“Trust, But Verify”


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
‘Trust, but verify’ is a phrase attributed to the finest, most accomplished President in modern times.
It should be the motto of every American voter.

1.Obama had several foibles in common with another wannabe-dictator, Franklin Roosevelt….Iran is Obama’s Soviet Union.

“For reasons yet to be explained, Franklin Roosevelt chose not only to overlook Soviet genocides, but to do everything in his power to strengthen the Soviet Union. For that reason, and his influence well after his passing, no treaty with Russia was worth paper it was written on.

In 1982, Ronald Reagan asked his arms control advisory committee to conduct a review of Soviet compliance in the 25 years of arms control treaties. It was the first such concerted review ever. The answer to the question of Soviet arms controls compliance was that there was none.
West, "American Betrayal," p. 198.

"The Soviet Union repeatedly violates treaties, and the rest of the world turns their heads and proceeds to enter into still more treaties, which the Soviets violate with impunity."
Joseph D. Douglass, Jr., "Why the Soviets Violate Arms Control Treaties," vii, 83.

Unlike Roosevelt, the great Reagan provided the so much more realistic "Trust, but verify."
Iran is to Obama what the Soviet Union was to Franklin Roosevelt.
This is Democrat foreign policy.

2. Unfortunately, a majority of American voters behave as the Democrats above….they put unrequited and unfounded faith in the elites, the experts, bureaucrats and judges.

This is a characteristic of the training of government schooling and Liberal control of the culture.

" ... there’s a tendency among bureaucrats, politicians, academics, and other members of the New Class to convince the people to hand over the major decisions of their lives to the “experts.” These experts aren’t all in the government, but they all collude with government to convince people that the experts have all the answers and that the people need to hand the reins over to them. They will tell us what to eat, what to drive, what to think.

It’s an approach that puts politics before economics. Because it is an attempt to politicize peoples’ lives.”
Nazis: Still Socialists, by Jonah Goldberg, National Review

3.If the electorate were to question government policies and decisions…..Democrats would never win another election....either that, or they would be forced to become pro-America once again.

Only now, and due to Trump’s actions, are many wondering about the reasons for the Iran Deal.

What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by awarding nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?
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4. Those elites, the experts, bureaucrats and judges, credentialed Liberals, think of themselves as intellectuals, and the sheep think of them under that rubric, too. But Thomas Sowell, an intellectual in the truest sense of the term, explains how we on the Right use the term, tongue in cheek.

“Sowell vigorously defends wisdom—practical reason—against an abstract rationalism that values ideas over the experience of actual human beings. Intellectuals, he argues, are particularly suspicious of the ties ordinary men and women feel to family, religion, and country. They look down upon “objective reality and objective criteria” in the social sciences, art, music, and philosophy. Their “systems” tend to be self-referential and lack accountability in the external world.

…, this intellectual vanguard tends to take the “benefits of civilization for granted.” The “vision of the anointed” lacks respect for the wisdom inherent in experience and common opinion. Its practitioners value abstractions—dreams for a peaceful, egalitarian world where conflicts have been overcome—over the “tacit knowledge” available to the parent, the consumer, the entrepreneur, and the citizen.” Intellectuals and Society, by Thomas Sowell

An example of the opinion of one of those 'intellectuals' speaking of the American electorate:
“And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”

But we on the Right recognize dunces when hear them…and:

“I am obliged to confess I should sooner live in a society governed by the first two thousand names in the Boston telephone directory than in a society governed by the two thousand faculty members of Harvard University.” William Frank Buckley Jr.
5. Is it a good thing or a bad thing to put the power to control society in the hands of these ‘intellectuals’?

Observation of the most recent decades answers the question:

"We Americans are heading into a 'crisis of foundations' of our own right now. Our judicial elites, with politicians and pundits close behind, are already at work deconstructing our most fundamental institutions — marriage, the family, religion, equality under the law."
Column on the human sciences

“The tendency of elite domination, moreover, is to press America ever more steadily towards the cultural left.

The complaint here is not that old virtues are eroding and new values rising. Morality inevitably evolves….What is objectionable is that, in too many instances, a natural evolution of the moral balance is blocked and a minority morality forced upon us by judicial decrees.”
Robert Bork, “A Country I Do Not Recognize: The Legal Assault on American Values,” xi

Legacy of the Left on a bathroom sign:

6. There are several rules that apply to Liberals, Leftists, but the most basic one is that they believe that they are the smartest, most insightful, far more than the rest of the public, ‘the great unwashed,’ which is why they award the term ‘intellectual’ to their elites, academics, the talking heads, the experts, bureaucrats and judges.

It’s the reason they give Pulitzers, Pews, Academy Awards, ….Nobel Prizes for nothing more than being on the ‘right side’ of the political divide.

If the Left were to follow Reagan’s doctrine, ‘Trust, but verify,’ would those ‘intellectuals’ …

a .have wasted $22 trillion in what is a failed welfare system, as nearly the name number of Americans are in poverty as were a half century ago, when they started?

b. have awarded nuclear weapons to the world’s worst state sponsor of terrorism?

c.seen the lack of results of their gun control laws in effect in Chicago, yet demand that those laws be made national in scope?

d.Would they have seen the result of substituting ‘social justice’ for fiscal responsibility, the mortgage meltdown, which resulted in ... the total lost household wealth of $19.2 trillion….yet continue to insist on flawed banking mandates?

e.Would they continue to demand illegal immigration, which causes increased unemployment, cost vast sums in welfare benefits, weigh down the justice system, and decreases the standard of living for real Americans....and decrease the security of our nation?

Would they?????

Some ‘intellectuals,’ huh?
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The skinny American hating smoking butt cheeks spreader to the world liar sure made the world respect us.

Didn't he?
The skinny American hating smoking butt cheeks spreader to the world liar sure made the world respect us.

Didn't he?

What is both amazing and amusing is that the Democrat voters on the board claim exactly that.....

The truth is that Hussein was the laughing stock of the world.

1. China underscores disrespect for Obama during his visit:

"...Obama downplayed dust-ups involving the U.S. delegation and Chinese security officials during the opening hours of his trip to Hangzhou for the G-20 summit, ....

The early hours of Obama’s trip were marred by confrontations involving Chinese security officials,.... When Air Force One touched down at the Hangzhou airport, Obama was not greeted, as is customary, by a staircase, but had to deplane from the lower level of his 747 jet.

Reporters and U.S. officials were kept away from the welcoming ceremony by a rope line.... When the president’s national security adviser, Susan Rice, and her deputy, Ben Rhodes, attempted to pass under the barricade, they were confronted by a Chinese security official "They did things that weren’t anticipated," Rice later told reporters..."
Obama Downplays Tensions After Skirmishes During China Visit

2. "Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte called Barack Obama a "son of a whore" on Monday as he vowed not to be lectured by the US leader on human rights when they meet in Laos.

The acid-tongued Duterte bristled at warnings he would face questioning by the US president over a war against drugs in the Philippines that has claimed more than 2,400 lives in just over two months.

"You must be respectful. Do not just throw away questions and statements. Son of a whore, I will curse you in that forum," Duterte told a news conference shortly before flying to Laos to attend a summit." Philippines' Duterte calls Obama 'son of a whore'

3. "Iran’s most recent ballistic missile test, which violates current U.N. Security Council resolutions, comes a day after the international community’s nuclear watchdog organization disclosed that it is prohibited by the nuclear agreement from publicly reporting on potential violations by Iran.

Iranian leaders now say that they are poised to walk away from the deal if the United States and other global powers fail to advance the Islamic Republic’s “national interests.”
Iran Threatens to Walk Away From Nuke Deal After New Missile Test

Iran laughs at Obama....

4. No Respect...he, and you, the world's laughing stock: Obama removes restrictions on Cuba, gets nothing in return. And....he visits, but Raul Castro couldn't be bothered to be at the airport:

" As the plane landed at a rainy Jose Marti International Airport, Mr Obama tweeted: "What's up Cuba? Just touched down here, looking forward to meeting and hearing directly from the Cuban people." The president was greeted by foreign minister Bruno Rodriguez - not president Raul Castro. Instead he will hold talks with his Cuban counterpart on Monday." Obama Arrives In Cuba For Historic Visit

"Both Donald Trump and Sen. Ted Cruz slammed the greeting President Obama and his wife received during their historic touch-down at a Cuban airport, saying the failure of Raul Castro to personally greet them as they exited Air Force One was a slap in the face to America."

"ANKARA, Turkey (AP) —Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said he no longer holds "direct" telephone conversations with U.S. President Barak Obama,suggesting a rift between the leaders who were once close."Turkish PM says he Obama no longer talk directly - Yahoo News

6. "Turkey will refuse to allow a US-led coalition to attack jihadistsin neighbouring Iraq and Syria from its air bases, nor will it take part in combat operations against militants, a government official told AFP" Thursdayhttp://Breaking TURKEY REFUSES OBAMA REQUEST to Use Its Airbases to Fight ISIS The Gateway Pundit

7. “Obama is the weakest of U.S. presidents, he had humiliating defeats in the region. Under him the Islamic awakening happened,” Younesisaidin a Farsi language interview with Iran’s semi-official Fars News Agency. “Americans witnessed their greatest defeats in Obama’s era: Terrorism expanded, [the] U.S. had huge defeats under Obama [and] that is why they want to compromise with Iran,” Younesi said.

The criticism of Obama echoes comments made recently byotherworld leaders and even former members of the president’s own staff,such asFormer Defense Secretary Robert Gates. Top Iranian Official: Obama is ‘The Weakest of U.S. Presidents’

8. "GUMMING UP THE WORKS: Obama blasted for chewing gum during visit with Indian prime minister
Obama, who has been caught before munching on gum during high-profile political events, was taken to task by the country’s largest newspaper after he was spotted taking a piece out of his mouth during the annual Republic Day parade."
Obama blasted for chewing gum during visit with Indian PM

9. "It would be one thing had the president brought in a successful test anywhere. But his — and Secretary of State Clinton’s — “reset” with Russia has been greeted with aggression from President Putin and his camarilla. The “pivot” to Asia has turned into a palsied pirouette and been unmasked as cover for fading from the Middle East. The redlines in Syria have been erased. Libya, Yemen, Venezuela are wrecks. Afghanistan is teetering to the Taliban, while Mr. Obama’s withdrawal has left Iraq at the mercy of Iran and the Islamic State."The Obama Doctrine

10. “Saudi Arabia and its Persian Gulf neighbors have been optimistic about Mr. Trump’s presidency, largely because of their deep frustration at what they called Mr. Obama’s refusal to forcefully engage in Middle Eastern issues like the war in Syria. They are encouraged by Mr. Trump’s business background, his lack of interest in human rights and, most importantly, his vow to take a hard line against Iran.

They were happy to see Obama go,” Bruce Riedel, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, said of the Saudis. Mr. Riedel said the kingdom had lost confidence in Mr. Obama "

Trump Meets Saudi Prince as U.S. and Kingdom Seek Warmer Relations

11. " Obama's administration has been working behind the scenes for months to forge a new working relationship with Russia, despite the fact that Russian President Vladimir Putin has shown little interest in repairing relations with Washington or halting his aggression in neighboring Ukraine." Inside Obama’s Secret Outreach to Russia

12. "Of course, the contempt that world leaders are expressing toward Barack Obama is partly the result of his lame duck status. But it is more than that: he is a widely detested lame duck, viewed by most as both arrogant and unreliable.

Remember the days when Obama promised us a smart foreign policy? Instead, he has thrown away our hard-fought victory in Iraq, strengthened Iran’s mullahs in a quixotic effort to form an alliance with them, and alienated our staunchest allies, like Great Britain and Israel, while abandoning others, like the Sunni Gulf States, all while accomplishing nothing. Small wonder that as he prepares to leave office, the predominant reaction around the world is, good riddance." Disrespecting Obama

Respect for...

the dirt-eating low-life crypto-Islamist back-stabbing infanticide-supporting incompetent snake with an unbroken record of failure, both as a President and as a human being????

Not hardly.
‘Trust, but verify’ is a phrase attributed to the finest, most accomplished President in modern times.
It should be the motto of every American voter.

1.Obama had several foibles in common with another wannabe-dictator, Franklin Roosevelt….Iran is Obama’s Soviet Union.

“For reasons yet to be explained, Franklin Roosevelt chose not only to overlook Soviet genocides, but to do everything in his power to strengthen the Soviet Union. For that reason, and his influence well after his passing, no treaty with Russia was worth paper it was written on.

In 1982, Ronald Reagan asked his arms control advisory committee to conduct a review of Soviet compliance in the 25 years of arms control treaties. It was the first such concerted review ever. The answer to the question of Soviet arms controls compliance was that there was none.
West, "American Betrayal," p. 198.

"The Soviet Union repeatedly violates treaties, and the rest of the world turns their heads and proceeds to enter into still more treaties, which the Soviets violate with impunity."
Joseph D. Douglass, Jr., "Why the Soviets Violate Arms Control Treaties," vii, 83.

Unlike Roosevelt, the great Reagan provided the so much more realistic "Trust, but verify."
Iran is to Obama what the Soviet Union was to Franklin Roosevelt.
This is Democrat foreign policy.

2. Unfortunately, a majority of American voters behave as the Democrats above….they put unrequited and unfounded faith in the elites, the experts, bureaucrats and judges.

This is a characteristic of the training of government schooling and Liberal control of the culture.

" ... there’s a tendency among bureaucrats, politicians, academics, and other members of the New Class to convince the people to hand over the major decisions of their lives to the “experts.” These experts aren’t all in the government, but they all collude with government to convince people that the experts have all the answers and that the people need to hand the reins over to them. They will tell us what to eat, what to drive, what to think.

It’s an approach that puts politics before economics. Because it is an attempt to politicize peoples’ lives.”
Nazis: Still Socialists, by Jonah Goldberg, National Review

3.If the electorate were to question government policies and decisions…..Democrats would never win another election....either that, or they would be forced to become pro-America once again.

Only now, and due to Trump’s actions, are many wondering about the reasons for the Iran Deal.

What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by awarding nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?

Iran wasn’t given nuke weapons !! The premise of this thread is a straight up lie !

I bet you are one of those Russian bots. Or worse , a rube that eats up all that fake news bullshit .
‘Trust, but verify’ is a phrase attributed to the finest, most accomplished President in modern times.
It should be the motto of every American voter.

1.Obama had several foibles in common with another wannabe-dictator, Franklin Roosevelt….Iran is Obama’s Soviet Union.

“For reasons yet to be explained, Franklin Roosevelt chose not only to overlook Soviet genocides, but to do everything in his power to strengthen the Soviet Union. For that reason, and his influence well after his passing, no treaty with Russia was worth paper it was written on.

In 1982, Ronald Reagan asked his arms control advisory committee to conduct a review of Soviet compliance in the 25 years of arms control treaties. It was the first such concerted review ever. The answer to the question of Soviet arms controls compliance was that there was none.
West, "American Betrayal," p. 198.

"The Soviet Union repeatedly violates treaties, and the rest of the world turns their heads and proceeds to enter into still more treaties, which the Soviets violate with impunity."
Joseph D. Douglass, Jr., "Why the Soviets Violate Arms Control Treaties," vii, 83.

Unlike Roosevelt, the great Reagan provided the so much more realistic "Trust, but verify."
Iran is to Obama what the Soviet Union was to Franklin Roosevelt.
This is Democrat foreign policy.

2. Unfortunately, a majority of American voters behave as the Democrats above….they put unrequited and unfounded faith in the elites, the experts, bureaucrats and judges.

This is a characteristic of the training of government schooling and Liberal control of the culture.

" ... there’s a tendency among bureaucrats, politicians, academics, and other members of the New Class to convince the people to hand over the major decisions of their lives to the “experts.” These experts aren’t all in the government, but they all collude with government to convince people that the experts have all the answers and that the people need to hand the reins over to them. They will tell us what to eat, what to drive, what to think.

It’s an approach that puts politics before economics. Because it is an attempt to politicize peoples’ lives.”
Nazis: Still Socialists, by Jonah Goldberg, National Review

3.If the electorate were to question government policies and decisions…..Democrats would never win another election....either that, or they would be forced to become pro-America once again.

Only now, and due to Trump’s actions, are many wondering about the reasons for the Iran Deal.

What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by awarding nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?

Iran wasn’t given nuke weapons !! The premise of this thread is a straight up lie !

I bet you are one of those Russian bots. Or worse , a rube that eats up all that fake news bullshit .

"Iran wasn’t given nuke weapons !! The premise of this thread is a straight up lie !"

Here comes the fun part....where I revealed you to be a lying moron.

In order to get elected, Hussein Obama swore that he would not allow the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism, to get nuclear weapons.

Then, he proceeded to award the right to do so the very same Iran.

You, being a lying fool, perform the rite of passage for Liberals.....you lie to shield Obama.

Let's prove it:

"Obama Gave Iran A Faster Route To A Nuke -- And Didn't Tell Us
President Obama's deal with Iran was supposed to keep that nation's mullahs from creating a nuclear weapon with which it could intimidate and dominate the Mideast and much of Europe. Instead, it actually makes it more possible -- and in shorter time.

The Associated Press obtained a copy of a secret side deal that, in the words of the normally circumspect AP, advances "Tehran's ability to build a bomb even before the end of the pact." The accord as agreed to by the U.S. and five other nations was supposed to last 15 years. Or so we were told. Turns out, that's not the case.

...the deal as signed all but guarantees that Iran will someday get a nuclear weapon with which to terrorize its neighbors. What the AP document does is move up the time under which Iran can make a nuclear weapon. So we'll all be at risk sooner than we think.

The so-called "add-on" agreement lets Iran expand its uranium enrichment program after 10 years -- not 15 years, as the public parts of the deal suggested."
Obama Gave Iran A Faster Route To A Nuke -- And Didn't Tell Us | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD


What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by awarding nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?

" Iran President Hassan Rouhani endorsed the agreement in a nationally broadcast speech Sunday, saying the accord recognizes Iran's "nuclear rights" even if that precise language was kept from the final document because of Western resistance.

"No matter what interpretations are given, Iran's right to enrichment has been recognized," said Rouhani,...."
US, Iran nuclear deal spurs bipartisan concern in Congress

Iran's right to enrichment has been recognized,

By whom?

Oh.....by Obama.....

BTW.....I love when you post in my threads, as it is so simple to smash the custard pie in your ugly kisser.

Write soon.
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7. The essence of this thread is beyond merely questioning the ‘intellectuals,’ but to question the basis on which they can put their opinions above those of the people, from whom all power in a democracy flows.

Friedrich Hayek observed “ The mood of [the West’s] intellectual leaders has long been characterized by disillusionment with its principles, disparagement of its achievements, and exclusive concern with the creation of ‘better worlds.’
Friedrich A. Hayek, “The Constitution of Liberty,” p. 2.

“….why must the citizens of a free republic accept what the Court tells them are their own ideals?

why is it the legitimacy of the people that is in question rather than the legitimacy of [the Left’s intellectuals]?

It reminds one of Bertold Brecht’s jest: the people have lost the confidence of the government an a new people must be formed.” Robert Bork, “A Country I Do Not Recognize: The Legal Assault on American Values,” xiv

Unfortunately, Brecht’s joke is not a joke: ‘a new people must be formed’ is the reason for the Democrat insistence on illegal immigration....that's the 'new people' of the Democrat nation.

The Left’s ‘intellectuals’ have usurped the power of the people…..and should be made to suffer the consequences thereof.
Saint Ronnie the Ray Goon is a very poor choice to pick for a hero. He was a loser and a booger. Hinkly should have been given a bigger gun and a second shot!
Saint Ronnie the Ray Goon is a very poor choice to pick for a hero. He was a loser and a booger. Hinkly should have be given a bigger gun and a second shot!

Whatever made you imagine (I almost said 'think') that it is necessary to re-prove, in each and every post, that you are a low-class gutter snipe?

I imagine that one with the well-earned low self esteem have a need to attack their betters, huh?
The skinny American hating smoking butt cheeks spreader to the world liar sure made the world respect us.

Didn't he?
Yes he did.

Let's check:

The truth is that Hussein was the laughing stock of the world.

1. China underscores disrespect for Obama during his visit:

"...Obama downplayed dust-ups involving the U.S. delegation and Chinese security officials during the opening hours of his trip to Hangzhou for the G-20 summit, ....

The early hours of Obama’s trip were marred by confrontations involving Chinese security officials,.... When Air Force One touched down at the Hangzhou airport, Obama was not greeted, as is customary, by a staircase, but had to deplane from the lower level of his 747 jet.

Reporters and U.S. officials were kept away from the welcoming ceremony by a rope line.... When the president’s national security adviser, Susan Rice, and her deputy, Ben Rhodes, attempted to pass under the barricade, they were confronted by a Chinese security official "They did things that weren’t anticipated," Rice later told reporters..."
Obama Downplays Tensions After Skirmishes During China Visit

2. "Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte called Barack Obama a "son of a whore" on Monday as he vowed not to be lectured by the US leader on human rights when they meet in Laos.

The acid-tongued Duterte bristled at warnings he would face questioning by the US president over a war against drugs in the Philippines that has claimed more than 2,400 lives in just over two months.

"You must be respectful. Do not just throw away questions and statements. Son of a whore, I will curse you in that forum," Duterte told a news conference shortly before flying to Laos to attend a summit." Philippines' Duterte calls Obama 'son of a whore'

3. "Iran’s most recent ballistic missile test, which violates current U.N. Security Council resolutions, comes a day after the international community’s nuclear watchdog organization disclosed that it is prohibited by the nuclear agreement from publicly reporting on potential violations by Iran.

Iranian leaders now say that they are poised to walk away from the deal if the United States and other global powers fail to advance the Islamic Republic’s “national interests.”
Iran Threatens to Walk Away From Nuke Deal After New Missile Test

Iran laughs at Obama....

4. No Respect...he, and you, the world's laughing stock: Obama removes restrictions on Cuba, gets nothing in return. And....he visits, but Raul Castro couldn't be bothered to be at the airport:

" As the plane landed at a rainy Jose Marti International Airport, Mr Obama tweeted: "What's up Cuba? Just touched down here, looking forward to meeting and hearing directly from the Cuban people." The president was greeted by foreign minister Bruno Rodriguez - not president Raul Castro. Instead he will hold talks with his Cuban counterpart on Monday." Obama Arrives In Cuba For Historic Visit

"Both Donald Trump and Sen. Ted Cruz slammed the greeting President Obama and his wife received during their historic touch-down at a Cuban airport, saying the failure of Raul Castro to personally greet them as they exited Air Force One was a slap in the face to America."

"ANKARA, Turkey (AP) —Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said he no longer holds "direct" telephone conversations with U.S. President Barak Obama,suggesting a rift between the leaders who were once close."Turkish PM says he Obama no longer talk directly - Yahoo News

6. "Turkey will refuse to allow a US-led coalition to attack jihadistsin neighbouring Iraq and Syria from its air bases, nor will it take part in combat operations against militants, a government official told AFP" Thursdayhttp://Breaking TURKEY REFUSES OBAMA REQUEST to Use Its Airbases to Fight ISIS The Gateway Pundit

7. “Obama is the weakest of U.S. presidents, he had humiliating defeats in the region. Under him the Islamic awakening happened,” Younesisaidin a Farsi language interview with Iran’s semi-official Fars News Agency. “Americans witnessed their greatest defeats in Obama’s era: Terrorism expanded, [the] U.S. had huge defeats under Obama [and] that is why they want to compromise with Iran,” Younesi said.

The criticism of Obama echoes comments made recently byotherworld leaders and even former members of the president’s own staff,such asFormer Defense Secretary Robert Gates. Top Iranian Official: Obama is ‘The Weakest of U.S. Presidents’

8. "GUMMING UP THE WORKS: Obama blasted for chewing gum during visit with Indian prime minister
Obama, who has been caught before munching on gum during high-profile political events, was taken to task by the country’s largest newspaper after he was spotted taking a piece out of his mouth during the annual Republic Day parade."
Obama blasted for chewing gum during visit with Indian PM

9. "It would be one thing had the president brought in a successful test anywhere. But his — and Secretary of State Clinton’s — “reset” with Russia has been greeted with aggression from President Putin and his camarilla. The “pivot” to Asia has turned into a palsied pirouette and been unmasked as cover for fading from the Middle East. The redlines in Syria have been erased. Libya, Yemen, Venezuela are wrecks. Afghanistan is teetering to the Taliban, while Mr. Obama’s withdrawal has left Iraq at the mercy of Iran and the Islamic State."The Obama Doctrine

10. “Saudi Arabia and its Persian Gulf neighbors have been optimistic about Mr. Trump’s presidency, largely because of their deep frustration at what they called Mr. Obama’s refusal to forcefully engage in Middle Eastern issues like the war in Syria. They are encouraged by Mr. Trump’s business background, his lack of interest in human rights and, most importantly, his vow to take a hard line against Iran.

They were happy to see Obama go,” Bruce Riedel, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, said of the Saudis. Mr. Riedel said the kingdom had lost confidence in Mr. Obama "

Trump Meets Saudi Prince as U.S. and Kingdom Seek Warmer Relations

11. " Obama's administration has been working behind the scenes for months to forge a new working relationship with Russia, despite the fact that Russian President Vladimir Putin has shown little interest in repairing relations with Washington or halting his aggression in neighboring Ukraine." Inside Obama’s Secret Outreach to Russia

12. "Of course, the contempt that world leaders are expressing toward Barack Obama is partly the result of his lame duck status. But it is more than that: he is a widely detested lame duck, viewed by most as both arrogant and unreliable.

Remember the days when Obama promised us a smart foreign policy? Instead, he has thrown away our hard-fought victory in Iraq, strengthened Iran’s mullahs in a quixotic effort to form an alliance with them, and alienated our staunchest allies, like Great Britain and Israel, while abandoning others, like the Sunni Gulf States, all while accomplishing nothing. Small wonder that as he prepares to leave office, the predominant reaction around the world is, good riddance." Disrespecting Obama

Respect for...

the dirt-eating low-life crypto-Islamist back-stabbing infanticide-supporting incompetent snake with an unbroken record of failure, both as a President and as a human being????

Not hardly.
Trump's financials?

"Trust, but verify"

I wonder why you didn't feel any need to comment on facts already in evidence....

These facts:

If the Left were to follow Reagan’s doctrine, ‘Trust, but verify,’ would those Democrat/ Liberal ‘intellectuals’ …

a .have wasted $22 trillion in what is a failed welfare system, as nearly the name number of Americans are in poverty as were a half century ago, when they started?

b. have awarded nuclear weapons to the world’s worst state sponsor of terrorism?

c.seen the lack of results of their gun control laws in effect in Chicago, yet demand that those laws be made national in scope?

d.Would they have seen the result of substituting ‘social justice’ for fiscal responsibility, the mortgage meltdown, which resulted in ... the total lost household wealth of $19.2 trillion….yet continue to insist on flawed banking mandates?

e.Would they continue to demand illegal immigration, which causes increased unemployment, cost vast sums in welfare benefits, weigh down the justice system, and decreases the standard of living for real Americans....and decrease the security of our nation?

Would they?????
‘Trust, but verify’ is a phrase attributed to the finest, most accomplished President in modern times.
It should be the motto of every American voter.

1.Obama had several foibles in common with another wannabe-dictator, Franklin Roosevelt….Iran is Obama’s Soviet Union.

“For reasons yet to be explained, Franklin Roosevelt chose not only to overlook Soviet genocides, but to do everything in his power to strengthen the Soviet Union. For that reason, and his influence well after his passing, no treaty with Russia was worth paper it was written on.

In 1982, Ronald Reagan asked his arms control advisory committee to conduct a review of Soviet compliance in the 25 years of arms control treaties. It was the first such concerted review ever. The answer to the question of Soviet arms controls compliance was that there was none.
West, "American Betrayal," p. 198.

"The Soviet Union repeatedly violates treaties, and the rest of the world turns their heads and proceeds to enter into still more treaties, which the Soviets violate with impunity."
Joseph D. Douglass, Jr., "Why the Soviets Violate Arms Control Treaties," vii, 83.

Unlike Roosevelt, the great Reagan provided the so much more realistic "Trust, but verify."
Iran is to Obama what the Soviet Union was to Franklin Roosevelt.
This is Democrat foreign policy.

2. Unfortunately, a majority of American voters behave as the Democrats above….they put unrequited and unfounded faith in the elites, the experts, bureaucrats and judges.

This is a characteristic of the training of government schooling and Liberal control of the culture.

" ... there’s a tendency among bureaucrats, politicians, academics, and other members of the New Class to convince the people to hand over the major decisions of their lives to the “experts.” These experts aren’t all in the government, but they all collude with government to convince people that the experts have all the answers and that the people need to hand the reins over to them. They will tell us what to eat, what to drive, what to think.

It’s an approach that puts politics before economics. Because it is an attempt to politicize peoples’ lives.”
Nazis: Still Socialists, by Jonah Goldberg, National Review

3.If the electorate were to question government policies and decisions…..Democrats would never win another election....either that, or they would be forced to become pro-America once again.

Only now, and due to Trump’s actions, are many wondering about the reasons for the Iran Deal.

What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by awarding nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?

Iran wasn’t given nuke weapons !! The premise of this thread is a straight up lie !

I bet you are one of those Russian bots. Or worse , a rube that eats up all that fake news bullshit .
Stop lying.
Trump's financials?

"Trust, but verify"

I wonder why you didn't feel any need to comment on facts already in evidence....

These facts:

If the Left were to follow Reagan’s doctrine, ‘Trust, but verify,’ would those Democrat/ Liberal ‘intellectuals’ …

a .have wasted $22 trillion in what is a failed welfare system, as nearly the name number of Americans are in poverty as were a half century ago, when they started?

b. have awarded nuclear weapons to the world’s worst state sponsor of terrorism?

c.seen the lack of results of their gun control laws in effect in Chicago, yet demand that those laws be made national in scope?

d.Would they have seen the result of substituting ‘social justice’ for fiscal responsibility, the mortgage meltdown, which resulted in ... the total lost household wealth of $19.2 trillion….yet continue to insist on flawed banking mandates?

e.Would they continue to demand illegal immigration, which causes increased unemployment, cost vast sums in welfare benefits, weigh down the justice system, and decreases the standard of living for real Americans....and decrease the security of our nation?

Would they?????
Because I don't want to.

I want Trump's financials.

I trust what he says in that matter.

I simply want us to be able to verify what he says in that matter.

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