Trump's Legal Team Gave Thousands To GOP Senators Ahead Of Senate Trial


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018
Trump attorneys gave thousands to Republican senators before trial

"Trump’s legal team gave thousands in contributions to Republican senators ahead of impeachment trial. Trump's lawyers also gave thousands to Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, and Ted Cruz before the trial began"

Now to be fair, some of these contributions came last year and others well before then -- and this legal team had no way of knowing they would be picked to defend Trump in a Senate impeachment trial....but it does prove that Hunter Biden forced Obama to send his Dad to withhold aid from Ukraine in exchange for pretending to hack Hillary's emails and blaming it on Russia to hurt Trump.#Crowstrike #Benghazi #ACORN

But it definitely would be cool to be on trial for something and knowing you have nothing to worry about because the jurors are on your you gave them money to boot....

Legal's fantastic!!!
Where in the article does it say that the contributions were illegal?

And more importantly, what is the smiling goober meme supposed to represent, other than the fact that the left doesn't know how to meme?
Where in the article does it say that the contributions were illegal?

And more importantly, what is the smiling goober meme supposed to represent, other than the fact that the left doesn't know how to meme?
Where in my OP did I say they were illegal you dumb ass....
Trump attorneys gave thousands to Republican senators before trial

"Trump’s legal team gave thousands in contributions to Republican senators ahead of impeachment trial. Trump's lawyers also gave thousands to Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, and Ted Cruz before the trial began"

Now to be fair, some of these contributions came last year and others well before then -- and this legal team had no way of knowing they would be picked to defend Trump in a Senate impeachment trial....but it does prove that Hunter Biden forced Obama to send his Dad to withhold aid from Ukraine in exchange for pretending to hack Hillary's emails and blaming it on Russia to hurt Trump.#Crowstrike #Benghazi #ACORN

But it definitely would be cool to be on trial for something and knowing you have nothing to worry about because the jurors are on your you gave them money to boot....

Legal's fantastic!!!
View attachment 303179

Ahh, so what, Cliff? You'd expect that maybe Trump would hire people who were heavy democratic contributors? I bet all of Schiff's people gave to the Democrats. Maybe you didn't know that most all of Mueller's lawyers also were big democrat supporters. I believe even Dershowitz is a democrat supporter, he said he voted for Hillary.

Funny how none of you dweebs ever raise a stink --- --- until someone contributes to the GOP, like there was something wrong or nefarious about that.
Trump attorneys gave thousands to Republican senators before trial

"Trump’s legal team gave thousands in contributions to Republican senators ahead of impeachment trial. Trump's lawyers also gave thousands to Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, and Ted Cruz before the trial began"

Now to be fair, some of these contributions came last year and others well before then -- and this legal team had no way of knowing they would be picked to defend Trump in a Senate impeachment trial....but it does prove that Hunter Biden forced Obama to send his Dad to withhold aid from Ukraine in exchange for pretending to hack Hillary's emails and blaming it on Russia to hurt Trump.#Crowstrike #Benghazi #ACORN

But it definitely would be cool to be on trial for something and knowing you have nothing to worry about because the jurors are on your you gave them money to boot....

Legal's fantastic!!!
View attachment 303179
Trump attorneys gave thousands to Republican senators before trial

"Trump’s legal team gave thousands in contributions to Republican senators ahead of impeachment trial. Trump's lawyers also gave thousands to Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, and Ted Cruz before the trial began"

Now to be fair, some of these contributions came last year and others well before then -- and this legal team had no way of knowing they would be picked to defend Trump in a Senate impeachment trial....but it does prove that Hunter Biden forced Obama to send his Dad to withhold aid from Ukraine in exchange for pretending to hack Hillary's emails and blaming it on Russia to hurt Trump.#Crowstrike #Benghazi #ACORN

But it definitely would be cool to be on trial for something and knowing you have nothing to worry about because the jurors are on your you gave them money to boot....

Legal's fantastic!!!
View attachment 303179

Your thread title implies that the donations happened recently.
Trump attorneys gave thousands to Republican senators before trial

"Trump’s legal team gave thousands in contributions to Republican senators ahead of impeachment trial. Trump's lawyers also gave thousands to Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, and Ted Cruz before the trial began"

Now to be fair, some of these contributions came last year and others well before then -- and this legal team had no way of knowing they would be picked to defend Trump in a Senate impeachment trial....but it does prove that Hunter Biden forced Obama to send his Dad to withhold aid from Ukraine in exchange for pretending to hack Hillary's emails and blaming it on Russia to hurt Trump.#Crowstrike #Benghazi #ACORN

But it definitely would be cool to be on trial for something and knowing you have nothing to worry about because the jurors are on your you gave them money to boot....

Legal's fantastic!!!
View attachment 303179

Ahh, so what, Cliff? You'd expect that maybe Trump would hire people who were heavy democratic contributors? I bet all of Schiff's people gave to the Democrats. Maybe you didn't know that most all of Mueller's lawyers also were big democrat supporters. I believe even Dershowitz is a democrat supporter, he said he voted for Hillary.

Funny how none of you dweebs ever raise a stink --- --- until someone contributes to the GOP, like there was something wrong or nefarious about that.
I just like to snap shot things for later deflections....I never said any of their donations were wrong....I just knew you dic suckers would be the first to get on here and deflect....

Because during the Mueller investigation -- you dic suckers had hissy fits about the exact same thing...
Trump attorneys gave thousands to Republican senators before trial

"Trump’s legal team gave thousands in contributions to Republican senators ahead of impeachment trial. Trump's lawyers also gave thousands to Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, and Ted Cruz before the trial began"

Now to be fair, some of these contributions came last year and others well before then -- and this legal team had no way of knowing they would be picked to defend Trump in a Senate impeachment trial....but it does prove that Hunter Biden forced Obama to send his Dad to withhold aid from Ukraine in exchange for pretending to hack Hillary's emails and blaming it on Russia to hurt Trump.#Crowstrike #Benghazi #ACORN

But it definitely would be cool to be on trial for something and knowing you have nothing to worry about because the jurors are on your you gave them money to boot....

Legal's fantastic!!!
View attachment 303179

Your thread title implies that the donations happened recently.
No, you imply they happened recently...

Ahead of Senate Trial is just that...ahead of Senate trial.....and even if they donated to GOP senators DURING the Senate sycophants would still be defending it....
Trump attorneys gave thousands to Republican senators before trial

"Trump’s legal team gave thousands in contributions to Republican senators ahead of impeachment trial. Trump's lawyers also gave thousands to Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, and Ted Cruz before the trial began"

Now to be fair, some of these contributions came last year and others well before then -- and this legal team had no way of knowing they would be picked to defend Trump in a Senate impeachment trial....but it does prove that Hunter Biden forced Obama to send his Dad to withhold aid from Ukraine in exchange for pretending to hack Hillary's emails and blaming it on Russia to hurt Trump.#Crowstrike #Benghazi #ACORN

But it definitely would be cool to be on trial for something and knowing you have nothing to worry about because the jurors are on your you gave them money to boot....

Legal's fantastic!!!
View attachment 303179

Your thread title implies that the donations happened recently.
No, you imply they happened recently...

Ahead of Senate Trial is just that...ahead of Senate trial.....and even if they donated to GOP senators DURING the Senate sycophants would still be defending it....

ahead implies a recentness, something you I am sure did intentionally.

If you used the term "in the past" you would have been more factual, but then it wouldn't serve your purpose of smearing the counsel and the Senators.

Another question, has said legal team also donated in volume to Democratic Senators?
Trump attorneys gave thousands to Republican senators before trial

"Trump’s legal team gave thousands in contributions to Republican senators ahead of impeachment trial. Trump's lawyers also gave thousands to Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, and Ted Cruz before the trial began"

Now to be fair, some of these contributions came last year and others well before then -- and this legal team had no way of knowing they would be picked to defend Trump in a Senate impeachment trial....but it does prove that Hunter Biden forced Obama to send his Dad to withhold aid from Ukraine in exchange for pretending to hack Hillary's emails and blaming it on Russia to hurt Trump.#Crowstrike #Benghazi #ACORN

But it definitely would be cool to be on trial for something and knowing you have nothing to worry about because the jurors are on your you gave them money to boot....

Legal's fantastic!!!
View attachment 303179


There are Democrats in the Senate like Sanders, Warren and Klobuchar who would DIRECTLY benefit by President Trump being removed. If Trump were scratched from the ballot, they would have a clear path to the Presidency.

Yet, they failed to recuse themselves.
Trump attorneys gave thousands to Republican senators before trial

"Trump’s legal team gave thousands in contributions to Republican senators ahead of impeachment trial. Trump's lawyers also gave thousands to Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, and Ted Cruz before the trial began"

Now to be fair, some of these contributions came last year and others well before then -- and this legal team had no way of knowing they would be picked to defend Trump in a Senate impeachment trial....but it does prove that Hunter Biden forced Obama to send his Dad to withhold aid from Ukraine in exchange for pretending to hack Hillary's emails and blaming it on Russia to hurt Trump.#Crowstrike #Benghazi #ACORN

But it definitely would be cool to be on trial for something and knowing you have nothing to worry about because the jurors are on your you gave them money to boot....

Legal's fantastic!!!
View attachment 303179

Yet another drive by trolling asshole.
Trump attorneys gave thousands to Republican senators before trial

"Trump’s legal team gave thousands in contributions to Republican senators ahead of impeachment trial. Trump's lawyers also gave thousands to Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, and Ted Cruz before the trial began"

Now to be fair, some of these contributions came last year and others well before then -- and this legal team had no way of knowing they would be picked to defend Trump in a Senate impeachment trial....but it does prove that Hunter Biden forced Obama to send his Dad to withhold aid from Ukraine in exchange for pretending to hack Hillary's emails and blaming it on Russia to hurt Trump.#Crowstrike #Benghazi #ACORN

But it definitely would be cool to be on trial for something and knowing you have nothing to worry about because the jurors are on your you gave them money to boot....

Legal's fantastic!!!
View attachment 303179

Ahh, so what, Cliff? You'd expect that maybe Trump would hire people who were heavy democratic contributors? I bet all of Schiff's people gave to the Democrats. Maybe you didn't know that most all of Mueller's lawyers also were big democrat supporters. I believe even Dershowitz is a democrat supporter, he said he voted for Hillary.

Funny how none of you dweebs ever raise a stink --- --- until someone contributes to the GOP, like there was something wrong or nefarious about that.
I just like to snap shot things for later deflections....I never said any of their donations were wrong....I just knew you dic suckers would be the first to get on here and deflect....

Because during the Mueller investigation -- you dic suckers had hissy fits about the exact same thing...

Soooo, you like to say stupid, made up shit so that when others get on here to point out the fallacy, you can collect snapshots of their replies to look at admiring all the people responding to your dummass shit while you suck your dick? Not surprised. There. Another snapshot for you.
So you are using this as " Look how you worthless Trumpsters defend bribery " bait?

As you pointed out some of the donations were last year, so let me ask are you requesting that those that got Donations recused themselves from the trial?
Trump attorneys gave thousands to Republican senators before trial

"Trump’s legal team gave thousands in contributions to Republican senators ahead of impeachment trial. Trump's lawyers also gave thousands to Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, and Ted Cruz before the trial began"

Now to be fair, some of these contributions came last year and others well before then -- and this legal team had no way of knowing they would be picked to defend Trump in a Senate impeachment trial....but it does prove that Hunter Biden forced Obama to send his Dad to withhold aid from Ukraine in exchange for pretending to hack Hillary's emails and blaming it on Russia to hurt Trump.#Crowstrike #Benghazi #ACORN

But it definitely would be cool to be on trial for something and knowing you have nothing to worry about because the jurors are on your you gave them money to boot....

Legal's fantastic!!!
View attachment 303179


There are Democrats in the Senate like Sanders, Warren and Klobuchar who would DIRECTLY benefit by President Trump being removed. If Trump were scratched from the ballot, they would have a clear path to the Presidency.

Yet, they failed to recuse themselves.

Very true and they should recuse themselves from being jurors...

Fair is fair but I am sure Buffy Poindexter will disagree...
Well ok if Dems running for president should recuse themselves shouldn't those Republicans who said No to impeachment before trial started also recuse them self's? after all don't we screen juror's who are unable to remain impartial?
Well ok if Dems running for president should recuse themselves shouldn't those Republicans who said No to impeachment before trial started also recuse them self's? after all don't we screen juror's who are unable to remain impartial?

Not necessarily.

The difference is that Warren, Sanders, et al would actually BENEFIT personally from President Trump being removed, as they are running for President against him.

Just because someone has an opinion, doesn't mean they can't be impartial. Its different when they are actually vested to benefit personally from it.
Well ok if Dems running for president should recuse themselves shouldn't those Republicans who said No to impeachment before trial started also recuse them self's? after all don't we screen juror's who are unable to remain impartial?

Then you have to recuse those Senators like Schumer that were working with Pelosi and the House, but I am sure you will be against that...

Recuse enough to get the right number to get your Conviction and Removal?

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