Trump’s first major actions should he be elected…What are you hoping for?

A couple of things that also need to be changed that would require more than what Trump can do, would be to:
1. Citizens that are found to support our nation's adversaries, would be to lose their citizenship and be deported to the adversary nations, with the warning that entering the United States would result in an extensive prison sentence, or worse, if they are violent.
2. An immediate removal from their office (state or federal), if government employees (local, county, state, or federal) had taken an oath to support and defend the Constitution and were found to be actively attempting to undermine the Constitution and its Bill of Rights.
There is much to choose from in the postings above. So much is a fantagasm by QAnon-nutters. And that's OK. It's the internet. No harm. No foul.
But, lemme pick just one.

This one:

RE: those "J6" political prisoners.
I have read that there are 29 J6 criminals who are in prison for extended terms. And Trump wants to pardon them.
And so does poster Leroy D.

I'm not so sure.
The reportage is that 27 of 'em are in there for violent assault against uniformed police officers....Capitol police, and Metropolitan police.

So, violent --often injuring --attacks against police is not a problem for Leroy


above, nor Don Trump.
So much for Blue Lives Matter.
They don't. The police are the enforcement arm of tyranny.
So much for 'law and order'.
I'm a big fan of law and order. Too bad we no longer have it.
Making America great beating the crap out of a cop?
And letting the beater skip?

I'm not so sure.
It's a start.
He said he did.

Highly unlikely. Their will be "RINO" holdouts. Would it require 60 percent? Not sure how that works.

Again, I can't support punishing a state for exercising their constitutional rights. You really support that?

So you want the president to pretty much be the legislative and executive branch with EOs being replaced with each new president, nothing getting done because EOa are locked up in judicial reviews? That sucks in my opinion.

Yeah but that was because our shadow president told them not to support it.

A combo of cuts and and it increased taxes until the deficit/debt is restrained. Those things you want cut are too important. Medicaid? Really?
1. He doesn't

2. You need 60 senate votes to break a filibuster. Less than 60 means it has a time limit of 5-years or so then it expires, like the Republican tax cuts are about to expire. I'll take 5-years of HR2.

3. Not punishing them, just not giving them Fed money to give to migrants. If they go bankrupt they all can move to red states. You need to afford to pay for your own "constitutional rights".

4. Rs and Ds need to agree or nothing happens, that's how the Constitution works.
I like the nothing happens. It saves money. EOs are what the president does, if you don't like the EOs vote a different president in.

5. Most Republicans wanted the border sealed BEFORE Trump even mentioned it. That the senate RINOs tried to sneak something thru that would handcuff DJT just shows how stupid and clueless senators are.

6. Combo of cuts where? Specific cuts. Medicaid is charity. People need to work for healthcare. Welfare is charity too, that needs to go to the states.
1. He doesn't

How do you know?

2. You need 60 senate votes to break a filibuster. Less than 60 means it has a time limit of 5-years or so then it expires, like the Republican tax cuts are about to expire. I'll take 5-years of HR2.

Gotcha. Thanks for the info.

3. Not punishing them, just not giving them Fed money to give to migrants. If they go bankrupt they all can move to red states. You need to afford to pay for your own "constitutional rights".

Sanctuary cities do not necessarily mean they give money...but they probably do but non sanctuary cities do as well.

4. Rs and Ds need to agree or nothing happens, that's how the Constitution works.
I like the nothing happens. It saves money. EOs are what the president does, if you don't like the EOs vote a different president in.

You seemed to have left out compromise...remember? Like they did pre Clinton.

5. Most Republicans wanted the border sealed BEFORE Trump even mentioned it. That the senate RINOs tried to sneak something thru that would handcuff DJT just shows how stupid and clueless senators are.

I doubt the border will be sealed. The economy would take a pretty hit. (Not illegal labor but trade with Mexico).

Not to mention it is anti free market to stifle trade.

Libertarians sure wouldn't like it either.

6. Combo of cuts where? Specific cuts. Medicaid is charity. People need to work for healthcare. Welfare is charity too, that needs to go to the states.
Not all employers have viable insurance.

Hell, my daughter works for premera/blue cross and her insurance is terrible.
How do you know?

Gotcha. Thanks for the info.

Sanctuary cities do not necessarily mean they give money...but they probably do but non sanctuary cities do as well.

You seemed to have left out compromise...remember? Like they did pre Clinton.

I doubt the border will be sealed. The economy would take a pretty hit. (Not illegal labor but trade with Mexico).
Not to mention it is anti free market to stifle trade. Libertarians sure wouldn't like it either.

Not all employers have viable insurance. Hell, my daughter works for premera/blue cross and her insurance is terrible.
1. I know because I read his 2024 policies. You can read them here.

2. Very welcome.

3. They do. They pay for housing, food, healthcare, education, etc. CA & NY are in debt, so are many sanctuary cities. There will be no bailouts.

4. There is no compromise on many issues. Its all or nothing, depending on vote counts. The two party bases are too far apart, conservatives and progressives are miles apart on just about every policy.

5. Biden just let in 10m illegals. That's too many. The US has plenty of idle workers, the participation rate is ~62%.
Participation rate is the percent of people actually working. Illegals are using resources and raising inflation. If they work they lower US citizen wages. The 1% love cheap labor.

6. That would be a good law, everyone who works full-time needs to get a decent health plan.
All unconstitutional!!! :eek:

We need both houses of Congress to legislate!

Immigration law so loose as a goose...

is allowing the Executive Order roller coasters between each president's desires, by the stroke of a pen, by one single man, is what our immigration and border problems arise from!
Sthu and pass the gd bill arghhh
Too many top priority matters to deal with to worry about which one gets top billing.

But, very early on, I do hope he directs the DOJ to investigate Hunter and Potato. Wouldn’t it be entertaining and societally educational to witness Senile Joe being subjected to multiple prosecutions in multiple districts and maybe even State courts?
Too bad he's honest, brainwashed functional moron ignoramus seditionist Russian tool conspiracy nut job lol aarghhhh
I’m guessing, atop the list, all good Americans are hoping he immediately takes extreme measures to shut the border down, fix the asylum scam, streamline deportations and rollout an effective seek and arrest program aimed at the 10 million Biden just shoved down our throats…..But what else do you want to see him go after in week one?
I expect him to close the border and begin setting up a system to eject the illegals from the country. Even the Border Patrol who support that policy don't know how he can get it done, but Trump has been a genius at figuring out effective solutions to things that the 'experts' said couldn't be done.

I expect him to commute the sentences of or pardon all of Biden's political prisoners who committed no assault or other violence.

I expect him to reinstate his policy of eliminating two or more unnecessary rules and regulations for every new one put on the books.

I expect him to reinstate all his executive orders that were doing so much good and that Biden reversed.

God willing, he'll have a GOP congress that he will urge to begin the process of making the Trump economic reforms permanent. (Biden will allow them to expire next year if he is reelected as will the Democrats if they hold a majority in the House and/or Senate.)

I don't pretend to know what negotiations there will be with Hamas, the Ukraine, Russia but I am pretty sure he knows how to begin the process of solving those problems.

That will be a pretty full first week.
My hope for a first major action by Trump is the same as it would be for Biden. His resignation.
So what or who is the solution. What is wrong with Biden except BS GOP garbage propaganda? I'm for French socialism myself. Fair democratic capitalism with great family farms.

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