Trust Me: Gun Laws Will Change Once Black People Get Guns In This Country' - Joy Behar


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Proving 'You can't fix stupid', JOY Behar declared, "Trust Me: Gun Laws Will Change Once Black People Get Guns In This Country."

Does she really believe that only whites / white extremists have guns in this country, that whites are killing blacks in record numbers every week / every weekend in cities like Chicago, that black gangs are roaming around with butter knives and potato canons?

How can someone e so stupid be allowed to be on TV?

Co-host Goldberg added, "We all just need to get off our a$$es and vote."

Someone as stupid as Behar should not be allowed to vote ... or breed.

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Proving 'You can't fix stupid', JOY Behar declared, "Trust Me: Gun Laws Will Chabge Once Black People Get Guns In This Country."

Does she really believe that only whites / white extremists have guns in this country, that whites are killing blacks in record numbers every week / every weekend in cities like Chicago, that black gangs are roaming around with butter knives and potato canons?

How can someone e so stupid be allowed to be on TV?

Co-host Goldberg added, "We all just need to get off our a$$es and vote."

Someone as stupid as Behar should not be allowed to vote ... or breed.

If they got off their pelosis to vote it would only count once.

Proving 'You can't fix stupid', JOY Behar declared, "Trust Me: Gun Laws Will Chabge Once Black People Get Guns In This Country."

Does she really believe that only whites / white extremists have guns in this country, that whites are killing blacks in record numbers every week / every weekend in cities like Chicago, that black gangs are roaming around with butter knives and potato canons?

How can someone e so stupid be allowed to be on TV?

Co-host Goldberg added, "We all just need to get off our a$$es and vote."

Someone as stupid as Behar should not be allowed to vote ... or breed.

Joy Behar is the dumbest person on television
A older black guy (70s maybe) came into my LGS the other day wondering how to field strip a .45 S&W Shield he had bought there last year.

I was waiting for a background check to clear so I took him into the back where the work bench was and showed him, put it back together, then had him do it. No problems.

I asked if he knew his way around a computer and he said he did then I showed him how he could go to You Tube if he needed a refresher.....He was tickled to death. :)

Proving 'You can't fix stupid', JOY Behar declared, "Trust Me: Gun Laws Will Change Once Black People Get Guns In This Country."

Does she really believe that only whites / white extremists have guns in this country, that whites are killing blacks in record numbers every week / every weekend in cities like Chicago, that black gangs are roaming around with butter knives and potato canons?

How can someone e so stupid be allowed to be on TV?

Co-host Goldberg added, "We all just need to get off our a$$es and vote."

Someone as stupid as Behar should not be allowed to vote ... or breed.

either one of them!

geez... talk about an embarrassment to the country...


Foreigners are thinking the US is toast...

Say WHUT ?!?!?

So, they will lose your votes....and you will lose your guns.
Is that what the 2A was all about?

Congress is now beholden to the deep state establishment. They have No CHOICE but to do as told.

Since you failed to fight for your rights...
Some will not fail to make ABSOLUTELY SURE that ALL hunting rifles are included in the upcoming confiscations.

A older black guy (70s maybe) came into my LGS the other day wondering how to field strip a .45 S&W Shield he had bought there last year.

I was waiting for a background check to clear so I took him into the back where the work bench was and showed him, put it back together, then had him do it. No problems.

I asked if he knew his way around a computer and he said he did then I showed him how he could go to You Tube if he needed a refresher.....He was tickled to death. :)
i dont get what kind of work u do
LGS = Legal Gun Shop.
Local Gun Shop

I'm retired, I don't work there I just have "privileges" as I help them out with pricing mil-surps, older Winchesters, and the like when they come in....Most of the counter jockeys are young and don't know their way around mil-surps or older guns.

A woman came in while I was there today with a right nice (post war refurb) Winchester M1 Carbine and wanted a value for insurance purposes. It was all I could do not to breach "gun shop etiquette" and try to buy it off of her. ;)

Proving 'You can't fix stupid', JOY Behar declared, "Trust Me: Gun Laws Will Change Once Black People Get Guns In This Country."

Does she really believe that only whites / white extremists have guns in this country, that whites are killing blacks in record numbers every week / every weekend in cities like Chicago, that black gangs are roaming around with butter knives and potato canons?

How can someone e so stupid be allowed to be on TV?

Co-host Goldberg added, "We all just need to get off our a$$es and vote."

Someone as stupid as Behar should not be allowed to vote ... or breed.

Dumber than a brick is the former Catholic comic.
I doubt she even knew that George Floyd was convicted
of breaking into a home and having the buddies he broke
in with pistol whip a woman who was house sitting { babysitting }.
Floyd spent 5 years in a Texas prison for dat one.
Aggravated robbery with a deadly weapon.In a home invasion.
The areas with the highest violent crime rates, including murder by gun - local officials flat out refuse to introduce legislation to address it. - PERIOD.
Why? - because it would result in highly disparate number of blacks in jail. They know this. And why violent crime in inner cities hasn't been addresses properly for the past 20 years.

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