Trump's Shadow Dollar


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a TrumpUSA parable inspired by Dave.


Everyone was excited to see of U.S. President Donald Trump (a former casino-mogul and the first celebrity-president since Ronald Reagan) would give American an exciting vision of capitalism-gauged geopolitical leadership or simply offer another rendition of vain economics (i.e., Reaganomics). When Trump was running for president, there were many pedestrian protests, as Americans were wary of electing a capitalism-baron. After he was elected, there were further protests, as Americans were now wary to see what a capitalism-baron with questionable views would do as world leader. TrumpUSA was in full-swing, but there was one critic who was rather...strange.

The critic was Philip. Only, Philip was not a human. Well, he was certainly humanoid and human-like in physique and shape, but you see, Philip was a being from the shadows and hence was a 'Shadow-Man.' Philip (aka, 'Shadow-Man') wandered around America and observed the various activities of Americans trying to embrace TrumpUSA. Shadow-Man watched continuing urban protests and noted the various allegations of questionable statements/actions of President Trump. Shadow-Man kept all of these observations in his mind and wanted to do something to make Americans more aware of the sociocultural impact of electing a 'celebrity president' (the first one since Ronald Reagan!).

One day, while Trump was giving a speech on the White House lawn about the value of Earth Day in America, Shadow-Man quietly walked through the crowd and noted Trump's expressions and 'supposed idealism.' Suddenly, Trump thought he caught sight of Shadow-Man (since he swore he saw a human-like shape moving around as if it was a ghost!). At first, Trump thought he was hallucinating something because of the sun's glare, but then he really thought he saw a shadowy figure moving through the crowd and then wondered if he was witnessing a ghost walking around! When Trump got to the Oval Office he wrote a memo to himself: "Consider the possibility that there is a 'Shadow-Man' wandering around America keeping tabs on my administration!"

Shadow-Man realized Trump saw him and decided to visit him while he was working alone one day in the Oval Office.

TRUMP: Who are you? What do you want with me? I've seen you before!
SHADOW-MAN: Yes, I visited you during your Earth Day address.
TRUMP: I remember perfectly; you were moving through the crowd.
SHADOW-MAN: I wanted to see if you were sincere...
TRUMP: Are you simply another protester or a malignant spirit?
SHADOW-MAN: Why, are you paranoid?
TRUMP: No! I'm only wondering if you disapprove of my presidency.
SHADOW-MAN: I'm not sure, but I wanted to assure you I'm not malicious.
TRUMP: Well, then do you have a message for me?
SHADOW-MAN: I do. I want you to study U.S. dollar bills (their insignias).
SHADOW-MAN: Those symbols are sacred (if you care about capitalism!).
TRUMP: I do care; alright, I'll look at them with a serious mind...
SHADOW-MAN: Good. I'll know you're meditating about the American Dream.
TRUMP: I think you're some kind of jester/trickster.
SHADOW-MAN: I'm just a messenger; keep the dream cool...



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