Tunisia to demand compensation for Israeli bombing of its school in Gaza

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009

TUNIS, (PIC)-- The Tunisian presidential advisor for international affairs, Anwar Al-Gharbi, has disclosed that his country was discussing means of retaliating to the Israeli bombing of its school in Gaza.

He told Quds Press on Thursday that the Israeli occupation forces shelled the Tunisian school in Gaza shortly after a solidarity visit by a senior official delegation to the beleaguered Strip.

He said that Tunis was studying retaliating to that act either by demanding compensation or filing a lawsuit with international courts.

Tunisia supports the Palestinian people’s struggle and believes that each people in the world is entitled to defend itself in face of aggression, Gharbi said.

Meanwhile, Tunisian president Al-Muncef Al-Marzouki reached Palestinian premier in Gaza Ismail Haneyya over the phone and congratulated him over the victory in Gaza over the Israeli aggression.

Tunisia to demand compensation for Israeli bombing of its school in Gaza
Hmmmm. Let me ask ... Did the IDF possibly bomb the site because it was being used by Hamas to fire rockets into Israel?

Now that couldn't possibly be the case could it?
Every school should be leveled in Gaza. They teach hate towards Jews and feed their kids bullshit.

Poisoned generation after poisoned generation
what do you think Tinnie? should nations be responsible for vandalisms against other nations buildings-----and their important sites?

I support most of all----lawsuits addressing vandalisms against NATIONAL TREASURES related to those groups
with some sort of national attachment to sites of buildings or shrines------ for example the destruction of the Buddhist Statuary in Afghanistan

Some sort of VALUATION of various kinds of vandalisms should be made by a program of lawsuits

What do you think Tinnie?
what do you think Tinnie? should nations be responsible for vandalisms against other nations buildings-----and their important sites?

I support most of all----lawsuits addressing vandalisms against NATIONAL TREASURES related to those groups
with some sort of national attachment to sites of buildings or shrines------ for example the destruction of the Buddhist Statuary in Afghanistan

Some sort of VALUATION of various kinds of vandalisms should be made by a program of lawsuits

What do you think Tinnie?

I think it is cool that there are some countries standing up to Israel. It is a start and we will probably see more in the future.:clap2::clap2:
what do you think Tinnie? should nations be responsible for vandalisms against other nations buildings-----and their important sites?

I support most of all----lawsuits addressing vandalisms against NATIONAL TREASURES related to those groups
with some sort of national attachment to sites of buildings or shrines------ for example the destruction of the Buddhist Statuary in Afghanistan

Some sort of VALUATION of various kinds of vandalisms should be made by a program of lawsuits

What do you think Tinnie?

I think it is cool that there are some countries standing up to Israel. It is a start and we will probably see more in the future.:clap2::clap2:

Tinnie try to focus----you know that JURISPRUDENCE ---depends on principles and equity -----and very much on PRECEDENT I am asked you a simple question and you
seem unable to answer it. IN THE NAME OF JUSTICE and EQUITY for all mankind---
to you believe that nations should be held responsible for vandalisms against other nations and creeds and systems of spiritual belief.

A few years ago this question was raised in India-----where an issue arose over a mosque which had been built in AYODHYA -------the traditional site of some thing that the "GOD" Rama did ---and where before the Moghuls invaded stood a VERY IMPORTANT HINDU TEMPLE------The invader Barbur---built RIGHT ON TOP of the Hindu temple which he razed----a mosque. The issue was whether an invader building an ediface ATOP a temple already existing takes precedence over the already existing SPIRITUAL and "holy" site of an extant people

why are you afraid of this question, TINNIE and insist on doing a little
war dance just becaue the people you hate are being targeted?

TUNIS, (PIC)-- The Tunisian presidential advisor for international affairs, Anwar Al-Gharbi, has disclosed that his country was discussing means of retaliating to the Israeli bombing of its school in Gaza.

He told Quds Press on Thursday that the Israeli occupation forces shelled the Tunisian school in Gaza shortly after a solidarity visit by a senior official delegation to the beleaguered Strip.

He said that Tunis was studying retaliating to that act either by demanding compensation or filing a lawsuit with international courts.

Tunisia supports the Palestinian people’s struggle and believes that each people in the world is entitled to defend itself in face of aggression, Gharbi said.

Meanwhile, Tunisian president Al-Muncef Al-Marzouki reached Palestinian premier in Gaza Ismail Haneyya over the phone and congratulated him over the victory in Gaza over the Israeli aggression.

Tunisia to demand compensation for Israeli bombing of its school in Gaza

Hmmmm. Let me ask ... Did the IDF possibly bomb the site because it was being used by Hamas to fire rockets into Israel?

Now that couldn't possibly be the case could it?

that "possibility", no matter how remote, does seem to be the IDFs modus operandi when engaged in combat against the "rabid dog kafirs", to assume that swingin' dick, every man, women, and child, is an armed combatant and every civilian structure...schools, mosques, residences, hospitals...is an arms dump.

who could expect any less due diligence from a bunch of trigger happy hooligans...oh, my bad...i meant to say "the most moral army in the world."

stupid fookin' cav.
Every school should be leveled in Gaza. They teach hate towards Jews and feed their kids bullshit.

Poisoned generation after poisoned generation

how many palestinian students spit on armenian clerics during their worship or vandalise christian churches?

Deach---you pose a very very specific circumstance In the course of my own life----NO MUSLIM STUDENT ever threw a rock at me and yelled "YOU KILLED JESUS"
----but there were little Irish catholic girls in my neighborhood who did

and there were some people who ripped that MEZZUZAH thing off my door post-----I have no idea who did it-----but there were no muslims around

TUNIS, (PIC)-- The Tunisian presidential advisor for international affairs, Anwar Al-Gharbi, has disclosed that his country was discussing means of retaliating to the Israeli bombing of its school in Gaza.

He told Quds Press on Thursday that the Israeli occupation forces shelled the Tunisian school in Gaza shortly after a solidarity visit by a senior official delegation to the beleaguered Strip.

He said that Tunis was studying retaliating to that act either by demanding compensation or filing a lawsuit with international courts.

Tunisia supports the Palestinian people’s struggle and believes that each people in the world is entitled to defend itself in face of aggression, Gharbi said.

Meanwhile, Tunisian president Al-Muncef Al-Marzouki reached Palestinian premier in Gaza Ismail Haneyya over the phone and congratulated him over the victory in Gaza over the Israeli aggression.

Tunisia to demand compensation for Israeli bombing of its school in Gaza

Hmmmm. Let me ask ... Did the IDF possibly bomb the site because it was being used by Hamas to fire rockets into Israel?

Now that couldn't possibly be the case could it?

that "possibility", no matter how remote, does seem to be the IDFs modus operandi when engaged in combat against the "rabid dog kafirs", to assume that swingin' dick, every man, women, and child, is an armed combatant and every civilian structure...schools, mosques, residences, hospitals...is an arms dump.

who could expect any less due diligence from a bunch of trigger happy hooligans...oh, my bad...i meant to say "the most moral army in the world."

stupid fookin' cav.

Everything in this post is a lie. Go drink some whisky you Irish drunk ! :D
How did the Tunisian kids get to school and back? Seems like a long way to go to memorize the koran. :dunno:

TUNIS, (PIC)-- The Tunisian presidential advisor for international affairs, Anwar Al-Gharbi, has disclosed that his country was discussing means of retaliating to the Israeli bombing of its school in Gaza.

He told Quds Press on Thursday that the Israeli occupation forces shelled the Tunisian school in Gaza shortly after a solidarity visit by a senior official delegation to the beleaguered Strip.

He said that Tunis was studying retaliating to that act either by demanding compensation or filing a lawsuit with international courts.

Tunisia supports the Palestinian people’s struggle and believes that each people in the world is entitled to defend itself in face of aggression, Gharbi said.

Meanwhile, Tunisian president Al-Muncef Al-Marzouki reached Palestinian premier in Gaza Ismail Haneyya over the phone and congratulated him over the victory in Gaza over the Israeli aggression.

Tunisia to demand compensation for Israeli bombing of its school in Gaza

Hmmmm. Let me ask ... Did the IDF possibly bomb the site because it was being used by Hamas to fire rockets into Israel?

Now that couldn't possibly be the case could it?

that "possibility", no matter how remote, does seem to be the IDFs modus operandi when engaged in combat against the "rabid dog kafirs", to assume that swingin' dick, every man, women, and child, is an armed combatant and every civilian structure...schools, mosques, residences, hospitals...is an arms dump.

who could expect any less due diligence from a bunch of trigger happy hooligans...oh, my bad...i meant to say "the most moral army in the world."

stupid fookin' cav.

Everything in this post is a lie. Go drink some whisky you Irish drunk ! :D

and here the jew goes with the anti-goyim stereotypes...lolol.

there are plenty of stereotypes to go around, some even about jews, you know.

if i were you, one of the chosen, you know, i would not accuse the irish, or anyone else for that matter, of being liars and deceptive. you folk wrote the book on that type of dealings, an instruction manual, i you will, called the talmud.
Every school should be leveled in Gaza. They teach hate towards Jews and feed their kids bullshit.

Poisoned generation after poisoned generation

how many palestinian students spit on armenian clerics during their worship or vandalise christian churches?

Deach---you pose a very very specific circumstance In the course of my own life----NO MUSLIM STUDENT ever threw a rock at me and yelled "YOU KILLED JESUS"
----but there were little Irish catholic girls in my neighborhood who did

and there were some people who ripped that MEZZUZAH thing off my door post-----I have no idea who did it-----but there were no muslims around

yeah, yeaah, yeah...and just last month you were bragging about how everyone in your neighbourhood thought you were a little irish girl in you cute llittle tam and plaid skirt.

maybe people threw rocks at you because, even as a young girl, you were perfecting your techniques of being a lying bitch.

"waaa waaa waaa. john philip sousa stole my mezzuzzah.. waaaawaaaawaaaaaaaaaah"

he was one of your "papist dogs", ya know.
TUNIS, (PIC)-- The Tunisian presidential advisor for international affairs, Anwar Al-Gharbi, has disclosed that his country was discussing means of retaliating to the Israeli bombing of its school in Gaza. ... palestine-info.co.uk
palestine-bullshit.co.uk, of course.
Deach---you pose a very very specific circumstance In the course of my own life----NO MUSLIM STUDENT ever threw a rock at me and yelled "YOU KILLED JESUS"
----but there were little Irish catholic girls in my neighborhood who did

and there were some people who ripped that MEZZUZAH thing off my door post-----I have no idea who did it-----but there were no muslims around
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjgP33-Hi1c]Israeli Settler Brags - "We Killed Jesus & We're Proud Of It" - YouTube[/ame]
Every school should be leveled in Gaza. They teach hate towards Jews and feed their kids bullshit.

Poisoned generation after poisoned generation

how many palestinian students spit on armenian clerics during their worship or vandalise christian churches?

why so SPECIFIC a question deach-----how many armenian christians
were murdered by muslims circa 1915? How many churches were destroyed
by muslims----try to answer to the nearest 1000

how many christians have been murdered by muslims in the past three month
because they are christians?
Every school should be leveled in Gaza. They teach hate towards Jews and feed their kids bullshit.

Poisoned generation after poisoned generation

how many palestinian students spit on armenian clerics during their worship or vandalise christian churches?

why so SPECIFIC a question deach-----how many armenian christians
were murdered by muslims circa 1915? How many churches were destroyed
by muslims----try to answer to the nearest 1000

how many christians have been murdered by muslims in the past three month
because they are christians?

you seem to miss the point. i am not the jew advocating leveling all schools, nor am i the jew advocating the killing off of a whole ethnicity.

i am an irish catholic. we grow up guiltless. that is our culture.
you have a culture of guilt.
how many palestinian students spit on armenian clerics during their worship or vandalise christian churches?

why so SPECIFIC a question deach-----how many armenian christians
were murdered by muslims circa 1915? How many churches were destroyed
by muslims----try to answer to the nearest 1000

how many christians have been murdered by muslims in the past three month
because they are christians?

you seem to miss the point. i am not the jew advocating leveling all schools, nor am i the jew advocating the killing off of a whole ethnicity.

i am an irish catholic. we grow up guiltless. that is our culture.
you have a culture of guilt.

you have a culture of exclusivity which requires you to imgine that all
"OTHERS" are damned to eternal hellfire ------which requires you to come up with reasons as to WHY You also have a culture up to its eyebrows in blood.
The characerizations of jewish beliefs by your fellows----- was a lively
entertainment for jews in my town-----ours was among the early "INTER-
RELIGION" events places in the USA . Comments about "the jews" do show
up in your idiot literature right there in the churches where some of the "INTER-
RELIGION" fests took place-------and the stifled giggles of jews

TUNIS, (PIC)-- The Tunisian presidential advisor for international affairs, Anwar Al-Gharbi, has disclosed that his country was discussing means of retaliating to the Israeli bombing of its school in Gaza.

He told Quds Press on Thursday that the Israeli occupation forces shelled the Tunisian school in Gaza shortly after a solidarity visit by a senior official delegation to the beleaguered Strip.

He said that Tunis was studying retaliating to that act either by demanding compensation or filing a lawsuit with international courts.

Tunisia supports the Palestinian people’s struggle and believes that each people in the world is entitled to defend itself in face of aggression, Gharbi said.

Meanwhile, Tunisian president Al-Muncef Al-Marzouki reached Palestinian premier in Gaza Ismail Haneyya over the phone and congratulated him over the victory in Gaza over the Israeli aggression.

Tunisia to demand compensation for Israeli bombing of its school in Gaza

Wow, all that love! How much cash is Tunisia sending to help them rebuild after their victory?

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