Trump's Next Move Towards a Fascist State: Take Away Licensing of T.V. Networks

The networks don't hold licenses, their local affiliates do.

Why doesn't Trump know that? How old is he again?

I actually didn't state that correctly, network owned stations hold licenses along with their independent affiliates. The network itself does not. People can file FCC complaints if the stations and affiliates aren't serving the public interest and challenge their licenses.

I actually didn't state that correctly, network owned stations hold licenses along with their independent affiliates. The network itself does not. People can file FCC complaints if the stations and affiliates aren't serving the public interest and challenge their licenses.


Trump was also referring to networks like CNN, that aren't subject to FCC regulations.
I actually didn't state that correctly, network owned stations hold licenses along with their independent affiliates. The network itself does not. People can file FCC complaints if the stations and affiliates aren't serving the public interest and challenge their licenses.


Trump was also referring to networks like CNN, that aren't subject to FCC regulations.

Funny, I didn't hear him mention them, are you assuming again?

How can people continue to support this guy? Can you think of any other historical figures that wanted to silence anyone that talked ill of them...?

""With all of the Fake News coming out of NBC and the Networks, at what point is it appropriate to challenge their License? Bad for country!" Mr Trump wrote in a tweet."

Donald Trump threatens to shut down NBC and other TV news networks that criticise him

James Madison and Thomas Jefferson said that the free press was a key element in having a true democracy.

"I am... for freedom of the press, and against all violations of the Constitution to silence by force and not by reason the complaints or criticisms, just or unjust, of our citizens against the conduct of their agents." --Thomas Jefferson to Elbridge Gerry, 1799. ME 10:78

Jefferson on Politics & Government: Freedom of the Press
Trump’s ignorance of, and contempt for, the First Amendment is as dangerous as it is reprehensible.
It's not nearly as dangerous as yours, douche bag.
Apparently you have reading issues as well.

What you are contending is that Trump "conspired" with Russia to reveal the absolute corruption of the DNC and pushed "lies" about the Hildebeast via Facebook that allegedly cost the leftard klunt the I on point thus far????

If so? I doubt that you can see the irony at all. What has caused the leftard clown posse to be so butthurt in this forum was all the shit talking that they did prior to the election and all that crow they are having to eat with their w(h)ine is causing them to choke. I think it's fucking HILARIOUS and I am enjoying it......lots of us are.
am I on point thus far????

Not at all. I suggest a third try. Sound out the hard words.

Nope, I summed it all up are the one struggling with reality. There is nothing that the Rooskies could "hip" me to about the Hildebeast and Bill "drop trou" and how they are thicker than thieves with the Bush crime family that I didn't already know. You are REALLY bitter.....tough shit, dude. I eagerly await even one example of ROOSKIE FB intervention accusation....thus far all I have read is a bunch of leftard whine.

Seriously, dude. Can you read?

Yeah, I was reading at a 5th grade level when I was in 2nd grade and was put in accelerated classes. I have always had a voracious appetite for literature, be it fiction or non-fiction. You, on the other hand, lack comprehension and critical thinking skills. You suffer from this tunnel vision and persecution complex. I blame it on the socialist teachings of the public school system via their curriculum. Any other questions?????
Yeah, I was reading at a 5th grade level when I was in 2nd grade and was put in accelerated classes.
You are just having a problem with this line of discussion then. None of your responses have a thing to do with my post that YOU responded to.
If your giant ego didn't interfere so much with your giant intellect, you might find where this conversation went into the weeds.

In the future, opening the nested quotes and refreshing your memory on the discussion at hand is a great way to avoid such frustrations.
Trump is conspiring against the leftards? Do tell?????

Apparently you have reading issues as well.

What you are contending is that Trump "conspired" with Russia to reveal the absolute corruption of the DNC and pushed "lies" about the Hildebeast via Facebook that allegedly cost the leftard klunt the I on point thus far????

If so? I doubt that you can see the irony at all. What has caused the leftard clown posse to be so butthurt in this forum was all the shit talking that they did prior to the election and all that crow they are having to eat with their w(h)ine is causing them to choke. I think it's fucking HILARIOUS and I am enjoying it......lots of us are.
am I on point thus far????

Not at all. I suggest a third try. Sound out the hard words.

Nope, I summed it all up are the one struggling with reality. There is nothing that the Rooskies could "hip" me to about the Hildebeast and Bill "drop trou" and how they are thicker than thieves with the Bush crime family that I didn't already know. You are REALLY bitter.....tough shit, dude. I eagerly await even one example of ROOSKIE FB intervention accusation....thus far all I have read is a bunch of leftard whine.
Your thought process reminds me of the thought process of an abstract artist. Not everyone understands abstract art and not everyone understands abstract thought. Perhaps you are a bit harsh on your critics. As an abstract artist myself, I can relate to your frustration when your "work" is misunderstood or not appreciated. In the end, all you can do is put it out their and appreciate that at least some recognize it for what you mean it to be.

Abstraction has it's place. It's great at challenging the imagination when everyone is aware that is the goal. A conversation with an already established context is not the place for it.
No you used the "N" word because of your inner thoughts, when you could have instead used "Cracker." The knife cuts both ways.

No you don't know me, and why is cracker allowed but the n word isn't?

Cracker isn't acceptable at work when you are using it in the same context as the "N" word. :cuckoo:

the N word is never acceptable, and I'd be willing to bet that the NFL like all employers makes employees accept a code of conduct for employment which includes hate speech.

buckeye was attempting to deflect from his racist fail.

The NFL union contract does not mandate employees stand. I think the players are fools for making this their form of protest, and Trump has flipped the issue from police brutality to their supposed lack of respect for the flag (kneeling is NOT a sign of disrespect, but that's a lost issue) If I were the players, I'd agree to stand in exchange for a moment of silence to reflect on race in society.

Nevertheless, the thread is sort of a non-starter in that Trump's attack on the media is just a deflection from the fact that the gop senate thinks he's nuts.

youre dodging the question. why is the n word so special?
is everything offensive not part of free speech?

bill.mahr said it, nothing happened to him

jemelle hill called the president a white supremacist, which is very hateful, nothing happened to her

and yes private businesses can have a code of conduct not worrying about free speech. which is why they can tell the players to stand if they want

but you believe in nazi/ commie speech codes....because free speech.......wait for it.......PROTECTS OFFENSIVE SPEECH ON PURPOSE......

Nowflakes believe only speech that doesn't offend anyone is free. Of course, they are free to offend whomever they please.
That's why I bring up the nword...because it shows they aren't serious about free speech.....and they cant say why that word is so special....because it makes their argument fall like dominoes.
“How can people continue to support this guy?”

Because they’re blind rightwing partisan hacks.

This is much worse. Trump has 99% support from his core, who don't care that Trump is a wrecking ball. In fact, they seem to relish in that fact.
yep....we love the establishment who has ignored us for decades to be squirming and afraid of someone.....

they do all their tricks to trump, racism, sexism, homophobe, causes natural disasters, doesn't care about people...all that bs of the left (which really describes the left). And no one of it sticks, because he fights back, and that's why he must never give up twitter and never cower to these leftwing bullies.

Ironically how do I know the left doesn't care...they say it all the time

didn't care Weinstein or romansky were predators, because it didn't effect me......thanks for the truth Jane

Jane Fonda Admits She Knew About Weinstein: "It Hadn't Happened To Me," So I Didn't Speak Out
You do know that schools and work are two different places right? The government can stop people from praying in schools because there is a rule that is about separation of church and state.

"There is a rule"...

Post the rule.

"The Constitution uses 16 words—known as the “religion clauses”—to create rules about how faith and government interact. One clause gives citizens the right to freely exercise religious convictions; the other prohibits government (including taxpayer-funded public schools) from establishing religion, meaning granting favorable treatment."

"Among the issues that have reached the High Court:

  • Can a school district allow students to conduct prayers over the loudspeaker and before kickoff at a varsity football game? (No)
  • Does a religious student club get the same rights and privileges as other student clubs? (Yes)
  • Is a school district required to give equal access to an outside organizations that provide after-school religious instruction to young children? (Yes)
  • Is a moment of silence really a cloaking device for prayer? (Sometimes)
  • Are the words “under God” in the pledge of allegiance unconstitutional in schools? (Undecided)"
Religion and Public Schools

How that "over the loudspeakers" sneaked in there?

Child, now you pivoted from your implied argument about "rules" to now cherry picking "loud speakers."

At some point you need to just admit defeat and give up.


nah the consttitution says free exercise of religion...
we get it you lefties hate it because people look to god and not government.

you guys would hate muslims too if they didnt hate America as much as you guys
Representation Is a Re-Presentation of What Drove Us Here in the First Place

"The Constitution is not a suicide pact," said Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes. The Nazislamis are protected by the Constitution, which is why that 18th Century anti-democratic manifesto must be nullified.
Oh, you want to play that game?

Ok prove if Trump has started the process of changing the process of networks renewing their licenses. The original poster said he hasn't, but they provided no proof. Do you understand that when you make a statement you are supposed to provide proof?

wait you want me to prove a theory i dont agree with? uh....nope

youre the one saying hes doing it, you provide proof

Uh no, if you make a statement that someone isn't doing something, you have to prove it. If you can't prove it don't make the statement. That's pretty straight forward. This isn't about me making a statement and then asking you to prove me wrong. Do you understand that?

god youre dumb, thats called proving a negative. are you 5 years old?

if you say he IS DOING it then you prove the positive.

you know in courts the cops have to prove guilt
the defense does not need to prove not guilt

can you follow along now?

I didn't make the initial statement! How fucking retarded are you? The statement was made that he can't do anything to change the rules. That's not true. If a person makes that statement they must prove it.

You fucking Trump supporters have said the exact same shit the entire time he has been campaigning and now President. But all of a sudden you want to say you can't disprove a negative? :uhoh3:

wtf are you talking about?

for the licenses, they are owned by local tv stations not the networks themselves anf thr fcc has jurisdiction on them, the president can not do anything about it. which is prob why trump says they should be pulled, because he cant.

but i also dont think he would, hes making point and you libtards are spazing again
Another thing Trump can do is prosecute the networks for anti-trust violations.
Robert Reich: "This morning I phoned my old friend, a Republican former member of Congress...."
Robert Reich

screenshot below




mccain and flake dont like trump, call me.shocked. they are called never trumpers for a reason.
we put him
ummm, you think people should NOT be fired for using the N word at work?

well if the first admendment covers the workplace like the naacp says it does with the nfl its covered, isnt it?

Well that wasn't really what the thread was about, now.

either your for free speech or youre not. you cant pick and choose
You don't get to hijack threads to cover up your racist bullshit, laddy

Not hijacking, not racist, just making a point. There's a reason I said n word, because I knew you guys would never allow that word.....because you're not for free speech. Oh and that's not the only one you wouldn't allow. you guys have speech codes for a reason.

so when you make arguments that someone is opposed to free speech, make sure you are for it first.
Curb Your Dog

On another embee, a mod sent me a Warning for using the word "feral" in referring to the riots, pontificating that it could not be used about humans. But if they act like animals, our only safety is in treating them like animals.
I actually didn't state that correctly, network owned stations hold licenses along with their independent affiliates. The network itself does not. People can file FCC complaints if the stations and affiliates aren't serving the public interest and challenge their licenses.


Trump was also referring to networks like CNN, that aren't subject to FCC regulations.
Trump Will Find a Way to Discipline Jurinalists

What about owning two different media, such as Chicago Tribune owning WGN? That could be construed as unbalanced competition.
How can people continue to support this guy? Can you think of any other historical figures that wanted to silence anyone that talked ill of them...?

""With all of the Fake News coming out of NBC and the Networks, at what point is it appropriate to challenge their License? Bad for country!" Mr Trump wrote in a tweet."

Donald Trump threatens to shut down NBC and other TV news networks that criticise him

James Madison and Thomas Jefferson said that the free press was a key element in having a true democracy.

"I am... for freedom of the press, and against all violations of the Constitution to silence by force and not by reason the complaints or criticisms, just or unjust, of our citizens against the conduct of their agents." --Thomas Jefferson to Elbridge Gerry, 1799. ME 10:78

Jefferson on Politics & Government: Freedom of the Press
How can you continue to support people who constantly lie to you about the election, conservatives as deplorables and other bullshit. Yeah, please start taking action against the LAMESTREAM MEDIA as We the People don't like PRAVDA and their continuing push of getting the US fundamentally transformed into the United Socialist States of America.
The only one who lied about the election was Trump who said it was the biggest electoral win ever (lie) and Trump who said it was the biggest inauguration ever (lie).
please post where he said he had the biggest electoral win ever. Reagan and Nixon are tough to beat. but the good thing, is they are all republicans.
I misspoke, he said largest electoral win since Reagan, Google it..... but that's still a lie.

so you made a similar mistake, are you a liar?
Misspeaking and lying is the same? Probably in your alternative world..
Trump isn't taking away anyone's license to broadcast. Relax, Nancy.
Did you tell him that yet? I don't think he knows...

Trump says a lot of dumb shit, no doubt, but at least his heart is in the right place.
He has a heart? Is there evidence to support the existence of a heart in that body?

yeah hea honest and gets shit done, he actually fires ineffective people too
Hes honest about what? I dont think he's made an honest statement since taking office. He hasn't gotten anything done legislatively and he needs to watch who he fires... Donnie didn't know he can't fire anyone who threatens him. He thought firing Comey "took the heat off," I think that choice will be his undoing.
No you used the "N" word because of your inner thoughts, when you could have instead used "Cracker." The knife cuts both ways.

No you don't know me, and why is cracker allowed but the n word isn't?

Cracker isn't acceptable at work when you are using it in the same context as the "N" word. :cuckoo:

the N word is never acceptable, and I'd be willing to bet that the NFL like all employers makes employees accept a code of conduct for employment which includes hate speech.

buckeye was attempting to deflect from his racist fail.

The NFL union contract does not mandate employees stand. I think the players are fools for making this their form of protest, and Trump has flipped the issue from police brutality to their supposed lack of respect for the flag (kneeling is NOT a sign of disrespect, but that's a lost issue) If I were the players, I'd agree to stand in exchange for a moment of silence to reflect on race in society.

Nevertheless, the thread is sort of a non-starter in that Trump's attack on the media is just a deflection from the fact that the gop senate thinks he's nuts.

youre dodging the question. why is the n word so special?
is everything offensive not part of free speech?

bill.mahr said it, nothing happened to him

jemelle hill called the president a white supremacist, which is very hateful, nothing happened to her

and yes private businesses can have a code of conduct not worrying about free speech. which is why they can tell the players to stand if they want

but you believe in nazi/ commie speech codes....because free speech.......wait for it.......PROTECTS OFFENSIVE SPEECH ON PURPOSE......

Nowflakes believe only speech that doesn't offend anyone is free. Of course, they are free to offend whomever they please.
You are free to use the N word, if you can take the ass whooping it earns you.
Trump isn't taking away anyone's license to broadcast. Relax, Nancy.
Did you tell him that yet? I don't think he knows...

Trump says a lot of dumb shit, no doubt, but at least his heart is in the right place.
He has a heart? Is there evidence to support the existence of a heart in that body?

yeah hea honest and gets shit done, he actually fires ineffective people too
Hes honest about what? I dont think he's made an honest statement since taking office. He hasn't gotten anything done legislatively and he needs to watch who he fires... Donnie didn't know he can't fire anyone who threatens him. He thought firing Comey "took the heat off," I think that choice will be his undoing.
One thing is certain: you haven't made an honest statement since he took office. Come to think of it, when have you ever made an honest statement?
No you don't know me, and why is cracker allowed but the n word isn't?

Cracker isn't acceptable at work when you are using it in the same context as the "N" word. :cuckoo:

the N word is never acceptable, and I'd be willing to bet that the NFL like all employers makes employees accept a code of conduct for employment which includes hate speech.

buckeye was attempting to deflect from his racist fail.

The NFL union contract does not mandate employees stand. I think the players are fools for making this their form of protest, and Trump has flipped the issue from police brutality to their supposed lack of respect for the flag (kneeling is NOT a sign of disrespect, but that's a lost issue) If I were the players, I'd agree to stand in exchange for a moment of silence to reflect on race in society.

Nevertheless, the thread is sort of a non-starter in that Trump's attack on the media is just a deflection from the fact that the gop senate thinks he's nuts.

youre dodging the question. why is the n word so special?
is everything offensive not part of free speech?

bill.mahr said it, nothing happened to him

jemelle hill called the president a white supremacist, which is very hateful, nothing happened to her

and yes private businesses can have a code of conduct not worrying about free speech. which is why they can tell the players to stand if they want

but you believe in nazi/ commie speech codes....because free speech.......wait for it.......PROTECTS OFFENSIVE SPEECH ON PURPOSE......

Nowflakes believe only speech that doesn't offend anyone is free. Of course, they are free to offend whomever they please.
You are free to use the N word, if you can take the ass whooping it earns you.

So you think free speech means you get to assault people who say things you don't like?

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