Trump's populist revolution is already over — for now


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2011
In a Republic, actually
"Not yet 100 days into Donald Trump’s presidency, the populist revolution he seemed to promise is already over — at least for now. Two weeks of head-spinning policy reversals have put Trump squarely inside the chalk lines of conventional Republican conservatism on both economics and foreign affairs.

His impulsive management style and his fact-challenged rhetoric are still intact. But most of his policy positions are now remarkably similar to those espoused by the GOP’s last establishment nominee, Mitt Romney, in 2012.


In foreign policy, Trump once derided traditional alliances like the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, said he’d seek an alliance with Russia’s Vladimir Putin, and promised to avoid entanglement in Syria’s civil war. In the last 10 days, Trump praised NATO, confronted Russia and ordered a missile strike against Syria in retaliation for a chemical weapons attack.

On trade, Trump promised to declare China a currency manipulator, threatened to scrap the North American Free Trade Agreement and suggested he’d abolish the Export-Import Bank; he’s walked away from all three positions.

On economics, Trump promised to cut middle-class taxes and protect Social Security and Medicare. But the first drafts of his tax plan awarded the biggest cuts to top-end earners — and last week, Trump’s budget director said he hopes to persuade the president to back changes to Social Security and Medicare too.
What happened? One answer is that Trump has been mugged by reality. He’s abruptly discovered that being a successful president is more complicated than winning an election.

Trump's populist revolution is already over — for now

What happened is Trump is ignorant and clueless as to the most basic principles of governance and foreign policy.

Indeed, Trump’s ridiculous version of ‘populism’ proved to be vacuous and untenable – so much so that it had to be abandoned for the same tedious, failed, and wrongheaded policies pursued by the right.

Trump is just another Republican president, and just as wrong on the issues as other Republican presidents.
You left wing idiots always think that all you have to do is speak a thing and it becomes truth. That's why reality always ends up bitch slapping the shit out of you.
Consistently wrong since June of 2015, but the lefty dipshits keep on keeping on with their wishful nonsense about Trump. That old insanity definition is alive and well in libdom.
You left wing idiots always think that all you have to do is speak a thing and it becomes truth. That's why reality always ends up bitch slapping the shit out of you.

So what do you think happens when you speak? You're saying your bile is just an opinion?

Have I made a declaration and then built an entire straw man from it? No I haven't.
"Not yet 100 days into Donald Trump’s presidency, the populist revolution he seemed to promise is already over — at least for now. Two weeks of head-spinning policy reversals have put Trump squarely inside the chalk lines of conventional Republican conservatism on both economics and foreign affairs.

His impulsive management style and his fact-challenged rhetoric are still intact. But most of his policy positions are now remarkably similar to those espoused by the GOP’s last establishment nominee, Mitt Romney, in 2012.


In foreign policy, Trump once derided traditional alliances like the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, said he’d seek an alliance with Russia’s Vladimir Putin, and promised to avoid entanglement in Syria’s civil war. In the last 10 days, Trump praised NATO, confronted Russia and ordered a missile strike against Syria in retaliation for a chemical weapons attack.

On trade, Trump promised to declare China a currency manipulator, threatened to scrap the North American Free Trade Agreement and suggested he’d abolish the Export-Import Bank; he’s walked away from all three positions.

On economics, Trump promised to cut middle-class taxes and protect Social Security and Medicare. But the first drafts of his tax plan awarded the biggest cuts to top-end earners — and last week, Trump’s budget director said he hopes to persuade the president to back changes to Social Security and Medicare too.
What happened? One answer is that Trump has been mugged by reality. He’s abruptly discovered that being a successful president is more complicated than winning an election.

Trump's populist revolution is already over — for now

What happened is Trump is ignorant and clueless as to the most basic principles of governance and foreign policy.

Indeed, Trump’s ridiculous version of ‘populism’ proved to be vacuous and untenable – so much so that it had to be abandoned for the same tedious, failed, and wrongheaded policies pursued by the right.

Trump is just another Republican president, and just as wrong on the issues as other Republican presidents.
You need to lay off of the Fake news channels like CNN. Keep dreaming Trumps approval numbers are on the rise so your whole thread is a big waste of time and energy.
You left wing idiots always think that all you have to do is speak a thing and it becomes truth. That's why reality always ends up bitch slapping the shit out of you.
Consistently wrong since June of 2015, but the lefty dipshits keep on keeping on with their wishful nonsense about Trump. That old insanity definition is alive and well in libdom.

Everything they have said about Trump has been wrong going back to before the election, yet, they cannot learn...ever.
You left wing idiots always think that all you have to do is speak a thing and it becomes truth. That's why reality always ends up bitch slapping the shit out of you.
Consistently wrong since June of 2015, but the lefty dipshits keep on keeping on with their wishful nonsense about Trump. That old insanity definition is alive and well in libdom.

Everything they have said about Trump has been wrong going back to before the election, yet, they cannot learn...ever.

Like what? You go back to my posts in 2016 and I said this motherfucker is going to start a war. I just didn't know he would do it so soon. So, yes I was sorta' wrong.
I'm happy to see these story's that the libs keep digging up. It tells me they still don't get it and that tells me another big win is just 18 months away.
You left wing idiots always think that all you have to do is speak a thing and it becomes truth. That's why reality always ends up bitch slapping the shit out of you.
Consistently wrong since June of 2015, but the lefty dipshits keep on keeping on with their wishful nonsense about Trump. That old insanity definition is alive and well in libdom.

Everything they have said about Trump has been wrong going back to before the election, yet, they cannot learn...ever.

Like what? You go back to my posts in 2016 and I said this motherfucker is going to start a war. I just didn't know he would do it so soon. So, yes I was sorta' wrong.

What war has he started?

Otherwise the left was wrong about the election, the non-existent Russian fixing of the election, the non-existing Russian collusion with Trump, and they said he was wrong about being wiretapped by 0bama, he was. Those are just off the top of my head.
Like what? You go back to my posts in 2016 and I said this motherfucker is going to start a war. I just didn't know he would do it so soon. So, yes I was sorta' wrong.
You go back to my posts from 2015 when I said Trump will be the next president and you all laughed and laughed and laughed. :badgrin:

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