Trump's doing a good job...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
When you come to a site like this and see about 15 hysterical threads full of misinformation and jerky gyrations of obviously mentally ill far left loons who scream that TRUMP is mentally ill, you know the guy is doing what he was elected to do.

"When you eliminate the febrile fantasies of the left (sometimes called "journalism" or "the news" by people who work in "journalism" or "the news") and when you tune out the grave harumphs of the intellectual He's-Not-Quite-The-Thing right wing, and when you ignore too the lovestruck dreamy-dreams of the Trump Right or Wrong Fan Club, what are we left with?

".... President The Donald has done a pretty darn good job so far. Rough-hewn, inexperienced and sometimes too much of a loudmouth for his own and the country's good, he has nonetheless managed to increase American freedom and productivity while dragging us back from the brink of the Moribund European Socialist Please-Kill-Us-Mohammed anti-Western vision of the last guy who held the office."

"There's the great Supreme Court pick, of course. Plus he's eliminated sixteen old federal regulations for every new one put in place. He's made American foreign policy sane again by re-aligning us with Israel and pulling out of the nonsense Paris climate accord. You can talk about the non-wall all you like, but the drop in illegal border crossings under this president is, according to the head of the National Border Patrol union, "nothing short of miraculous." Stock market's up. Unemployment's down. Housing sales are up. ISIS is down. Oh, and Trump's brutal thrashing of our utterly corrupt and dishonest news media has been a joy to behold."


Trump May Yet Be an Excellent President
I receive a daily update from the White House detailing Trump/Pence wins and efforts. Fake News isn't going to report it or they will lie and twist.
When you come to a site like this and see about 15 hysterical threads full of misinformation and jerky gyrations of obviously mentally ill far left loons who scream that TRUMP is mentally ill, you know the guy is doing what he was elected to do.

"When you eliminate the febrile fantasies of the left (sometimes called "journalism" or "the news" by people who work in "journalism" or "the news") and when you tune out the grave harumphs of the intellectual He's-Not-Quite-The-Thing right wing, and when you ignore too the lovestruck dreamy-dreams of the Trump Right or Wrong Fan Club, what are we left with?

".... President The Donald has done a pretty darn good job so far. Rough-hewn, inexperienced and sometimes too much of a loudmouth for his own and the country's good, he has nonetheless managed to increase American freedom and productivity while dragging us back from the brink of the Moribund European Socialist Please-Kill-Us-Mohammed anti-Western vision of the last guy who held the office."

"There's the great Supreme Court pick, of course. Plus he's eliminated sixteen old federal regulations for every new one put in place. He's made American foreign policy sane again by re-aligning us with Israel and pulling out of the nonsense Paris climate accord. You can talk about the non-wall all you like, but the drop in illegal border crossings under this president is, according to the head of the National Border Patrol union, "nothing short of miraculous." Stock market's up. Unemployment's down. Housing sales are up. ISIS is down. Oh, and Trump's brutal thrashing of our utterly corrupt and dishonest news media has been a joy to behold."


Trump May Yet Be an Excellent President

Till he does what our last REAL president we had Kennedy tried to do which was he attempted to get rid of the CIA,,the FBI,the fed and cut off aide to Israel,as far as i am concerned he is just another puppet serving the interests of Israel and the bankers instead of the people and following the constitutuon. Every president since LBJ has bowed down to them. If he does not accomplish these feats in three in a half months,as far as I am concerned,HELLERY might just as well have been elected.
I receive a daily update from the White House detailing Trump/Pence wins and efforts. Fake News isn't going to report it or they will lie and twist.
Pffffffffff....bwa-hahahahahahaha....That's called bullshitting the sheep. Does all that wool get a little itchy? Don't worry, shearing season is coming in 2018.
Only if you believe turning us into russia where the super rich control everything, the little guy gets fucked and our standards of living go way the fuck down...On that point you'd be right!

He is doing a good job in fucking us in the ass.
I receive a daily update from the White House detailing Trump/Pence wins and efforts. Fake News isn't going to report it or they will lie and twist.
Pffffffffff....bwa-hahahahahahaha....That's called bullshitting the sheep. Does all that wool get a little itchy? Don't worry, shearing season is coming in 2018.
Lemme guess....

A poll told you so? Ha ha!!!! It never gets old I tell ya!
When you come to a site like this and see about 15 hysterical threads full of misinformation and jerky gyrations of obviously mentally ill far left loons who scream that TRUMP is mentally ill, you know the guy is doing what he was elected to do.

"When you eliminate the febrile fantasies of the left (sometimes called "journalism" or "the news" by people who work in "journalism" or "the news") and when you tune out the grave harumphs of the intellectual He's-Not-Quite-The-Thing right wing, and when you ignore too the lovestruck dreamy-dreams of the Trump Right or Wrong Fan Club, what are we left with?

".... President The Donald has done a pretty darn good job so far. Rough-hewn, inexperienced and sometimes too much of a loudmouth for his own and the country's good, he has nonetheless managed to increase American freedom and productivity while dragging us back from the brink of the Moribund European Socialist Please-Kill-Us-Mohammed anti-Western vision of the last guy who held the office."

"There's the great Supreme Court pick, of course. Plus he's eliminated sixteen old federal regulations for every new one put in place. He's made American foreign policy sane again by re-aligning us with Israel and pulling out of the nonsense Paris climate accord. You can talk about the non-wall all you like, but the drop in illegal border crossings under this president is, according to the head of the National Border Patrol union, "nothing short of miraculous." Stock market's up. Unemployment's down. Housing sales are up. ISIS is down. Oh, and Trump's brutal thrashing of our utterly corrupt and dishonest news media has been a joy to behold."


Trump May Yet Be an Excellent President

Oooh yeah!
Don't you idiots EVER read legitimate news outlets?
From their About Us: "The media company's founders -- Academy Award Nominee Roger L. Simon, Charles Johnson (Little Green Footballs) and Glenn Reynolds (Instapundit) -- brought together a tightly knit band of bloggers..."
What stunning credentials.
Only if you believe turning us into russia where the super rich control everything, the little guy gets fucked and our standards of living go way the fuck down...On that point you'd be right!

He is doing a good job in fucking us in the ass.
Right up your transgendered alley... Why you complaining?
I receive a daily update from the White House detailing Trump/Pence wins and efforts. Fake News isn't going to report it or they will lie and twist.
Pffffffffff....bwa-hahahahahahaha....That's called bullshitting the sheep. Does all that wool get a little itchy? Don't worry, shearing season is coming in 2018.
Lemme guess....

A poll told you so? Ha ha!!!! It never gets old I tell ya!

Nope. It's obvious. Trump can't get anything through Congress, and tomorrow's second dive into the abyss on health care reform is going to be another nail in the coffin.
The Republicans are eating their own and Trump is the biggest pig at the table.

Pay attention.
I receive a daily update from the White House detailing Trump/Pence wins and efforts. Fake News isn't going to report it or they will lie and twist.
Pffffffffff....bwa-hahahahahahaha....That's called bullshitting the sheep. Does all that wool get a little itchy? Don't worry, shearing season is coming in 2018.
Lemme guess....

A poll told you so? Ha ha!!!! It never gets old I tell ya!

Nope. It's obvious. Trump can't get anything through Congress, and tomorrow's second dive into the abyss on health care reform is going to be another nail in the coffin.
The Republicans are eating their own and Trump is the biggest pig at the table.

Pay attention.
Obvious huh... like Hillarys landslide victory? Your lamentation, and desperation is priceless.

I receive a daily update from the White House detailing Trump/Pence wins and efforts. Fake News isn't going to report it or they will lie and twist.
Pffffffffff....bwa-hahahahahahaha....That's called bullshitting the sheep. Does all that wool get a little itchy? Don't worry, shearing season is coming in 2018.

Time for the Righties to have a full of shit..:p

I receive a daily update from the White House detailing Trump/Pence wins and efforts. Fake News isn't going to report it or they will lie and twist.
Pffffffffff....bwa-hahahahahahaha....That's called bullshitting the sheep. Does all that wool get a little itchy? Don't worry, shearing season is coming in 2018.

Your president Trump butthurt is noted, anything else?
I receive a daily update from the White House detailing Trump/Pence wins and efforts. Fake News isn't going to report it or they will lie and twist.
Pffffffffff....bwa-hahahahahahaha....That's called bullshitting the sheep. Does all that wool get a little itchy? Don't worry, shearing season is coming in 2018.
Lemme guess....

A poll told you so? Ha ha!!!! It never gets old I tell ya!

Nope. It's obvious. Trump can't get anything through Congress, and tomorrow's second dive into the abyss on health care reform is going to be another nail in the coffin.
The Republicans are eating their own and Trump is the biggest pig at the table.

Pay attention.

President Trump has signed over 40 bills from congress into law, tissue?
"MSNBC outdid Fox News by 26 percent."

".... President The Donald has done a pretty darn good job so far

Sure he has.

"In addition to seeing an increase in total viewers, MSNBC was also the most-viewed cable network among adults aged 25-54. With an average of 524,000 viewers in that key demographic, MSNBC outdid Fox News by 26 percent

"JUST IN: MSNBC Breaks Another Record & Fox News Is Going Absolutely Berserk"addition to seeing an increase

he Rachel Maddow Show also had a very good week. With 2.94 million total viewers and 711,000 viewers aged 25-54, Maddow’s show was the number one cable news show of the week and the number two show in all of basic cable."

Keep it up Trump.
"MSNBC outdid Fox News by 26 percent."

".... President The Donald has done a pretty darn good job so far

Sure he has.

"In addition to seeing an increase in total viewers, MSNBC was also the most-viewed cable network among adults aged 25-54. With an average of 524,000 viewers in that key demographic, MSNBC outdid Fox News by 26 percent

"JUST IN: MSNBC Breaks Another Record & Fox News Is Going Absolutely Berserk"addition to seeing an increase

he Rachel Maddow Show also had a very good week. With 2.94 million total viewers and 711,000 viewers aged 25-54, Maddow’s show was the number one cable news show of the week and the number two show in all of basic cable."

Keep it up Trump.

So you are wanting to re-elect Trump so more people will watch MSNBC? MSNBC is too fail!
Papageorgio, post: 17788676
So you are wanting to re-elect Trump so more people will watch MSNBC?

Accepting the fact a lying disturbed ignorant BUFFOON is POTUS it's encouraging to know that more people 25 to 55 are turning to Rachel for opinion and news, tells me Trump has little chance of being a two term President if he makes it through one.

Trump won without winning the popular vote. He has to expand his base.

He is bringing Wall Street in to defend his wallowing in the swamp so far.

Small town main streets wont have Trump's back much longer.

Go Donald, fire Sessions. You got him out of the Senate. Then appoint a suck up AG during the recess, thus skirting due Senate process. Go ahead, shit on Demicracy and law and order. Then have your new AG fire Mueller..

MSNBC ratings go through roof.

Trump will be putting the noose around his own political neck. No worrying about Trump being reelected.
Papageorgio, post: 17788676
So you are wanting to re-elect Trump so more people will watch MSNBC?

Accepting the fact a lying disturbed ignorant BUFFOON is POTUS it's encouraging to know that more people 25 to 55 are turning to Rachel for opinion and news, tells me Trump has little chance of being a two term President if he makes it through one.

Trump won without winning the popular vote. He has to expand his base.

He is bringing Wall Street in to defend his wallowing in the swamp so far.

Small town main streets wont have Trump's back much longer.

Go Donald, fire Sessions. You got him out of the Senate. Then appoint a suck up AG during the recess, thus skirting due Senate process. Go ahead, shit on Demicracy and law and order. Then have your new AG fire Mueller..

MSNBC ratings go through roof.

Trump will be putting the noose around his own political neck. No worrying about Trump being reelected.

I know, I know, he won't run for president, he won't win the nomination, he won't win the presidency. Now, with MSNBC getting higher rating, he won't win re-election. That is some pretty stunning logic there.

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