Trump's rallies aren't violent, they're "love fests".......

The black guy asked for it.....and the old white man gave it to him.

So what's the problem? ..... :dunno:

Exactly HOW was the black guy asking for it? The only time I hit someone is if they hit me first.

It is a very short video-clip. Who knows, based on that. Black guy instigated giving the finger, not shown on the vid.

Actually, you CAN see him giving the finger to the crowd as he's being escorted out by the cops. But, is giving the finger to a whole crowd justification for sucker punching him? Like I've said before, there are lots of times that people have flipped me off and I didn't do anything. Why? It's a form of free speech that says they disagree with me, and there is no violence involved. But, if conservatives are too thin skinned to see someone flying the bird, maybe they should just stay home if they are so easily offended.
The black guy asked for it.....and the old white man gave it to him.

So what's the problem? ..... :dunno:

Exactly HOW was the black guy asking for it? The only time I hit someone is if they hit me first.

It is a very short video-clip. Who knows, based on that. Black guy instigated giving the finger, not shown on the vid.

Actually, you CAN see him giving the finger to the crowd as he's being escorted out by the cops. But, is giving the finger to a whole crowd justification for sucker punching him? Like I've said before, there are lots of times that people have flipped me off and I didn't do anything. Why? It's a form of free speech that says they disagree with me, and there is no violence involved. But, if conservatives are too thin skinned to see someone flying the bird, maybe they should just stay home if they are so easily offended.

Black guy missed out on the love part of the love-fest. Looks like he was responsible, for 'dat.
Yeah..............I am a bit confused.............because how can you call your gatherings (rallies) "love fests", when you are telling people that you would like to punch someone in the mouth, that protesters should be carried out on stretchers, and offering to pay for the legal bills of people that assault protesters?

Trump has even said he's got people looking into the old man that sucker punched the black dude at his rally last week, to see if he's gonna pay for his legal bills.

Was da' black dude injured?........was he taken out on a stretcher?.........was he in the right to infringe upon Trumps' 1st amendment rights?

Praytell, inquiring minds really wanna know.............

Was the black dude injured? Yes, the side of his face was swollen when he was interviewed.

No, he wasn't taken out on a stretcher, he was taken out in cuffs, even though he was already leaving peacefully, although a bit loudly. And, there have been many times that I've been flipped off that I've never gone and sucker punched them, because that gesture doesn't mean much to me, just another form of opinion someone has that means they don't agree. And no, flipping someone the bird isn't "violent".

And...............since Trump still was speaking, and continued to speak after they were led out, how exactly did that infringe on Trumps 1st amendment rights? At the most it was an interruption, not an infringement. If Trumps 1st amendment actually had been infringed upon, he wouldn't have continued after the protesters left.

Probably not a great idea to flip off 10000 folks that don't agree with you.

Common sense ain't too common these days I guess

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