Turkey uses chemical weapons on Kurds


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May 31, 2009
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'Turks hit PKK with chemical weapons'

Turks hit PKK with chemical weapons'
08/12/2010 21:41

Report: German newspaper says photos of dead Kurds confirm use.

BERLIN – German politicians called on Thursday for an international investigation into the reported use of chemical weapons by the Turkish military. The weapons were used against members of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), according to the online edition of the German weekly magazine Der Spiegel.
WOW, if true, what next?

Ekrem will be along to explain how Turkey is going to be the next Super Power so we all better walk softly.

The allegations are, that 8 PKK members were killed by use of chemichal weapons in a cave. Photos were made of soldiers carrying the bodies out of the cave and these photos were given to Leftist Party (Die Linke) in Germany.

Independent from above:
Interior Minister of Federal State in Germany (Schleswig Holstein), Claus Schlie, gave interview in June.
He says:
"There are increasing indications, that PKK tries to win influence in Germany via Leftist party (Die Linke)."
Verfassungsschutzbericht 2009:: Autonome Rechte geben zunehmend den Ton an - Kieler Nachrichten - Aktuelles aus der schleswig-holsteinischen Landespolitik - KN-online
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Leftist Party itself is followed by Institute to uphold Constitutional Order.

I doubt that there was anyone with a camera near that cave when the Army was operating. And use of chemical weapons is not needed to kill 8 PKK members in a cave. So, maybe indeed the dead bodies on the photos had signs of chemical weapons use. But, they were not from Turkey.
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What I am trying to say is, that Turkey will not agree to "International Investigation".
And everyone that pushes something like this will be denied entry into Turkey and brandmarked as in colloboration with PKK.
What I am trying to say is, that Turkey will not agree to "International Investigation".
And everyone that pushes something like this will be denied entry into Turkey and brandmarked as in colloboration with PKK.
kinda like how they deal with the Armenian massacre, eh?
What I am trying to say is, that Turkey will not agree to "International Investigation".
And everyone that pushes something like this will be denied entry into Turkey and brandmarked as in colloboration with PKK.

If Turkey is NOT using chemical weapons, why would they deny an independent investigation? Didn't you whine like a stuck pig when Israel refused an independent investigation into the boarding of your ship?

Using your own claim, the only reason Turkey would deny an independent investigation by an IMPARTIAL source is that they are guilty of using CHEMICAL WEAPONS.
If Turkey is NOT using chemical weapons, why would they deny an independent investigation? Didn't you whine like a stuck pig when Israel refused an independent investigation into the boarding of your ship?

Using your own claim, the only reason Turkey would deny an independent investigation by an IMPARTIAL source is that they are guilty of using CHEMICAL WEAPONS.

Turkey joined Convention on chemical weapons Prohibition in 1997.
Since then, there were International 12 inspections in Turkey, showing that we do not posses WMD's.

We do not need to agree on International Investigation, we are already under screening by them.
And, please do not come up with Israel.
Israel is not party to that convention,
That's the reason why they attack Gaza with chemical weapons like Phosphor.
kinda like how they deal with the Armenian massacre, eh?

Turkey is the one, that wants international History Commission on events of WW1.
Turkey and Armenia sign accords to normalize diplomatic relations | World | Deutsche Welle | 10.10.2009

Armenia withdraw from Zurich Accords.

1. Armenia didn't withdraw, you demanded Armenia give territory in exchange, Armenia only entered into it because you promised the accords without preconditions. You added a precondition. Thus it was put on hold. :)

2. They refuse the 'history commission' because the historians already agree there were the Armenian, Assyrian, Greek and Kurdish Genocides.

The main historic organizations (such as The International Association of Genocide Scholars), as well as the ANCA already know you would only use such a commission to decrease the numbers killed and claim there was no genocide but 'civil war'.

Also there was one a long time back between Armenia and Turkey, it found there was an Armenian Genocide, so you shut it up and closed it down.:lol:
Let France deal with it this time. Let the rest of the world take care of it and leave the US out of it all this time around.
Another example of where MSM is far behind the curve?

Pajamas Media Is Turkey Using Chemical Weapons Against the Kurds?

Is Turkey Using Chemical Weapons Against the Kurds?
Posted By Soeren Kern On August 15, 2010 @ 10:42 am In Europe, Israel, Middle East, Syria, Turkey, World News | 2 Comments

The German weekly newsmagazine Der Spiegel has published an investigative article [1] that accuses the Turkish military of using chemical weapons against members of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK). The magazine reports that forensic experts at the Hamburg University Hospital have confirmed the authenticity of 31 photographs that show the severely scorched bodies of eight PKK fighters who are believed to have been killed in the Kurdish town of Çukurca in September 2009. The hospital says it is highly probable that the victims in the photographs, six men and two women who are said to be scarcely recognizable as human beings, died “due to the use of chemical substances.”

The photographs were given to a German human rights delegation that was visiting Turkey in March 2010. That delegation was associated with Die Linke [2], the far-left political party that traces its roots back to the communist party in the former East Germany, which would imply that the allegations warrant skepticism. But it seems unlikely that Der Spiegel, which is one of the largest publications in Europe, with a weekly circulation of more than one million, would publish the story without first determining its veracity. In any case, Der Spiegel reports that Hans Baumann, one of Germany’s leading forgery specialists, has also confirmed the authenticity of the photographs.

According to a detailed report [3] by the Berlin daily newspaper Die Tageszeitung, the incident took place on September 8, when Turkish military headquarters received word that one of its soldiers had been killed by PKK fighters. The army responded by dispatching helicopters and several troop units to the area in an effort to scatter an estimated 7,000 PKK fighters. According to eyewitnesses cited by Die Tageszeitung, eight PKK fighters tried to escape by hiding in a nearby cave. But they were soon discovered by Turkish troops, who proceeded to fire artillery shells, allegedly laden with poison gas, into the cave. Turkish troops later pulled the lifeless bodies from the cave, sprayed them with bullets, and then drove over them with their tanks.

Die Tageszeitung reports it has also obtained other autopsy photographs of six Kurds killed in similar circumstances in Şirnak province in south-eastern Anatolia. Those pictures currently are being analyzed for their authenticity by the University Hospital in Hamburg.

German politicians and human rights experts now are demanding an international probe. “The latest findings are so spectacular that the Turkish side urgently needs to explain things,” says Claudia Roth, the co-chair of Germany’s left-wing Green Party. “It is impossible to understand why an autopsy of the PKK fighters was ordered but the results kept under seal.” Roth adds that there have been repeated “mysterious incidents of this type that are crying out for an independent investigation.”


Apart from a handful of news outlets, the mainstream media in Europe and the United States have mostly ignored these allegations. Now imagine the MSM reaction if it were Israel that was being accused of using chemical weapons.

Soeren Kern is Senior Analyst for Transatlantic Relations at the Madrid-based Grupo de Estudios Estratégicos / Strategic Studies Group.
MSM thinks it's jolly when people are blown up and gassed. They support the people who do it.
Something tells me after we're done with Iran and Syria, Turkey will be up on the chopping block.
I had heard from the folks at Butterball that the turkeys were planning an up-rising this Thanksgiving but I didn't know they were going to use chemical weapons. I thought they were just going to flap around a little and gobble and bitch about people not eating more beef at Thanksgiving... We best keep a close eye on the Turkeys...
Something tells me after we're done with Iran and Syria, Turkey will be up on the chopping block.

Will it be before your debt has risen from 90% of GDP to well over the 100% mark, the Greece way?
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