Tucker Carlson: Zelenskyy's cabinet is devising ways to punish Christians


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Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
This has been one of Tucker‘s best leads yet. Tucker Carlson is a rockstar standing up to the establishment. Do you want to find a A guy who stands up to the man? It’s Tucker Carlson ….back in the day someone else maybe it was Bill Maher 20 years ago… but the tide has changed. We have Glenn Greenwald and Tucker Carlson teaming up now to be the voice of the American liberal that used to say wait a minute let’s be smart with our military decisions. We should go to war against the third Reich and ISIL but we should not be fighting a country like Russia.

The report is the President Zelenskyy is silencing Ukrainian Christians who are critical of how he’s handling the war. It’s Ukrainian Christians who are even against Russia but just disagree with how the war is being handled. That’s not democracy folks that is not right.

America is arming a country rather a government the Ukrainian government that has problems. And a substantial portion of Ukraine is pro- Russian. Here’s a situation where Ukrainian orthodox Christians are being shut down and silenced by Zelensky …. Even ones reportedly who are pro Ukraine. And where are the big time Hollywood actors like Ben Stiller who apparently stands by Ukraine? Where are the far left elite who claim to stand for justice when Christians in Ukraine are being silenced.? When political opposition party are banned. When there’s a black weapons market all over Ukraine.

Course at this point We have
gave billions of dollars toUkraine upwards of 100 billion. Who knows how high that number will go but upwards of 70% of it is not accounted for.

Ukraine is not a democracy. This was shown on the tucker Carlson show as Glenn Greenwald pointed out. As many of us know Glenn Greenwald is a hard hitting journalist not afraid to criticize. Ukraine shuts down political opposition parties, they silence Christians… and yes there are Ukrainians want to resist Russia but it’s all clouded by the corruption. Anybody who is honest with themselves will recognize even Wikipedia for example before this war started and even to this day recognizes that Ukraine is among the corrupt countries of the world.

The United States should be more dignified in our approach to this situation. Yes I agree with Tucker Carlson and Glenn Greenwald ….what is Russia against America for? Russia is not against us. They had no intention of invading us or attacking us. I ’m going back once again to the 2003 American invasion of Iraq guess what Russia didn’t give Iraq any money or high-powered weapons. Why are we giving weapons and money to Ukraine?

So perhaps the new Republican Congress will do something about it but I’m not too confident. I’m trying to be optimistic.
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Tucker keeps flailing and failing, and wingnuts keep lapping it up.
I don’t agree with Russia invading Ukraine but how about some context though. What about the corruption issues in Ukraine. Does that just all of a sudden disappear after Russia invades? I think no brother
Tucker works for Putin, as Murdoch and Putin are close friends and Putin is dating Murdoch's ex-wife Wendy (who goes on vacations with Ivanka - they're all allies against America)

So view everything that Tucker says through the lens of "does this make Putin happy?" and you won't get duped so much.

Show some respect for your ancestors and respond to a person if you have a laugh or an insult at their post. Show some respect please or else you’re going on ignore that way I don’t even have to see your insultive emoticons.

Is that how you act is that what kind of tribe you come from? My people don’t act like that. I don’t laugh at your posts I don’t click the laugh button or insult your posts what a difference. Why don’t you just act like that. We can all get along choices up to you.
Tucker keeps flailing and failing, and wingnuts keep lapping it up.
Zelensky is a dictator and little fascists like you eat it up.

If only Biden could ban Christian churches, eh? Zelensky makes you authoritarians jealous.
Tucker works for Putin, as Murdoch and Putin are close friends and Putin is dating Murdoch's ex-wife Wendy (who goes on vacations with Ivanka - they're all allies against America)

So view everything that Tucker says through the lens of "does this make Putin happy?" and you won't get duped so much.
Yes of course, anyone that disagrees with your insane warmongering Agenda is a “Putin stooge”. We have to approve of a totally unnecessary war or else we are “traitors”. Y’all put George Bush to shame.
This has been one of Tucker‘s best leads yet. Tucker Carlson is a rockstar standing up to the establishment. Do you want to find a A guy who stands up to the man? It’s Tucker Carlson ….back in the day someone else maybe it was Bill Maher 20 years ago… but the tide has changed. We have Glenn Greenwald and Tucker Carlson teaming up now to be the voice of the American liberal that used to say wait a minute let’s be smart with our military decisions. We should go to war against the third Reich and ISIL but we should not be fighting a country like Russia.

The report is the President Zelenskyy is silencing Ukrainian Christians who are critical of how he’s handling the war. It’s Ukrainian Christians who are even against Russia but just disagree with how the war is being handled. That’s not democracy folks that is not right.

America is arming a country rather a government the Ukrainian government that has problems. And a substantial portion of Ukraine is pro- Russian. Here’s a situation where Ukrainian orthodox Christians are being shut down and silenced by Zelensky …. Even ones reportedly who are pro Ukraine. And where are the big time Hollywood actors like Ben Stiller who apparently stands by Ukraine? Where are the far left elite who claim to stand for justice when Christians in Ukraine are being silenced.? When political opposition party are banned. When there’s a black weapons market all over Ukraine.

Course at this point We have
gave billions of dollars toUkraine upwards of 100 billion. Who knows how high that number will go but upwards of 70% of it is not accounted for.

Ukraine is not a democracy. This was shown on the tucker Carlson show as Glenn Greenwald pointed out. As many of us know Glenn Greenwald is a hard hitting journalist not afraid to criticize. Ukraine shuts down political opposition parties, they silence Christians… and yes there are Ukrainians want to resist Russia but it’s all clouded by the corruption. Anybody who is honest with themselves will recognize even Wikipedia for example before this war started and even to this day recognizes that Ukraine is among the corrupt countries of the world.

The United States should be more dignified in our approach to this situation. Yes I agree with Tucker Carlson and Glenn Greenwald ….what is Russia against America for? Russia is not against us. They had no intention of invading us or attacking us. I ’m going back once again to the 2003 American invasion of Iraq guess what Russia didn’t give Iraq any money or high-powered weapons. Why are we giving weapons and money to Ukraine?

So perhaps the new Republican Congress will do something about it but I’m not too confident. I’m trying to be optimistic.

Carlson is a liar, purveyor of rightwing fake news, an unreliable source, and UI for Putin.

And lying about Zelenskyy persecuting Christians panders to the neo-fascist right in the US that supports Putin and opposes aid to Ukraine – indeed, House Republicans have long engaged in rhetoric about terminating aid to Ukraine.
I don’t agree with Russia invading Ukraine but how about some context though. What about the corruption issues in Ukraine. Does that just all of a sudden disappear after Russia invades? I think no brother
When this whole thing took off in Feb, I was on the band wagon like most Americans but then I began to pay attention to who was doing the hard sell for this war and realized it was exactly the same people that spent years demonizing Trump. Putin shouldn't have invaded and there should damned sure be better control of his forces to keep them from killing civilians, but beyond THAT, we have no business being involved.
For me the red flag was when politicians and people in the media attempted to explain that Russia was evil. And that this was “Putin‘s war”. That is very dangerous wishful thinking because what it does is it makes for example the Ukrainian army might think that the Russians don’t even wanna fight and that could be a dangerous thing were so many people can get killed because of it.

American military personnel like Col Dick black( A Vietnam war hero with over 70 combat missions) has come out against America‘s position on this war. As have other American officers in the army. Dick black also said he was a vehement anti-communist in the 1980s. He fought against the Soviets… By the way Russia is not the Soviet union

There is a huge percentage of the population in Russia that supports this war according to CNN. Again according to CNN. So I recognize that people in Russia are patriots just like we Americans are. And it will be nasty and miserable to take that from them. Do you know what the hell with that anti Russian attitude…. I admire the Soviet heroes who fought the Third reich And I am supposed to hate their ancestors in the Russian military today because what they invaded Ukraine? Absolutely no that is against all logic my own country America has invaded at least 60 countries. And I don’t hate America for our wars …it’s recognized as a part of history as a grown-up responsible adult.. I can recognize that war happens it’s terrible people should get along with each other…. but over history warfare happens invasions happen. This is not something new this Russian invasion of Ukraine.

And also as someone who is an American patriot I support the American military. I support President Biden. And just like it has been throughout American history we have people who disagree or agree with certain wars that we get involved in. But they’re have btw been wars that America has been involved in where we have spoken about the opposing side in much better terms. World War I for example or even the war of 1812 and there’s other examples. Point here is we don’t have to call Russia evil even if we are fighting them. I just don’t get that whole part of it by the way.

I think both Russia and America can be more diplomatic toward each other. What we are seeing though is the result of 21st-century technology, social media, the very negative aspects of social media and 21st-century norms has led to this type of bickering. The point is that here in 2022 technology travels so fast information get us get out there so fast and we’re not always getting the full picture.
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I don’t agree with Russia invading Ukraine but how about some context though. What about the corruption issues in Ukraine. Does that just all of a sudden disappear after Russia invades? I think no brother

It's funny that Ukraine for decades was widely known as one of not the most corrupt country in the world with drug trafficking, sex trafficking, counterfeiting, money laundering and just a lot of big time criminal activity going on. Then when Russia invaded suddenly Ukraine becomes to veritable babe in the woods that sweet and innocent that becomes the world's helpless victim we all need to praise and support.

I don't want to see any wars, but I also don't immediately jump to "Russia bad, Ukraine good". I don't know the whole story, Putin is not an animal and is a smart person. I may not agree with his reasons but I'm sure there is more to it than just wanting to take over Ukraine for no reason.
This has been one of Tucker‘s best leads yet. Tucker Carlson is a rockstar standing up to the establishment. Do you want to find a A guy who stands up to the man? It’s Tucker Carlson ….back in the day someone else maybe it was Bill Maher 20 years ago… but the tide has changed. We have Glenn Greenwald and Tucker Carlson teaming up now to be the voice of the American liberal that used to say wait a minute let’s be smart with our military decisions. We should go to war against the third Reich and ISIL but we should not be fighting a country like Russia.

The report is the President Zelenskyy is silencing Ukrainian Christians who are critical of how he’s handling the war. It’s Ukrainian Christians who are even against Russia but just disagree with how the war is being handled. That’s not democracy folks that is not right.

America is arming a country rather a government the Ukrainian government that has problems. And a substantial portion of Ukraine is pro- Russian. Here’s a situation where Ukrainian orthodox Christians are being shut down and silenced by Zelensky …. Even ones reportedly who are pro Ukraine. And where are the big time Hollywood actors like Ben Stiller who apparently stands by Ukraine? Where are the far left elite who claim to stand for justice when Christians in Ukraine are being silenced.? When political opposition party are banned. When there’s a black weapons market all over Ukraine.

Course at this point We have
gave billions of dollars toUkraine upwards of 100 billion. Who knows how high that number will go but upwards of 70% of it is not accounted for.

Ukraine is not a democracy. This was shown on the tucker Carlson show as Glenn Greenwald pointed out. As many of us know Glenn Greenwald is a hard hitting journalist not afraid to criticize. Ukraine shuts down political opposition parties, they silence Christians… and yes there are Ukrainians want to resist Russia but it’s all clouded by the corruption. Anybody who is honest with themselves will recognize even Wikipedia for example before this war started and even to this day recognizes that Ukraine is among the corrupt countries of the world.

The United States should be more dignified in our approach to this situation. Yes I agree with Tucker Carlson and Glenn Greenwald ….what is Russia against America for? Russia is not against us. They had no intention of invading us or attacking us. I ’m going back once again to the 2003 American invasion of Iraq guess what Russia didn’t give Iraq any money or high-powered weapons. Why are we giving weapons and money to Ukraine?

So perhaps the new Republican Congress will do something about it but I’m not too confident. I’m trying to be optimistic.

This message brought to you by Vlad enterprises.
It's funny that Ukraine for decades was widely known as one of not the most corrupt country in the world with drug trafficking, sex trafficking, counterfeiting, money laundering and just a lot of big time criminal activity going on. Then when Russia invaded suddenly Ukraine becomes to veritable babe in the woods that sweet and innocent that becomes the world's helpless victim we all need to praise and support.

I don't want to see any wars, but I also don't immediately jump to "Russia bad, Ukraine good". I don't know the whole story, Putin is not an animal and is a smart person. I may not agree with his reasons but I'm sure there is more to it than just wanting to take over Ukraine for no reason.
The invaders are always bad whether it`s Russians in Ukraine or Americans in Vietnam and Iraq.
Before this war, most Americans probably couldn`t locate Ukraine on a map
Zelensky is a dictator and little fascists like you eat it up.

If only Biden could ban Christian churches, eh? Zelensky makes you authoritarians
It's funny that Ukraine for decades was widely known as one of not the most corrupt country in the world with drug trafficking, sex trafficking, counterfeiting, money laundering and just a lot of big time criminal activity going on. Then when Russia invaded suddenly Ukraine becomes to veritable babe in the woods that sweet and innocent that becomes the world's helpless victim we all need to praise and support.

I don't want to see any wars, but I also don't immediately jump to "Russia bad, Ukraine good". I don't know the whole story, Putin is not an animal and is a smart person. I may not agree with his reasons but I'm sure there is more to it than just wanting to take over Ukraine for no reason.
It’s this.

Like I for example recognize that of course there’s good people in both Ukraine and Russia.

The war in Ukraine goes back to 2014. But some people don’t know that the way the media makes it out Russia just invaded Ukraine for the hell of it.

Russia is a member of the UN security council. United States and Russia or United States and the Soviet union have never had a direct war with each other we should just go ahead and keep it that way.

Man it’s just amazing to see how the far left have turned into the neocons…. it’s all good I’ll give it some time I think that Russia /America will be on better terms within a few years.
This has been one of Tucker‘s best leads yet. Tucker Carlson is a rockstar standing up to the establishment. Do you want to find a A guy who stands up to the man? It’s Tucker Carlson ….back in the day someone else maybe it was Bill Maher 20 years ago… but the tide has changed. We have Glenn Greenwald and Tucker Carlson teaming up now to be the voice of the American liberal that used to say wait a minute let’s be smart with our military decisions. We should go to war against the third Reich and ISIL but we should not be fighting a country like Russia.

The report is the President Zelenskyy is silencing Ukrainian Christians who are critical of how he’s handling the war. It’s Ukrainian Christians who are even against Russia but just disagree with how the war is being handled. That’s not democracy folks that is not right.

America is arming a country rather a government the Ukrainian government that has problems. And a substantial portion of Ukraine is pro- Russian. Here’s a situation where Ukrainian orthodox Christians are being shut down and silenced by Zelensky …. Even ones reportedly who are pro Ukraine. And where are the big time Hollywood actors like Ben Stiller who apparently stands by Ukraine? Where are the far left elite who claim to stand for justice when Christians in Ukraine are being silenced.? When political opposition party are banned. When there’s a black weapons market all over Ukraine.

Course at this point We have
gave billions of dollars toUkraine upwards of 100 billion. Who knows how high that number will go but upwards of 70% of it is not accounted for.

Ukraine is not a democracy. This was shown on the tucker Carlson show as Glenn Greenwald pointed out. As many of us know Glenn Greenwald is a hard hitting journalist not afraid to criticize. Ukraine shuts down political opposition parties, they silence Christians… and yes there are Ukrainians want to resist Russia but it’s all clouded by the corruption. Anybody who is honest with themselves will recognize even Wikipedia for example before this war started and even to this day recognizes that Ukraine is among the corrupt countries of the world.

The United States should be more dignified in our approach to this situation. Yes I agree with Tucker Carlson and Glenn Greenwald ….what is Russia against America for? Russia is not against us. They had no intention of invading us or attacking us. I ’m going back once again to the 2003 American invasion of Iraq guess what Russia didn’t give Iraq any money or high-powered weapons. Why are we giving weapons and money to Ukraine?

So perhaps the new Republican Congress will do something about it but I’m not too confident. I’m trying to be optimistic.

Tucker Carlson is a liar and shit stirrer.
Remember, Joe Biden made all this possible with his moratorium on fossil fuel we sent overseas so Europe did not have to depend on Putin who is getting rich selling fuel which gave him the wherewithall to wage a war. Remember what Obama said 'Do not underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up'
Ukraine is a Zionist dictatorship which uses imbecile Bandera Nazis as stupid dogs
Anyone in Ukrainian 'parliament' and around Zelensky has two or three passports ( one of them is almost always that of Israel )

The population of Ukraine is 43 million. They have 200,000 Jews.

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