Trump’s Cabinet Is Attending Weekly Bible Studies Led By A Conservative Pastor

It must be unnerving when all the people in Trump's cabinet pass a large mirror and none of them can see their reflection.
ROFLMMFAO......YOU'RE such a fucking idiot!
Iran is an Islamic Republic and has nothing to do with
elected officials in the U.S., attending bible studies

the way I did.....You morons are so fucked up, really........LOL
ROFLMMFAO......YOU'RE such a fucking idiot!
Iran is an Islamic Republic and has nothing to do with
elected officials in the U.S., attending bible studies

the way I did.....You morons are so fucked up, really........LOL

That theocracy has nothing to do with our republic.... What exactly do you have issues with there?
This thread is still so amazing. The op is worried and fearful because *gasp* some members of the administration are learning. And not only learning, they are learning how to be decent human beings. The horror!
This thread is still so amazing. The op is worried and fearful because *gasp* some members of the administration are learning. And not only learning, they are learning how to be decent human beings. The horror!

Learning what? Decency has nothing to do with religion. I know as many decent Atheists and Agnostics as I do so-called Christians. Tell us about decency in the Old Testament.
Barry Hussein sat in front of a radical left wing Preacher for 20 years. "God didn't bless America, he f...ked America"... Pastor Jerry Wright. If you want to add Hussein's auto-bio allegedly written by political guru and former terrorist Bill Ayers you have to wonder what "Dreams of My Father" really means when Hussein's father was an alcoholic, bigamist, African nationalist who hated America.

Ever notice how Conservative Christians think it's sinful for mothers to work, unless they're poor and black and then they're lazy "Welfare Queens" if they don't.
Barry Hussein sat in front of a radical left wing Preacher for 20 years. "God didn't bless America, he f...ked America"... Pastor Jerry Wright. If you want to add Hussein's auto-bio allegedly written by political guru and former terrorist Bill Ayers you have to wonder what "Dreams of My Father" really means when Hussein's father was an alcoholic, bigamist, African nationalist who hated America.

Ever notice how Conservative Christians think it's sinful for mothers to work, unless they're poor and black and then they're lazy "Welfare Queens" if they don't.

No, I haven't noticed that actually. I know many Christians and I've never heard any of them espouse the idea that women shouldn't work. Maybe you're just special.
No, I haven't noticed that actually. I know many Christians and I've never heard any of them espouse the idea that women shouldn't work. Maybe you're just special.

..........Leading the way is Pastor Ralph Drollinger, a Californian and former UCLA basketball player, who is now teaching Bible study sessions for the members of Trump’s cabinet. He has some pretty retrograde views on women—and he doesn’t mind at all sharing them publicly.

He is the evangelical spiritual leader who once counseled a group of Sacramento lawmakers that female politicians with young children have no business serving in the Legislature. In fact, he called them sinners. [...]

“It is one thing for a mother to work out of her home while her children are in school,” wrote Drollinger, a Californian who created a group called Capitol Ministries to teach evangelical interpretations of the Bible to politicians. “It is quite another matter to have children in the home and live away in Sacramento for four days a week. Whereas the former could be in keeping with the spirit of Proverbs 31, the latter is sinful.”
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Republicans admire him because of the fact he is a liar. Who is he? Trump? Or Satan?
It must be unnerving when all the people in Trump's cabinet pass a large mirror and none of them can see their reflection.

Not as unnerving as as an adult who believed vampires are real

You're special you are.

Can the undead in Trump's cabinet walk around in daylight with catching fire though? Questions that need answers.
The only real question is how the democrats resurrected Baron Samedi to be their presidential candidate. obama is the spitting image of the vudu spirit and acts just like him too.
This thread is still so amazing. The op is worried and fearful because *gasp* some members of the administration are learning. And not only learning, they are learning how to be decent human beings. The horror!

Conservative Christian ministers are the antithesis of Christians. His attitudes towards Catholics and gays speak of intolerance and bigotry. Conservative Christians more than any other group, believe poverty is the result of sloth and sin. Jesus called the poor "blessed".

The Constitution says you can believe whatever you want but keep it out of government. There are to be no religious tests to serve in government.

President Donald Trump speaks during a cabinet meeting in the Cabinet Room of the White House in Washington, DC on Monday, July 31, 2017.

Bible studies are one of the foundational ways that Christians gather to learn about their faith. As a result, these small groups are a very common aspect of life for many American Christians.

But one particular Bible study group has been gaining notoriety in recent months, primarily because of the powerful people who are attending, and the controversial lessons being taught.

Members of President Donald Trump’s Cabinet ― some of the most powerful people in the United States ― have been gathering at a Bible study on Capitol Hill organized by the Christian pastor Ralph Drollinger, according to The Christian Broadcasting Network.

Drollinger is the president and founder of Capitol Ministries, a conservative Christian group that seeks to “evangelize elected officials and lead them toward maturity in Christ.” The group has planted Biblical ministries in state capitols across the country and holds Bible studies for Senators and members of the House of Representatives.

Since Trump arrived in the White House, Drollinger has also been meeting weekly with members of the White House Cabinet. The sessions have been taking place since at least April.

Capitol Ministries claims that key Trump advisors have sponsored Drollinger’s Bible studies ― people like Vice President Mike Pence, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, Housing and Urban Development Secretary Dr. Ben Carson, Attorney General Jeff Sessions, and Department of Energy Secretary Rick Perry. In this context, sponsoring means that they helped Drollinger find a space to hold his Bible study. An outside group seeking to hold a special event in a Congressional building needs to reserve a room through a congressperson’s office.

In an interview with CBN News, Drollinger claims the class he leads for Cabinet members is the “best Bible study that I’ve ever taught in my life.”

“These are godly individuals that God has risen to a position of prominence in our culture,” Drollinger told CBN. “They are so teachable; they’re so noble; they’re so learned.”

Drollinger also suggested that the attendees have found practical ways to apply the lessons taught during these Bible studies.

More: Trump’s Cabinet Is Attending Weekly Bible Studies Led By A Conservative Pastor

I find this troubling on several levels (actually I find it scary as hell) - including that Christianity is the only religion represented. The founders gave us a "Godless" Constitution. What do you think?

Also, they are having their so-called "Bible Study" on government property - funded by all taxpayers. Are they attending on work time or personal time? Are they pressuring others to attend?
I've been watching him. So has God. God is happy with this man's growth.

President Donald Trump speaks during a cabinet meeting in the Cabinet Room of the White House in Washington, DC on Monday, July 31, 2017.

Bible studies are one of the foundational ways that Christians gather to learn about their faith. As a result, these small groups are a very common aspect of life for many American Christians.

But one particular Bible study group has been gaining notoriety in recent months, primarily because of the powerful people who are attending, and the controversial lessons being taught.

Members of President Donald Trump’s Cabinet ― some of the most powerful people in the United States ― have been gathering at a Bible study on Capitol Hill organized by the Christian pastor Ralph Drollinger, according to The Christian Broadcasting Network.

Drollinger is the president and founder of Capitol Ministries, a conservative Christian group that seeks to “evangelize elected officials and lead them toward maturity in Christ.” The group has planted Biblical ministries in state capitols across the country and holds Bible studies for Senators and members of the House of Representatives.

Since Trump arrived in the White House, Drollinger has also been meeting weekly with members of the White House Cabinet. The sessions have been taking place since at least April.

Capitol Ministries claims that key Trump advisors have sponsored Drollinger’s Bible studies ― people like Vice President Mike Pence, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, Housing and Urban Development Secretary Dr. Ben Carson, Attorney General Jeff Sessions, and Department of Energy Secretary Rick Perry. In this context, sponsoring means that they helped Drollinger find a space to hold his Bible study. An outside group seeking to hold a special event in a Congressional building needs to reserve a room through a congressperson’s office.

In an interview with CBN News, Drollinger claims the class he leads for Cabinet members is the “best Bible study that I’ve ever taught in my life.”

“These are godly individuals that God has risen to a position of prominence in our culture,” Drollinger told CBN. “They are so teachable; they’re so noble; they’re so learned.”

Drollinger also suggested that the attendees have found practical ways to apply the lessons taught during these Bible studies.

More: Trump’s Cabinet Is Attending Weekly Bible Studies Led By A Conservative Pastor

I find this troubling on several levels (actually I find it scary as hell) - including that Christianity is the only religion represented. The founders gave us a "Godless" Constitution. What do you think?

Also, they are having their so-called "Bible Study" on government property - funded by all taxpayers. Are they attending on work time or personal time? Are they pressuring others to attend?
I've been watching him. So has God. God is happy with this man's growth.
He has a growth? Is it covered with orange spray tan?

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