivalent of a metal baseball bat to attack the rappelling INDF personnel.

The only 'duplicity' involved is the lies told by the pretend 'humanitarian peace activists' - whose 'humanitarian aid' was outdated, improperly stored, and generally of little use.
"turkey is perhaps the most progressive democracies in that part of the world today. "

And which nations does 'that part of the world' include to you?

Seems to me like 'damning with faint praise' there.......
i did not understand why we came this issue .. i thought we need to talk here about issue what Israel doing in Palestina now .. how we can stop that deaths massacres
The IHH thugs aboard the MM were neither 'civilians' nor 'unarmed. They locked teh captain below decks, took over the ship- and sawed apart the ship's rails to make themselves the equivalent of a metal baseball bat to attack the rappelling INDF personnel.

The only 'duplicity' involved is the lies told by the pretend 'humanitarian peace activists' - whose 'humanitarian aid' was outdated, improperly stored, and generally of little use.

the duplicity to which i was referring was to the one day...no armenian genocide, the next day...an armenian genocide, based upon israeli relations with turkey and subsequent actions by jews worldwide, or at least in america and france,

the civilians on the ship were unarmed and the proof is in your statement. why the hell would anyone have saw apart a ship's rail to make a weapon if they were armed. also, if i see armed commandoes boarding a ship i'm on, i am going to fight.
what happen if we leave all prejiduces and be objective ? i think possible ..

yes i understand that you dont read my post just you have lots of hate .. i dont care i am not racist i have lots of friends Italian , French , Czech , American who are not racist i like them :) so have a nice day :)
If you were objective, you would not try to bury a genocide of over a million people. This has everything to do with hate by Turkey and nothing to do with hate by me. If you think demanding that Turkey reconcile itself with its past is racism or hate, so be it, although I would say that denying it is racism and hate. You murdered, and the world remembers. Turkey will have the mark of Cain forever.

the discussion on the genocide of the armenians serves one purpose, that of showing how duplicitous not just israelis, but most jews are.

NaziBoy sez "It's the Jooooos."
What a surprise. :D
If you were objective, you would not try to bury a genocide of over a million people. This has everything to do with hate by Turkey and nothing to do with hate by me. If you think demanding that Turkey reconcile itself with its past is racism or hate, so be it, although I would say that denying it is racism and hate. You murdered, and the world remembers. Turkey will have the mark of Cain forever.

the discussion on the genocide of the armenians serves one purpose, that of showing how duplicitous not just israelis, but most jews are.

NaziBoy sez "It's the Jooooos."
What a surprise. :D

in this case, yes, i did include the jews. normally i make the distinction between israelis and jews, but in this case, it was both.

quit whining. it is getting old.
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