Trump’s first major actions should he be elected…What are you hoping for?

I’m guessing, atop the list, all good Americans are hoping he immediately takes extreme measures to shut the border down, fix the asylum scam, streamline deportations and rollout an effective seek and arrest program aimed at the 10 million Biden just shoved down our throats…..But what else do you want to see him go after in week one?
To charge every single democrat and rino, fbi director that's still alive, everyone in the cia, every college president and professor, along with the heads of the dpt of Education, the IRS and others I can't think of with high treason and have a grand day when they are all executed at the same time.
To charge every single democrat and rino, fbi director that's still alive, everyone in the cia, every college president and professor, along with the heads of the dpt of Education, the IRS and others I can't think of with high treason and have a grand day when they are all executed at the same time.
LOL - so, no interest in improving things. Just get revenge on people you don't like. No wonder our government is such a fucking circus.
LOL - so, no interest in improving things. Just get revenge on people you don't like. No wonder our government is such a fucking circus.
Revenge? No, justice. High treason. Justice.

I would also include every single so called marxist group that is there for destabilization only and disguised under the notion that it is civil rights. Start with the naacp, and save the blm for last.
Of course. :rolleyes:

You people are fucking abysmal humans.
At least I can admit that I'm a wretch. You? No? Thought not. Now get back on that plantation and get those crumbs and false promises by your massas.

The reparations checks are in the mail. Don't worry. Wait by your mailbox.

LOL - so, no interest in improving things. Just get revenge on people you don't like. No wonder our government is such a fucking circus.
You believe revenge is not warranted on people who have treated half the population with pure disdain? Ruined lives of citizens Abused their rights. Have agendas that no normal nation on earth would pursue. Still, Trump may put an olive branch out. And offer it on election night. The Prog fools should accept it.
You believe revenge is not warranted on people who have treated half the population with pure disdain? Ruined lives of citizens Abused their rights. Have agendas that no normal nation on earth would pursue. Still, Trump may put an olive branch out. And offer it on election night. The Prog fools should accept it.
Don't hold your breath. Especially with what your communicating with. He and his types are too used to doing as their democrat massas tell them to do through Hollywood and the rest of the entertainment devilish entertainment industry.

That's a devoted slave and can't and won't think any other way. He has no ability to think for himself. The pathetic part is he thinks he does but only parrots the hype talking points and NOTHING ELSE.
He and his types are too used to doing as their democrat massas tell them to do through Hollywood and the rest of the entertainment devilish entertainment industry.

That's a devoted slave and can't and won't think any other way. He has no ability to think for himself. The pathetic part is he thinks he does but only parrots the hype talking points and NOTHING ELSE.
This is where you really drop your drawers and show your ass. I've never voted Democrat, likely never will. But you're so goddamned brainwashed you can't conceive of anything else.
To charge every single democrat and rino, fbi director that's still alive, everyone in the cia, every college president and professor, along with the heads of the dpt of Education, the IRS and others I can't think of with high treason and have a grand day when they are all executed at the same time.
This is where you really drop your drawers and show your ass. I've never voted Democrat, likely never will. But you're so goddamned brainwashed you can't conceive of anything else.
If you can't see treason, HIGH FUCKING TREASON, in the democrats and the others then you, YOU, are a blind gullible moron. You think facts work on the left?

You are no better than any of them who just go along to get along under this notion of not offending their PC crap they have shoved down our throats for decades.

What is your solution to what's happening? Give it to us. The fact you actually can't see treason in their actions is beyond ignorance.
If you can't see treason, HIGH FUCKING TREASON, in the democrats and the others then you, YOU, are a blind gullible moron. You think facts work on the left?

You are no better than
I'm better than partisan piss-ants like you, destroying the country because you can't get your way.
What is your solution to what's happening? Give it to us.
Ranked Choice Voting would be a good start. Anything to get rid of the lesser-of-two-evils brain rot that has infested your mind. It's killing us. We simply can't keep voting for bad candidates on purpose and expecting things to get better. It's insane.
I'm better than partisan piss-ants like you, destroying the country because you can't get your way.

Ranked Choice Voting would be a good start. Anything to get rid of the lesser-of-two-evils brain rot that has infested your mind. It's killing us. We simply can't keep voting for bad candidates on purpose and expecting things to get better. It's insane.
Your pathetic limp wristed response allowing us to be punching bags for decades is your ignorance to reality. You think the left and their devilish goals to overthrow this country and every other nation that stands for any resemblance of freedom will stop just because people like you just allow it?

You are worse than them.
Stop Joe's third-world tsunami.
Create a force, that does nothing but go after ALL employers who hire illegals, and put these people in jail!
Change asylum rules, so that persons claiming they need asylum, need to IMMEDIATELY show proof.
Your pathetic limp wristed response allowing us to be punching bags for decades is your ignorance to reality. You think the left and their devilish goals to overthrow this country and every other nation that stands for any resemblance of freedom will stop just because people like you just allow it?

You are worse than them.
If that's your view, I take it as high praise. You're seriously fucked in the head.

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