Trumps Says Investigation Into Obama Reveals "No Hospital Records For Obama's Mother"

As if anybody important cares what drivel you or trump have to say about anything.

Well reporters and news organizations must be interested because they came to his conference on the matter yesterday.

No. This was setup to pimp his new book, and he saw the opportunity to regurgitate this stupid allegation. He's a one trick pony.

Is it just his book or is it the fact that he cant stand not being the center of attention? Could be both actually. Either way, it is possible he will run. How can he moderate a debate if HE may run?

I say, this is all about people saying his name again. He is what that party is all about. Mr. Trump is the perfect republican.
He held a press conference yesterday after his meeting with Newt Gingrich and explained this and explained the fact that the validity of Obama's Hawaiian birth certificate is in question and that he will pursue the matter futher for answers. Computer experts who are reputable in the field have documented that what Obama released was created and put together in layers. That is a serious issue. If there are no hospital records of Stanley Ann Dunham at Kapiolani, it raises the issue of where did she give birth to Obama? Also Trump yesterday does bring up a good point to Sean Hannity, why did other members of Obamas family state he was born in another hospital other than Kapiolani early on in the 2008 campaign?

Donald Trump on Fox News: How Come There's No Hospital Records For Obama's Mother
Donald Trump on Fox News: No Hospital Records For Obama's Mother - 12/5/11 - YouTube

Donald Trump now casts even more doubt on Obama
Donald Trump now casts even more doubt on Obama

Among the significant unresolved issues is that two weeks before Obama finally released his "long-form birth certificate," Hawaii's former Health Department chief Chiyome Fukino – the one official who claimed to have examined Obama's original birth document – told NBC News' national investigative correspondent Michael Isikoff that she had seen the original birth certificate and that it was "half typed and half handwritten."

However, the document released by the White House was entirely typed. Only the signatures and two dates at the very bottom were "handwritten." What Fukino described is apparently a different document from what Obama released to the public.

He held a press conference yesterday after his meeting with Newt Gingrich and explained this and explained the fact that the validity of Obama's Hawaiian birth certificate is in question and that he will pursue the matter futher for answers. Computer experts who are reputable in the field have documented that what Obama released was created and put together in layers. That is a serious issue. If there are no hospital records of Stanley Ann Dunham at Kapiolani, it raises the issue of where did she give birth to Obama? Also Trump yesterday does bring up a good point to Sean Hannity, why did other members of Obamas family state he was born in another hospital other than Kapiolani early on in the 2008 campaign?

Donald Trump on Fox News: How Come There's No Hospital Records For Obama's Mother
Donald Trump on Fox News: No Hospital Records For Obama's Mother - 12/5/11 - YouTube

Donald Trump now casts even more doubt on Obama
Donald Trump now casts even more doubt on Obama

Among the significant unresolved issues is that two weeks before Obama finally released his "long-form birth certificate," Hawaii's former Health Department chief Chiyome Fukino – the one official who claimed to have examined Obama's original birth document – told NBC News' national investigative correspondent Michael Isikoff that she had seen the original birth certificate and that it was "half typed and half handwritten."

However, the document released by the White House was entirely typed. Only the signatures and two dates at the very bottom were "handwritten." What Fukino described is apparently a different document from what Obama released to the public.


Mutilating & butchering dead horses is now legal again, so Pound Away, Pound Away.

I told you so!

I told you that if Obama showed his birth certificate, the moronic birfers would never accept it. If Jesus Christ himself came down from heaven above with Obama's birth certificate from Hawaii, the dumbass birfers would still not believe.

Because this isn't about a birth certificate.

If you are a Republican - I mean, a sane Republican - you want this shit to go away. N. O. W.

I told you so!

I told you that if Obama showed his birth certificate, the moronic birfers would never accept it. If Jesus Christ himself came down from heaven above with Obama's birth certificate from Hawaii, the dumbass birfers would still not believe.

Because this isn't about a birth certificate.

If you are a Republican - I mean, a sane Republican - you want this shit to go away. N. O. W.

If Jesus Christ himself came down, the burfers would try to deport him.
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He held a press conference yesterday after his meeting with Newt Gingrich and explained this and explained the fact that the validity of Obama's Hawaiian birth certificate is in question and that he will pursue the matter futher for answers. Computer experts who are reputable in the field have documented that what Obama released was created and put together in layers.
All they have documented is Adobe Illustrator separates pdfs into layers.

Will Dump Truck pursue this before or after the forger is revealed??? :asshole:

05-21-2011, 03:10 AM
Forger Of Obama's Birth Certificate Has Been Located And Fixing To Be Exposed This is fixing to explode like Watergate. Obama coming out at his press conference releasing the certificate was a bad move because he now has attached himself to the forgery which is a crime. Nixon did the same thing. The person that did the forgery works in the media and will be exposed next week. This is going to be horrible for the White House.
Only an uneducated idiot says, "fixing" to be exposed.
Not angry... just sick of hearing this bullshit. If someone has irrefutable proof... bring it on. If not, then it's bullshit...simple as that.

I get a little tired of the RACIST Prick of an OP and the rest of you bobbleheads that are of the same opinion beating a dead horse continually.
There nyou go with the racist bomb. Obamaturd is a fraud and a poor excuse for potus. If you still support him your judgement is highly questionable.

You hate the black guy. We get it.

He's 1/2 Black & 1/2 White.
I actually like his Black half. It's his White half that I don't like very much :badgrin:
Only a dumbass would believe that anyone other than the individual hospitalized could obtain medical records.
Only a dumbass would believe that anyone other than the individual hospitalized could obtain medical records.

anyone with permission.

Anyone with a signed and notarized medical authorization that complied with federal and state laws on the release of medial information from Obama's mother.

I will pay 100K if anyone has that.
For damn sure Trump doesn't.

Anyone that falls for this kind of stuff has shit for brains.
Only a dumbass would believe that anyone other than the individual hospitalized could obtain medical records.

anyone with permission.

Anyone with a signed and notarized medical authorization that complied with federal and state laws on the release of medial information from Obama's mother.

I will pay 100K if anyone has that.
For damn sure Trump doesn't.

Anyone that falls for this kind of stuff has shit for brains.

the laws have changed
anyone with permission.

Anyone with a signed and notarized medical authorization that complied with federal and state laws on the release of medial information from Obama's mother.

I will pay 100K if anyone has that.
For damn sure Trump doesn't.

Anyone that falls for this kind of stuff has shit for brains.

the laws have changed

You are right, they have changed.
Dude, I subpoena and gather medical records in my work weekly.
There is NO WAY the medical records of Obama's birth would be released to anyone without an authorization from his mother. HE COULD NOT EVEN GET THEM.

I know how bad you want to believe otherwise but let me appeal to your reason and common sense.
Anyone with a signed and notarized medical authorization that complied with federal and state laws on the release of medial information from Obama's mother.

I will pay 100K if anyone has that.
For damn sure Trump doesn't.

Anyone that falls for this kind of stuff has shit for brains.

the laws have changed

You are right, they have changed.
Dude, I subpoena and gather medical records in my work weekly.
There is NO WAY the medical records of Obama's birth would be released to anyone without an authorization from his mother. HE COULD NOT EVEN GET THEM.

I know how bad you want to believe otherwise but let me appeal to your reason and common sense.

don't need them, he's posted forgeries all over the place.

this is even from wall street and he's guilty.

Exposing The Obama-Soetoro Deception--Obama Eligibility, Birth Certificate - Wall Street Survivor Forums

assholes like dawson' creek devil asshole and oberman and candyass, don't be a dumb obot sheep like them.

here's another new doubter in the almost has been messiah...
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the laws have changed

You are right, they have changed.
Dude, I subpoena and gather medical records in my work weekly.
There is NO WAY the medical records of Obama's birth would be released to anyone without an authorization from his mother. HE COULD NOT EVEN GET THEM.

I know how bad you want to believe otherwise but let me appeal to your reason and common sense.

don't need them, he's posted forgeries all over the place.

this is even from wall street and he's guilty.

Exposing The Obama-Soetoro Deception--Obama Eligibility, Birth Certificate - Wall Street Survivor Forums

assholes like dawson' creek devil asshole and oberman and candyass, don't be a dumb obot sheep like them.

here's another new doubter in the almost has been messiah...

The Turner Report: Hartzler still not sure about President Obama's birth certificate

The rebirth of birthers?

Day 1174 of the Usurpation – Breaking News on the Fake Birth Certificate « The Usurpation Chronicles
the laws have changed

You are right, they have changed.
Dude, I subpoena and gather medical records in my work weekly.
There is NO WAY the medical records of Obama's birth would be released to anyone without an authorization from his mother. HE COULD NOT EVEN GET THEM.

I know how bad you want to believe otherwise but let me appeal to your reason and common sense.

don't need them, he's posted forgeries all over the place.

this is even from wall street and he's guilty.

Exposing The Obama-Soetoro Deception--Obama Eligibility, Birth Certificate - Wall Street Survivor Forums

assholes like dawson' creek devil asshole and oberman and candyass, don't be a dumb obot sheep like them.

here's another new doubter in the almost has been messiah...

The Turner Report: Hartzler still not sure about President Obama's birth certificate

The rebirth of birthers?

Day 1174 of the Usurpation – Breaking News on the Fake Birth Certificate « The Usurpation Chronicles
How about this link that YOU posted, you fucking inbred piece of shit?

Obama Makes Stunning Admission About Forged Birth Certificate | America Matters

If he has proof... then bring it on. If this is just another right wing bullshit maneuver... then shut the FUCK up....

You sure are a angry person..sheesh

Not angry... just sick of hearing this bullshit. If someone has irrefutable proof... bring it on. If not, then it's bullshit...simple as that.

I get a little tired of the RACIST Prick of an OP and the rest of you bobbleheads that are of the same opinion beating a dead horse continually.

I thought hospital/medical records were protected by law as private and confidential.

I do not seem to be able to find any hospital records about The Donalds hair transplants either.

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