Turkey is attacking the Kurds, who were risking their lives for the US just last week..

Turkey begins military offensive in Syria, Erdogan announces

Turkey begins military offensive into Syria after US pulled back troops - CNNPolitics

trump will be remembered as the spineless coward who turned his back on our allies....the Kurds....

Obama got us into Syria.

There's another opinion in force now.

There is a incompetent fool in force now. Obama was naïve. Trump is a idiot.

Obama was a destroyer. Trump is a repairman.
Since Crooked Hillary said yesterday that she could "beat Trump again" then maybe she should run and then be the Commander in Chief and send the troops back to Syria like you Moon Bats want.

What part of the Kurds have always been considered "terrorists" by the Turkish Govt. The Turks didn't want to fight a War in Northern Syria so they allowed the US to supply some of the most vicious terrorists they knew to fight ISIS, probably promised they would have security and autonomy after ISIS was gone. It's a common tactic " the Enemy of my Enemy is my friend, until our common enemy is defeated, then we decide between ourselves!

You have no clue what you are talking about. You really think hurling unsubstantiated allegations will get Trump off the hook. Obama thought the terrorists were defeated when he prematurely withdrew from Iraq. Trump is following in his footsteps.

I simply don't care what the fuck happens over there.

Like Trump said to the press this afternoon. He is getting tired of seeing American troops come home in flag draped coffins and going to Walter Reed to had out Purple Hearts to men that are badly broken. Men killed or wounded fighting other people's wars for them.

He is looking after American interest and our interest doesn't have a damn thing to do a centuries long conflict between the Turks and the Kurds.

It is good to have a President that is looking after the American people. We haven't seen that in a long time, have we?

You are a dishonorable monster. Again it was Kurds who were dying and suffering injuries not Americans. Even Republicans know Trump is wrong on this.

He is not looking out for American interests. He is looking out for his business interests. Even Trump admitted he had a conflict of interest in Turkey. Trump gets millions from his business interests in Turkey and gets nothing from the Kurds.

Don't lecture me on throwing an ally under the bus.

I am Vietnam veteran. I gave it my all and so did many more of fellow comrades to save South Vietnam. I came home and I saw that filthy ass Democrat Congress, aided by a few confused RINOs, defund military aid to to South Vietnam causing the deaths of hundred of thousands of innocent people.

My son also fought in the Kurdish part of Iraq on his deployment and sacrificed a whole lot more than you have. You can take your little silliness about giving a shit and cram it up your ass.
Since Crooked Hillary said yesterday that she could "beat Trump again" then maybe she should run and then be the Commander in Chief and send the troops back to Syria like you Moon Bats want.

What part of the Kurds have always been considered "terrorists" by the Turkish Govt. The Turks didn't want to fight a War in Northern Syria so they allowed the US to supply some of the most vicious terrorists they knew to fight ISIS, probably promised they would have security and autonomy after ISIS was gone. It's a common tactic " the Enemy of my Enemy is my friend, until our common enemy is defeated, then we decide between ourselves!

You have no clue what you are talking about. You really think hurling unsubstantiated allegations will get Trump off the hook. Obama thought the terrorists were defeated when he prematurely withdrew from Iraq. Trump is following in his footsteps.

I simply don't care what the fuck happens over there.

Like Trump said to the press this afternoon. He is getting tired of seeing American troops come home in flag draped coffins and going to Walter Reed to had out Purple Hearts to men that are badly broken. Men killed or wounded fighting other people's wars for them.

He is looking after American interest and our interest doesn't have a damn thing to do a centuries long conflict between the Turks and the Kurds.

It is good to have a President that is looking after the American people. We haven't seen that in a long time, have we?

You are a dishonorable monster. Again it was Kurds who were dying and suffering injuries not Americans. Even Republicans know Trump is wrong on this.

He is not looking out for American interests. He is looking out for his business interests. Even Trump admitted he had a conflict of interest in Turkey. Trump gets millions from his business interests in Turkey and gets nothing from the Kurds.

Don't lecture me on throwing an ally under the bus.

I am Vietnam veteran. I gave it my all and so did many more of fellow comrades to save South Vietnam. I came home and I saw that filthy ass Democrat Congress, aided by a few confused RINOs, defund military aid to to South Vietnam causing the deaths of hundred of thousands of innocent people.

My son also fought in the Kurdish part of Iraq on his deployment and sacrificed a whole lot more than you have. You can take your little silliness about giving a shit and cram it up your ass.
And this is why we have civilian control of the military.
Link to Trump repeatedly bombing civilians with drones?

Oh wait...that was Obabble.

The 542 drone strikes that Obama authorized killed an estimated 3,797 people, including 324 civilians. As he reportedly told senior aides in 2011: “Turns out I’m really good at killing people. Didn’t know that was gonna be a strong suit of mine.”

Obama’s Final Drone Strike Data
Link to Trump repeatedly bombing civilians with drones?

Oh wait...that was Obabble.

The 542 drone strikes that Obama authorized killed an estimated 3,797 people, including 324 civilians. As he reportedly told senior aides in 2011: “Turns out I’m really good at killing people. Didn’t know that was gonna be a strong suit of mine.”

Obama’s Final Drone Strike Data
And yet Trump is easily outpacing Obama.

Under Donald Trump, drone strikes far exceed Obama's numbers
Wait until the trump approved blood bath makes the news channels....What is FOX going to do? Maybe they could play videos of Putin's vacation?
Wait until the trump approved blood bath makes the news channels....What is FOX going to do? Maybe they could play videos of Putin's vacation?

So Moon Bat vote for one of those idiot Democrat clowns running for President and if one wins they can send troops back to Syria. Thousands of them. Hundreds of thousands of them. Whatever your little Moon Bat heart desires.
We didn't need many there to stop the turks invasion Funny they only started coming after we were leaving

It was a hard choice.....either trump loses profit on his hotel in Turkey or he lets Turkey kill innocent people....a profit is a profit.....Donnie chose the profit.
Since Crooked Hillary said yesterday that she could "beat Trump again" then maybe she should run and then be the Commander in Chief and send the troops back to Syria like you Moon Bats want.

What part of the Kurds have always been considered "terrorists" by the Turkish Govt. The Turks didn't want to fight a War in Northern Syria so they allowed the US to supply some of the most vicious terrorists they knew to fight ISIS, probably promised they would have security and autonomy after ISIS was gone. It's a common tactic " the Enemy of my Enemy is my friend, until our common enemy is defeated, then we decide between ourselves!

You have no clue what you are talking about. You really think hurling unsubstantiated allegations will get Trump off the hook. Obama thought the terrorists were defeated when he prematurely withdrew from Iraq. Trump is following in his footsteps.

I simply don't care what the fuck happens over there.

Like Trump said to the press this afternoon. He is getting tired of seeing American troops come home in flag draped coffins and going to Walter Reed to had out Purple Hearts to men that are badly broken. Men killed or wounded fighting other people's wars for them.

He is looking after American interest and our interest doesn't have a damn thing to do a centuries long conflict between the Turks and the Kurds.

It is good to have a President that is looking after the American people. We haven't seen that in a long time, have we?

You are a dishonorable monster. Again it was Kurds who were dying and suffering injuries not Americans. Even Republicans know Trump is wrong on this.

He is not looking out for American interests. He is looking out for his business interests. Even Trump admitted he had a conflict of interest in Turkey. Trump gets millions from his business interests in Turkey and gets nothing from the Kurds.

Don't lecture me on throwing an ally under the bus.

I am Vietnam veteran. I gave it my all and so did many more of fellow comrades to save South Vietnam. I came home and I saw that filthy ass Democrat Congress, aided by a few confused RINOs, defund military aid to to South Vietnam causing the deaths of hundred of thousands of innocent people.

My son also fought in the Kurdish part of Iraq on his deployment and sacrificed a whole lot more than you have. You can take your little silliness about giving a shit and cram it up your ass.

I thanked you for your message but it was really me thanking you for your service.

God bless you and all who served before, with and after you who fought for, and some gave their life to defend, this crazy ass nation of ours.
Link to Trump repeatedly bombing civilians with drones?

Oh wait...that was Obabble.

The 542 drone strikes that Obama authorized killed an estimated 3,797 people, including 324 civilians. As he reportedly told senior aides in 2011: “Turns out I’m really good at killing people. Didn’t know that was gonna be a strong suit of mine.”

Obama’s Final Drone Strike Data
And yet Trump is easily outpacing Obama.

Under Donald Trump, drone strikes far exceed Obama's numbers

Please link to some verified data - not the Daily Beast.
Wait until the trump approved blood bath makes the news channels....What is FOX going to do? Maybe they could play videos of Putin's vacation?
Wait until the trump approved blood bath makes the news channels....What is FOX going to do? Maybe they could play videos of Putin's vacation?

So Moon Bat vote for one of those idiot Democrat clowns running for President and if one wins they can send troops back to Syria. Thousands of them. Hundreds of thousands of them. Whatever your little Moon Bat heart desires.
We didn't need many there to stop the turks invasion Funny they only started coming after we were leaving

It was a hard choice.....either trump loses profit on his hotel in Turkey or he lets Turkey kill innocent people....a profit is a profit.....Donnie chose the profit.

Trump Derangement Syndrome. You haz it!

If you want to talk about profiting on Middle East politics lets talk about the millions that Saudi Arabia gave Crooked Hillary or how much of a kickback Obama and Kerry got on that sweet cash deal to the Iranian Mullahs.

I thanked you for your message but it was really me thanking you for your service.

God bless you and all who served before, with and after you who fought for, and some gave their life to defend, this crazy ass nation of ours.

Trump said today that he does not want more dead American soldiers coming home in flag draped coffins. Soldiers that were fighting somebody else's wars for them.

I would like to see all the fighting in the Middle East stop but that ain't gonna happen. It has been going on for thousands of years and will continue. All we are going to do is get Americans killed and nothing much will change. Thank god Trump understands that.

I am glad we have a President that is looking after American interest for a change. God bless Trump.

I thanked you for your message but it was really me thanking you for your service.

God bless you and all who served before, with and after you who fought for, and some gave their life to defend, this crazy ass nation of ours.

Trump said today that he does not want more dead American soldiers coming home in flag draped coffins. Soldiers that were fighting somebody else's wars for them.

I would like to see all the fighting in the Middle East stop but that ain't gonna happen. It has been going on for thousands of years and will continue. All we are going to do is get Americans killed and nothing much will change. Thank god Trump understands that.

I am glad we have a President that is looking after American interest for a change. God bless Trump.

There is no excuse for a man who calls himself intelligent to wave a green flag at a brutal friend of Putin. The one person who is happy is Putin.

When will the videos of bloody Kurd civilians appear? trump should be ashamed......

I thanked you for your message but it was really me thanking you for your service.

God bless you and all who served before, with and after you who fought for, and some gave their life to defend, this crazy ass nation of ours.

Trump said today that he does not want more dead American soldiers coming home in flag draped coffins. Soldiers that were fighting somebody else's wars for them.

I would like to see all the fighting in the Middle East stop but that ain't gonna happen. It has been going on for thousands of years and will continue. All we are going to do is get Americans killed and nothing much will change. Thank god Trump understands that.

I am glad we have a President that is looking after American interest for a change. God bless Trump.

There is no excuse for a man who calls himself intelligent to wave a green flag at a brutal friend of Putin. The one person who is happy is Putin.

When will the videos of bloody Kurd civilians appear? trump should be ashamed......

There was no reason for Crooked Hillary to get filthy ass rich shaking down foreign counties for money to her money laundering operation but I bet that didn't stop you from voting for the bitch, did it?

There was also no reason for that dimwit Obama to give away the store to the everybody and their little brown dog but that didn't stop you from voting for the sonofabitch, did it?

Glad to see you confused Libtards joining the Neocons to justify interventionism. Just another example of why you Moon Bats are crazy as hell. Is it the TDS mental illness that is making you that way? Usually you would be bitching about the Neocons. Confused you are.

There is no excuse for a man who calls himself intelligent to wave a green flag at a brutal friend of Putin. The one person who is happy is Putin.

When will the videos of bloody Kurd civilians appear? trump should be ashamed......

If you want to go over and fight for the Kurds or anybody else in the Middle East then fine. Don't let the screen door hit you in the ass on the way out.

Put your money where your mouth is.
Since Crooked Hillary said yesterday that she could "beat Trump again" then maybe she should run and then be the Commander in Chief and send the troops back to Syria like you Moon Bats want.
Cool, we made it all the way to post #7 before the first "but hillary" post this time!
Turkey is not going to take over or smash anything
learn some history
----it's like Beirut/etc --we were accomplishing NOTHING
..also like using force in Somalia-accomplished nothing politically/etc
..also Vietnam

I've been pretty supportive of Trump but I dont like this move. Historically speaking the Turks are some real shit bags. Genocide against the Armenians and other ethnic groups. The Kurds were our boots on the ground so we didnt need to send troops over there That saved American lives, and it wouldn't have killed us to at least secure an agreement with Turkey to hold them to, before pulling out, if thats what we have to do.
The sudden move is pretty bad... sends a bad signal to anyone we need to work with us in the future, and simply..being faithful and honorable to people who have been our friend is the right thing to do. The kurds are one of the most tolerant people in the ME, probably do to all the suffering they have gone through. They dont deserve this. I hope Trump will change his mind.
are we supposed to stay there forever? as people wanted us to in Vietnam?

No , not forever, but it doesn't take very many US troops present to keep Turkey from bombing. The Kurds were fighting along side us in many respects here, I feel at the very least we could have given them a heads up. We left them very unprepared, and maybe Trump should have tried for a negotiation with Turkey as well, at least bought them some time. Other than just mentioning something about wrecking Turkey's economy. Why even bother saying that if we're not going to do anything? I've supported Trump but no one is above criticism. This might be one of those times
they knew before we knew that we were leaving--they are not stupid
Just trump throwing more people under the bus.....he is a proud coward with bone spurs.....even though he forgot which foot it was on....

And trumpettes lap up the lies....they gobble up horse shit....

Can’t wait to hear Democrat candidates running on the warmonger platform, that we “must do something” about it.

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