Tucker: Lee Harvey Oswald was a Commie, lying by Dems and Soviets about JFK killing cost Barry Goldwater the presidency

a history lesson for young folks! and once again...the left are the bad guys!

Oswald was a devout liberal, no doubt about it.

But Goldwater was still a Loser who didn't put up much of a fight against LBJ. LBJ's Racist history should have been emphasized by the Republican campaign to compete for the black vote. Really a pathetic effort by Barack Goldwater, and that's why libs love him so much now.

Although when he was running, he was attacked as an extremist who was going to start a nuclear holocaust.

Anyone would have lost to Johnson less than 2 years after Marilyn's boyfriend got whacked. He was a martyr.

Only one of her boyfriends.

He shared her with his brother which is just gross

The Kennedys loved football and they really passed her around.and she died of Arkansas Sudden Death Syndrome.

she was about to spill the beans. Bobby came over that morning pleading. then that night The Angel of Death came upon the house
Surprised Jackie didn't have him whacked. What a louse of a husband making her miserable.
Not the first wife to stand by and hang on to a cheating husband, she clearly loved him anyways as opposed to hillary who rode her cheating husbands coattails
I look at it like this. if my father did that to my mother and siblings, I'd hate the mother fucker so much I would have shot that bastard dead. What about your dad?
a history lesson for young folks! and once again...the left are the bad guys!

Oswald was a devout liberal, no doubt about it.

But Goldwater was still a Loser who didn't put up much of a fight against LBJ. LBJ's Racist history should have been emphasized by the Republican campaign to compete for the black vote. Really a pathetic effort by Barack Goldwater, and that's why libs love him so much now.

Although when he was running, he was attacked as an extremist who was going to start a nuclear holocaust.

Anyone would have lost to Johnson less than 2 years after Marilyn's boyfriend got whacked. He was a martyr.

Only one of her boyfriends.

He shared her with his brother which is just gross

Bobby and Jack's mom was still around then. She would have been mortified if she had known her 2 adult, married sons were having 3-somes together.
Oswald abandoned his post as a US Marine while working on the U-2 program in Japan. He renounced his citizenship and fled to Russia and shortly after, U-2 pilot F.G. Powers was shot down over Russia. Coincidence or CIA conspiracy? You almost gotta scratch your head that Oswald came back to the good old USA with his new bride who happened to be the daughter of a KGB officer and was welcomed back by the Kennedy administration in the hottest time in the cold war instead of being incarcerated as a freaking traitor. WTF happened?
He abandoned nothing he was kicked out of the Marines which is not the same thing and he never worked on the U2

His wife was the daughter of a local cop not a KGB officer.

He was not welcomed by the Kennedy administration.
If everything you say is true how in the world did Oswald return to the U.S. during the coldest part of the Cold War without becoming a ward of the CIA or doing time in Leavenworth?
Oswald abandoned his post as a US Marine while working on the U-2 program in Japan. He renounced his citizenship and fled to Russia and shortly after, U-2 pilot F.G. Powers was shot down over Russia. Coincidence or CIA conspiracy? You almost gotta scratch your head that Oswald came back to the good old USA with his new bride who happened to be the daughter of a KGB officer and was welcomed back by the Kennedy administration in the hottest time in the cold war instead of being incarcerated as a freaking traitor. WTF happened?
He abandoned nothing he was kicked out of the Marines which is not the same thing and he never worked on the U2

His wife was the daughter of a local cop not a KGB officer.

He was not welcomed by the Kennedy administration.
If everything you say is true how in the world did Oswald return to the U.S. during the coldest part of the Cold War without becoming a ward of the CIA or doing time in Leavenworth?
Because it was not illegal.
Oswald abandoned his post as a US Marine while working on the U-2 program in Japan. He renounced his citizenship and fled to Russia and shortly after, U-2 pilot F.G. Powers was shot down over Russia. Coincidence or CIA conspiracy? You almost gotta scratch your head that Oswald came back to the good old USA with his new bride who happened to be the daughter of a KGB officer and was welcomed back by the Kennedy administration in the hottest time in the cold war instead of being incarcerated as a freaking traitor. WTF happened?
He abandoned nothing he was kicked out of the Marines which is not the same thing and he never worked on the U2

His wife was the daughter of a local cop not a KGB officer.

He was not welcomed by the Kennedy administration.
If everything you say is true how in the world did Oswald return to the U.S. during the coldest part of the Cold War without becoming a ward of the CIA or doing time in Leavenworth?
Because it was not illegal.
You almost gotta laugh. Wiki says that Oswald met his wife at a "dance" like it was a freaking high school prom except in freaking Russia. Her uncle happened to be an official in (pick a office) in the KGB. Was it really legal in the coldest part of the cold war to renounce citizenship and return to the U.S. with a Russian bride without federal scrutiny?
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Oswald abandoned his post as a US Marine while working on the U-2 program in Japan. He renounced his citizenship and fled to Russia and shortly after, U-2 pilot F.G. Powers was shot down over Russia. Coincidence or CIA conspiracy? You almost gotta scratch your head that Oswald came back to the good old USA with his new bride who happened to be the daughter of a KGB officer and was welcomed back by the Kennedy administration in the hottest time in the cold war instead of being incarcerated as a freaking traitor. WTF happened?
He abandoned nothing he was kicked out of the Marines which is not the same thing and he never worked on the U2

His wife was the daughter of a local cop not a KGB officer.

He was not welcomed by the Kennedy administration.
If everything you say is true how in the world did Oswald return to the U.S. during the coldest part of the Cold War without becoming a ward of the CIA or doing time in Leavenworth?
Because it was not illegal.
You almost gotta laugh. Wiki says that Oswald met his wife at a "dance" like it was a freaking high school prom except in freaking Russia. Her uncle happened to be an official in (pick a office) in the KGB. Was it really legal in the coldest part of the cold war to renounce citizenship and return to the U.S. with a Russian bride without federal scrutiny?
Yes it was.

You seem to forget that the cold war was not an official or declared war but simply a heightened state of tension between two opposing superpowers.

The USA is a free country you are free go go whenever you like to where ever you wish. Of course it is up to other countries to let you in if they wish. The USSR knew he was a fool and nut and told him to go home until he attempted suicide. They changed their mind because certian high officals felt the bad press which may have resulted would have jeopardized up coming summit talks with the US. So he stayed for a while met the daughter of a local police officer ( not KGB ) at a dance and married her. Yes even in the USSR people sometimes danced.

When he decided to return state side with his wife he had to endure months of typical soviet beauratic crap before being allowed to leave with her. His renunciation of his citizenship had been deliberately held up simply because the ambassador sensed he was an idiot who would live to regret going to the hell hole of the USSR and therefore it was never officially processed.

There was some LIMITED federal scrutiny of him at the time but he was considered unimportant and meaningless which was true at the time until he got lucky in dallas.

They had no legal authority to do anything else but take a look at him and maybe ask some questions IF he chose to cooperate.

Nothing about his trips to the USSR or Mexico was illegal.
a history lesson for young folks! and once again...the left are the bad guys!

Nothing Fucker Carlson farts can be considered a "history lesson". Don't be ridiculous.

Goldwater had no shot at 1964 considering his fringe position, his opposition to the Civil Rights Act, and the overwhelming sympathy vote LBJ was assured of. And NOBODY connected Goldwater with the assassination, that's absurd. Fucker Carlson wasn't even ALIVE YET when this all went down. This is a TV clown, clowning for ratings for a failing network. And you bought it.

I respect Goldwater's allying with William Buckley to get the far right John Birchers and McCarthyite alcoholics and other nutjobs out of the GOP and pretty much out of being taken seriusly by anybody from then on, but he had little to recommend him to the average American voter. Like the GOP throughout its history it was obsessed with class warfare and compulsively screwing over anybody with a real job and do that on steroids today, so I don't feel their pain as a Party and hope they crash along with their commie Red Chinese and Wall Street homies.
Oswald abandoned his post as a US Marine while working on the U-2 program in Japan. He renounced his citizenship and fled to Russia and shortly after, U-2 pilot F.G. Powers was shot down over Russia. Coincidence or CIA conspiracy? You almost gotta scratch your head that Oswald came back to the good old USA with his new bride who happened to be the daughter of a KGB officer and was welcomed back by the Kennedy administration in the hottest time in the cold war instead of being incarcerated as a freaking traitor. WTF happened?
He abandoned nothing he was kicked out of the Marines which is not the same thing and he never worked on the U2

His wife was the daughter of a local cop not a KGB officer.

He was not welcomed by the Kennedy administration.
If everything you say is true how in the world did Oswald return to the U.S. during the coldest part of the Cold War without becoming a ward of the CIA or doing time in Leavenworth?
Because it was not illegal.
You almost gotta laugh. Wiki says that Oswald met his wife at a "dance" like it was a freaking high school prom except in freaking Russia. Her uncle happened to be an official in (pick a office) in the KGB. Was it really legal in the coldest part of the cold war to renounce citizenship and return to the U.S. with a Russian bride without federal scrutiny?

I'm no conspiritard, and I find that bizarre as well, especially the part where he lives in Texas without harassment from the police and Sheriff's dept. and run out of the state or lynched, and also actually gets a job with the local government to boot. We had neighbors who were Jehovah's Witnesses and they got harrassed by the locals and FBI for merely not standing and repeating the Pledge of Allegiance because of their religious beliefs. Our school principal at the time caught hell for not expelling the kids, but showed some balls and refused to harass them on school grounds. And not only an open commie but his brother was known as a Mafia associate as well.
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Oswald abandoned his post as a US Marine while working on the U-2 program in Japan. He renounced his citizenship and fled to Russia and shortly after, U-2 pilot F.G. Powers was shot down over Russia. Coincidence or CIA conspiracy? You almost gotta scratch your head that Oswald came back to the good old USA with his new bride who happened to be the daughter of a KGB officer and was welcomed back by the Kennedy administration in the hottest time in the cold war instead of being incarcerated as a freaking traitor. WTF happened?
He abandoned nothing he was kicked out of the Marines which is not the same thing and he never worked on the U2

His wife was the daughter of a local cop not a KGB officer.

He was not welcomed by the Kennedy administration.
If everything you say is true how in the world did Oswald return to the U.S. during the coldest part of the Cold War without becoming a ward of the CIA or doing time in Leavenworth?
Because it was not illegal.
You almost gotta laugh. Wiki says that Oswald met his wife at a "dance" like it was a freaking high school prom except in freaking Russia. Her uncle happened to be an official in (pick a office) in the KGB. Was it really legal in the coldest part of the cold war to renounce citizenship and return to the U.S. with a Russian bride without federal scrutiny?

I'm no conspiritard, and I find that bizarre as well, especially the part where he lives in Texas without harassment from the police and Sheriff's dept. and run out of the state or lynched, and also actually gets a job with the local government to boot. We had neighbors who were Jehovah's Witnesses and they got harrassed by the locals and FBI for merely not standing and repeating the Pledge of Allegiance because of their religious beliefs. Our school principal at the time caught hell for not expelling the kids, but showed some balls and refused to harass them on school grounds. And not only an open commie but his brother was known as a Mafia associate as well.
He never had a job with local government and Dallas has never been as right wing as the rest of Texas. Plus he was obscure and not well known to most people
He never had a job with local government

Indeed. The building wasn't owned by the city until 1981, and was a private company in 1963. My bad assumption.

and Dallas has never been as right wing as the rest of Texas.

Of course it was; they were just more devious about it. One example:

Thirty years ago, the Dallas Citizens Council-a tightly knit group of white businessmen that ruled this city with an iron fist-realized that desegregation in public places was inevitable, and possibly even profitable. As a result, there were no lunch-counter protests here, no fire hoses or police dogs unleashed on demonstrators.

Instead, this is what happened. One day a black couple, handpicked by the Citizens Council, were seated for lunch in the posh Zodiac Room in Neiman-Marcus. The signal was clear to all Dallas: desegregation was here to stay.

In that way, Dallas managed to elude the racial turmoil of the 1960s. Until, perhaps, now.

And on the battle between the increasing influence of the right wing nutjobs and conservatives in the GOP in the 1950's and 1960's

This book focuses on relationships and ideological exchanges between the ultraconservative and moderate conservative Republicans of Dallas, Texas, and shows how ultraconservatives like H. L. Hunt, who received widespread national media attention in the 1950s and 1960s, served as important catalysts for the diffusion of conservative ideas across the entire right wing of the American political spectrum. Hunt and other ultraconservatives provided the impetus behind much of the conservative activism of the era, among both moderate and ultraconservative Republicans. They not only pushed moderate conservatives into an increasingly active role in 1950s and 1960s Dallas Republican politics, they also radicalized the right wing of the national party and forced the mainstream to embrace some of their “fringe” ideas.

Ultraconservative Republicans offered moderate conservative Republicans cover in constructing political identities: by labeling ultraconservative doctrines “extremist,” the moderate conservatives could position themselves at the local and national levels as comparatively respectable and credible. Ultraconservatives like Hunt received the lion’s share of the brickbats and catcalls from the American national media. By comparison, more moderate conservative activists, intellectuals, and politicians like H. N. Mallon, Congressman Bruce Alger of Dallas, Senator John Tower of Texas, and Senator Barry Goldwater of Arizona often remained shielded from attacks and could develop policies and political styles that mirrored, albeit subtly, those of the “fringe.”

Nut Country shows that ultraconservative Republicans were more essential to the rise of the Right than recent historians have appreciated. Many of the original scholars studying American conservatism acknowledged ultraconservatives but largely dismissed the Right as suffering from status anxiety, burdened by irrationality, possessing a “paranoid style,” or simply reacting to social or political backlash.

Plus he was obscure and not well known to most people

There is a lot of info on him in govt. files in three countries for an allegedly 'obscure' guy, along with a cover up of what was known.

a history lesson for young folks! and once again...the left are the bad guys!

Oswald was a devout liberal, no doubt about it.

But Goldwater was still a Loser who didn't put up much of a fight against LBJ. LBJ's Racist history should have been emphasized by the Republican campaign to compete for the black vote. Really a pathetic effort by Barack Goldwater, and that's why libs love him so much now.

Although when he was running, he was attacked as an extremist who was going to start a nuclear holocaust.

Anyone would have lost to Johnson less than 2 years after Marilyn's boyfriend got whacked. He was a martyr.

Only one of her boyfriends.

He shared her with his brother which is just gross

Bobby and Jack's mom was still around then. She would have been mortified if she had known her 2 adult, married sons were having 3-somes together.

Well Rosemary Kennedy was getting a little uppity and sneaking out at night and seeing men at bars.

They could not have that so they did a lobotomy to fix that political issue.
a history lesson for young folks! and once again...the left are the bad guys!

Wow, nothing like Cracked History. This is from MY lifetime and this is the first time I ever heard of this. It never happened. Neither the Conservatives nor the Liberals had any hand in JFKs assassination. Fox needs to send this one to the showers and the unemployment line fast.

You lost, get over it.

Oswald was a lib, he went to the USSR and Cuba, just like Crazy Bernie.

Those are the facts.

Unless you are contending that Oswald didn't do it and wasn't involved?

Oswald was not a lib or a commie. He was CIA.

Do you believe the following: the only US Marine to ever defect to the USSR, returns to the USA unscathed and even brings his Russian wife with him. He gets all sorts of different jobs given to him by people affiliated with CIA. This every unusual Marine just happens to be working at the TSBD and is well known to the FBI. Yet he isn’t picked by the FBI the day JFK’s motorcade makes a very sharp left turn, very slowly in front of the TSBD.

What magical story. No?

You lost that argument long ago.

Oswald was a communist by his own admission all the way back to his teen years and no evidence of any kind connects him to the CIA.

He got odd low paying jobs because that was all he qas qualified for and not becasuse of " people affiliated with the CIA" Ruth Payne as just one example referred him to the Texas School Book depository and she was in no way connected to the CIA.

True story he was lucky and happened to be there and he was only marginally known by the FBI.'

Your claims are fiction and as always you cannogt post evidence to support them. You are not better informed or knowledgeable about this subject and have lost every debate about it.

Now go ahead with your typical theater of accusing me of being CIA which is what you do when you are owned by people smarter than you

Oswald was CIA like you. He also was The Patsy.

I’m sure you miss those days when your murderous grandpa Dulles ran the CIA, but the whole rest of the world doesn’t.

Amen to that. :up: :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:
Tucker ain't your enemy, ignorance is. Oswald killed JFK and a Police Officer. Ruby killed Oswald and died mysteriously while in custody before he could talk to anyone. Oswald should have been doing time in Leavenworth instead of wandering the Country and visiting Cuba. Why was Oswald a free man in the coldest time of the cold war after committing treason?
Whitehall is oneof those brainwashed sheep who falls for propaganda by cia agents like the nazi believing in magicbullets.:abgg2q.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Oswald abandoned his post as a US Marine while working on the U-2 program in Japan. He renounced his citizenship and fled to Russia and shortly after, U-2 pilot F.G. Powers was shot down over Russia. Coincidence or CIA conspiracy? You almost gotta scratch your head that Oswald came back to the good old USA with his new bride who happened to be the daughter of a KGB officer and was welcomed back by the Kennedy administration in the hottest time in the cold war instead of being incarcerated as a freaking traitor. WTF happened?
He abandoned nothing he was kicked out of the Marines which is not the same thing and he never worked on the U2

His wife was the daughter of a local cop not a KGB officer.

He was not welcomed by the Kennedy administration.
If everything you say is true how in the world did Oswald return to the U.S. during the coldest part of the Cold War without becoming a ward of the CIA or doing time in Leavenworth?
This is really comical and really demonstrates the ignorance of Whitehall the fact he actually listens to the nazi from Langley. :abgg2q.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: Comical that he believesoswald killed kennedy and can’t put two and two together that he easily got back to the states after threatening to give secrets away to the soviets because he was ona mission for the CIA. :abgg2q.jpg:
a history lesson for young folks! and once again...the left are the bad guys!

Wow, nothing like Cracked History. This is from MY lifetime and this is the first time I ever heard of this. It never happened. Neither the Conservatives nor the Liberals had any hand in JFKs assassination. Fox needs to send this one to the showers and the unemployment line fast.

You lost, get over it.

Oswald was a lib, he went to the USSR and Cuba, just like Crazy Bernie.

Those are the facts.

Unless you are contending that Oswald didn't do it and wasn't involved?

Oswald was not a lib or a commie. He was CIA.

Do you believe the following: the only US Marine to ever defect to the USSR, returns to the USA unscathed and even brings his Russian wife with him. He gets all sorts of different jobs given to him by people affiliated with CIA. This every unusual Marine just happens to be working at the TSBD and is well known to the FBI. Yet he isn’t picked by the FBI the day JFK’s motorcade makes a very sharp left turn, very slowly in front of the TSBD.

What magical story. No?

You lost that argument long ago.

Oswald was a communist by his own admission all the way back to his teen years and no evidence of any kind connects him to the CIA.

He got odd low paying jobs because that was all he qas qualified for and not becasuse of " people affiliated with the CIA" Ruth Payne as just one example referred him to the Texas School Book depository and she was in no way connected to the CIA.

True story he was lucky and happened to be there and he was only marginally known by the FBI.'

Your claims are fiction and as always you cannogt post evidence to support them. You are not better informed or knowledgeable about this subject and have lost every debate about it.

Now go ahead with your typical theater of accusing me of being CIA which is what you do when you are owned by people smarter than you

Oswald was CIA like you. He also was The Patsy.

I’m sure you miss those days when your murderous grandpa Dulles ran the CIA, but the whole rest of the world doesn’t.

Amen to that. :up: :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

Yes he was owned and proven wrong as always
Oswald abandoned his post as a US Marine while working on the U-2 program in Japan. He renounced his citizenship and fled to Russia and shortly after, U-2 pilot F.G. Powers was shot down over Russia. Coincidence or CIA conspiracy? You almost gotta scratch your head that Oswald came back to the good old USA with his new bride who happened to be the daughter of a KGB officer and was welcomed back by the Kennedy administration in the hottest time in the cold war instead of being incarcerated as a freaking traitor. WTF happened?
He abandoned nothing he was kicked out of the Marines which is not the same thing and he never worked on the U2

His wife was the daughter of a local cop not a KGB officer.

He was not welcomed by the Kennedy administration.
If everything you say is true how in the world did Oswald return to the U.S. during the coldest part of the Cold War without becoming a ward of the CIA or doing time in Leavenworth?
This is really comical and really demonstrates the ignorance of Whitehall the fact he actually listens to the nazi from Langley. :abgg2q.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: Comical that he believesoswald killed kennedy and can’t put two and two together that he easily got back to the states after threatening to give secrets away to the soviets because he was ona mission for the CIA. :abgg2q.jpg:
He never threatened to give away secrets nor did he have any to give away.

This shows your massive ignorance which is why you can only sling shit in defeat
Oswald abandoned his post as a US Marine while working on the U-2 program in Japan. He renounced his citizenship and fled to Russia and shortly after, U-2 pilot F.G. Powers was shot down over Russia. Coincidence or CIA conspiracy? You almost gotta scratch your head that Oswald came back to the good old USA with his new bride who happened to be the daughter of a KGB officer and was welcomed back by the Kennedy administration in the hottest time in the cold war instead of being incarcerated as a freaking traitor. WTF happened?

How did Oswald get back into the US since he renounced his citizenship?

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