Tuesday's DEMOPUBLICAN Victory


Radical Freedom
Aug 16, 2009
Adjuntas, PR , USA
The GOP Fraud
By Andrew P. Napolitano

November 6, 2014

Because of the way the news business works, I am writing this column before the close of the polls in the so-called midterm elections, and hence as I write, I do not know their outcome. Will the Republicans or the Democrats control the U.S. Senate for the next two years? Will it make a difference?

The two major political parties are more alike than they are different. On the two paramount issues of our day — war and debt — they are identical. With the exception of Democratic progressives and Republican libertarians, the two parties stand for perpetual war and perpetual debt. Both stances increase the power of the government, and each invites present and future destruction."

It would be nice if they threw in a cage match on C-Span from time to time. I mean, what the hell, we're paying for entertainment, might as well get a knockout once in a while. :)
losertrians want to see America look like Haiti. A modern first world nation needs a good budget that focuses on infrastructure, science, r&d and defense.

Because we invest in our own country doesn't make the republicans = the democrats. Which are sexist and racist and bad for this country.
It would be nice if they threw in a cage match on C-Span from time to time. I mean, what the hell, we're paying for entertainment, might as well get a knockout once in a while. :)

The Petty, Empty Spectacle of the 2014 Election
The 2014 midterm election is campaign to portray the other side as worse.
Peter Suderman | October 21, 2014

Whitehouse.govWith just two weeks until election day, the most striking thing about the 2014 midterm may be how petty and substance-free it is. No major policy issue has defined this election; no major legislation is immediately at stake. It is possible to find candidates talking about a variety of policy issues—Obamacare, the minimum wage, immigration, the Export-Import bank, and more—but the implications are described almost entirely in political terms. For the most part, the focus for both parties is not on what they would do, but what they wouldn't, not who they are, but who they aren't. It's an election about nothing, except, perhaps, who one hates the most.

"Yet Republicans have a problem of their own. Despite their attacks Obama and his policies, they have almost nothing specific to say about what they would do instead—and much of what they are saying is either incoherent or opportunistic."
losertrians want to see America look like Haiti. A modern first world nation needs a good budget that focuses on infrastructure, science, r&d and defense.

Because we invest in our own country doesn't make the republicans = the democrats. Which are sexist and racist and bad for this country.

Au contraire, my socialist opponent.

Fascism and socialism cause poverty and misery
"Yet Republicans have a problem of their own. Despite their attacks Obama and his policies, they have almost nothing specific to say about what they would do instead—and much of what they are saying is either incoherent or opportunistic."

I don't understand why people don't know what the GOP are going to do. I'm up here in Canada but I follow the Speaker's blog. I get emails from his website for crying out loud. You just sign up.

I follow the House right at their sources because I don't want to see bullshit spin by the liberal media. I mean look at the mantra the bloody media kept up about the "do nothing Congress".

That was total bullshit. They had passed over 350 bills that Harry Reid refused to bring to the floor of the Senate.

Speaker Boehner and McConnell have laid out their plans. Some specific. Some in generalities. All on their government websites.

I believe we will see them move on Keystone immediately. They have vowed to repeal Obamacare. That's just for starters.

And without a shadow of a doubt if Obama tries to give millions of illegals amnesty watch all hell break loose.

Boehner's already warning Obama not to play with matches because he's going to get burned.
Only a fool or a low information base of the democrat party or a libertarian pot head would suggest that the republican victory "won't make a difference". The first thing that will happen is opening Reid's "legislative roach motel" where bills checked in but didn't check out. Americans will have a chance to see how democrats obstructed economic gain by protecting Obama from doing his freaking job. This republican victory will be the most important political political accomplishment in the last two decades or more.
The GOP Fraud
By Andrew P. Napolitano

November 6, 2014

Because of the way the news business works, I am writing this column before the close of the polls in the so-called midterm elections, and hence as I write, I do not know their outcome. Will the Republicans or the Democrats control the U.S. Senate for the next two years? Will it make a difference?

The two major political parties are more alike than they are different. On the two paramount issues of our day — war and debt — they are identical. With the exception of Democratic progressives and Republican libertarians, the two parties stand for perpetual war and perpetual debt. Both stances increase the power of the government, and each invites present and future destruction."

Let me try to explain it to you this way. Obama care passed by one vote. None of the Republicans voted for it. Every Democrat Senator was the deciding vote on Obama care.
Now is the time for them to take the blame for it. People don't like Obama care. People don't want it and most of the worst of it has not even kicked in yet. Obama is delaying the employer mandate until after the election. Now you want to tell us there is no difference in the Republicans and the Democrats. Please and I am trying to be polite. Please get real. More later. Yours truly Warner.

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