Trump's political policies to change social structure?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
I'm betting President Trump is extremely motivated to implement policies that quickly affect the social structure that's been built by Democrats. It's really no secret that Democrats have spoon fed our lowest of class through policy and attempted to build a social foundation from the bottom up on the backs of our worst citizens. Specifically they have made criminals feel like victims, they've made welfare recipients feel like they're suppose to be on welfare, they've made the world believe that anyone is welcome here for a free ride on the back of American taxpayers, they've made it inappropriate to be a vocally proud American in America, they've made people believe that anyone successful and wealthy is greedy because they won't hand over their wealth to the "less fortunate", they've made people believe that gender identification is a decision one makes at some point in their life, they've made people believe that procreation is not an important responsibility for humans, they've removed the shame from all that should be shameful.
I'm thinking we'll quickly see a culture change for the better for all stand up citizens.
Let's get it on President Trump!
With the cooperation of the criminal enterprise known as the mainstream media, democrats have encouraged Black people to be dependent on the government plantation and to see themselves as victims since LBJ was president. It's inconceivable that democrats could get away with portraying Black people as being unable to obtain something as basic as a photo I.D. in the 21st century but they do. Rep John Lewis of Atlanta, Ga. gets away with calling Trump "illegitimate" because Lewis was a hero of the civil rights movement forty years ago but the district he represents remains as poor as it was when LBJ created the ironically named "great society". What does that tell you about Rep. Lewis? He is a poverty pimp who retains power by distributing government funds? To paraphrase Trump, "we may be Black or Asian or Hispanic or White but we all bleed the same patriotic red". Let's hope Trump brings back jobs and Blacks and poor Whites alike can rise above petty government regulations and handouts and poverty pimps have to go to work like everyone else.
With the cooperation of the criminal enterprise known as the mainstream media, democrats have encouraged Black people to be dependent on the government plantation and to see themselves as victims since LBJ was president. It's inconceivable that democrats could get away with portraying Black people as being unable to obtain something as basic as a photo I.D. in the 21st century but they do. Rep John Lewis of Atlanta, Ga. gets away with calling Trump "illegitimate" because Lewis was a hero of the civil rights movement forty years ago but the district he represents remains as poor as it was when LBJ created the ironically named "great society". What does that tell you about Rep. Lewis? He is a poverty pimp who retains power by distributing government funds? To paraphrase Trump, "we may be Black or Asian or Hispanic or White but we all bleed the same patriotic red". Let's hope Trump brings back jobs and Blacks and poor Whites alike can rise above petty government regulations and handouts and poverty pimps have to go to work like everyone else.

You make very good points. Blacks have been used as a tool by Democrats for years and now they think they've struck it voter rich with Mexicans. They're like a tiger hunting in the wild always looking for wounded prey to add to their demographics.
Watching all these protests makes me realize Democrats have definitely created a incompetent, unmotivated, unaccountable monster. These people can't stand to think they may actually have to start making good decisions and thinking for themselves. The handholding has ended and the free for all is over...hahaha

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