Trump's rambling CPAC speech leaves CNN analyst stunned: 'This is someone who is not well'

A poll from 2018, before we all found out just how much worse a President Biden turned out to be?

Because he doesn`t support the NRA and their sister organization, the KKK, you don`t like him. I`m shocked! Biden was elected because the other guy is crazy. Did you see what his apostles did at the Capitol?
No I don`t but why has your party been rejected in 7 of the last 8 presidential elections? In most places the person with the most votes is the winner. Our Founders really fucked this country up with their EC nonsense but where would the GQP be without it?

Been explained at least 100 times.

FF didn't want the most populous states determining presidential elections, so they made sure the smaller states were given a voice.
Meanwhile, their own "president" refuses to take a simple cognitive test that even Trump passed with flying colors.

I was watching his Selma march on the news. The guy had to have support on both sides to even stand up while walking. If a doctor came on and gave Biden a clean bill of mental health, no one would believe them and would think the fix is in. Best to not even address it.
Meanwhile, their own "president" refuses to take a simple cognitive test that even Trump passed with flying colors.


There is no "passing with flying colors". The fact that your god had to brag about passing it for a good month or more should be more than enough to tell you all that you need to know about him. That is like someone bragging about not peeing on the floor while going to the bathroom.
I was watching his Selma march on the news. The guy had to have support on both sides to even stand up while walking. If a doctor came on and gave Biden a clean bill of mental health, no one would believe them and would think the fix is in. Best to not even address it.
Would Dr. Independentthinker recommend sipping bleach and disinfectant? :abgg2q.jpg:
‘In particular, Avlon warned viewers against writing Trump off even though his power over the Republican Party appears to have diminished in recent months.

"It is easy to treat Trump as a side show because if you look at his, you know, posts on Truth Social, if you look at that rambling, 145-minute lie-filled speech, you'd say this is someone that is not well," he said. "Yet, we need to concede he's the front-runner for the Republican nomination and the more crowded the primary is, the more likely he is to win."

Avlon also said it would be a mistake to focus too much on Trump's verbal provocations given the other dangers he poses to the health of the American republic.

"He is somebody who is under multiple investigations right now, somebody who tried to overturn out democracy," Avlon noted. "But that is not a disqualifier in today's Republican Party. So I think we need to be wide-eyed about that right now."’

The GOP is likewise not well.

CNN isn't well.... there's that

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