Tucson Mass Shooter Arrested. Shockingly, He Isn't a White Supremacist and CNN Didn't Post His Pic


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
I can't quite put my finger on why this story got shuffled off to never-never land. Hmmm? Reported, then down the memory hole.

Tucson police have arrested mass shooter Leslie Stephen Scarlett. Last week Scarlett set fire to a house and then engaged in a shootout that left two people dead and four wounded, including two EMTs and a fire captain.

The wokesters at CNN apparently forgot to post a picture of the arsonist and mass shooter when they reported the story. Weird, right?

When Tucson police responded, Scarlett fired at them. They returned fire and a shootout began. At one point, Scarlett tried to ram his SUV into a police vehicle, local news station KVOA reported. Scarlett was eventually shot by cops and stopped resisting. He is reportedly listed in critical condition.

An unidentified, charred body was found in the house.

Tucson Police Chief Craig Magnus held a press meeting and stated: “Mr. Scarlett has a criminal history that includes serving six years in prison for armed robbery. He also has a history of mental health issues. There are far too many individuals with violent criminal intent and the means to injure and kill people. Too often, first responders, such as police, fire and emergency medical service personnel become targeted for reasons that are unclear.”

"Is it a vendetta, the uniform, the authority it represents or just that police, fire and EMS are the ones out in the field responding to crises and dealing with deeply troubled people day in and day out?” the chief continued.

I can't quite put my finger on why this story got shuffled off to never-never land. Hmmm? Reported, then down the memory hole.

Tucson police have arrested mass shooter Leslie Stephen Scarlett. Last week Scarlett set fire to a house and then engaged in a shootout that left two people dead and four wounded, including two EMTs and a fire captain.

The wokesters at CNN apparently forgot to post a picture of the arsonist and mass shooter when they reported the story. Weird, right?
When Tucson police responded, Scarlett fired at them. They returned fire and a shootout began. At one point, Scarlett tried to ram his SUV into a police vehicle, local news station KVOA reported. Scarlett was eventually shot by cops and stopped resisting. He is reportedly listed in critical condition.
An unidentified, charred body was found in the house.
Tucson Police Chief Craig Magnus held a press meeting and stated: “Mr. Scarlett has a criminal history that includes serving six years in prison for armed robbery. He also has a history of mental health issues. There are far too many individuals with violent criminal intent and the means to injure and kill people. Too often, first responders, such as police, fire and emergency medical service personnel become targeted for reasons that are unclear.”
"Is it a vendetta, the uniform, the authority it represents or just that police, fire and EMS are the ones out in the field responding to crises and dealing with deeply troubled people day in and day out?” the chief continued.

Funny that PJMedia would point in their story that CNN did not post a picture, and then, they didn't post a picture either. Why would they make a point of it if they were not going to post it either? Weird.
Heck, I'll post it. Here is the nut ball sicko.
Funny that PJMedia would point in their story that CNN did not post a picture, and then, they didn't post a picture either. Why would they make a point of it if they were not going to post it either? Weird.
Heck, I'll post it. Here is the nut ball sicko.
View attachment 515154

Ha!!, so much for your veracity to the truth. pjmedia did post the image of Scarlett that was shown on Twitter....

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Ha!!, so much for your veracity to the truth. pjmedia did post the image of Scarlett that was shown on Twitter....

Truth is like kryptonite for our Leftist friends ....
I can't quite put my finger on why this story got shuffled off to never-never land. Hmmm? Reported, then down the memory hole.

Tucson police have arrested mass shooter Leslie Stephen Scarlett. Last week Scarlett set fire to a house and then engaged in a shootout that left two people dead and four wounded, including two EMTs and a fire captain.

The wokesters at CNN apparently forgot to post a picture of the arsonist and mass shooter when they reported the story. Weird, right?
When Tucson police responded, Scarlett fired at them. They returned fire and a shootout began. At one point, Scarlett tried to ram his SUV into a police vehicle, local news station KVOA reported. Scarlett was eventually shot by cops and stopped resisting. He is reportedly listed in critical condition.
An unidentified, charred body was found in the house.
Tucson Police Chief Craig Magnus held a press meeting and stated: “Mr. Scarlett has a criminal history that includes serving six years in prison for armed robbery. He also has a history of mental health issues. There are far too many individuals with violent criminal intent and the means to injure and kill people. Too often, first responders, such as police, fire and emergency medical service personnel become targeted for reasons that are unclear.”
"Is it a vendetta, the uniform, the authority it represents or just that police, fire and EMS are the ones out in the field responding to crises and dealing with deeply troubled people day in and day out?” the chief continued.

Silly poster.......it is as obvious as the day is long............he is Amish......the press is controlled by the Amish in this country and it is they who get these stories buried......they hide behind a fake primitive lifestyle, but if you go back through history, you will find Amish people behind all the great problems ..........the Black Plague, World War 1 and 2............dig, and you will find the secret hand of the Amish...this story is no different...
Ha!!, so much for your veracity to the truth. pjmedia did post the image of Scarlett that was shown on Twitter....

I did not see it on the page the OP posted. What did they do, just post a link to it instead of putting the picture right on the page? Yep. Just checked again. No pic shown, except a picture off a CNN logo in front of a building in some other state. Probably ran short of bandwidth, right?:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
I can't quite put my finger on why this story got shuffled off to never-never land. Hmmm? Reported, then down the memory hole.

Tucson police have arrested mass shooter Leslie Stephen Scarlett. Last week Scarlett set fire to a house and then engaged in a shootout that left two people dead and four wounded, including two EMTs and a fire captain.

The wokesters at CNN apparently forgot to post a picture of the arsonist and mass shooter when they reported the story. Weird, right?
When Tucson police responded, Scarlett fired at them. They returned fire and a shootout began. At one point, Scarlett tried to ram his SUV into a police vehicle, local news station KVOA reported. Scarlett was eventually shot by cops and stopped resisting. He is reportedly listed in critical condition.
An unidentified, charred body was found in the house.
Tucson Police Chief Craig Magnus held a press meeting and stated: “Mr. Scarlett has a criminal history that includes serving six years in prison for armed robbery. He also has a history of mental health issues. There are far too many individuals with violent criminal intent and the means to injure and kill people. Too often, first responders, such as police, fire and emergency medical service personnel become targeted for reasons that are unclear.”
"Is it a vendetta, the uniform, the authority it represents or just that police, fire and EMS are the ones out in the field responding to crises and dealing with deeply troubled people day in and day out?” the chief continued.

You collect photos of white supremacist mass murderers? Interesting hobby.
I can't quite put my finger on why this story got shuffled off to never-never land. Hmmm? Reported, then down the memory hole.

Tucson police have arrested mass shooter Leslie Stephen Scarlett. Last week Scarlett set fire to a house and then engaged in a shootout that left two people dead and four wounded, including two EMTs and a fire captain.

The wokesters at CNN apparently forgot to post a picture of the arsonist and mass shooter when they reported the story. Weird, right?
When Tucson police responded, Scarlett fired at them. They returned fire and a shootout began. At one point, Scarlett tried to ram his SUV into a police vehicle, local news station KVOA reported. Scarlett was eventually shot by cops and stopped resisting. He is reportedly listed in critical condition.
An unidentified, charred body was found in the house.
Tucson Police Chief Craig Magnus held a press meeting and stated: “Mr. Scarlett has a criminal history that includes serving six years in prison for armed robbery. He also has a history of mental health issues. There are far too many individuals with violent criminal intent and the means to injure and kill people. Too often, first responders, such as police, fire and emergency medical service personnel become targeted for reasons that are unclear.”
"Is it a vendetta, the uniform, the authority it represents or just that police, fire and EMS are the ones out in the field responding to crises and dealing with deeply troubled people day in and day out?” the chief continued.

CNN and the rest of the garbage media have become very reliable in this one way. When they don't publish a picture of the perpetrator, we KNOW who it is. 100% reliable.
I can't quite put my finger on why this story got shuffled off to never-never land. Hmmm? Reported, then down the memory hole.

Tucson police have arrested mass shooter Leslie Stephen Scarlett. Last week Scarlett set fire to a house and then engaged in a shootout that left two people dead and four wounded, including two EMTs and a fire captain.

The wokesters at CNN apparently forgot to post a picture of the arsonist and mass shooter when they reported the story. Weird, right?
When Tucson police responded, Scarlett fired at them. They returned fire and a shootout began. At one point, Scarlett tried to ram his SUV into a police vehicle, local news station KVOA reported. Scarlett was eventually shot by cops and stopped resisting. He is reportedly listed in critical condition.
An unidentified, charred body was found in the house.
Tucson Police Chief Craig Magnus held a press meeting and stated: “Mr. Scarlett has a criminal history that includes serving six years in prison for armed robbery. He also has a history of mental health issues. There are far too many individuals with violent criminal intent and the means to injure and kill people. Too often, first responders, such as police, fire and emergency medical service personnel become targeted for reasons that are unclear.”
"Is it a vendetta, the uniform, the authority it represents or just that police, fire and EMS are the ones out in the field responding to crises and dealing with deeply troubled people day in and day out?” the chief continued.

Just SPIT IT OUT! We have another leftwing crackpot violent domestic terrorist in our midst killing people! We better get Joe's crack terrorism task force right on top of this to find out if this fella was also a member of BLM or a member of Antifa?

Just remember: 500 patriots stormed the Capitol on 1/6 to get redress from their government over a stolen election yet not one of them killed anyone. They weren't democrat.
So... who else was impressed all to hell and gone over the cop's marksmanship? I mean, DAMN... popped a grape from 25 yards away or more? That's seriously impressive, IMHO.

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