Trump's hatred of Muslims prompts another Lie


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2009
Finger Lakes, NY
Donald Trump links rise in UK crime to 'radical Islamic terror'

"Donald Trump has blamed a rise in crime in the UK on “radical Islamic terror”, despite there being no evidence to support the claim.

In an early morning tweet the President said: “Just out report: ‘United Kingdom crime rises 13% annually amid spread of Radical Islamic terror.’ Not good, we must keep America safe!”"

Every day it's another one.

Oh, lol, and yesterday when sycophantic Senator Bill Cassidy was asked about Trump's lying, he said

'Trump uses 'hyperbole' which some interpret as lies.'

Bill Cassidy: Trump uses 'hyperbole' which some interpret as lies
More lying. Why don't you stop lying? What is the point of you lying continually? Trump has never claimed to hate muslims.
More lying. Why don't you stop lying? What is the point of you lying continually? Trump has never claimed to hate muslims.

It sure doesn't sound like he likes them.
I think it's prudent to keep some muslims coming from known terror hot spots from coming here.

I don't disagree, but the Republican Party has been openly hostile to Muslims ever since 9-11. They are quick to blame them without evidence for every single terrorist event that happens. It only took a couple of hours for conservatives on this forum to claim the Las Vegas shooter was a Muslim a few weeks ago. While radical Islamists are certainly responsible for a large portion of strife in the world, Republicans seem to forget about the 3 million Muslims living in this country, 99.9% of which have never committed a terrorist act. Prior to 9-11 Muslims were majority Republican. Now they are 90% Democratic.
More lying. Why don't you stop lying? What is the point of you lying continually? Trump has never claimed to hate muslims.

It sure doesn't sound like he likes them.
I think it's prudent to keep some muslims coming from known terror hot spots from coming here.

I don't disagree, but the Republican Party has been openly hostile to Muslims ever since 9-11. They are quick to blame them without evidence for every single terrorist event that happens. It only took a couple of hours for conservatives on this forum to claim the Las Vegas shooter was a Muslim a few weeks ago. While radical Islamists are certainly responsible for a large portion of strife in the world, Republicans seem to forget about the 3 million Muslims living in this country, 99.9% of which have never committed a terrorist act. Prior to 9-11 Muslims were majority Republican. Now they are 90% Democratic.

You said:

" Prior to 9-11 Muslims were majority Republican. Now they are 90% Democratic"

That's all the more reason to deport them!
Donald Trump links rise in UK crime to 'radical Islamic terror'

"Donald Trump has blamed a rise in crime in the UK on “radical Islamic terror”, despite there being no evidence to support the claim.

In an early morning tweet the President said: “Just out report: ‘United Kingdom crime rises 13% annually amid spread of Radical Islamic terror.’ Not good, we must keep America safe!”"

Every day it's another one.

Oh, lol, and yesterday when sycophantic Senator Bill Cassidy was asked about Trump's lying, he said

'Trump uses 'hyperbole' which some interpret as lies.'

Bill Cassidy: Trump uses 'hyperbole' which some interpret as lies
Yeah, no Islamic terrorism in the UK when you take out the train bombingS, stabbings, shootings, running crowds over with trucks.....

Dumbass leftards.
All sane people hate the Islam ideology of pure HATE, you horse's ass. You're attracted to the ONLY religion which stones their own daughters to death, beheads and/or fucks the children of their enemies, teaches their OWN children to be suicide bombers, non-surgically slices the clits off little girls, and throws disfiguring acid in the faces of disobedient women. Islam has a 100% track record of rape, death and human rights atrocities everywhere it has gone in 1400 years. EVERY Islam country is an oppressive, barbaric, cousin-inbreeding 3rd-world toilet. Ergo, if you're attracted to an exercise in cruelty like Islam, you must be as much of a textbook, clinical psychopath as South Park's Eric Cartman. Hell, Islam was founded by a mass-murdering, woman-brutalizing pedophile!

I have studied Pisslam in detail for the past several years and you're of course entitled to your opinion but you are NOT entitled to your own established FACTS about Pisslam.
More lying. Why don't you stop lying? What is the point of you lying continually? Trump has never claimed to hate muslims.

It sure doesn't sound like he likes them.
I think it's prudent to keep some muslims coming from known terror hot spots from coming here.

I don't disagree, but the Republican Party has been openly hostile to Muslims ever since 9-11. They are quick to blame them without evidence for every single terrorist event that happens. It only took a couple of hours for conservatives on this forum to claim the Las Vegas shooter was a Muslim a few weeks ago. While radical Islamists are certainly responsible for a large portion of strife in the world, Republicans seem to forget about the 3 million Muslims living in this country, 99.9% of which have never committed a terrorist act. Prior to 9-11 Muslims were majority Republican. Now they are 90% Democratic.
No one seems to know what the LV shooter was, although ISIS claimed it. Who knows?
More lying. Why don't you stop lying? What is the point of you lying continually? Trump has never claimed to hate muslims.

It sure doesn't sound like he likes them.
I think it's prudent to keep some muslims coming from known terror hot spots from coming here.

I don't disagree, but the Republican Party has been openly hostile to Muslims ever since 9-11. They are quick to blame them without evidence for every single terrorist event that happens. It only took a couple of hours for conservatives on this forum to claim the Las Vegas shooter was a Muslim a few weeks ago. While radical Islamists are certainly responsible for a large portion of strife in the world, Republicans seem to forget about the 3 million Muslims living in this country, 99.9% of which have never committed a terrorist act. Prior to 9-11 Muslims were majority Republican. Now they are 90% Democratic.
I don't disagree, but the Republican Party has been openly hostile to Muslims ever since 9-11.

Why would that be?

Oh yeah.

Poll: 26% Of Young U.S. Muslims OK Bombs

Poll: 26% Of Young U.S. Muslims OK Bombs
As far as lying goes, muslim filth are the ONLY major religion whose doctrine tells them to LIE to unbelievers if it benefits that sewer rat religion in some way. It's called the "taqiyya doctrine." I've NEVER seen even the "nicest" muslim tell the truth about this religious exercise in rape-happy destruction. So when liberal idiots say, "I've met nice muslims," (as though that magically cancels out Islam's 24/7/365 worldwide violence), I tell them, "Yes, and the Nazis had great table manners, didn't they?" See, I don't consider people who follow an ideology of PURE HATRED good people who matter how nice they seem on the surface. And I'm sure the Nazis DID have great table manners, but that doesn't make them any less evil to me.
More lying. Why don't you stop lying? What is the point of you lying continually? Trump has never claimed to hate muslims.

It sure doesn't sound like he likes them.
I think it's prudent to keep some muslims coming from known terror hot spots from coming here.

I don't disagree, but the Republican Party has been openly hostile to Muslims ever since 9-11. They are quick to blame them without evidence for every single terrorist event that happens. It only took a couple of hours for conservatives on this forum to claim the Las Vegas shooter was a Muslim a few weeks ago. While radical Islamists are certainly responsible for a large portion of strife in the world, Republicans seem to forget about the 3 million Muslims living in this country, 99.9% of which have never committed a terrorist act. Prior to 9-11 Muslims were majority Republican. Now they are 90% Democratic.

You seem honest enough, can you name me ONE practical benefit of importing Islam into any Western nation? The results of which are always NEGATIVE, never positive. And terrorism is only ONE of dozens of social problems Islam just happens to cause everywhere it goes, sir. Can you explain the wonderful benefits to me?
Donald Trump links rise in UK crime to 'radical Islamic terror'

"Donald Trump has blamed a rise in crime in the UK on “radical Islamic terror”, despite there being no evidence to support the claim.

In an early morning tweet the President said: “Just out report: ‘United Kingdom crime rises 13% annually amid spread of Radical Islamic terror.’ Not good, we must keep America safe!”"

Every day it's another one.

Oh, lol, and yesterday when sycophantic Senator Bill Cassidy was asked about Trump's lying, he said

'Trump uses 'hyperbole' which some interpret as lies.'

Bill Cassidy: Trump uses 'hyperbole' which some interpret as lies
well sure there is evidence it's called statistics and when muslims were allowed into the country. Much like Amsterdam. but hey, play ignorant. It's your choice. we're not.

Hate crimes across England and Wales have risen by up to 100 per cent since Brexit vote
"The number of hate crimes recorded by regional police forces rose by up to 100 per cent in the months following the Brexit vote, new figures show.

Dorset saw the greatest increase, with the 104 offences logged between July and September 2016 equating to double the total from April to June. Across England and Wales the rise was 27 per cent.

In total, 10 force areas saw rises of 50 per cent or more. Below we publish the full list."

Germany as well:

Migrant crime in Germany rises by 50 per cent, new figures show
"he crime rate among migrants in Germany rose by more than 50 per cent last year, according to new figures that have raised concerns the populist far-Right may seize on the issue in the run-up to September’s elections.

The number of suspected crimes by refugees, asylum-seekers and illegal immigrants rose to 174,438 in 2016 — an increase of 52.7 per cent, according to the interior ministry."

Increased immigration boosts knife crime and drink-driving, police chief says

"A chief constable today said an increase in immigration had left police struggling to deal with certain offences, including knife crime and drink-driving.

Julie Spence, of Cambridgeshire police, said immigrant communities, often from the new EU states, had "different standards" from the UK.

She issued an outspoken plea for more government funding to cope with the problems, posed by a sharp rise in immigration over recent years.

Between 2003 and 2004 the number of foreign nationals arrested in the county for drink-driving soared from 57 to 966, although it has since fallen by two-thirds"
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Donald Trump links rise in UK crime to 'radical Islamic terror'

"Donald Trump has blamed a rise in crime in the UK on “radical Islamic terror”, despite there being no evidence to support the claim.

In an early morning tweet the President said: “Just out report: ‘United Kingdom crime rises 13% annually amid spread of Radical Islamic terror.’ Not good, we must keep America safe!”"

Every day it's another one.

Oh, lol, and yesterday when sycophantic Senator Bill Cassidy was asked about Trump's lying, he said

'Trump uses 'hyperbole' which some interpret as lies.'

Bill Cassidy: Trump uses 'hyperbole' which some interpret as lies
well sure there is evidence it's called statistics and when muslims were allowed into the country. Much like Amsterdam. but hey, play ignorant. It's your choice. we're not.
He does that pretend shit all day long.
You seem honest enough, can you name me ONE practical benefit of importing Islam into any Western nation? The results of which are always NEGATIVE, never positive. And terrorism is only ONE of dozens of social problems Islam just happens to cause everywhere it goes, sir. Can you explain the wonderful benefits to me?

What wide scale problems have the 3 million in this country created for Americans?
You seem honest enough, can you name me ONE practical benefit of importing Islam into any Western nation? The results of which are always NEGATIVE, never positive. And terrorism is only ONE of dozens of social problems Islam just happens to cause everywhere it goes, sir. Can you explain the wonderful benefits to me?

What wide scale problems have the 3 million in this country created for Americans?
Sorry, but you are employing a form of deflection, knowingly or not. Not all of the members of a group that large can all be bad. Perhaps if you reworded your question without the bias, a more forthcoming debate would be possible.
More lying. Why don't you stop lying? What is the point of you lying continually? Trump has never claimed to hate muslims.

It sure doesn't sound like he likes them.
I think it's prudent to keep some muslims coming from known terror hot spots from coming here.

I don't disagree, but the Republican Party has been openly hostile to Muslims ever since 9-11. They are quick to blame them without evidence for every single terrorist event that happens. It only took a couple of hours for conservatives on this forum to claim the Las Vegas shooter was a Muslim a few weeks ago. While radical Islamists are certainly responsible for a large portion of strife in the world, Republicans seem to forget about the 3 million Muslims living in this country, 99.9% of which have never committed a terrorist act. Prior to 9-11 Muslims were majority Republican. Now they are 90% Democratic.

You seem honest enough, can you name me ONE practical benefit of importing Islam into any Western nation? The results of which are always NEGATIVE, never positive. And terrorism is only ONE of dozens of social problems Islam just happens to cause everywhere it goes, sir. Can you explain the wonderful benefits to me?
You are looking at their faith instead of their individual skills and potential to contribute to our country and our society. If a person is doing any of the horrible things you mentioned earlier, they aren't getting into this country, anyway. There are a lot of very smart doctors and tech geeks and etc. that come from Muslim countries and do a lot for us.
The State Dept. and Homeland has done its investigation into what enhanced screening would benefit our security. Let them do that and stop this crazy insistence on keeping this pretend boogeyman out of our country.
You seem honest enough, can you name me ONE practical benefit of importing Islam into any Western nation? The results of which are always NEGATIVE, never positive. And terrorism is only ONE of dozens of social problems Islam just happens to cause everywhere it goes, sir. Can you explain the wonderful benefits to me?

What wide scale problems have the 3 million in this country created for Americans?
well since the MSM won't report it, it's really tough to tell. San Bernardino comes to mind as one.

One's too many.

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