Trump's rambling CPAC speech leaves CNN analyst stunned: 'This is someone who is not well'

Establishment refuses to address the very issues that lead to his election victory.
And then trump proved that he was incapable of working with the establishment to get anything done and he lost the house senate and White House in 4 short years as a result. Worst president in my lifetime
President Trump has always delivered speeches in the stream of consciousness variety. Further, his oration style is influenced by other great speakers like Stone Cold Steve Austin as well as The Rock. You can agree with President Trump's message- or disagree like this clown from CNN did.

But you can't ignore it.

Trump isnt president. Hes a criminal, and a loser.

That you cant ignore.
Worst president in my lifetime
And then trump proved that he was incapable of working with the establishment to get anything done and he lost the house senate and White House in 4 short years as a result. Worst president in my lifetime
Career politicians such as Paul Ryan, McCain et al, and you blame a new politician?
Come on maaan...
They gave representation to prairie dogs and sage brush. The EC was really about preserving slavery.
They gave representation to prairie dogs and sage brush. The EC was really about preserving slavery.
The EC was really about preserving slavery.

In states like Delaware, Rhode Island, Vermont, New Hampshire?

"They gave representation to prairie dogs and sage brush."

how many states were there when The Constitution was signed?

How many of them were home to 'prairie dogs and sagebrush'?
There is no "passing with flying colors". The fact that your god had to brag about passing it for a good month or more should be more than enough to tell you all that you need to know about him. That is like someone bragging about not peeing on the floor while going to the bathroom.

Why do you even care? All you're ever going to do is talk shit about both sides, then vote for some imaginary character who filled your head full of utopian fantasies. Hell, you're just as responsible for what Biden's doing to your country, as those who voted for him. And if you really believe there's any comparison to Trump, you're just lying to yourself to save face.
Why do you even care? All you're ever going to do is talk shit about both sides, then vote for some imaginary character who filled your head full of utopian fantasies. Hell, you're just as responsible for what Biden's doing to your country, as those who voted for him. And if you really believe there's any comparison to Trump, you're just lying to yourself to save face.
He just posts nonsense here to draw attention to himself. He likes to stir the pot instead of having an intelligent conversation.
Right because Joe Bidens speeches are never rambling or incoherent if only Trump had leaned foreward and started whispering for no apparent reason CNN would have had high praise for the speech.
Grifty spoke but never said anything...

"bad things (people)....blah, never before..."
Great if you believed in America and a free society...horrible for Demafascsit, terrorist, China, and Putin
After Scrub, we had fewer Americans working in private industries, and the fiscal situation had swung 15 trillion against us...

After Grifty, we had fewer Americans working, and a deficit the size of Scrub's last budget.

Just sayin'.
‘In particular, Avlon warned viewers against writing Trump off even though his power over the Republican Party appears to have diminished in recent months.

"It is easy to treat Trump as a side show because if you look at his, you know, posts on Truth Social, if you look at that rambling, 145-minute lie-filled speech, you'd say this is someone that is not well," he said. "Yet, we need to concede he's the front-runner for the Republican nomination and the more crowded the primary is, the more likely he is to win."

Avlon also said it would be a mistake to focus too much on Trump's verbal provocations given the other dangers he poses to the health of the American republic.

"He is somebody who is under multiple investigations right now, somebody who tried to overturn out democracy," Avlon noted. "But that is not a disqualifier in today's Republican Party. So I think we need to be wide-eyed about that right now."’

The GOP is likewise not well.
Are you going to kill yourself if Trump is re-elected?

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