Tucker Carlson on D.C. Establishment and Trump

I listened to it all because I have time on my hands, really only a couple of points as the video speaks for itself.

One, I am like Tucker in one respect, over the last year and a half my own ideology has been altered. I was an unapologetic free trade proponent, Trump stepping up and providing information that absolutely blew me away, along with some vital documentaries on Netflix such as China Inc. convinced me that Free Trade as I knew it, and, globalization, needed to be tweaked. I also happen to know about Canadian intervention and abuses of NAFTA for instance, so I see first hand how the Canadian apparatus has stabbed American workers in the back, not for one moment do I believe nations such as China, Mexico and others don't do the same and probably worse.

Second, he is incorrect about one statement; at least partially, this is not all about Trump, and Trump himself doesn't believe that contrary to Tuckers statement. Yes, he might believe the GOP won because of him and he will take plenty of credit for the winning of the WhiteHouse to be all about him and his tactics, but he has stated it many times himself, in some of the few moments of genuine humility, "I am only the messenger". He believe him when he states this. He is simply the man who has provided the platform, had the personal wealth and didn't need lobbyist money to run and ran against everyone to win. In the end though, he believes he is the conduit to the anger being felt in the country.

Ultimately it was an interesting and informative video. Thanks for posting.
He had really good points about immigration. That both Repubs and Dems just repeat the same garbage that immigration is good. Yet neither side takes into account that during the industrial revolution all those European immigrants were put to work in low skilled jobs. We no longer have that economy at all, there is absolutely nowhere to put millions of immigrants. We need to completely change our immigration policy.

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