Trump's Wall will destroy Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge and the National Butterfly Center


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Trump's Wall will destroy Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge and the National Butterfly Center
Birding/Butterflying brings a half a BILLION dollars to the Lower Rio Grande Valley every year.

But Orange FUCK Trump doesn't give a shit.

This 'crown jewel' of wildlife refuges is one of the world's top bird destinations. Trump's wall would end public access
This 'crown jewel' of wildlife refuges is one of the world's top bird destinations. Trump's wall would end public access

The 2,088-acre refuge about 10 miles southeast of McAllen in the southern tip of Texas was created by the federal government in 1943 for the protection of migratory birds and is managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Straddling a bend in the Rio Grande, it is home to the endangered ocelot, as well as jaguarundi, coyote, bobcats, armadillos and 400 bird species, making it one of the top birding destinations in the world.

It would DESTROY it, not just limit access

They have started surveying the National Butterfly Center as well
Trump's Wall will destroy Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge and the National Butterfly Center
Birding/Butterflying brings a half a BILLION dollars to the Lower Rio Grande Valley every year.

But Orange FUCK Trump doesn't give a shit.

This 'crown jewel' of wildlife refuges is one of the world's top bird destinations. Trump's wall would end public access
This 'crown jewel' of wildlife refuges is one of the world's top bird destinations. Trump's wall would end public access

The 2,088-acre refuge about 10 miles southeast of McAllen in the southern tip of Texas was created by the federal government in 1943 for the protection of migratory birds and is managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Straddling a bend in the Rio Grande, it is home to the endangered ocelot, as well as jaguarundi, coyote, bobcats, armadillos and 400 bird species, making it one of the top birding destinations in the world.

It would DESTROY it, not just limit access

They have started surveying the National Butterfly Center as well

Yet more hysteria I see. How about we actually see some plans before we start screaming about the sky coming down.
Trump's Wall will destroy Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge and the National Butterfly Center
Birding/Butterflying brings a half a BILLION dollars to the Lower Rio Grande Valley every year.

But Orange FUCK Trump doesn't give a shit.

This 'crown jewel' of wildlife refuges is one of the world's top bird destinations. Trump's wall would end public access
This 'crown jewel' of wildlife refuges is one of the world's top bird destinations. Trump's wall would end public access

The 2,088-acre refuge about 10 miles southeast of McAllen in the southern tip of Texas was created by the federal government in 1943 for the protection of migratory birds and is managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Straddling a bend in the Rio Grande, it is home to the endangered ocelot, as well as jaguarundi, coyote, bobcats, armadillos and 400 bird species, making it one of the top birding destinations in the world.

It would DESTROY it, not just limit access

They have started surveying the National Butterfly Center as well

But illegal immigration costs 640 BILLION dollars a year. I am willing to deal with the trade off....
Trump's Wall will destroy Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge and the National Butterfly Center
Birding/Butterflying brings a half a BILLION dollars to the Lower Rio Grande Valley every year.

But Orange FUCK Trump doesn't give a shit.

This 'crown jewel' of wildlife refuges is one of the world's top bird destinations. Trump's wall would end public access
This 'crown jewel' of wildlife refuges is one of the world's top bird destinations. Trump's wall would end public access

The 2,088-acre refuge about 10 miles southeast of McAllen in the southern tip of Texas was created by the federal government in 1943 for the protection of migratory birds and is managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Straddling a bend in the Rio Grande, it is home to the endangered ocelot, as well as jaguarundi, coyote, bobcats, armadillos and 400 bird species, making it one of the top birding destinations in the world.

It would DESTROY it, not just limit access

They have started surveying the National Butterfly Center as well

Yet more hysteria I see. How about we actually see some plans before we start screaming about the sky coming down.
Who knew birds could not fly over 30 foot objects?
Trump's Wall will destroy Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge and the National Butterfly Center
Birding/Butterflying brings a half a BILLION dollars to the Lower Rio Grande Valley every year.

But Orange FUCK Trump doesn't give a shit.

This 'crown jewel' of wildlife refuges is one of the world's top bird destinations. Trump's wall would end public access
This 'crown jewel' of wildlife refuges is one of the world's top bird destinations. Trump's wall would end public access

The 2,088-acre refuge about 10 miles southeast of McAllen in the southern tip of Texas was created by the federal government in 1943 for the protection of migratory birds and is managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Straddling a bend in the Rio Grande, it is home to the endangered ocelot, as well as jaguarundi, coyote, bobcats, armadillos and 400 bird species, making it one of the top birding destinations in the world.

It would DESTROY it, not just limit access

They have started surveying the National Butterfly Center as well
Hey muut!
How much you want to bet your damn solar panels and wind turbines kill more birds per year then walls? Idiot.
I wouldn't worry about that wall too much, until the check shows up from Mexico.
Trump's Wall will destroy Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge and the National Butterfly Center
Birding/Butterflying brings a half a BILLION dollars to the Lower Rio Grande Valley every year.

But Orange FUCK Trump doesn't give a shit.

This 'crown jewel' of wildlife refuges is one of the world's top bird destinations. Trump's wall would end public access
This 'crown jewel' of wildlife refuges is one of the world's top bird destinations. Trump's wall would end public access

The 2,088-acre refuge about 10 miles southeast of McAllen in the southern tip of Texas was created by the federal government in 1943 for the protection of migratory birds and is managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Straddling a bend in the Rio Grande, it is home to the endangered ocelot, as well as jaguarundi, coyote, bobcats, armadillos and 400 bird species, making it one of the top birding destinations in the world.

It would DESTROY it, not just limit access

They have started surveying the National Butterfly Center as well
Don't worry. There is never going to be a wall.
I wouldn't worry about that wall too much, until the check shows up from Mexico.

Cut aid until it is paid off.
Yeah so simple. Like healthcare. Just repeal it and then replace it sometime later.



How is a wall like healthcare?

You went to public schools.
Trump's wall is similar to Trump's healthcare jplan as they are both piles of bullshit that you gobbled up :thup:
I wouldn't worry about that wall too much, until the check shows up from Mexico.

The checks already in the mail. Do you realize how much illegals immigrants were costing this country?

"Illegal immigration costs U.S. taxpayers about $113 billion a year at the federal, state and local level. The bulk of the costs — some $84 billion — are absorbed by state and local governments.The annual outlay that illegal aliens cost U.S. taxpayers is an average amount per native-headed household of $1,117."

The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on United States Taxpayers (2013)

Not only social programs, but illegals were costing the US because of the crimes they were committing. The stats below are from 1999 and show total numbers, but illegals were a part of those numbers:

"And the cost of crime continues to mount: $78 billion for the criminal justice system, $64 billion for private protection, $202 billion in loss of life and work, $120 billion in crimes against business, $60 billion in stolen goods and fraud, $40 billion from drug abuse, and $110 billion from drunk driving."

Granted the above numbers are not illegals only, but you should remember that portion of of illegals do commit criminals acts while in this country. MS-13, for example. Or those who murder Americans citizens, or those illegals who drive without licenses or insurance, or kill people while driving drunk.

So overall, whether they pay for the wall or not, we are going to benefit financially from getting them out of this country.
I wouldn't worry about that wall too much, until the check shows up from Mexico.

Cut aid until it is paid off.
Yeah so simple. Like healthcare. Just repeal it and then replace it sometime later.



How is a wall like healthcare?

You went to public schools.
Trump's wall is similar into Trump's healthcare replacement as they are both piles of bullshit that you gobbled up :thup:

I gobbled up not having to deal with The Hag and Co. for 4 years - yuks.
I wouldn't worry about that wall too much, until the check shows up from Mexico.

Cut aid until it is paid off.
Yeah so simple. Like healthcare. Just repeal it and then replace it sometime later.



How is a wall like healthcare?

You went to public schools.
Trump's wall is similar into Trump's healthcare replacement as they are both piles of bullshit that you gobbled up :thup:

I gobbled up not having to deal with The Hag and Co. for 4 years - yuks.
And now you're up to your ears in a pile of shit
Yeah, because illegal crossings have no effect on the environment
oakesr2.jpg oakesr5.jpg
Trump's Wall will destroy Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge and the National Butterfly Center
Birding/Butterflying brings a half a BILLION dollars to the Lower Rio Grande Valley every year.

But Orange FUCK Trump doesn't give a shit.

This 'crown jewel' of wildlife refuges is one of the world's top bird destinations. Trump's wall would end public access
This 'crown jewel' of wildlife refuges is one of the world's top bird destinations. Trump's wall would end public access

The 2,088-acre refuge about 10 miles southeast of McAllen in the southern tip of Texas was created by the federal government in 1943 for the protection of migratory birds and is managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Straddling a bend in the Rio Grande, it is home to the endangered ocelot, as well as jaguarundi, coyote, bobcats, armadillos and 400 bird species, making it one of the top birding destinations in the world.

It would DESTROY it, not just limit access

They have started surveying the National Butterfly Center as well
Don't worry. There is never going to be a wall.

Don't worry Trump will never be elected! That was funny too

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Cut aid until it is paid off.
Yeah so simple. Like healthcare. Just repeal it and then replace it sometime later.



How is a wall like healthcare?

You went to public schools.
Trump's wall is similar into Trump's healthcare replacement as they are both piles of bullshit that you gobbled up :thup:

I gobbled up not having to deal with The Hag and Co. for 4 years - yuks.
And now you're up to your ears in a pile of shit

Trump's Wall will destroy Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge and the National Butterfly Center
Birding/Butterflying brings a half a BILLION dollars to the Lower Rio Grande Valley every year.

But Orange FUCK Trump doesn't give a shit.

This 'crown jewel' of wildlife refuges is one of the world's top bird destinations. Trump's wall would end public access
This 'crown jewel' of wildlife refuges is one of the world's top bird destinations. Trump's wall would end public access

The 2,088-acre refuge about 10 miles southeast of McAllen in the southern tip of Texas was created by the federal government in 1943 for the protection of migratory birds and is managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Straddling a bend in the Rio Grande, it is home to the endangered ocelot, as well as jaguarundi, coyote, bobcats, armadillos and 400 bird species, making it one of the top birding destinations in the world.

It would DESTROY it, not just limit access

They have started surveying the National Butterfly Center as well
Don't worry. There is never going to be a wall.

Don't worry Trump will never be elected! That was funny too

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Nobody could have predicted widespread GOP-Russian collusion and the FBI director committing borderline treason days before the election. And Trump still got 3 million less votes. The GOP won't have those advantages in 2018 and 2020.

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